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That one thing

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Mar 23rd, 2015
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  1. [posted in thread #1039, 3/8/2015, 3:15 AM]
  3. >You stand on the roof of the John, Johnson, & Johnsonberg law firm with a concrete block strapped to your head.
  4. >"Don't jump Anonymous!" cried Cindy the receptionist. "You have so much left to live for!"
  5. >"Yeah, totally!" agreed Ted from accounting. "Your mother knew you'd achieve great things, which is why she named you fuckin' 'Anonymous'!"
  6. "Fuck you, Ted! I'm sick of your shit! I'm sick of all your various shits! And today marks the day I won't have to deal with any of it ever again!"
  7. >Much of the firm's employees stare in awestruck silence, either afraid to interfere, or just indifferent to who this putz on the roof was taking away from their valuable time better spent pretending to look busy.
  8. >The only ones that seemed to care were Cindy and Ted, for their own respective reasons.
  9. >"Surely there's another way, please reconsider what you're doing!" pleads Cindy.
  10. >"Yeah, come on down from there ya knob, if you jump I'll probably be the one stuck cleaning up your stupid corpse!"
  11. >The firm did have a strange aversion to hiring janitors.
  12. "It's too late for that now, I've made my choice! I'm sick of this world and everyone in it, so I'm taking a first class trip on the Pavement Express outta this dump!"
  13. >"Why the concrete block, though?" inquires Ted.
  14. "It's to make sure I land head first!"
  15. >"Can't you just dive?"
  16. "There could be wind resistance, I'm just being thorough."
  17. >"Wouldn't a large flat surface on top of your head like that just create more wind resistance, and possibly slow your fall to a non-lethal speed?"
  18. "Okay, well... it'll make my head fall faster than the rest of me, then."
  19. >"Adding more weight to one part of your body won't make it fall any faster, moron. Gravity pulls everything downward at the same speed until terminal velocity is reached, barring wind resistance. Which I've already explained you're fucking up by putting that on your–"
  20. "Aaaaahhh fuck you Ted and your fucking logical sciences!"
  21. >You jump.
  22. >The ground rushes to meet you in a passionate final embrace.
  24. >The ground rejects you.
  25. >You now seem to be flying upwards at about the same speed as before impact.
  26. >At least until momentum runs out and gravity reminds you you're it's bitch.
  27. >After crashing into the dirt not even close to head first, you proceed to lay about for a bit and contemplate why you're still alive.
  28. >The sky seems unusually clear today.
  29. >Plus it was amazingly quiet for a busy city afternoon.
  30. >No buildings either.
  31. >You sit up, and find you are no longer in the city.
  32. >Or anywhere you've ever seen before.
  33. >It looked like some kind of medieval hamlet you would see on a historical documentary, on a TV with the color saturation cranked to maximum.
  34. >There was also a horse standing nearby.
  35. >It was purple, and appeared to have wings and a horn.
  36. >That probably wasn't natural.
  37. >"Are you okay? You just... kinda flew out of the ground there."
  38. >You weren't sure if the fact that it could talk helped or hurt the case of it's naturalism.
  39. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine, I think."
  40. >"Who are you? For that matter, |what| are you? And why is there a concrete block strapped to your head?"
  41. "Uh, well, I'm Anonymous, I'm a human, and don't worry about it."
  42. >You untie the concrete block from your head and set it aside.
  43. "How about you?"
  44. >"Oh, right. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I hereby welcome you to Ponyville, Anonymous the Human."
  45. >Not five minutes in wherever the hell Ponyville is and you've already met a horse princess.
  46. >Do horses normally have princesses?
  47. >You regret sleeping through high school biology.
  48. "Right, uh, thanks, I think."
  49. >"Is something the matter?"
  50. "Well, I've never met a horse princess before, so forgive me if I'm unaware of any customs or social norms."
  51. >"Do they not have ponies where you come from?"
  52. "Not of the talking purple variety, no. Humans are the only intelligent species I've ever known, so this is all pretty much completely alien to me."
  53. >"You seem to be taking it well, at least."
  54. "I did a lot of acid when I was younger."
  55. >"Well I don't know what that means, but okay. If you'll come with me I'll introduce you to my friends and the other princesses, so we can see about giving you a place to stay while we try and figure out where you came from and how to best get you back."
  56. "Actually if it's all the same to you I think I'd rather stay here."
  57. >"Alright, sure, whatever."
  58. "Cool. Old place had too many lawyers for my tastes anyway."
