
Sonic Fluffboom

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. >Be owner of an extremely rare fluffy pony
  2. >One that can fly properly
  3. >Not only that but she is pretty fast
  5. >spend months trying to train your red fluffy to be faster so you can show her off that world fluffy pony show
  7. >One day you take your fluffy pony to an open paddock for some training
  8. >"wee! Gotta fo fwast!"
  9. >the fluffy flies ahead of you
  10. "get back here!"
  11. >you run after her trying to stop her from huting herself
  12. >"pway!"
  13. >after chasing the fluffy for 10 minutes you manage to get her to come back
  15. "Okay we need to focus if you are gonna get this trick done. If you can do it I will give you sketties"
  16. >"Sketties! yay!"
  18. >you instruct your fluffy to fly as high as it can and then fly down as fast as it can to pick up speed
  19. >You watch your fluffy fly very far up
  20. >It makes it's decent
  21. >after gaining huge amounts of speed, a mach cone forms in front of it
  22. >It finally reaches terminal velocity and a sonic fluffboom explodes in all decorations, decorating the sky
  23. >The fluffies frail body couldn't withstand the force and was torn to shreds
  24. >pieces of fluffy pony rain from the sky for miles
  26. >"Fuck"
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