
Kof XIV quotes

Sep 4th, 2016
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  1. Psycho Soldiers Quotes
  3. Athena
  5. Generic
  6. What leads to victory? It’s all about training every day and everyone’s encouragement!
  7. Effort always reaps rewards. Let’s do our best.
  8. Your strength is amazing!
  9. You may want to work a little more on your training... Let’s help each other out.
  10. Ehehe! I was able to win. Thank you, everyone, for cheering me on.
  11. Wow! Ah… I got all worked up without even noticing.
  12. If you feel like it, come to my next live performance, OK?
  13. Thanks to you, that was one of the best matches! I’m grateful!
  14. I’m sorry, I went too hard on you. You’re not injured, are you?
  15. Next time come at me for real. I mean it.
  16. You left yourself open. Carelessness is taboo, you know.
  17. Clean fights are great! My heart was really pounding.
  18. That won’t do! You mustn't look away during a match!
  19. Good job!
  20. Let’s have another match soon.
  21. Now that was a fight!
  22. Your breathing really helped me get into the rhythm of the fight!
  23. Here, this is my newest CD. Give it a listen if you’re in the mood.
  24. For all the fans supporting me, I cannot lose.
  25. I was able to learn a lot in that fight.
  26. It seems you’ve still got some fighting spirit left. Well, now it’s an encore performance by Athena!
  27. Please, rest. Don’t push yourself too hard.
  28. That was an amazing match; I used my entire body and soul.
  29. I still have a lot to work on, too… Thank you!
  30. Do you think we put on a good show for everyone?
  32. Specific
  33. vs. Angel: I think you should avoid such irresponsible language and behavior.
  34. vs. Chin: There are still many things I’ve yet to learn, and I look forward to receiving your instruction in the future!
  35. vs. Geese: Well, if your ambitions are for world conquest, my dream is to bring about world peace!
  36. vs. Iori: I am praying that your flames of hatred will burn out, Iori.
  37. vs. K’: I sing so that the damage to your soul will heal, even if it’s just a little bit!
  38. vs. Kensou: Come on, Kensou! You weren’t focused in the slightest!
  39. vs. Kim: Mr. Kim, are you training under a master, too? Let’s both train hard!
  40. vs. Kyo: Kyo, it doesn’t matter how much confidence you have in your strength, it’s not good to be reckless!
  41. vs. Leona: Leona, even a soldier needs a break. Why don’t you and I go shopping soon?
  42. vs. Love Heart: While you’re in this world, let’s get everyone together and have a girls’ night out!
  43. vs. Mai: There are some new faces this time around. One of these days I want to try joining the Women Fighters Team along with everyone!
  44. vs. Mian: Everyone’s cheers warm my heart! As entertainers, this was a big victory for both of us!
  45. vs. Nakoruru: You and your hawk can understand each other’s intentions. Nakoruru, you really are living in harmony with nature.
  46. vs. Ryo: Those powerful fists are the same as always! As expected of a master of the Kyokugen style.
  47. vs. Shun’ei: That was a wonderful fight. Now, control your strength… You can definitely do it, Shun’ei.
  48. vs. Sylvie: That’s a really unique outfit. It makes me think about what I’ll wear for my next live performance!
  49. vs. Terry: Kensou says that all men are wolves. So that makes you a wolf among wolves!
  50. vs. Verse: Even if a tremendous evil stands in my way, I will never give up, so long as there is still goodness in humanity.
  51. vs. Xanadu: I will not let your words mislead me!
  52. vs. Zarina: Zarina, your smile is so warm. It’s encouraging, even for me!
  54. Kensou
  55. Generic
  56. That was a little close…
  57. My training was tough, but winning like this really makes me happy!
  58. Put some real effort into it and come back after you’ve gotten a fresh start!
  59. Ooh! This feels good!
  60. No good, no good. You’re not even close.
  61. How was that?! That was my true strength!
  62. There’s no beating me after I’ve eaten my dim sum!
  63. I went all-out from the opening.
  64. With my level of skill and effort, I can beat you hands down.
  65. There’s nothing to say except that it’s unlucky you got picked to fight me.
  66. Owwwww… That felt like a close one.
  67. Oh, you look like you want to keep fighting. Fine, let’s keep at it!
  68. Whew! Having you as an opponent was really tough!
  69. This is what happens when I get just a little bit serious.
  70. If that had continued, I have no idea how I would’ve fared. I mean that.
  71. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but aren’t you a little too weak?
