
2019-08-08 Core: 6 caffeine, restaurants

Aug 8th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 74 parts 3, 4, 5 and bring food to donate to the bake sale
  6. part 3
  7. 1 chocolate
  8. 2 drug
  9. 3 energy
  10. 4 food and drinks
  11. 5 rhythm / sleep cycle
  12. part 4
  13. makes you more alert
  14. relieves pain
  15. reduces asthma symptoms
  16. increases reaction speed
  17. is habit-forming
  18. raises blood pressure
  19. increases the risk of heart disease
  20. part 5
  21. 1 People work according to the clock, not the sun.
  22. 2 Electric lights and caffeine.
  23. 3 The body doesn’t function at its best mentally, physically, or emotionally.
  24. 4 We’re tired because we don’t get enough sleep, we don’t get enough sleep because we use caffeine, and we use caffeine because we’re tired.
  25. “vicious cycle”
  26. ---
  27. - how much sleep do you need?
  28. ---
  29. among many things
  30. between two things
  31. override = to stop an action that is done automatically by using a special [thing]; to have more importance or influence than something
  32. consume = eat, drink, or otherwise use something
  33. consumption - the action of consuming
  34. ---
  35. p. 74 part 7 - Find signal words in the article with these meanings.
  36. contrast: however, on the other hand, despite this
  37. consequence:
  38. paragraph 2 - one result, thus
  39. paragraph 3 - therefore, consequently
  40. part 8 - What are the two contrasting ideas for each word?
  41. however: people don’t think twice about their caffeine intake
  42. caffeine raises blood pressure and thus increases the risk of heart disease
  43. on the other hand: The widespread use...carry warnings anyway.
  44. research suggests that caffeine may have health benefits
  45. despite this: Studies have shown it helps…
  46. a study in Ireland recommended…
  47. ---
  48. “despite” suggests that it’s somewhat surprising
  49. “on the other hand” only tells us it’s a different point or perspective
  50. It was raining very hard. Despite this, we took a walk. (“on the other hand” doesn’t make sense here)
  51. It was raining very hard. On the other hand, it was quite warm and comfortable. (“despite this” is OK too)
  52. It’s the best restaurant in the city. On the other hand, it is also very expensive. (“despite” is NOT okay)
  53. ---
  54. adjective + ness = noun
  55. tiredness, sleeplessness, homelessness, helplessness, happiness, sadness, madness
  56. noun + less = adjective
  57. sleepless, countless, homeless, hopeless, wireless, penniless
  58. noun + ful = adjective
  59. hopeful, helpful, careful, beautiful, merciful, painful
  60. ---
  61. part 11 - Use the words from the box to complete these “slogans” about modern life.
  62. 1 close
  63. 2 today
  64. 3 all
  65. 4 day
  66. 5 night
  67. 6 on
  68. ---
  69. See the movies of tomorrow today. = See tomorrow’s movies today.
  70. ---
  71. - Use this to see the frequency of words or phrases in English books.
  72. ---
  73. BREAK
  74. ---
  75. How often do you go to a restaurant to eat?
  77. p. 76 part 1 - In pairs, make a list of the most important considerations when deciding where to eat out.
  78. part 2 - What order do these things usually happen when eating out?
  79. 1 a
  80. 2 f / g
  81. 3 g / f
  82. 4 b (Appetizers “appetize” you, or get you ready to have a bigger meal; they’re usually bigger dishes you can share with other people.)
  83. 5 d (In English, “entree” means the main dish.)
  84. 6 c
  85. 7 h
  86. 8 e (Usually 15%-20% of the bill. In Boston there’s also a 7% tax, so 25% is tax plus 18% tip.)
  88. - Article about tipping, including how much you would typically tip other people besides waiters and bartenders
  89. ---
  90. part 3 - Who probably says these things at a restaurant?
  91. 1 B (The server said this in the conversation.)
  92. 2 S
  93. 3 C
  94. 4 C
  95. 5 C
  96. 6 S
  97. 7 C
  98. 8 S
  99. 9 C
  100. 10 S
  101. 11 B (The server said this in the conversation.)
  102. “server” is a gender-neutral term for “waiter” or “waitress”
  103. Listen to a conversation. Who actually says each thing?
  104. ---
  105. Listen again. How are the foods in the pictures described?
  106. plantain: like a banana, but not sweet (it has a bland flavor)
  107. fritter: a fried dish
  108. plantain fritters (“in this case”): fried mashed balls of plantains
  109. akkra: a kind of bean called black-eyed pea; the taste is pretty hot (spicy)
  110. ackee: a type of fruit that is usually served with saltfish
  111. saltfish: salted dried cod, which is then cooked in water and tastes like fresh fish
  112. goat: like lamb, but the flavor is a little stronger
  113. ---
  114. What are some other words we can use to describe cooking methods?
  115. - grilled, steamed, stewed, roasted, poached
  116. What are some other words to describe flavor and texture?
  117. - savory, bitter, sour, creamy, crispy, crunchy, soft, greasy, dry, tender, tough, chewy, chunky
  118. ---
  119. p. 76 part 7 - Think of three foods or dishes from your country that your partner is probably not familiar with. Try to describe the cooking, flavor, and texture to your partner.
  120. ---
  121. p. 164 practice 2 - Complete these first conditional sentences.
  122. 2 recommend, will buy
  123. 3 comes, will feel
  124. 4 will get, eat
  125. 5 won’t eat, lose
  126. 6 get, will do
  127. 7 won’t change, see
  128. 8 will do, do
  129. ---
  130. diet (n)
  131. - I need to go on a diet. - A food plan with the goal of becoming healthier.
  132. - My diet includes too much sugar. - set of everything eaten or drunk
  133. ---
  134. Homework: read about one or more short-term (3-6 weeks) diet and exercise plan. What kinds of things do they usually recommend?
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