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Clothier Beware!

a guest
Mar 22nd, 2015
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  1. Throughout Rarity’s life, there have been challenges to overcome. Creating beautiful costumes for her fifth grade play? A snap once she had her idea. Getting multiple stains out of a simply gorgeous evening dress that Sweetie all but ruined while playing dress up? Challenging, but manageable. However, there is still one enormous hurdle to overcome on her road to becoming a tried and true clothier.
  3. “I just don’t understand,” the bimbo whines, pouting at her own reflection in the glass. She’s just finished setting the mannequins in her new late spring designs: delectable colorful and flashy skirts that run to mid-thigh; tops, both tube and sleeved, designed to give a little extra umph and breathing room to a girl’s cleavage; demi-cups for comfortable coverage; and garters and stockings for those still brisk, windy days. But as she watches her possible clientele walk by, she can’t help but notice the rather cold reception her clothes are getting.
  5. The women and girls who walk by her story look on with a mixture of shock and irritation, if they spare a glance at all. In the past twenty minutes, Rarity has counted eight lip curls, five jaw drops, and one ‘gag me with a spoon’. Huffing, the chesty clothier turns away from the window and storms back towards her bench.
  7. “How dare those women! You pour your heart and soul into your labor and just look at what happens!” Crossing her arms under her chest, the busty beauty pouts at the working mannequin for her designs. “There’s even a sarong. A sarong! And still they have no taste in fashion at all!”
  9. The mannequin doesn’t respond, which only serves to irritate Rarity further. But before she can launch into another tirade, there’s a sharp chime ringing through the air. The fashionista goes rigid at the sound; a smile dancing across her lips.
  11. “A customer?” With only a moment to center herself and get her hair in order, the young woman takes a deep breath and struts out into the main alley of the store, calling out, “Welcome to the Bimbo Boutique; where every design will give your nipples a tweak! Now how may I assist y—”
  13. Rarity’s confident expression falters as she rounds the corner and sees a familiar blonde standing in front of her. Applejack, still bearing signs of working in the yard, is clothed in an oversized flannel top, and looking rather embarrassed to be seen.
  15. “Uh, hey Rare. Nice catchphrase.”
  17. The pale girl’s face goes hot as she averts her eyes. With an irritated huff, she props her hands onto her hips and glares at the ground. “It’s a work in process, dear. These things take time.”
  19. “I reckon so,” the farmbimbo chuckles, both girls finally meeting each others eyes again. “But I don’t believe it’s that one.”
  21. “Oh I know, I know!” Rarity moans, walking up and resting her head on her taller friend’s shoulder. “But I assure you, I wouldn’t have this problem if I just had customers to try different greetings out on.”
  23. Applejack winces, trying to pull back a little, but Rarity’s grip remains firm. With a sigh, she rubs the side of her head and shrugs. “The transition to serving bimbos isn’t going so well, is it?”
  25. “In truth? It’s a nightmare; nobody seems to be taking me seriously!” There’s a momentary pause as Rarity places an arms length of distance between the two of them, her nose wrinkling. “Although not nearly as much as your shirt. Darling, whatever possessed you to wear something so, ugh, homely?”
  27. Already anxious, Applejack’s demeanor shifts again, the bimbo shuffling her high heeled boots against the ground. “Uh, well, that’s part of the reason I came out today.”
  29. “You aren’t here to provide your dear, dear friend with the comfort she so desperately needs?” Rarity pouts.
  31. “That wasn’t my intention,” AJ sighs, frowning as the fashionista releases her grip and takes a step back. “See, I need a new top.”
  33. Oh so she was a customer indeed! Rarity squeals, clapping her hands together before grabbing the farm girl’s hand and tugging her back into the deeper recesses of the store. “Oh dear, why didn’t just you say so in the first place? While it certainly isn’t a complaining sessions, designing you a new eye-catching piece for your eye-catchers,” she hefts one of the girl’s breasts with her palm, and earns a surprised yelp in response, “is just the thing I need to take my mind off these depressing days.”
  35. “Uh, yeah, I suppose,” the blonde mutters as Rarity places her in a seat, “but, don’t make a big deal out of this now.”
  37. “I simply must though, Applejack. We are friends, are we not? Now,” with a flourish and twisting of her hand the bimbo smiles and points to AJ, “off with that disgusting drapery and let’s get you fittingly fitted!”
