
Vrinland Backstory

Jul 16th, 2016
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  1. When the first colonists were sent out to colonise Nibiru, one of the backers, a rich asteroid mining CEO, realised that given access to potentially vast riches, and without proper contact with home, the colonists required something to keep everyone honest. Contacting a fringe group of Scandinavian pagan monks, who had set up shop on one of his mined out asteroid as a mercenary group, he requested some impartial forces to mediate and keep the peace between any emergent factions. Happy to leave their somewhat gloomy rock in space, the group, now calling themselves Vrinseekers, constructed a colony pod, and joined the fleet. Bringing with them large numbers of hardy settlers, and a few expert augmenters, things looked good. Then the docking clamps attaching the colony pod to the transport ship failed, leaving them stranded in the Nibiru system. Cannibalizing several of their landing craft to create engines took 6 months. Flying to Nibiru however took far longer. Upon arrival, they aimed for a "controlled crash" onto the only good, unoccupied fjord they could find, before unloading the few bits of military they had left, and establishing their home, Vrinholm.
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