  72. Well, I guess I’ll go eat dim sum with Athena!
  73. Surprised by our difference in strength?
  74. Not only do your lazy attacks not hurt, they don’t even itch!
  75. If that’s all you got, you can keep fighting me and I’ll keep winning!
  76. Y-You can fight pretty good. I broke into a cold sweat.
  77. It’s my win!
  78. I really can’t be bothered with these pointless fights!
  79. Fighting any more might kill you. Let’s end it here.
  80. That was pretty close, but a win is a win!
  82. Specific
  83. vs. Alice: You still can’t handle spirit energy properly. I really struggled with it, too, so I understand how you feel.
  84. vs. Antonov: And with that, I’m number one!
  85. vs. Athena: Why did we have to fight, Athena?! It’s not like I can go easy on you!
  86. vs. Benimaru: You’re only looking at yourself, that’s why you lose! Look at your opponent; you know, the other guy.
  87. vs. Billy: That regular old stick gives you no advantage against my Kung Fu!
  88. vs. Chin: Master, why don’t you let your students take over, and you just watch?
  89. vs. King of Dinosaurs: So you’re a dragon, too…? Wait, is a dinosaur a type of dragon?
  90. vs. Kula: Why don’t you train with my team? Apparently you’re friends with my master, after all.
  91. vs. Leona: Your face is really scary! You should smile more, like Athena!
  92. vs. Luong: Your adult charms are very apparent, but Athena’s youthful energy is way better!
  93. vs. Meitenkun: Y-You’re sleeping…? You’re not dead, are you…?
  94. vs. Mian: You have some pretty clever moves. But are they really necessary for fighting?
  95. vs. Mui Mui: I win this Kung Fu showdown! Next, let’s have a dim sum eating competition!
  96. vs. Nelson: Ouch… That iron fist is a real weapon.
  97. vs. Robert: How do I compare to the dragon of Kyokugen style? I bet my skills are better!
  98. vs. Shun’ei: You take your fashion too seriously. What’s important for Kung Fu is clothing that’s easy to move around in!
  99. vs. Terry: Slacking off because you’re a legend? I’ll knock you off that pedestal!
  100. vs. Tung: Master Tung, take care of your health, and live a long life like my master.
  101. vs. Verse: You’re full of awful energy. This is where the Psycho Soldiers come in!
  102. vs. Xanadu: I’m no good at difficult conversations. Just shut up and talk with your fists!
  104. Chin
  105. Generic
  106. *Hiccup* All of a sudden, I can see three of you. *Hiccup*
  107. Over already? Why don’t you put a little more of that fighting spirit into it?
  108. Well, guess I’ll have a drink.
  109. You have lots of skill. I’m excited to see how you grow in the future.
  110. *Glug*... Ahh, the delicious taste of victory never gets old.
  111. I had higher hopes for you… I guess this is all you’ve got, though.
  112. You should relax your shoulders a little more… Your movements are stiff.
  113. I was dangerously close to losing. You’re strong.
  114. It’s OK to lose. It’s not about winning or losing; what’s important is what you learned during the fight.
  115. Whew, my body isn’t working right. You can’t fight old age.
  116. Well, I’ll try my best in the next fight, too.
  117. That was careless for my age; I got too excited.
  118. The secret that lets me fight at this age? Right, well… I eat lots of delicious food.
  119. I think it’d be good for you to review the basics.
  120. For you to catch up to me, you’ll have to train for another 50 years.
  121. It is important to accumulate training… You must work hard without rushing.
  122. Ouch, ouch, ouch… can you go easier on your elders?
  123. Did you let your guard down, thinking you were fighting a mere drunkard?
  124. Hhff.… Ah! Still too early for my ride to be here.
  125. Effort won’t deceive you. Believe that and train hard.
  126. I overdid it a bit that time. I totally threw out my back.
  127. You’re still not ready. When you fly off the handle like that, you don’t notice your surroundings.
  128. Nice drive. Let’s fight again.
  129. Well, I’m all filled up now, so I’ll go look for some dessert to eat.
  130. If you want to be my student you can come over. You’re welcome anytime.
  132. Specific
  133. vs. Antonov: You leave too many points unguarded… For a “champion” carelessness is the biggest enemy.
  134. vs. Athena: Your strength is progressing. Working at the same time must be tough, but don’t stop with your training.
