
Work Rant

Oct 13th, 2015
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  1. im so sick and tired of people at work not caring about anything but themselves and their numbers. I sit in a room with no windows and do NOTHING. I have not done anything for the company in at least a month. This is not an exaggeration. I watch streams, chat on irc, read twitter, you name it. All while waiting for other people to approve equipment and waiting on other people to get back from vacation so i can ask them if there is a position for me to move to. Now before you say "wow i would love to get paid to do nothing", you wouldn't i promise. Nothing is worse than sitting around with nothing to do and no way to get any work while your coworkers give you looks that say "why are you even here."
  3. In june when i started this job, they said "oh lets do this project and then we will find you a place at another plant"
  7. Every time i get my hopes up about possibly moving it just gets shot down for some bullshit reason. Not to mention every time the plan changes from one location to another, I have to start from square one. I have been waiting 2 weeks for any reply from anyone in this company about a position listed on the internal job listing site. meanwhile my boss and HR rep are both dropping the ball left and right as far as telling me any information. there was an email that was sent to my HR rep last monday asking for information that she didnt have but i did have, and I didn't hear anything about it until Friday. *Conveniently* the person who needed the information was on vacation until today. NOW that the person i need to talk to is finally back from vacation, MY MANAGER LEAVES FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON. I basically need him if im going to have any shot at getting this position. I get that he doesnt have to tell everyone that hes leaving because hes the boss and whatever, but fuck its just disrespectful at some point.
  9. Everyone keeps saying this company is great and has a lot of opportunity but every day my will to push forward decreases. I have already applied to other companies, and I think I'm going to start doing that again. I honestly dont even know how long I'll have a job here. Two things can happen as far as this job goes, they realize that theyre paying my salary but getting nothing from me (literally their fault, my hands have been tied since day one as far as doing work goes, they refuse to pay for any software that I need and for the first 3 months they fraudulently used AutoCAD free trials instead of buying a license, and now the person that has to approve my other software wont do it because she doesnt understand how boxes are designed and thinks it can still be done by hand on a drawing board) anyways 2 things can happen:
  11. 1: they realize theyre paying me and not getting anything out of me and decide to actually help me find a position in the company where i can be productive enough to justify my salary
  13. 2: they realize theyre paying me and not getting anything out of me and theyre too lazy to help me find a new position despite telling me they would when i accepted the offer, and they fire me.
  15. Hence the reason that im already applying for jobs elsewhere. Its better to get paid to job search than to have to job search on no money. and im sick and tired of living at home. its midway through october and i was already supposed to be settled in at a new plant by now. but instead im still in this dungeon of a room (at least i have some company now because they dumped another guy in the office attached to mine, but in reality thats not even a good thing because he constantly gives me the previously mentioned looks of "why are you even here".)
  17. All i ever wanted to do was put my degree to use at a reasonably paying job. I have yet to design a box that wasnt practice and the 2 times i even did that were when i went to visit other plants.
  19. unlike yesterdays pastebin if you read this one im sorry. this was more for personal venting.
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