
Random One-Shots (Updated 6-07-16) [mlp] [death]

Dec 16th, 2014
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  1. Bonds of Blood
  3. >You're just chilling in the shade of a tree, enjoying the breezy atmosphere.
  4. >It's been a fairly calm day, Scootaloo and Applebloom having gone "home" to visit for the day.
  5. >Though honestly, they pretty much live with you now.
  6. >So today it's just you and Sweetie. As a treat, you decided to take her to the fields outside of town to let her run and prance, as beings of the equine persuasion often do.
  7. >Speaking of, you see the filly soon bolt from behind a distant hilly and run directly towards you
  8. >Something's wrong, you can feel it.
  9. >"ANON!"
  10. "SWEETIE!? What happened!? Are you hurt!?" you demand, seeing the blood on her face.
  11. >"I didn't mean to. It was an accident! So sorry! I don't wanna go to jail!"
  12. >The filly babbles on and on, tears running down her face.
  13. "Sweetie, please calm down and tell me what happened." you say, rubbing the filly's neck for comfort.
  14. >Taking a deep breath, she tells you the story, her voice cracking the whole time.
  15. >"So there I was playing in the far field when Diamond Tiara showed up and started making fun of me."
  16. >"Saying me and the girls were so dumb and unloved even our families abandoned us to a smelly ape and then...."
  17. >"She wouldn't stop. I tried to leave and she wouldn't let me. She just kept making fun of me, about everything, and I...."
  18. >"I only meant to shove her. And...and I horn stabbed her! I don't wanna go to jail!"
  19. >A chill goes down your spine. This, this isn't some shit you wanted to deal with.
  21. >"Anon, please help me!" she asks with large, pleading eyes.
  22. "Alright Sweetie. I know this is hard, but I need you to be strong, calm down, and show me where she is."
  23. >With a tearful sniff and a nod, she turns and leads you to the spot.
  24. >In the field lays a pink, bloody filly, a single hole through her chest. The body, still with open eyes and vacant expression.
  25. >It doesn't take a doctor to tell that Tiara isn't getting up from this.
  26. "Did anyone see this, Sweetie?"
  27. >"No..."
  28. >Well that's good, with Equestria being pre-forensics, it's almost impossible to prove a crime without a witness.
  29. "Alright, good." you say as you wrap the body in your jacket.
  30. >There's still a lot of blood on the ground, but you'll just have to hope the high grass, and the size and isolation of the field handle that.
  31. >Taking a long path back through the woods, Sweetie sticks very close the whole trip, except when you instruct her to wash off the blood in a creek.
  32. >Finally though, you reach your modest home a little outside of town.
  33. >"So...what are we gonna do, Anon?"
  34. "Well Sweetie. We're gonna get rid of her, get our story straight, and make sure we don't get caught."
  35. >"How? .....Burn her?"
  36. "No, it's actually pretty hard to burn someone."
  37. >Sweetie follows as you head into the back and into the shed you keep for butchering meat.
  38. >"You're gonna EAT her!?"
  39. "No. Throw her in the lake." You begin as you slice open Diamond's belly.
  40. "But we need to make absolutely sure she won't float back up.
  42. >Sweetie watches in disgusted curiosity as you make multiple punctures on many of Tiara's organs, ensuring she won't hold gas.
  43. >Lastly you drain her of blood for cleaner carrying, the liquid looking unsuspicious among the stains of the many deer who found their way to this room.
  44. >Later that night, the two of you are almost ready to make your dumping trip.
  45. "Alright Sweetie. You got your story straight?"
  46. >"We were at home alone all day, we read books, I practiced my magic, and we took a nap."
  47. "And the rules?"
  48. >"Don't tell anyone ever ever ever. Not even Scootaloo or Applebloom. Don't go back to the field for a long time. Don't listen to the news or rumors."
  49. >"And don't talk about her unless it would be weird not to."
  50. "Right. Remember, there's no reason for anyone to suspect you."
  51. >Setting out, the two of you skulk your way through the lightest outskirts of the small village.
  52. >Unlike normal, more than the occasional guard patrols the streets, Filthy's wealth likely having bought all the extra eyes the town was willing to spare.
  53. >It's still not much though, and you easily slip by.
  54. >Finally arriving at horseshoe lake, you load your cargo into a stolen rowboat and shove off.
  55. >It's slow going by moonlight till you reach what you feel is a good spot.
  56. >Ropes connecting to rocks are tied around the burlap sack and tossed over.
  57. >The two of you breath a sigh of relief before Sweetie starts to sniffle.
  58. >"So what now?"
  60. "Now we return this boat, go home, I'll burn my clothes, and we'll never talk about this again."