  135. vs. Choi: Wha… My clothes are torn to pieces. The old lady’s gonna be upset.
  136. vs. Gang-il: I know how tough it is to raise students. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with.
  137. vs. Hein: Someone like you, only focused on one thing, is more than exhausting.
  138. vs. Iori: Still driven by grudges… Isn’t it time to focus on something else?
  139. vs. K’: What on earth is it that’s making you angry? A short temper is a disadvantage.
  140. vs. Kensou: You were in even higher spirits this time. It seems you are one step closer to your true self.
  141. vs. Kyo: How about 5000 years of Chinese history? That’s heavier, isn’t it? There’s a lot more of it.
  142. vs. Mai: How were all of my various sexy techniques? I’m at the peak of adult appeal.
  143. vs. Meitenkun: They say sleeping children grow well, but… You sleep too much. Reflect on your behavior!
  144. vs. Mian: No way, I didn’t think there’d be someone who uses Sichuan opera as a fighting style… Now I’ve seen everything.
  145. vs. Nakoruru: You’re an interesting girl. You have a spirit like that of an ancient tree.
  146. vs. Ralf: You seem very strong, but you can spend hours throwing your fists at me, and I’ll still win.
  147. vs. Ramon: It’s splendid that you’re tossing yourself around so much, but I think you make too many unnecessary movements.
  148. vs. Sylvie: That’s a stylish look. You have good fashion sense.
  149. vs. Terry: You’ve really grown, too. Why don’t you take some students on of your own?
  150. vs. Tung: We should leave everything to our students and start living comfortably in retirement.
  151. vs. Yuri: Nice mix, but it still needs moderation. The fundamentals are the most important, little Yuri.
  152. vs. Zarina: You are as bright as the sun, girl. Looking at you makes me feel good!
  154. Kyoukugen Team
  156. Ryo
  158. Generic
  159. Sorry, I overdid it a little… Take care of them, Yuri!
  160. You think this is a game? If you want to beat me, come at me with everything you’ve got!
  161. It’s too late once you get injured! Go home if you’re not serious!
  162. Too eager to succeed? I could see the impatience in your fists, and that changed the course of our fight!
  163. Kyokugen style has no blind spots!
  164. Yeah, this is the real Kyokugen style! Anyone willing, come sign up!
  165. What, what happened?! Show me more spirit!
  166. That match felt great! I’d like to face you again!!
  167. Nice skills! Come with me to train in the mountains sometime!
  168. Great guts and spirit! Could you come face my students sometime?
  169. Do you understand the difference of skill between us? Then come back when you’re ready!
  170. Are you hurt? You weren’t someone I could take it easy with, so I gave it my all.
  171. You’re making progress, but not enough to beat me yet!!
  172. I will keep this victory in my heart as a step toward improving the Kyokugen style!
  173. A great match where we both gave it our all! Come by my dojo to spar some time!!
  174. Well done! I won this time, but your strength is impressive. Let’s aim higher together!
  175. Well fought!! (Osu!!)
  176. No time to be depressed, you can learn a lot from defeat! Devote yourself to your training!
  177. Are you angry? Then devote yourself more to training!
  178. You’ve got talent; I’ll take care of you at my dojo! Follow me!
  179. Heart, skills, body, you’re lacking all of it! Practice more!!
  180. I’m responsible for Kyokugen style. I can’t lose so easily!
  181. This is Kyokugen style! Come by anytime if you want to learn!
  182. That toughness! Come show it to my students!
  183. I can see your lack of focus in your punches. Next time, clear your mind!
  185. Specific
  186. vs. Angel: What’s that nonsense fighting style?! You’ve got no fundamentals… I’ll train you up!
  187. vs. Antonov: You seriously call yourself a champion?! Alright, let’s go one more time!
  188. vs. Billy: If you’re with Geese then remember this! The Kyokugen style defeats all!
  189. vs. Daimon: Force wins over flexibility. No matter how flexible you are, you can’t take hits from me!
  190. vs. Geese: Etch this into your soul!! My Kyokugen style will defeat you as many times as it takes!!
  191. vs. Hein: If you’re with Geese then remember this! The Kyokugen style defeats all!
  192. vs. Iori: So long as your fists thirst for blood, you can't beat the Kyokugen style!!
  193. vs. Kensou: You’ve made progress! I saw a dragon in your punch for a second there!
  194. vs. Kim: Training with your master… I have to take another look at myself. When I get home, I’ll have father train me!