  59. >"What's a lawyer?"
  60. "I think I'm going to like it here."
  62. ---
  65. [posted in thread # 1039, 3/9/15, 4:08 AM]
  67. >You stand on the roof of Carousel Boutique with a concrete block strapped to your head.
  68. >"Don't jump, Anonymous!", cried Rarity. "You have so much left to live for!"
  69. >"Yeah, totally!" agreed Rainbow Dash. "You've only lived here three months, I'm sure you'll figure out how to stop being a lazy good-for-nothing eventually!"
  70. "Fuck you Rainbow Dash! I'm sick of your shit! I'm sick of all your various shits! I'll take a million lawyers before putting up with any more of this horseshit!"
  71. >"Darling, surely we can work this out!"
  72. >"Yeah, and you never told us what the flip a lawyer is! So at least do that before you off yourself!"
  73. "Just for that, I'll never tell! I'm getting my ticket on the Packed Dirt express and getting the fuck out of this candy colored shithole!"
  74. >"Why the concrete block, though?" asks Rainbow.
  75. "It's so that– wait, no, nevermind, not gonna bother!"
  76. >You jump.
  77. >The ground rushes to meet you in a final passionate what the fuck why did it stop?
  78. >You look up to find Rainbow Dash keeping you aloft with all the power her wings could muster.
  79. >"Did you forget we could fly?"
  80. "Gah, that's right. Stupid magic horseworld."
  81. >After slowly drifting to the ground you notice Twilight had returned with Princess Celestia.
  82. "Figured you went and called the law on me."
  83. >"Anonymous, please, Princess Celestia is here to help."
  84. >All the horses bow to their ruler, and you find yourself doing the same.
  85. >Shit, concrete blocks are heavy, can't keep your head up for much longer.
  86. >"Greetings, everypony, and Anonymous. What seems to be the matter?"
  87. >You were about to launch into a seven hour spiel about all your grievances with this world, before Rainbow cut you off.
  88. >"Anon keeps trying to kill himself because he's a big fat wuss."
  89. >God damnit Rainbow.
  90. >Well, the ruler of the entire kingdom came this far, might as well hear her out.
  91. >Maybe she could change your mind about this awful place.
  92. >"Interesting. Anonymous, have you ever tried not being such a big fat wuss?"
  93. "...Right, fuck it, I'm out. See you nerds never."
  94. >Reaching into your jacket pocket, you pull out the pistol you've been saving the last bullet of in case of emergency.
  96. >Before any of those bastard horses can stop you, you cram the barrel into your mouth and squeeze the trigger.
  98. >The hot barrel of the gun burns your tongue before you can properly spit it out.
  99. "Agghhh fuck!"
  100. >You now realize that eating lead was not something done for the taste.
  101. >A secondary realization comes in that somehow you continue to breathe.
  102. >You look up, and find yourself standing in the middle of the street outside the John, Johnson and Johnsonberg law firm.
  103. "What the tits?"
  104. >At the mention of tits, Ted walks out the front door.
  105. >"Oh hey, Anon! I knew you were too much of a big fat wuss to stay dead forever!"
  106. "Hey fuck you Te– wait hold on. I thought I died."
  107. >"Oh yeah, no, you totally did. And I got stuck with cleanup duty, like I expected. I swear, if you ever eat mexican before killing yourself again I'll kill you."
  108. >You scratch a part of your head not obscured by concrete block, wondering if you should be more confused about how you've apparently died twice yet still live, or that Ted seems completely unphased by the development.
  109. >"Well since you're here and all, you wanna go out for a drink? Figure I owe ya one anyway, considering I got a big ass cash settlement outta these fucks for 'workplace anguish' once I lost such a 'dear friend'."
  110. >You didn't particularly like how hard Ted air-quoted at the mention of your supposed relationship, but free booze was free booze.
  111. "Yeah alright."
  112. >You untie the block and leave it where it drops, following Ted to the nearest local drunkery.
  113. >"So where'd you go when you bit the big one, anyway?"
  114. "Okay so get this. Imagine a world where everybody was a horse..."
  117. ---
  119. [posted in thread # 1039, 3/10/15, 5:40 AM]
  121. "Bleh, I never liked the red kind."
  122. >You toss the empty styrofoam cup over your shoulder, and attempt to scan the area for a familiar face though eyes entirely unaccustomed to this level of color.
  123. "Christ, I forgot how bright it was here."
  124. >A familiar face soon finds you, flying down from above at the recognition of your out of place stature.