  39. The blonde bimbo stares at Rarity for several seconds before sighing and unbuttoning the flannel shirt. In the meantime, the fashionista turns away and collects her materials, quietly mulling over the question of if she really needs to devote more time to her catchphrases. When the shirt hits the ground, Rarity dons her smile and turns back to her friend.
  41. “Wonderful, up, up now,” she chides, giggling as Applejack rolls her eyes and holds her arms up. Despite their differences, the blonde has been friends with Rarity long enough to know the routine. Still, despite her chipper attitude, the pale girl stops a few steps away from her friend and begins to scowl.
  43. “Applejack?” she says, in her most even tone, causing the farmgirl to flinch. “Dear, you seem rather, ah, how to put this, swollen. Yes. Swollen. In the chest region.”
  45. Rarity draws a circle with her finger in the general area of the blonde’s breasts. However, swollen is an understatement; far more apt would be the word ‘gigantic’. The girl’s face goes beet red as she bobs her head a few times.
  47. “Well, yeah, that’s why I came out in the first place. See, I kinda, well, burst outta my top.” Rarity’s jaw drops and Applejack grimaces, quickly adding, “Uh, all of ‘em.”
  49. “A-All of them?” the purple haired bimbo gawks. Donning a rather long expression, Applejack nods slowly. “That… that is so incredibly arousing…”
  51. “Pardon?”
  53. “A-Allowing!” Rarity responds without hesitation. “I mean allowing your clothes to get into such a condition; you should have come to see me sooner!”
  55. “Yeah, well, I suppose I should have,” the blonde sighs, crossing her arms under her massive chest. “But I didn’t so here we are.”
  57. Indeed, here we are. Rarity gulps and finishes her approach, wrapping the tape around her friend’s torso, just under her breasts, and making a note of the size. Then, she does the same for her breasts, pulling the tape around the widest point and trying her best not to gawk.
  59. Throughout the process, Applejack squirms with breathless intent, her normally pale nipples seeming darker and more agitated than usual. As Rarity steps away, she can swear that the farm girl’s body seems eager to chase after her touch. With a shake of her head, the fashionista breaks the silence.
  61. “While I can’t say for certain without looking at your old measurements, if I had to wager you’ve gone up at least a cup-size, perhaps more.” Donning a concerned frown, Rarity takes a step forward and places a hand against her friend’s forehead. “That’s quite a feat for girls of our size. Are you feeling all right, dear? You haven’t been using any of those bimboizing products have you?”
  63. “Heck naw,” Applejack grumbles, shaking her head. “I remember what happened to Pinkie, and if I get to be too big, I’m not going to be able to help on the farm anymore.”
  65. There’s a momentary pause before the blonde frowns and scrunches up her forehead. “Well, actually, there may be something…”
  67. “Then you simply must stop whatever it is, immediately!” Rarity chides, frowning and furrowing her brow. “Otherwise finding fitting clothing might be the least of your problems.”
  69. “I know, I know,” Applejack sighs. “Listen, can you help me or not?”
  71. Thinking for a moment, Rarity nods her head and pulls a bra from off the rack.
  73. “Here, this is one of my own. Considering we’re practically the same size now, it should be enough for coverage and a little support while I work.”
  75. “For real? Thanks Rare,” Applejack laughs, though her expression falters a little when she sees the bra. “It’s, kinda frilly though…”
  77. “You will wear it, and you will like it,” the fashionista demands, shooing her out of her seat. “No go, I have work to do.”
  79. Applejack nods, heading deeper into the store as Rarity sets about putting together a top for her friend. It won’t be much, skimpy and designed to show off a lot of skin, but that should be enough for the farm girl.
  81. As she works, Rarity finds herself biting her lip, wondering if this effort is in vain as well. Whatever Applejack is using to pull even with her, she doesn’t like it. Or, rather, she does like it, and the idea of burying her face in her friend’s full funbags, but still…
  83. “I’m supposed to be the biggest, next to Fluttershy,” she grumbles, pouting again. Maybe she could convince the blonde to let her in on her swelling secret? Or at the very least, let her watch.
  85. Rarity bites her lip at the thought of this latest top rocketing off Applejack’s rack. She clenches her thighs together and whimpers.
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