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May 1st, 2016
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  1. #College,
  2. #college,
  3. #girlfrommyhighschool,
  4. #teamthick,
  5. "[Celebrity Fit2Fat] Rob Kardashian: from ""Dancing with the Stars"" to HamPlanet in less than 2 years. (x-post from r/fatpeoplehate)",
  6. "2 years, 100 pounds gained - 140lbs to 246lbs",
  7. 2008 to now,
  8. 2010 - 2015 From high school through college.,
  9. 2012 - 2015: Surprised at how much he left himself go at college.,
  10. 5 year weight gain,
  11. A girl from one of the most popular tv show in finland. Such a shame.,
  12. A girl I went to school with.,
  13. "Acquires boyfriend, triples weight, gets engaged. I present my friend from Elementary school.",
  14. All her FB posts now are about desserts and dieting. So sad.,
  15. Amazing how much some people change since high school.,
  16. Another one bites the cake.,
  17. Another skinny dude bites the dust,
  18. Becoming a partier in college has had its effects.,
  19. Been sitting on this gem for a couple years. The whole album of thinspiration really drives it home.,
  20. Blew up just like a balloon,
  21. Blimp,
  22. Bodybuilder to blob,
  23. "Brazilian Cooking Blogger, Major Bummer",
  24. Can't believe how fat this guy got. He had so much potential!,
  25. Celebrity Fit to Fat: Kelly Clarkson,
  26. "Celebrity Fit to Fat: Pierce Brosnan, You poor, dumb bastard.",
  27. Celebrity Fit to Fat: Vincent D'Onofrio. All I could think about during Jurassic World.,
  28. "Celebrity: Melissa McCarthy. Maybe not exactly fit, but a lot smaller once.",
  29. Christina Aguilera,
  30. "Chub I found on insta calling a hot girl ""trashy."" Checked her page and saw this devolution.",
  31. "Colleen Camp, the French maid from the film ""Clue""",
  32. College + Travelling Europe,
  33. College and drinking did a number on this guy.,
  34. Damn girl. Lucy got wide…,
  35. David Krumholtz,
  36. Dependapotamus in 2011 vs today,
  37. Dude joined a frat and has been putting on weight,
  38. Fail,
  39. "Fast and bulbous, tight also.",
  40. "Fat, fatter, and even fatter",
  41. Fit to fat after high school album,
  42. Fit to Fat has a definite loser here,
  43. Fit2Fat 2010-2015 an acquaintance of mine (x-post fph),
  44. Fit2fat2snorlax,
  45. Food challenges,
  46. from cheerleader to pharmacy school,
  47. From cool to not so cool. I'm crying,
  48. From healthy to ham,
  49. Girl from my high school put on the freshman 50,
  50. Girl I dated briefly in high school.,
  51. "Girl I went to high school with, such a shame",
  52. Guy from high school's girlfriend,
  53. "Guy gets GF after high school, has a baby, gains weight.",
  54. "Had potential, but sadly seems a lot went to his face.",
  55. He Blew Up,
  56. "He stayed the same size, she did not.",
  57. He used to show off his muscles but seems like he's just showing off his gut now!,
  58. "Henna Kalinainen, finnish b-list celebrity managed put on a huge amount of pounds in 3 years",
  59. "He's definitely not showing off ""muscles"" anymore.",
  60. High school to college duration: two years,",daDscmE,xeTWHcr,t9vVbAp"
  61. Human to Marshmallow ,
  62. I feel bad for her boyfriend,
  63. [HS classmate hadn't updated her profile pic in a long time. From normal to total hamplanet.](
  64. "I went to high school with a set of chubby twins. ""Genetics"" in action.",
  65. I've known this girl for over 13 years. I've seen her gone from a pretty girl to a terribly overweight woman. Bonus of her and her longtime bf.,
  66. Just...why?,
  67. Kind of figured he'd get fat one day.,
  68. Like a balloon...,
  69. Like a balloon... (Pictures in reverse order),
  70. Lucy Collett 3 years ago VS today,
  71. Lucy Collett in the last 6 months.,
  72. Lucy got sooooo fat,
  73. Marlon Brando,
  74. More sadness.,
  75. My own fit to fat,
  76. My own fit to fat. More info in comments!,
  77. Never do this to yourself.,
  78. Nothing to be proud of,
  79. Olivia Jensen from AllGoodThings,
  80. "Pierce Brosnan's wife, Keely Shay Smith",
  81. "Proud to be overweight: with BMI ""progress""",
  82. Reason to be single,
  83. Saddest thing you'll ever see.,
  84. "She hasn't put up a body shot in years, it all makes sense now.",
  85. She used to be a dancer...,
  86. "Skinny got fit, then fat.",
  87. Some chick from HS,
  88. Sorority Chick Encounters Marriage and Xbox,
  89. "Sorority girlfriend gets married, gets huge",
  90. Surprised to see how much this guy expanded…,
  91. "The day I discovered this sub, I knew she belonged here.",
  92. "The usual, former super skinny girl I went to school with.",
  93. Thin Girl Gets Fat[VIDEO],
  94. Think my last post was bad? Check out her sister...,
  95. TJ Miller,
  96. tumblr. not even once.,
  97. Unfortunate Developments,
  98. "Used to play baseball in high school but a year later, he's just let himself go.",
  99. Usually guys lose weight for their wedding but he just put it on. 2010 - 2015,
  100. Vinny Foti,
  101. "Wasn't ""fit"" but he sure has changed.",
  102. When a girl wants to get a bigger butt.,
  103. Wow. What a shame.,
  104. "You may remember my last post about the 400 pound former model. Well here's her son, following in her footsteps",
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