
SFV frame traps script

Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. Frame Traps and Counter Hit Optimization
  3. Frame traps are deliberate windows between attacks intended to give the opponent enough time to commit to an action, then promptly interrupting said action. Because frame traps theoretically punish almost any commitment and because tick throws force the opponent to commit, the two form a mixup that any character can exploit.
  5. The window between your two attacks should be very deliberate, to avoid getting counter hit yourself. You generally want to start with a normal that's frame advantage on block (demo). A meaty attack will have even more frame advantage. Light normals are ideal here because they push opponents out the least and also fake tick throw setups. If your crouch jab is +2 on block, following with a 6f attack would give the opponent 4 frames to hit a button, enough for them to commit to a throw but not enough for it to resolve. Additionally, almost all 4f attacks are light normals, so if your 6f button is a medium normal it will reliably stuff a 4f light normal due to button priority. If the opponent has no 3f normal, any commit they make barring an invincible attack will be counter hit. If possible, you really want your second button to be one you can combo out of on reaction.
  7. This kind of short frametrap works well against reversal buttons, but most people don't tech throws on the first available frame. If the opponent techs very late, they can block the frame trap but still tech the throw. For these opponents, you need a much longer window. +2 into a 7 or 8 frame normal would open you up to reversal jabs (demo) but hit delayed jabs or techs reliably. If you have a safe hard normal which can crush counter, they're often pretty good here. You can also simply delay your previous frame trap. Between walk in throw, short frame trap, and wide frame trap, you can open up even the most stalwart defenders.
  9. Remember that invincible reversals will blow through grabs and meaty attacks, so against characters with reversal options and opponents willing to use them, you still need to periodically drop your offense to bait a reversal. Remember frame traps are for creating openings, so if your opponent is opening themself up you don't need frame traps.
  11. Because backdash and throw can both be counter hit in SFV, you're going to be getting a lot of counter hits on your second action. Counter hits add a universal +2 frames now, so +4 on hit will suddenly become +6. This often opens your combo options dramatically. Additionally, crush counters are easily reactable and often lead to high damage. To practice fishing for counter hits, go to training mode, set the guard state to first attack only and counter hit state to random, then only go for your counter hit combos when you see the notification. For even better practice, set both guard and counter hit to random and see if you can complete your frame traps only when they get counter hits.
  13. Let's talk about resisting frame traps. If you face an opponent who is good with them, remember that most frame traps often do dramatically more damage than throws. It might seem counterintuitive to unlearn throws in order to become a better player, but refusing to tech is the safest way to avoid frame traps. It's not that bad to eat even several throws in a row. Play according to your opponent's skills and tendencies.
  15. Also, because throws now have 5 startup frames and can be counter hit, doing a reversal light normal is often more effective than teching a throw. Characters with 3f normals are particularly good at contesting frame traps, and you might need a frame trap specifically for 3f normals to open them up (demo) Just as your opponent needs to cycle between frame traps, throws, and blocking to open you up, you need to cycle between late techs or lights, early techs or lights, no teching or button presses, and reversals. Of course, reversals are extremely risky, and late techs are extremely safe, so adjust your frequencies accordingly.
  17. The game hasn't been out long yet, but from what I've seen, I'd hazard a guess that Cammy, Rashid, Bison, and Nash have very strong frame trap options. Those characters also don't have fantastic mixups besides frame traps, so if you play those characters, study up.
  19. In the BnB combo videos, I had sections for what would probably become ideal frame trap options, under the headers counter hit combos and crush counter confirms. I've linked the google drive with all the guides in the description, so consult those for your character. Also, I've made a video showcasing Laura's just recently. I might do more if the demand is still high in a few weeks time.
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