  125. >"Hey, that you, Anon? I knew you were too much of a big fat wuss to stay dead forever!"
  126. "Cram it, Bluefast. Where's your princess?"
  127. >"Which one?"
  128. "Purple."
  129. >"Tree library, where else?"
  130. "Right, thanks. Got something I need to talk to her about."
  131. >"Yeah whatever. Who's your friend?"
  132. >You turn back to find Ted, with a similar look of disgust on his face as the one you presumably wore moments earlier.
  133. >"Jeez, Anon, maybe go a little easy on the poison next time. Could hardly taste that sweet, delicious red flavoring. Hey, is that a flying horse?"
  134. >Figures he'd like the fucking red kind.
  135. "Ted, this is Rainbow Dash. Dash, this is Ted. He's a huge asshole and you're a huge cunt, so you two should get along swimmingly."
  136. >"Hey. You that human Anon never quit whining about?"
  137. >"Probably. You that blue horse he never quit whining about?"
  138. >"Sounds like it. Boy, he sure does whine a lot, huh?"
  139. >"Bitchinest bitch I ever laid eyes on."
  140. "Right, well, I can already see this was a tremendous mistake. Unfortunately any further insults you two have for my face will have to be directed to my back, as I have a purple princess to talk to."
  141. >You turn and swiftly make for the library, uncaring of any further comments from the two antagonists.
  142. >"Hey, ask her if this place has any booze! It's 5 'o clock somewhere, and I've got some trans-dimensional jetlag to get over!"
  143. >"Oh, we've got that. Come on, I know a bar that's open early."
  144. >"You know I like you more with everything you say, winged magic horse."
  145. >"Pegasus."
  146. >"Yeah that."
  147. "Fucking idiots."
  149. >The door to that big goofy tree library bars no resistance as you enter in search of a particular purple horse.
  150. "Yo, Twilight, can we talk?"
  151. >The particular purple horse seems to be sitting at a lectern nearby, reading some book about magic or whatever.
  152. >She looks up to you with mild disinterest, before returning to the book.
  153. >"Hey Anon. Thought you died."
  154. "I did, and that's what I'd like to talk to you about."
  155. >She closes the book, turning to regard you with the faintest hint of actual concern.
  156. >"Is something the matter?"
  157. "You could say that. To be more specific it's abut what isn't the matter. Here I am back from the dead, the only human being to walk this colorful plane, and none of the saccharine horse-like apparitions that inhabit it have so much batted an eye at the fact."
  158. >"I told you when you got here that you wouldn't be getting any special treatment for uniqueness. Equestria has much stranger things than a hairless monkey."
  159. "Have any of those things come back from the dead with any regularity?"
  160. >"The phoenix, for one."
  161. "Well– okay, fine. I forgot those stupid fire pigeons were real here. Makes feeding them antacids all the more entertaining though."
  162. >"I thought it was odd you were banned from Canterlot Castle."
  163. "Anyway. Regardless of this world's magic shenanigans, this level of apathy apparently extends to my own world as well, which, as I've mentioned before, is far less magical and gaily colored."
  164. >"Has anyone in your world come back from the dead before?"
  165. "Just one guy a long time ago, and he got a fuckin book written about him."
  166. >"Okay, so it's an unusual occurrence, then. Maybe it has something to do with you? No offense, Anon, but you are a pretty boring guy."
  167. "Yeah, this, coming from a purple horse who sits in a tree and reads books all day."
  168. >"I do other things! Sometimes I go shopping."
  169. "Oh, shopping? Well excuse me princess, I had no idea your life was so fast paced and dangerous. You might forget a coupon book at home."
  170. >"You do remember all those times my friends and I saved this world from certain destruction, right? Or are you just ignoring them to better support your argument?"
  171. "Pardon my disbelief, but "things being really dark" or "everything's about 10% sillier" are hardly life threatening consequences. I'll give you the big magic stealing centaur guy though, that sounded pretty rough."
  172. >You wave your hands across one another.
  173. "Look, we seem to have gotten off on something of a tangent for a bit. Back to the point, it's not just me this is happening to."
  174. >"It's not?"
  175. "No, I brought a... well, "friend" isn't really the word for him. I'll let you make your own call, my asshole sense is tingling, so he must be getting close."
  176. >True to your word, the door soon opens, Ted confidently striding through.
  177. >He turns back and peers out the door, waving to an unseen party.
  178. >"Later, Dash! Call me next time you wanna get together!"
