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Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. The goal itself came from reading Science Fiction, especially all the robot research and AI and Singularity research I've told you about over and over. My view 5 years ago is succinctly summarized by this post ( in which I say "Does anybody else not care about what we think will happen in 50 years because the Singularity will make our world fundamentally different? I mean, the core idea of the Singularity is that human intelligence will be greater. We'll be making such different decisions at that stage that I just don't see the point in speculating more 30 years in the future."
  3. Now that I have some better introspection tools, I can explain my thoughts. What I did at the time was read so much fiction and technology stories that the idea that anyone could predict 30+ years in the future was *laughable*. And if literally no one in the world had any idea what was going on, then any long term advice was completely worthless. We were all riding this wave together, whether we liked it or not.
  5. And if all possible things in the future were equally "No one can say", then I refused to ground my goals in something that could become meaningless one day (Imagine if Henry Ford had said "My goal is to make the fastest horse" instead of abstracting it into "My goal is to make the fastest transportation").
  7. What was the common denominator in all these varied futures? Me. Therefore, my goal should be based on that. My goal is to improve myself to become so flexible, and so prepared, and so quick in many of the common denominators that people have never thought about (like how to think complex thoughts faster) that when that future comes, I'm the *most* prepared to handle rapid change that I can be.
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