  195. vs. King: Splendid footwork, as always! I couldn't helped but be impressed!
  196. vs. Kukri: Shout from your diaphragm! You need to train at my dojo, starting with your spirit!
  197. vs. Kula: Fists trained in the Kyokugen style can break a measly ice pillar in one blow. Your skills need more practice before they’ll work on me!
  198. vs. Kyo: If you just sit on your talents, you’ll never get stronger!
  199. vs. Mui Mui: Battles against Kung Fu users are always great. Let’s do it again!
  200. vs. Ralf: It’s great talking with our fists! I could feel the heat in your soul!
  201. vs. Ramon: If I look with my mind’s eye, I can read your moves. That’s another thing the Kyokugen style can do!
  202. vs. Robert: You’re stronger than that. Show me the power of the Kyokugen style!
  203. vs. Shun’ei: You must first know yourself to properly use your strength! You won’t improve if you train without knowing yourself!
  204. vs. Terry: You’re worthy of the name “Legendary Hungry Wolf”! That was a close match!!
  205. vs. Yuri: You almost had it!! But your moves are still lacking; we’ll restart your special training when we get back!
  206. vs. Zarina: Those flowing movements were amazing! Truly flawless form!
  208. Robert
  210. Generic
  211. That really went back and forth! I had fun!!
  212. What an interesting style! I learned a lot. Thank ya!
  213. You've got good instincts! How'd you like to let that ability bloom with Kyokugen style?
  214. That was anybody’s fight, but your luck ran out right at the end!
  215. You got ahead of yourself! Life isn’t so easy! There’s always someone better!!
  216. Making excuses? That’s despicable! Just accept your loss and try harder!
  217. The difference in ability was obvious! If you still want to continue, I’ll take you!
  218. I give my all no matter the opponent, I never hold back! But I’ll admit, I may have overdone it a little this time…
  219. Maybe you didn’t train enough? Even my students are better competition!
  220. Don’t be so sad. I’m just especially strong!
  221. You’ve got spirit! I’m looking forward to fighting you again!
  222. Whew, that was a close one! We didn’t give each other an inch!!
  223. Are you injured? Need a ride to the hospital?
  224. Are you sick or something? That’s no good… Martial artists always keep themselves in top condition!
  225. It’s already over?! That was a crappy match.
  226. Did you get so heated you couldn’t see? You need a heated heart, but a cool head!
  227. My strength comes from long-term effort! I won’t lose to someone so lazy!
  228. You can keep going, can’t you? The real fight starts now!
  229. This is what you get when I get serious!
  230. You gave up halfway through! If you keep that up, winning is just a dream.
  231. My versatile kicks can’t be read so easily!
  232. You lack ability! Find a stage that suits you! Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll get hurt!
  233. You can’t get up?! It’s too early to sleep!
  234. You’re pretty strong! You need to practice some more when you go home!
  235. The name “Mightiest Tiger” of the Kyokugen style isn’t just an honorary title! Come back after you’ve trained up!
  237. Specific
  238. vs. Antonov: As a businessman and a martial artist, I’m a cut above!
  239. vs. Athena: Not bad! Did you train as a martial artist? How’d you like to star in the next Kyokugen style promotional video?
  240. vs. Bandeiras: Maybe you have bad fundamentals? Kisaragi and that head-butting guy put up a way better fight!
  241. vs. Benimaru: You’re all talk! I thought you’d shock me more. What a letdown...
  242. vs. Hein: You’ve got real style. So, how about you quit your team and come work for us?
  243. vs. Iori: There’s no way you can see in front of you with those bangs. Don’t you think it’s time you did something about it?
  244. vs. Kensou: Nice guts! You couldn’t look uncool in front of the girl you like. I get it, but I’m in the same spot!
  245. vs. King: Splendid kicks as always! I can leave Yuri to you safely. And Ryo, too!!
  246. vs. Leona: That keen blade work! Those Heidern-style assassination moves are really annoying!
  247. vs. Love Heart: That’s a crazy outfit you’ve got! The design is really something!
  248. vs. Luong: Your kicks are something else, but you can’t beat my leg power with flexibility!
  249. vs. Mature: You’ve got the speed of a beast! But, the most powerful beast is the tiger of the Kyokugen style!
  250. vs. Maxima: No matter how much you analyze Kyokugen style, it won’t work on me! My Kyokugen style is specially arranged!