  179. >"You know it!" calls back the now identified Rainbow. "I'll be around if you ever get sick of the boredom twins!"
  180. >With a hearty chuckle, Ted closes the door and released a contented sigh.
  181. >"Well, I just got laid."
  182. "Twilight this is– you what?!"
  183. >"Rainbow? Really?" Twilight remarks, sounding more concerned in Ted's choice of partner than anything else.
  184. "Ted, we've been here less than an hour! How have you already fucked a horse!?"
  185. >"Well we got to talking and it turns out we've got a lot more in common than just thinking you're a dork. For instance, we both like to have sex with one another."
  186. "I don't believe this."
  187. >"I don't either," agrees Twilight. "I mean, come on, Rainbow?"
  188. >"Tell you what though," Ted continues, "Girl's a real firecracker in bed. Not that we were in a bed. Bitch had us do it on a damn cloud. So I can strike that off the old bucket list, haha!"
  189. "Well I'm very happy for the two of you. And by that I mean fuck you both."
  190. >"Whoa now, Anon, I'm not into dudes. Rainbow might be up for it though, can maybe ask her."
  191. "It's an expression damnit! I don't want to actually fuck you, or a horse, or anyone!"
  192. >"...Well shit, that explains a lot."
  193. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT YOU– oh my god, fuck this. I don't need this right now."
  194. >"Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Kill yourself?"
  195. "...Yes. Yes I am. Twilight, do you have a knife?"
  196. >"Sure," she replies, entirely too chipper.
  197. >A carving knife floats out of the kitchen and into your waiting hand.
  198. "Thanks. I'm going home for a while, see if I can sort some of this shit out. Enjoy your horsefuckery Ted."
  199. >"Oh you know I will."
  200. >"Actually, wait Anon," Twilight says, holding a hoof out towards you.
  201. >You eagerly await the assumed plea to not end your life.
  202. >"Can you do that outside?"
  203. "...Oh, yeah, sure. Where's good?"
  204. >"Well if you wanna maximize efficiency you could hop in the dumpster first. That way we won't have to pick up your big weird body and throw it in there like last time."
  205. "...Okay. You know what, just for that..."
  206. >You quickly swipe the blade across your jugular, spewing blood all over the purple princess, before slumping over on top of her, bringing you both to the floor.
  207. >"Aw come on! You jerk!"
  208. >Ted laughs again. "Haha, that's a pretty good one! You get points for that, ya dork."
  209. "Hhhhglrlglhlhhhlhhhh..." you sputter, the light leaving your eyes.
  212. ---
  215. [posted in thread # 1039, 3/11/15, 5:10 AM]
  217. "But yeah, besides the horses and mythological creatures and other such nonsense it's an awful lot like this place, oddly enough."
  218. >"Huh, well that's neat," muses Cindy, the two of you loitering around the water cooler. "It still sounds like it'd be nicer than this place, though. Why'd you come back?"
  219. "Ah, I don't know. Something about how saccharine the whole place was rubbed me the wrong way. Felt like I never really fit in quite right. Still, it has its upsides; as a place to visit it's pretty relaxing. At least when there's no giant hydras or dragons or Pinkies rampaging through the streets anyway."
  220. >"It still seems weird, a whole society of little ponies. Like, how do they use tools?"
  221. "With their mouths, mostly. Kinda funny looking. Some of them were lucky enough to be born as unicorns and can just use magic to levitate shit though. But that's like, easymode."
  222. >"They are pretty cute though."
  223. "Yeah, I guess. Still not sure I'd pull a Ted and f– wait, what do you mean 'are'?"
  224. >Looking up to follow Cindy's gaze, you soon notice an entirely out of place amount of purple standing nearby staring at the two of you.
  225. "Oh. Uh, hey Twilight."
  226. >"Hello, Anonymous, and..."
  227. >"Cindy, hi."
  228. >"Cindy. Hello."
  229. "So, uh. How'd you get here?"
  230. >"Same way as you, I suppose."
  231. "Really? Didn't know it worked both ways."
  232. >"Neither did I, until I tested to see if it worked."
  233. "You mean you killed yourself while entirely unsure of whether or not you'd be able to come back like I did?"
  234. >"Oh, no, of course not. I had another pony test it for me."
  235. "Well, that sure seems befitting of the Princess of Friendship or whatever the fuck. 'Hey, excuse me, could you kill yourself real quick, for science?'"
  236. >"I didn't know horses had princesses," Cindy mutters nearby.
  237. >"Hey, it was her idea."
