
INCOMPLETE - Starbucks

Aug 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon on Earth
  2. >You're spending the day as you usually spend the day, in Starbucks.
  3. >You're an author and you've already written one best selling children’s novel.
  4. >Now you're just riding the profits while writing your next one.
  5. >Life is good.
  6. >”Here's your coffee Anon.”
  7. >That'll be Jeff, the guy who works here on the weekdays.
  8. “Thanks Jeff.”
  9. >He walks away, and you take a sip of your coffee.
  10. >You let the warm, bitter taste run through you, refreshing you for a long day of writing.
  11. >You put the mug down and turn on your laptop, cracking your knuckles and setting them down on the keyboard.
  12. >It's not a Macbook, it's a normal windows laptop.
  13. >You're no faggot.
  15. >Three hours later.
  16. >You stare at a white page, desperately trying to think of anything, just anything, you could put down.
  17. >You have a moment of sudden inspiration, and start to type, throwing down words like a man possessed.
  18. >With a satisfied grin, you pull back from the laptop and lean back into your chair.
  19. >Then you re-read the paragraph.
  20. >Ctrl-A, Delete.
  21. >You put your head in your hands and groan quietly.
  22. >You hate writers block, the beginnings are always the hardest.
  23. >Just then, you hear a small snort of amusement from elsewhere in the shop.
  24. >That's weird, it's not time for the lunchtime rush yet, you're usually the only person in the shop.
  25. >You look around and easily spot the other occupant.
  26. >It helped that her hair was bright pink.
  28. >She's sat on the front side of the Starbucks, near the door, whereas you're sitting on the right side.
  29. >Her own laptop is in front of her and various textbooks and papers are strewn all over the table.
  30. >Her hair is a bright pink and hangs straight over one of her eyes, reaching her stomach easily.
  31. >She's wearing a pink tanktop and jeans.
  32. >Absent mindedly, you scored her an 8/10.
  33. >She's focused on her work, which was a good thing, since you were quite obviously staring at her.
  34. >There was nobody else in the shop, evidently she'd found your failure amusing.
  35. >At least somebody was.
  36. >After a few more minutes of trying to think of something, you decided to pack it in for the day.
  37. >Perhaps inspiration would strike you at some point.
  38. >You pack away your laptop and walk outside.
  39. >The pink girl doesn't look at you as you exit.
  41. >When walking out you see Jeff setting up the parasols on the outside tables.
  42. >Inspiration strikes you, but sadly not for a book.
  43. “Hey, Jeff.”
  44. >He turns around to face you.
  45. “When did that pink girl turn up? I'm usually all on my own in there.”
  46. >You try to make it sound as if you're not that interested. Like it's a joke.
  47. >You probably failed, but Jeff is a good enough guy to pretend not to take any notice.
  48. >”Oh, she turned up about a month ago, just doing university work I reckon.”
  49. >That would explain why you haven't seen her.
  50. >You took a month break from writing to celebrate your new bestseller status.
  51. “Ah, right. Know her name?”
  52. >He grins
  53. >”You wouldn't believe it if I told you.”
  54. >Cut the suspense Jeff. Damn
  55. >”It's Pinkamena”
  56. >Well, she likes to live up to her name.
  57. “Huh.”
  58. >”Yeah, that's what I thought too. She's a quiet one though, hasn't talked to me except to order or set up a tab, that's how I know her name.”
  59. >Interesting
  60. >You thank Jeff and make your way home.
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