  251. vs. Meitenkun: What a shame… If you just sleep, all that talent goes to waste!
  252. vs. Mian: That’s a weird mask!! I bet you can’t see in front of you with that thing on!
  253. vs. Nelson: What a punch! I won somehow, but that was close!
  254. vs. Ramon: I was waiting for something good since everyone was screaming “tiger,” but I guess you don’t have the goods to back up a name like that.
  255. vs. Ryo: That was an extreme fight… But the goddess of victory smiled upon me this time!
  256. vs. Xanadu: You’ve got the ability to hypnotize people. But that won’t work against the strong-willed!
  257. vs. Yuri: You just keep getting stronger, Yuri! Pretty soon I’ll be completely whipped…
  259. Yuri
  261. Generic
  262. I’m super lucky! That was a close match. I didn’t know who would go down!
  263. Were you a little hasty? Your movements lost all their spirit halfway through.
  264. You never know what will happen in a bout ‘til it’s over! You lost the moment you relax.
  265. That was an exciting fight! I’m super stoked for our next fight!
  266. Your fighting style is really interesting. I’ll remember it for next time.
  267. Hehehe, this is proof of the strength of my version of the Kyokugen style!
  268. I’m totally on fire! My big advance is just getting started!
  269. It looks like I won in terms of spirit, technique and body!
  270. You’re about as strong as my brother! Not as strong as me, though.
  271. Smile, smile! There’s always next time, work toward that!
  272. Strong and cute! I’m pretty amazing. I’m sure you think so too!
  273. Are you angry you lost to me? But that’s real life!
  274. Whew, that was a close fight. I should practice when I get home!
  275. There’s no word for losing in Kyokugen style… Just kidding!
  276. I’m ready for a rematch whenevs!
  277. Did you take it easy on me? There was no weight in your attacks!
  278. We both gave all we had in that fight. It was sooo fun!
  279. You’re a perfect rival for me! Let’s do this again.
  280. Hehe, did you hold back because i’m cute? Despite my looks, I have master-class ability in the Kyokugen style!
  281. You were mean against such a cute opponent! If you’re not careful, no one will like you!
  282. You’re certainly strong. But it looks like I’m the winner this time!
  283. Wouldn’t your strength work well with the Kyokugen style? So why don’t you join?
  284. That was a beautiful win, using my strength!
  285. If you want to take me down, you have to learn the Haoh Shoukou Ken!
  286. If you practice so hard all the time you'll wear yourself out. Sometimes you need a rest!
  288. Specific
  289. vs. Alice: It looks like you still haven't made those moves your own, Alice! You have to practice more!
  290. vs. Andy: We have the same goal, Andy! To beat our brothers and be recognized. Let's go us, let's go!
  291. vs. Angel: You were so calm, but you weren’t much. How about you come back after you practice more?
  292. vs. Antonov: You took it easy because I’m small! Too bad, I’m good at taking advantage of size differences.
  293. vs. Athena: Your psychic powers are really handy. Can I use them too if I practice?
  294. vs. Benimaru: Sorry Benimaru! You worked so hard on that hair, and I messed it up!
  295. vs. Billy: Take better care of your sister! If you don’t, I’ve got a baaad punishment for you.
  296. vs. Chang: Even monkeys can’t fight with power alone! You have to use your head in a fight.
  297. vs. Gang-il: Yessss! Dad was always saying that he wanted to face you!
  298. vs. King: Tell my brother, King! My ability is the real thing!
  299. vs. Kula: You like sweets too, Kula? OK, let’s go for dessert together!
  300. vs. Leona: Just forget your duty and enjoy the tournament!
  301. vs. Mian: Ugh, are you playing a game? You can’t see my moves with that weird mask on!
  302. vs. Nakoruru: I didn’t think your hawk would attack me, too!
  303. vs. Robert: My strength surprised you, right, Robert? I secretly work really hard.
  304. vs. Ryo: So, what do you think of my skills, big brother? Let's have a match for the position of Kyokugen style master!
  305. vs. Shun’ei: Shun’ei, your skills are so unique. I don’t think I could imitate them. Too bad!
  306. vs. Verse: Whoa… Your hands are floating! You’re not a ghost or anything, are you?
  307. vs. Vice: You lost because you always make fun of me as a “girl.” Hey, are you listening? Hello?
  308. vs. Zarina: Oooh, I wanna bring a pet with me next time too! Hmm, what should I bring… a dragon or a tiger?