  238. >Looking up, you suddenly notice a light green unicorn down the hall.
  239. >She looked excitedly in every direction, tail wagging, as the several large men that surrounded her petted and fawned over her.
  240. >"I didn't know your kind was so affectionate towards ours."
  241. "Ah, that's just the IT department, they're like that."
  242. >You crumple your tiny paper cone and toss it into the trash.
  243. "So, what brings you to my lovely world of dull, lifeless drudgery?"
  244. >"It's... well. Can you, uh... can you come get Ted?"
  245. "Why, what's he doing?"
  246. >"Being Ted, probably," Cindy interjects.
  247. "Yeah, okay, that's... that's probably a good enough reason. Alright, let's go. Cindy, you wanna come?"
  248. >"Nah, thanks though. Gotta finish up some work while I can before Ted gets back. The office has been so much more peaceful lately."
  249. "Hah, yeah, I know. It's gotten to the point where I don't really even want to kill myself anymore. Well, alright, me and Twilight are gonna go kill ourselves, see you later."
  250. >"Bye Anon. Nice meeting you Twilight."
  251. >You and your equine acquaintance wave and walk to the elevator.
  252. >"She seems nice," Twilight remarks.
  253. "Yeah, Cindy's not too bad. Most of the office is actually pretty okay, now that I have a clearer head about things. I think it was mostly just Ted."
  254. >The doors close, and you punch the lobby button.
  255. >"I can understand that. At first his antics were relatively harmless, some even endearing, but as time went on it became apparent he's kind of a huge jerk. And I'm the Princess of Friendship or whatever, so that's saying something."
  256. "Yeah, no, I completely understand. To be honest I kind of felt bad for inflicting him upon your world like that."
  257. >The doors open and the two of you walk through the lobby, nary a soul seeming to care about your alien company.
  258. >"Well, I hope you can forgive me for sending him back. I haven't been able to think straight in I don't know how long."
  259. "Haha, yeah, he tends to have that effect on people. Or ponies, evidently."
  260. >You both casually walk out the front door and stand in the middle of the street.
  261. "Besides, if he's coming back here I'll probably hang out there for a while. Maybe catch up with everybody, see what I missed. I didn't really–"
  262. >The bus doesn't even slow down as it careens into you both.
  264. " –get to visit much when I came back last time, what with the distraction and all. ...Hey, you alright, Twilight?"
  265. >Twilight wobbles back and forth uneasily for a moment, before shaking off.
  266. >"Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Just not really used to the... the dying part, just yet."
  267. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's rough the first couple times. So where's Ted anyway?"
  268. >"Probably over at Rainbow's, they've been inseparable the entire time."
  269. "Figures. Alright, well let's– whoa!"
  270. >You take a step and stumble over a purple corpse laying in the middle of the library, falling to the floor.
  271. "Jeez, Twilight. Maybe clean up after yourself once in a while."
  272. >"Hey, I was in a hurry! And you deserve it for dropping yours on me last time."
  273. >You stand back up, dust yourself off, then pick up the limp remnants and sling it over your shoulder.
  274. "Haha, yeah, I'll give you that. I'll just toss it on the way over."
  275. >You, Twilight, and Twilight's corpse all walk out the door and make for the nearest floating cloud house.
  277. "Yo, Ted, you up there?"
  278. >You and Twilight stand below Rainbow's cloud house, waiting for a response.
  279. >None seems to come.
  280. "You sure they're home?"
  281. >"Should be. All they've done is inhale lines of some kind of white powder Ted brought with him off of Rainbow's flank."
  282. "God damnit, that fucker's always holding. Ted, get your coke-addled ass out here so I can tell you to fuck off!"
  283. >Before long Ted's trademark smug face peers over the edge, eyes wild and nose bloody.
  284. >"Hey Anon! What brings you back? Couldn't live with yourself anymore and forgot about the dimensional travel thing?"
  285. "Actually Twilight came and got me to bring you back."
  286. >"Bring me back? Why?"
  287. "Because this world only is capable of handling one asshole of your caliber, and I'm afraid Rainbow has already taken that spot. Speaking of, where's she at?"
  288. >"I'm here!" Rainbow calls from further inside the cloud.
  289. >She eventually peers over the side as well, her mane scraggly and a similar drug-addled look in her eyes.
  290. "Boy, you look like shit."
  291. >"I'm not a mirror, Anon."
  292. >"Hah, good one!"