  61. >"But...I wish I didn't even have this stupid horn."
  62. "Accidents happen Sweetie. No need to dwell on it. When this blows over, we'll look into horn safety. Alright?"
  63. >"Alright...Thanks Anon. I love you."
  64. "Love you too, Sweetie." you tell the filly, placing a hand on her withers.
  69. --------------------------------------------
  71. Anal Fashion
  73. >This world never ceases to amaze you.
  74. >Magic. Adventure. A multitude of sapient species, with new ones popping up from time to time. and the ruins of a few who seem to be long dead.
  75. >You've explored what its had to offer as best you safely could, then just popped over to the next village whenever your exotic flare started to fade.
  76. >Food, drink. trinkets. You've tried out the girls of many a race, but never started one of the harems that are the standard.
  77. >Still too young to be tied down, after all.
  78. >But the big topic on everyones lips is the rebirth of a fashion trend from almost a century ago.
  79. >Or rather, one that has come and gone several times throughout history, across several nations and species.
  80. >Mares of all classes have taken to decorating their genitals and pretty little ponuts with piercings and toys.
  81. >But no vaginal insertions. In their eyes, this is sexy and all, but it's not REALLY actually sexual if there's nothing being put in there.
  82. >But god DAMN do they flaunt it. The whole point is to appeal to the guys. So they take it as a compliment if you get down and stare right at it. Maybe touch... just a little.
  83. >So with a few sweet words to the mayor, and the help of this towns self-proclaimed fashionista, you managed to set up a genital fashion competition.
  84. >So that the mares in town could see what their stallions liked in a mare, of course.
  85. ~
  86. >Be Dash.
  88. >You're currently sitting by the fountain in the town square, slightly grinding a plug as you and Applejack watch stallions.
  89. >"Whatcha think of that one Dash?"
  90. "I dunno, kinda scrawny, you know?"
  91. >"Mmhmm."
  92. "That one?" you say, pointing to a fit stallion with like seven mares following.
  93. >"Nah. He's good lookin' an' all, but ya ain't never gonna stand out in a herd that big."
  94. "Pfft. I could stand out among a hundred mares."
  95. >"Heheh. That's a good one Rainbow. Ah know how ya are. Whenever you so much as talk to a stallion, you trip over yer own hooves faster than ya can fly."
  96. "Shut up Applejack." you say, your cheeks burning. "I'm serious. No mare could compete with THIS!"
  97. >"That so? Why don'tcha put your money where your mouth is?"
  98. "I'm listening..."
  99. >"There's this nethers fashion show goin' on in about a month. Some big show as an excuse to show off for the fella's. Hundred bits says the judges'll barely give you a second glance."
  100. "I accept!" you blurt without thinking. Again. "So. Uhh. You gonna compete?"
  101. >"Nah. Ah already got a plug and a chastity ring. Keep it simple, ya know? You might wanna hurry up though, ya only got a month of healin' before they can shootcha down."
  102. >Oh, no way you're gonna take that smug crap lying down.
  103. "Later AJ. I've got a competition to prepare for."
  104. >And with that, you head off.
  105. >Sadly, you couldn't count on Rarity for tips, because she was competing too. Typical. So you needed to wing it.
  107. >Almost five weeks on piercings, healing, and stretching later, it's time.
  108. >Arriving, you quickly sign up and slip back stage to get ready.
  109. >But, there's SO many mares here. Dozens! There's every combination of plugs, and piercings, and gimmicks.
  110. >For the first time in a long time, you feel completely out classed.
  111. >Soon after, everyone is called to the stage and lined up.
  112. >Your legs feel like noodles, as you stare into the crowd. It's big. Real big. And with a really big concentration of stallions, maybe more than you've ever seen at once.
  113. >And it feels like they're all staring at you.
  114. >At the judges table, you see five stallions from town, and that weird human thing that wandered up a while back.
  115. >Him? Really?
  116. >He has a reputation with the mares in town. And now he's going to be looking at you? Judging you? T..touching you?
  117. >"Alright ladies. This is how it's going to work. This is our first contest, so we'll keep it simple."
  118. >"We'll call you up one at a time. Examine your presentation and describe it to the crowd, then you'll perform a task or skill, kind of a talent show thing."
  119. >"Each judge will assign points based on the mares looks, choice of accessories, presentation, and ability to function during tasks versus the extremeness of the fashion and task difficulty."
  120. >"Then we'll tally it all up and choose three winners. Please step back to the curtain until we call your name."
  121. >Everyone does so and waits.
  123. >Okay, so not everything is as out there as you thought. A lot of it is just clit rings, rapid winks, and big plugs.
  124. >But there are some stand outs. But you're more focused on something else. Besides you and Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie also turned up. Great.