  310. Villians Team
  312. Xanadu
  314. Generic
  315. Behave… Behave…!
  316. Even if we go back in time, there is no land there.
  317. Can you hear it? That apocalyptic timbre…
  318. Growth creates repulsion, accelerate the growth!
  319. We are born in flux, and birth creates destruction. But… there are exceptions.
  320. Send your heart on a journey through time and space.
  321. Expand the limits of your understanding.
  322. Don’t be afraid. These fluctuations will subside.
  323. Let us pray for peace.
  324. Let us all be happy together.
  325. I will await your recovery, and visit even more destruction upon you.
  326. Peace is a concept. By definition, impossible in life.
  327. The equilibrium of space is always unstable…
  328. Come back any time. I’ll remodel you again.
  329. Instinct is simply wild. Will comes from even deeper origins.
  330. This disturbance will create a new fluctuation!
  331. A repetition of dividing and combining.
  332. Be aware that your will and your instincts are all conditioned responses.
  333. You must elevate your thinking…
  334. An aggregate of refuse and detritus, that is what you are.
  335. All that you see and hear is the past. No, the past is a concept.
  336. Humanity should be destroyed.
  337. I’m taken with you.
  338. Drown in the sea of imaginary numbers.
  339. Let's go to a trendy cafe...
  342. Specific
  343. vs. Alice: Time solves inexperience… And space solves time.
  344. vs. Andy: Let me tell you with sound waves, that your speed is effectively equal to zero...
  345. vs. Athena: Psychic power follows the laws of nature.
  346. vs. Chin: The ethanol is oxidizing, metabolize it.
  347. vs. Gang-il: Strength is also a relative concept.
  348. vs. Geese: Evil is relativity, it is very natural.
  349. vs. Iori: Those flickering purple flames of yours have a high wavelength.
  350. vs. King of Dinosaurs: The flow of time is always changing. Wishing for ancient times is also entropy.
  351. vs. Kula: Innocence is ignorance.
  352. vs. Kyo: What does your flame create?
  353. vs. Mature: What you want cannot be. You should return to the vacuum.
  354. vs. Maxima: A wall that cannot be scaled with transhumanism.
  355. vs. Mian: Is there a meaning to blocking visible light?
  356. vs. Nakoruru: Teach me your process!
  357. vs. Robert: Illusions are not created by the feet. It’s the brain.
  358. vs. Shun’ei: Destroy symmetry… If you do that, you can avoid annihilation.
  359. vs. Sylvie: Look upon our hair… It lies in chaos from your static electricity!
  360. vs. Tung: Don’t you want to get back the time spent on that understanding?
  361. vs. Verse: An accumulation of the information leaked from the cracks! Time, integrated vertically!
  363. Chang
  365. Generic
  366. There’s nothing I can’t smash!
  367. Bring me food!
  368. You’re definitely goin’ to the hospital!
  369. Ah-choo!!
  370. You were a tough one to crush!
  371. These opponents of mine are so puny…
  372. I need more to destroy!
  373. How the hell did you take a hit from my ball and stay standing…?
  374. I’m still hungry for more!
  375. Why’d that take so long?
  376. That was a nice after-dinner workout.
  377. I got out of jail for this. Let me have my fun!
  378. That’s not enough. (“mono tari ne na,” like yamazaki’s taunt)
  379. I missed this feeling!
  380. If you want more, I won’t let up!
  381. Get your face… I mean, get your rear in gear and try again!
  382. If I lose, Master Kim’ll put me through hell… Wait, no, that has nothing to do with it anymore.
  383. I gotta give my ball a good polishin’ now.
  384. To me, all opponents are just children!
  385. A big body. That’s where real power comes from!
  386. Hey, hey! Don’t just lie there all knocked out and pathetic. Get out of here, now!
  387. That’s what it looks like when I fight for real!
  388. Hahah, I sent you flying!
  389. C’mon! Gimme another!
  390. That must’ve hurt a lot!!
  392. Specific
  393. vs. Antonov: If this guy’s the promoter, I’m gonna win all the prize money!
  394. vs. Athena: That matched up well with your concert...
  395. vs. Chin: Stumble around like that and you’ll get smashed by a giant!
  396. vs. Choi: Choi… No way, you’re on the side of justice now?!
  397. vs. Daimon: What, even a great Judo master like you can’t throw me?!