  293. "Look, I know you guys are probably having a fantastic time up there doing god knows what, but it's time for Ted to go home. There's more to life than sitting on a cloud and snorting cocaine off a horse's ass."
  294. >A thought occurs.
  295. "Come to think of it, I thought only pegasi could walk on clouds, how the fuck are you even up there?"
  296. >"It's a side effect of doing it with one! Which is also the best sex I've ever had! You should try it sometime!"
  297. "I'm good, thanks. Also, that's not how it fucking works."
  298. >You lean over to have an aside with Twilight.
  299. "That's not how it works, right?"
  300. >Twilight shrugs. "Iunuh."
  301. "Anyway, hurry up and kill yourself, I've got shit to do today."
  302. >"Yeah? And what happens if I don't?"
  303. >"Then I come up there and kill you myself," Twilight interjects.
  304. >"Hah! I'd like to see you try, ya candy colored donkey!"
  305. >You hear Rainbow whispering to Ted.
  306. >"Dude, don't screw with Twilight. I've seen her crush mountains when she was fighting this big magic stealing centaur dude."
  307. >"Actually, I don't even have to come up there," Twilight continues. "I can make your head explode from down here."
  308. >For the first time in your life, you see Ted turn remorseful.
  309. >"But, I can't leave! Who would run the nightclub?"
  310. "The nightclub?"
  311. >"He built a nightclub," Twilight answers.
  312. "He's been here a week!"
  313. >"He's a very resourceful individual."
  314. >"Dude, don't worry, we can have Vinyl take over," Rainbow reassures him.
  315. >"Hm... that is true. Alright, I'll go. Getting kinda sick of how saccharine this place is anyway."
  316. "It does grate on you after a while, doesn't it?"
  317. >"Right, let's see... Hey Anon, can I borrow your block?"
  318. "I don't remember where I left it, sorry."
  319. >"Ah, that's fine, I don't need it. See you bitches later! Ted out!"
  320. >Powered by the erratic, jittery spirit of blow, Ted leaps off the cloud in an admittedly beautiful swan dive, landing on the ground neck first.
  321. >As soon as his body slumps over, Rainbow flies down in a less deadly descent and lands next to the two of you.
  322. >"Oh, thank Celestia he's gone. Maybe I can get some sleep now."
  323. "Wait, I thought you liked Ted."
  324. >"Well yeah, at first. But after spending a week with him I came to realize that he's kind of a really huge asshole. Not that I remember much of it, we were hitting that white powder stuff pretty hard."
  325. "Yeah, that's Ted's patented 'coke-a-dope' strategy. Sorry, should have warned you about it. At least now you know what it's like for the rest of us."
  326. >"Yeah, you know, I'm actually really sorry for that. I'll try to tone it down a bit in the future."
  327. "It's cool. Ted changes us in many ways. For once, it seems to have been positive."
  328. >"Well, I'm just glad this whole ordeal is over," Twilight says. "I swear, this week has been more stressful than the one a while back when I had to tear down that gaudy crystal castle and get my tree to grow back."
  329. "Yeah, that kinda sucked. So hey, who's up for a drink? I hear there's a nightclub that opened up recently, now under new management."
  330. >"Eh, might as well, could do with some mental relaxation."
  331. >"Yeah, I'm down," Rainbow agrees, "I gotta get the taste of that white stuff out of my mouth anyhow."
  332. "Rainbow, I hate to tell you, but that may never go away."
  333. >"Unlike Ted," Twilight quips.
  334. >The three of you have a hearty laugh and walk away, leaving Ted's corpse slumped in the ditch he landed in.
  336. ---
  340. [posted in thread # 1039, 3/12/15, 2:30 AM]
  342. >You and four multicolored horses lounge about your living room, watching old movies.
  343. >"Anon, your world has some weird movies." Rainbow remarks.
  344. "That's just because a giant lizard rampaging the streets is merely a fantasy in my world, and not a reality."
  345. >"Ah dunno," Applejack says, "it seems kinda weird their mouths never match what words are comin' outta 'em."
  346. "It's a foreign film, they dubbed the voices in for this language."
  347. >"You'd think they might at least try a littleharder to make things match up," Rarity muses.
  348. "Well, it's an old movie, so the dub budget was probably twelve dollars and a pack of gum. They did try to just talk really fast for a couple other things, but that ended up being silly for entirely different reasons."
  349. >Eventually the credits roll, and you hop up off the couch to tend to the player.
  350. >"That was great, Anon! What's next?" Pinkie excitedly asks.
  351. >You sift through your stack of DVDs for anything that looks good.