  125. >"Next up. Miss "Lady Rarity"."
  126. >Rarity and the judges take center stage.
  127. >"Hello darlings! I'm ready to shine!"
  128. >"Mmmhm. As you can see, fine fans. This pearly mare is wearing a lovely collection of tack."
  129. >"A minimal harness and belt connect by chain to teat and clit piercings, from which hang feathery adornments."
  130. >"A bridle rests on her head, from the belt is a piece that pulls her tail high, leaving her silky black loins on full display."
  131. >Taking hold of her toy, he pulls it out as she suppresses a moan.
  132. >"In her shapely rear rests a thick dildo, 9 inches long and as thick as a mares foreleg. Truly, a lady who will do anything to satisfy her stallion."
  133. >"Peacock feathers on the top of the bridle, harness, and jutting from the dildo tell us this is a mare who's proud of who she is."
  134. >He turns her fully around, showing her gape to the crowd.
  135. >"And to top it all off, chastity rings. For the mare waiting for the perfect herd."
  136. >Sliding the toy back in, he sets her to the side.
  137. >"Alright miss "Lady" Rarity. Time for your show. Why don't you show us what you have?"
  138. >"Oh of course, you flatterer you!"
  140. >Winding up, Rarity does a silly, fru fru dance number, making sure to strut about and show off that tree she shoved in her butt.
  141. >Once she finishes, the judges hold up their scores.
  142. >Medium high.
  143. >"W..what! But I helped organize this event! Anonymous, darling, how could you turn on me like this?!"
  144. >"Rarity, dear. I may be a philandering, lecherous pervert, but I have principals. I thought your get up is too flashy and over the top. I voted as such."
  145. >You can hardly hold in your laughter as she storms out of the building in a huff.
  146. >Then there was Twilight.
  147. >She had all this tacky mess made of gold, with a gold and diamond bit symbol hanging from her clit ring.
  148. >Her act was a painful rap about how she's a pretty princess and how she should have a herd of stallions, instead of being in a stallions herd.
  149. >She got disqualified for "tackiness, unlikability, flabby librarian booty, and cracking disgusting horse farts while being examined".
  150. >A few more contestants pass, then it's Pinkie's turn.
  151. >"Next up. Everyones friend, miss Pinkamina "Pinkie" Diane Pie.
  152. >Pinkie hops forward and presents to the crowd.
  153. >"So, dear viewers, there doesn't seem to be much here. There's a, let's see, 5 inch long and fairly thick candy cane colored buttplug, and...is that a yo-yo on your clit ring?"
  154. >"Yessiree!"
  155. >"So I take it you intend to rely on skill over the extremeness of your fashion itself? Please, put on a show for us." Anon tells her as he pops her toy back in her butt.
  157. >"Oklydokley!" Pinkie blurts with a smile.
  158. >With a bump of her hind legs, the yoyo falls to the ground, before she starts winding it up and down with her winks.
  159. >Then it gets worse!
  160. >She balances on her forehooves, and swings it around the world, even bringing it further and closer with half winks.
  161. >THEN, she starts using these custom horseshoes on her rear hooves to do all kinds of complex string tricks.
  162. >It's incredible! It's impossible! There's no way anyone could compete!
  163. >The judges agree, and she gets probably the highest score yet.
  164. >A few more pass, before it's finally your turn.
  165. >"Next contestant. Please give a round of applause for the future wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash. Dashie, please come up."
  166. >This is it! They really are looking at you now. All the stallions, watching, judging. Saying you're not good enough for their herds.
  167. >Legs trembling, you walk forward.
  168. >"Well, Dash? Are you going to present or not?"
  169. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Take a look."
  170. >You turn, and present, and immediately feel him touching you all over.
  171. >"Seems we've got another creative one, folks. Here we seem to have have a plug, clit spur, and anal reins combo."
  172. >He pulls and prods as he figures you out, before he pulls out your toy, sending shivers down your spine.
  173. >"Very interesting. The reins extend only through the walls of this especially perky ponut, but can be joined by magnets in the narrow part of the plug. 5 inches long, unusually wide."
  175. >"And then there's this dulled spur! As you can see folks, it's connected to the end of a thick, clit framing ring. When she winks, it rolls down her button, when she retracts, it's rolls up."
  176. >Suddenly, he plunges the plug back in, shaking your whole body.
  177. >"So miss Dash, what do you have planned for us?"
  178. "I..I've got some awesome air tricks to show you. Get ready for...for the coolest thing you've ever seen!"
  179. >"Really? Well then!" He gives your but reins a sharp tug. "Giddyup little horsey!"
  180. >But you can't giddy up.