  398. vs. Gang-il: So there are fighters better than Master Kim?! This guy is major trouble...
  399. vs. Geese: It’s the big shot himself! Maybe if I joined him… Nah, wait a sec...
  400. vs. Joe: Not even a hurricane could send a giant like me flying!
  401. vs. Kim: I beat Master Kim…! Th-This means I’m free!
  402. vs. King of Dinosaurs: I ain’t scared of any dinosaur smaller than me!
  403. vs. Kukri: Don’t throw sand around! I have bad balance!
  404. vs. Kula: Too bad, little girl. Ice just can’t stand up to a metal ball!
  405. vs. Mature: You clawed me up pretty good. It took care of all my itches for me!
  406. vs. Maxima: I hear beating on broken machines can fix ‘em. Did I fix you up from being a junker?
  407. vs. Mui Mui: A rude little brat like you needs this kind of straightening out.
  408. vs. Ralf: It doesn’t look like you’ll ever be able to catch the real bad guys, Commander!
  409. vs. Ryo: You call that a powerful blow?! You’re powerless next to my belly!
  410. vs. Terry: For a guy that calls himself the “Legendary Hungry Wolf,” you’re not too special!
  411. vs. Xanadu: Mr. Xanadu… I can’t… make out what you’re saying...
  412. vs. Zarina: Hey, stop it! Don’t look at me with those innocent eyes!
  414. Choi
  416. Generic
  417. You could’ve tried harder.
  418. Ohoho, finished already?
  419. *Shinnnggg*
  420. If you need someone to handle meat, I’m a pro, so leave it to me.
  421. Remember me every time you see fingernails! (iori reference)
  422. Might makes right!
  423. Hehehe.
  424. See that? That’s my real strength!
  425. The feeling of slicing up flesh… I haven’t felt it in a really long time.
  426. I’m in top form!
  427. Master Kim will be angry, won’t he…
  428. I want an opponent who’s more fun to cut up…
  429. Bo-ring!
  430. Hmmm, my nails always look so wonderfully complete.
  431. I thought I might lose…
  432. I’m a man who does things for real when he does them!
  433. I want to make you swallow the dirt of my nails.
  434. Eeep! Th-That was close...
  435. If this is the competition, I think I’m going to win the next fight, too!
  436. I tried really hard; it’s a turning point for me.
  437. I want you to go a little easier on me.
  438. That was really thrilling…
  439. I didn’t hit my stride; that was really close.
  440. My nails got all beaten up… I’ll have to sharpen them later.
  441. (couldnt get the last quote after like 2 hours so i just said fuck it for now)
  443. Specific
  444. vs. Bandeiras: Seems you need a teacher for some proper knowledge.
  445. vs. Benimaru: Gyaa! Those long legs, I’m jealous!!
  446. vs. Billy: If you insist, you can tell your boss that I wouldn’t mind joining you guys!
  447. vs. Chang: It’d be good to go back to Kim soon… No, no, I didn’t mean that!
  448. vs. Hein: Teach me how to gain favor with the big guys.
  449. vs. Joe: My tornado is on a whole different level than yours, buddy boy.
  450. vs. Kensou: I beat down the hero of justice… that seems bad.
  451. vs. Kim: Honestly, Master, I’m starting to think I made a mistake this time, myself...
  452. vs. Love Heart: You have a ship that flies in the sky? Sounds like I could use it for an escape.
  453. vs. Luong: You’re a pretty girl, and Master Kim’s Master’s…? I don’t know what’s going on!
  454. vs. Mai: I tore your paper fan and the tail of your robes to pieces!
  455. vs. Mature: Which is the sharpest? Seems like you would know!
  456. vs. Maxima: It’s no fun cutting up machines, buddy boy!
  457. vs. Meitenkun: Hehehe, you’ll have nightmares if you sleep now…
  458. vs. Mian: If I clip your sleeves, will I be able to see how you change masks?
  459. vs. Ramon: Do you get serious if you take that eye patch off? Good thing I didn’t slice it off...
  460. vs. Sylvie: You’re fluffy like a sheep. Seems like a sheering would be fun.
  461. vs. Terry: Take care of Master Kim, and don’t let him know that’s what you’re doing!
  462. vs. Verse: What are you?! Did Mr. Xanadu summon you or something?!
  463. vs. Xanadu: M-Mr. Xanadu! This is a misunderstanding!! I swear, I didn’t betray you...
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