

Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. >Day Critical Hit in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon, master of beating the shit out of things.
  3. >Wake up.
  4. >Begin battling the shit out of the bed post for getting in your way.
  5. >Swing at the bed post but miss.
  6. >The bed post jabs at you and hits you right in the rib cage.
  7. >Recover and summon all of your strength.
  8. >Unleash your iron-like-fist upon the bed post.
  9. >The battle is over and you have won.
  10. "That'll teach you, beeyotch."
  11. >You say spitting on the broken bed post.
  12. >Finish your triple S and need nourishment.
  13. >You had grown fatigued after trying to fight the water in the shower for being too cold.
  14. "Ain't nothin' fuckin' with me!"
  15. >Grab a bowl of cereal and begin munching down on the sugary goodness.
  16. >Suddenly there's a knock interrupting your kick-ass meal.
  17. "It better not be who I think it be."
  18. >You say with bad grammar.
  19. >Open up the door and sigh heavily.
  20. "It be."
  21. >"H-hello my love."
  22. >You have no patience for this mare.
  23. "What do you want Fluttershy."
  24. >"What I want every day. Your dick and love."
  25. >She says smiling.
  26. "You shall get neither."
  27. > Begin closing the door.
  28. >She puts her hoof in front of the door before you can fully close it.
  29. >"No. You're going to love me, I'm not letting you get away."
  30. "Yeah? And what are you going to do."
  31. >Suddenly Fluttershy punches you and you're sent flying back into the wall.
  32. "What. The. Fuck."
  33. >You say through gritted teeth trying to fight back the pain.
  34. >"I'm getting what I want."
  35. >She says while approaching you.
  36. "Like hell!"
  37. >Charge at Fluttershy and double tornado kick her in the chest.
  38. "Hell yeah!"
  39. >Your victory is cut short when Fluttershy rams into your stomach, knocking the wind out of you.
  40. >She pins you on your back.
  41. >"Now I have you."
  42. >She tries kissing you, but you move your face out of the way.
  43. >Kick your legs up sending her off you.
  44. >Get up.
  46. >Start yelling at the top of your lungs.
  47. >Your booming voice begins to shake the entire house.
  48. >Suddenly you feel even more powerful and a blue aura begins forming around you.
  49. >Fluttershy takes notice of this and does the same.
  50. >A green aura develops around her.
  51. _______________
  52. >15 minutes later.
  53. _______________
  54. >You and Fluttershy are still yelling.
  55. >Then at the same time you both begin charging at each other.
  56. >When you meet in the middle it's like a freaking Jackie Chan movie.
  57. >Both you and Fluttershy are furiously throwing kicks and punches.
  58. >Both are blocking the attacks and returning their own.
  59. >This continues for 3 more minutes until Fluttershy kicks you in the face.
  60. >Your down on the ground, you're hurt.
  61. >Don't know if you can keep fighting.
  62. >Fluttershy begins walking towards you.
  63. "I-is this really the end?"
  64. >Passout.
  65. >Wake up, or so you thought.
  66. >You're in a white void.
  67. "Am I dead?"
  68. >"You're anything but."
  69. >Turn around to see the face behind the voice.
  70. "Grandma!?"
  71. >Run up to hug her.
  72. >She smacks you.
  73. >"What the fuck are you doing? Letting some yellow slut kick your ass."
  74. >Your taken aback by her words.
  75. "I-i'm sorry Grandma."
  76. >"Don't you apologize, I should be the one saying sorry."
  77. "Why?"
  78. >"I didn't mean to raise you to become a pussy."
  79. "Grandma?"
  80. >"What? Oh sorry my hearing aide doesn't pick up pussy talk."
  81. "I ain't no pussy!"
  82. >"Then prove it, bitch."
  83. "I will you old whore."
  84. >"Big talk for a man with a little penis."
  85. "I told you. I'm a grower not a show-er."
  86. >"Whatever pussy."
  87. "You always do this."
  88. >There is silence.
  89. >You and your Grandmother break out laughing.
  90. "I miss you Grandma."
  91. >"I know you do sunny, but do me a favor."
  92. "What's that?"
  93. >"Knock that bitch out."
  94. >Your brought back to reality.
  95. >Fluttershy is stand over you.
  96. >"Finally my prize." She says smiling and grinding on your crotch.
  97. "Not today."
  98. >You hop up off the ground and begin beating the shit out of Fluttershy.
  99. >She tries to block but can't.
  100. >You keep kicking and punching her.
  101. >The blue aura comes back, but this time brighter and only surrounds your fist.
  102. "I love you granny."
  103. >Right when you say that you launch your fist right into Fluttershy's face.
  104. >"CRITICAL HIT!"
  105. >A voice from nowhere yells.
  106. >Fluttershy flies through the wall of your house and doesn't stop until she twinkles in the sky, team rocket style.
  107. "Finally. I can rest."
  108. >You say slumping over to the couch.
  109. >Today was alright.
  110. END
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