  181. >Between the tugging, the plug, and the spur, you're pushed over the edge.
  182. >Right there, in front of everyone, you let out a huge, soupy maregasm and a big whinny!
  183. >As soon as you regain your senses, you bolt straight forward, behind the curtain.
  184. >"Well. I suppose we'll just move on to our next contestant then....."
  185. >Another hour passes as you sulk backstage, when you hear them start to announce the winners.
  186. >"Ladies and especially gents, the judges have made their decisions."
  187. >"In third place is....Flitter and Cloudchaser, with their piercings connected by very short chains, and their daring, coordinated acrobatics."
  188. >"Truly, these are two girls who will go to any lengths for their herd. But stallions beware, these incestuous twins are most assuredly a package deal."
  189. >"In second place is....Lyra Heartstrings, with her clit bell, teat chimes, drum plug, and vaginal harp made from spreader and gauges."
  191. >"Certainly an interesting one. But I'm sorry to say, stallions. That this xenophilic filly marches to the meat of a different race."
  192. >"And in first place...as if there was any other choice, is the Pink with the wink!"
  193. >"I envy any guy who gets her, because muscle control like that must be heaven itself. Congrats Pinkie, may you be the alpha mare of your stallions herd!"
  194. >The entire area is a thunder of applause.
  195. >You're about ready to slink off when something unexpected happens.
  196. >"Lastly, an honorable mention to Rainbow Dash. While you may have fallen short, your creativity is greatly admired, and I hope your design catches on."
  197. >"If you're still here, there's a complimentary prize waiting for you in the back."
  198. >"That concludes our first, but hopefully not last plugs and piercings competition. Good night everyone."
  199. >A little later, you're in the lobby when you're confronted by Applejack.
  200. >"Hey pardner. Guess ah owe ya that hundred bits, huh?"
  201. "What? But..But I..ugh, lost..."
  202. >"The bet wasn't thatcha'd win. It was that ya could stand out ta the guys. Ya got runner's up, so least one of 'em noticed ya."
  203. "Yeah, told ya I could stand out in even the biggest herd. Kinda wish I hadn't freaked, though."
  204. >"Well, if it's any consolation, ya beat ol' high an' mighty Rarity at her own game."
  205. "Pfft! Yep, you can bet I'm gonna rub her snout in it too!"
  206. >"Anyway, looks like ya got company. Ah'll have yer bits for ya later."
  208. >Turning around, you can see Anon coming around the corner, Lyra following right behind.
  209. >"Miss Dash, so glad you're still here! Thought you wouldn't be picking up your prize!"
  210. "Oh, yeah. Heh... So what's the prize?"
  211. >"Food, a plug. A few bits. You can hop in bed with me and Lyra if you like."
  212. "I uh..."
  213. >A stallion is talking to you! To you! Dash!
  214. >Stay calm, be cool.
  215. "Hell yeah!"
  216. >Smooth.
  217. >He grabs your butt reins, and pulls, forcing you to hobble along after him.
  218. >"Well, come along little pony, we can use the back room."
  219. >Today was an alright day.
  223. ---------------------
  224. Exploding Boilers
  226. >"There you go, Master! A shiny new boiler, installed and ready to use!"
  227. >"So, Master..." pipe up the minotauresses sister, "Perhaps we could be rewarded for our hard work?"
  228. "Perhaps. Turn around, tails up and touch your hooves."
  229. >Granite, the younger quickly complies. But her sister hesitates for a moment.
  230. "Onyx, is there a problem?"
  231. >"Master, I...."
  232. >She opts not to say anything further, and instead finishes her task.
  233. >As you'd expected, a gem studded plug sits nestled in Granite's perky pucker, glistening like her chastity pierced sex.
  234. >Onxy on the other hand, has a dreadfully empty rump.
  235. >"Sir, I'm sorry. I was getting sore and I"
  236. "Thought you'd go a day without it, without my permission?"
  237. >"Yes sir."
  238. "You know the rules, girls."
  239. >"Good girls don't cum!" Granite happily chirps.
  240. >"And bad girls can't cum." her sullen sister mumbles.
  241. >Scrounging up a few supplies, you cuff Onyx's hands behind her back before clipping a small chain to her clit ring.
  242. >The chain is looped around a nearby pipe and back to the ring, just high enough that Onyx is forced onto her tippy hooves to avoid the tugging pain.
  243. >"Ah! Master! Too rough!!"
  244. "Eh! Remain quiet, and I'll have you released in an hour and all will be forgiven. Granite, follow me, it's time for milkies!"
  245. >Onyx can only watch in pain as her sister prances out, indifferent to her suffering, to receive a loving hand-milking session by their master.
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