  352. "I dunno, I think that was the last of the actually good stuff. All I've got left is these Barbie movies Ted gave me as a joke and a copy of The Room."
  353. >"That sounds great, let's watch that!"
  354. >"Pinkie, you've said about every movie," Rainbow sighs. "And half of these were not very good if you ask me."
  355. "I'll have you know The Room is the pinnacle of my world's cinematic accomplishments. But I've seen it 12 times this week and I don't feel too hot on number 13."
  356. >"Aww...", Pinkie whimpers.
  357. >"It's just as well, I suppose," Rarity says. "No offense to our host, but I'm a little weary of sitting around watching these moving pictures."
  358. "Nah, it's cool. Movie nights were never meant to last more than 5 hours unless booze is involved. Then they can last as long as someone is conscious enough to hit the replay button on The Room."
  359. >"So, now what?" Applejack asks.
  360. "Dunno. You guys got any ideas?"
  361. >"We could go see what's going on back in Ponyville," Rainbow suggests.
  362. "Yeah, alright. It's been almost a day since I killed myself anyway. Come on."
  363. >The five of you walk through your back patio door, into the designated suicide area.
  364. >"I don't see what's so special about this spot," Rarity says. "It looks like you just painted a big circle in your backyard."
  365. "Yeah, but I pay a guy to come guy and clean up the corpses every now and then."
  366. >You walk to the center and wait for the ponies to gather around you, before you reach into your pocket and pull out a fragmentation grenade.
  367. >You yank the pin out, and wait.
  368. >...
  369. >You give the grenade a little shake.
  370. >"Does it usually take this long?" Applejack inquires.
  371. "No, I think I bought a bad batch off the intern–"
  373. >The five of you appear in the Ponyville square, moderately disheveled.
  374. "Hnrg, nope, there we go! Shit, I forgot those things were kinda loud."
  375. >"You gotta come up with a better way for group travel, Anon," Rainbow chides, rubbing her ears.
  376. >"That, or supply earplugs," Rarity adds.
  377. "Yeah, sorry. Anyway, let's run by Twilight's first, gotta ask her something."
  379. >You arrive at Twilight's tree, and are shortly let inside by Spike.
  380. >"Hey girls, Anon. What brings you by at this hour?"
  381. "Nothin' much. Finished up movie night, decided to hop back to this side for a bit. So anyway, did you figure out anything about the whole suicide situation?"
  382. >Twilight closes the book she was reading and turns to face the five of you.
  383. >"Not yet, unfortunately. I still have no idea why the act of taking one's life is the only way to cross the dimensional divide. There doesn't seem to be any sort of logical explanation, be it scientific, magical, or alchemical."
  384. "Well that's a bummer."
  385. >"I think I'm making progress though. Did you bring that sample of the road you first ended your life on like I asked?"
  386. "Uh, no. Sorry, must have forgotten."
  387. >"Darn. I feel like the key might be related to that, or at least somewhere in the precise particulate makeup of things from your world."
  388. "Here, let me just go get it real quick."
  389. >You place your hands on either side of your head.
  390. "Be right back."
  391. >With a sharp jerk, you snap your own neck.
  393. >Some time later, you re-enter the library, sample in hand.
  394. "Alright, I got the– what the hell is going on?"
  395. >At some point since your departure, a small booth had been built, inside which Pinkie controls your slack corpse with a series of strings, to make you dance and pantomime aberrant depictions of your mannerisms.
  396. >Their laughter dies down upon noticing your arrival.
  397. >"Oh, you're... back already," Rainbow says.
  398. >You start a determinate stride towards the group.
  399. "Yep, sure am. Hey Pinkie, next time you wanna defile my remains in a manner that depicts my entire culture in a negative light, at least make me dance better."
  400. >Pinkie releases the tension on her marionette controllers and looks at the floor, inadvertently making your body do the same.
  401. >"Sorry, Anon."
  402. >You casually drape an arm around her sunken shoulder.
  403. "Ah don't worry, I'm kidding. I don't give a shit. This is actually a pretty inventive use of all these corpses we've been leaving everywhere."
  404. >The pink face perks up at your own smile, as Twilight adds her own comment.
  405. >"That has started becoming an issue. Especially since word got out and other ponies and humans have started crossing."
  406. "Eh, it was bound to hit the news soon enough."
  407. >"Did you get the sample? I'd like to figure out as much as I can as soon as possible, before immigration reform gets to be an even bigger nightmare than it's already going to be."
