
2020-03-07 Saturday: 9 Trade

Mar 7th, 2020
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes.
  4. ---
  5. Homework: 7-8 test
  6. ---
  7. p. 105 part 3 - Ask and share your answers to these questions with your partner.
  8. ---
  9. Vocabulary: money
  10. p. 106 part 1 - Compare with your partner whether the statements are true for you, and why or why not.
  11. (Make sure you understand the words in bold. Use a dictionary if you don’t.)
  12. balance = the amount of money in an account
  13. “debt” and “doubt” have silent ‘b’
  14. “receipt” has a silent ‘p’
  15. borrow = take temporarily
  16. borrow something from someone - borrow money from me, borrow the car from your brother
  17. lend = give temporarily
  18. lend something to someone - lend money to me, lend the car to your brother
  19. lend someone something - lend me money, lend your brother the car
  20. loan = noun or verb for lending money (You can take out a loan from a bank.)
  21. (As a noun, it especially means money you borrow with a specific plan to pay back.)
  22. mortgage (silent ‘t’) = loan to buy property (especially a house)
  23. ---
  24. What are some advantages and disadvantages of mobile banking?
  25. ---
  26. Password managers: generate and store secure unique passwords so you don’t have to remember them
  27. LastPass
  28. KeePass
  29. 1Password
  30. iCloud keychain
  31. Chrome browser
  32. ---
  33. two-factor authentication = something you know (password) + something you have (phone, app, email)
  34. ---
  35. p. 106 part 5 - Listen to the radio show and correct any factual errors. (Some are already correct.)
  36. 1 five billion
  37. 2 (correct)
  38. 3 talk to your cell phone / talk to the bank’s computer
  39. 4 Afghanistan
  40. 5 (correct)
  41. 6 National Police
  42. 7 They receive it through their cell phones.
  43. 8 a text message
  44. ---
  45. Grammar: articles in noun phrases
  46. In the first four sentences, why is that article used?
  47. 1 the world - There is only one of this thing. (the Sun, the moon, the sky, the United Kingdom, the planet)
  48. 2 (no article) banks - These things in general (generic nouns almost never use “the” in English)
  49. 3 the interactive voice system - The reference to this thing is known.
  50. 4 a new cell phone banking plan - The first reference to this thing
  51. ---
  52. “the” means the speaker and the listener both know which one(s) the sentence is about
  53. “a”, “an”, “some”, or no article = at least one of the speaker or the listener don’t know which one(s)
  54. a - the next word starts with a consonant sound and the noun is singular
  55. a book, a unique story, a one-way ticket, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a teacher
  56. an - the next word starts with a vowel sound and the noun is singular
  57. an apple, an egg, an hour, an honest person, an mp3 player
  58. some or ∅ - the noun is plural or uncountable
  59. some apples, some books, some milk, some advice
  60. ---
  61. Other determiners: quantifiers and possessives
  62. “each” and “every” are singular - they can only go in front of singular count nouns
  63. every book, every person, every man, each student
  64. “all” can go in front of noncount or plural nouns
  65. all books, all people, all men, all information, all students
  66. ---
  67. p. 107 part 10 - Read the tips and choose the correct option. Then talk about whether you think each one is a good suggestion and whether you do this thing.
  68. 1 a
  69. 2 your, a
  70. 3 the
  71. 4 their
  72. 5 your
  73. 6 -, an
  74. 7 all
  75. 8 each
  76. ---
  77. p. 108 part 1 - Choose things that you have with you now and tell your partner this information about them, if you know.
  78. ---
  79. BREAK
  80. ---
  81. Grammar: passive voice
  83. active: Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
  84. subject = agent = who/what did the action
  85. passive: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
  86. subject = receiver = who/what “received” the action
  88. form: [be] + past participle
  89. - It can be used in all tenses. Where you’d normally put the main verb for active, now you put the same form of “be”, and put the main verb after it in past participle form.
  91. simple past: The package was sent yesterday.
  92. past continuous: The package was being sent at 3pm.
  93. past perfect: The package had been sent already.
  94. simple present: Many packages are sent every day.
  95. present continuous: The package is being sent right now.
  96. present perfect: The package has been sent already.
  97. simple future: The package will be sent tomorrow.
  98. other modals: The package can be sent any time. / It should be sent soon.
  99. perfect modals: The package might have been sent already.
  100. ---
  101. p. 109 part 8 - Complete the sentences with the correct passive forms of the verbs. Then go back and choose what you think is the correct information.
  102. 1 have been sold - Nokia 1101 cell phones
  103. 2 has been adapted - Tetris
  104. 3 has been translated - Agatha Christie
  105. 4 was nominated - The Color Purple
  106. 5 is worn - Ralph Lauren
  107. 6 has been viewed - Justin Bieber
  108. 7 were downloaded - Call of Duty
  109. 8 was bought - Picasso
  110. ---
  111. bargain = negotiate for a lower price when you’re buying something
  112. Use bargaining and auction techniques to try to “sell” something to your classmates for the best price. You must talk to at leat three different people about selling your item.
  113. ---
  114. What were some techniques buyers used to try to get lower prices?
  115. What about as the seller, to get higher prices?
  116. ---
  117. p. 113 is an ebay ad for a rug. Read the description and decide which sentences are unnecessary?
  118. part 3b - Which of these sentences could be added? Where?
  119. ---
  120. p. 168 practice 2 - Change these sentences to passive form.
  121. 1 The goods will be transported to Asia by ship.
  122. 2 A car was bought by Rashid last month.
  123. 3 Will a new factory be built to create new jobs?
  124. 4 Fair-trade crafts are being produced in this village now.
  125. 5 Were mp3 players being made last year?
  126. 6 The project can’t be completed by the company in less than two years.
  127. 7 So many goods will not be bought next year.
  128. Not so many goods will be bought next year.
  129. 8 Borders Books has been sold to B&N to raise money.
  130. (In American English, because “Borders Books” is a single company, it gets a singular verb.)
  131. ---
  132. Homework: write an online ad to sell the item you tried to sell in class today (You can model it after the one on p. 113 or ads you can find on websites.)
  133. Also: read p. 123 and do parts 2, 5, 6 on p. 122
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