  408. "Tell me about it. Here."
  409. >You hold the sample out and wait for it to float away on a purple aura.
  410. "Make sure you don't lose it. You have no idea how hard it is to kill yourself with a chunk of asphalt."
  411. >"I won't. With any luck I'll soon understand why the only non-clothing objects to come across are those directly involved in the suicide, or those contained inside the body."
  412. >"Well, if that's the case, how come ah saw a human driving a vehicle from y'all's world around the other day?" Applejack points out.
  413. "You can take cars apart and put them back together with the right know-how. And some of my kind have many years of experience smuggling small objects across borders hidden inside various orifices."
  414. >"But... the wheels..."
  415. "Some of my kind are also impossibly limber."
  416. >"Anyway, now that we got all that out of the way," Rainbow starts, "it's getting pretty late. Thanks for the movie night, Anon, it was fun. Even if I don't yet understand half of your weird culture."
  417. "You will not be prepared for how many times we're gonna watch The Room next time we get together."
  418. >The group says their various goodbyes, and slowly filter out, leaving only you, Twilight, and your corpse dangling from a puppet show booth.
  419. >You take in the scene briefly.
  420. "Twilight, does it seem like the world has gotten a lot weirder lately?"
  421. >"I dunno," she answers, without looking up from the microscope, "seems pretty par for the course to me."
  422. "Hm, maybe it's just me then."
  426. ---
  428. [posted in thread # 1040, 3/16/15, 12:30 AM]
  430. "Well, I never thought I'd see it, but here we are. The president of my country; on national television, shaking hands with a horse."
  431. >The image of the two governing authorities flickered on the cheap electronics storefront window displays.
  432. "Though the strangest part was probably the way they both committed ritualistic suicide at the end of the program, "you continue, as the two of you turn back to continue walking down the street. "At least it would have been a couple months ago."
  433. >"I'm glad we were able to convince Princess Celestia to come over and tack down dimensional relations before any cultural disasters occurred," said Twilight.
  434. "Yeah, things went off surprisingly smoothly, all things considered. Though I still think we should have demonstrated the suicide effect with me; she looked pretty horrified when her former protege went and jammed one of the royal guard's spears into her brain right in front of her."
  435. >"I wanted to make sure she believed us. Besides, I got back as quick as I could, and she didn't look that terrible."
  436. "Now that you mention it, I did detect a hint of familiarity in her expression, like she'd seen it before."
  437. >A group of unicorns and people walk past, waving at your more familiar company, who gives a might wave in return.
  438. >"Yeah, so did I. I've been trying to decide whether or not I should be worried about that."
  439. "I think anything worrying to come of that passed once you convinced her to kill herself shortly after."
  440. >Twilight turns to focus on the sidewalk ahead.
  441. >"Don't remind me, I still kinda feel bad about that. She looked awful remorse right before casting Greater Explode on her head."
  442. "Girl's got style, I'll give her that. Besides, the first one's always the hardest. It's a weird position, where there's still enough residual doubt about whether or not it will really work to cause second thoughts. Second one's not as bad, only have to worry about going back. Then by the third the formula's established and it's like taking the bus. But with, yknow, death."
  443. >You reach the little outdoor cafe you had both decided on for lunch, taking a seat at one of the tables amidst the parties of ponies and people chatting and socializing.
  444. "And if you ask me, I'd say she was just bummed about breaking her impressive 'years lived' record. Losing the champion title you've held for over a thousand years has got to sting, even if it immediately goes to your younger sister."
  445. >A waitress comes over and takes your drink orders, both of you deciding on a cup of coffee.
  446. "Not that Luna hung onto it very long. Soon as she heard there was an entire planet full of people with dreams as fucked up and wild as mine she pretty much threw herself into the nearest spike pit with barely any provocation."
  447. >"I still don't understand why the castle has one of those three doors down from the throne room."
  448. "Dunno. Maybe the previous occupant needed quick access or something."
  449. >The waitress soon comes back with your drinks and sets them on the table, before taking out an order pad.
  450. >"Here you are. So, what can I get you?"
  451. "I'm just gonna get a burger however it normally comes, thanks."
  452. >"Okay. And for your cute little friend?"
  453. >You are unable to suppress an eye roll at her adoration of Twilight's supposed adorableness.
  454. >"Oh, that sounds good. Do you have hay burgers here?"
  455. >"No, sorry."
  456. >"Ah shoot. Just a garden salad, then."
  457. >The waitress scribbles your orders down and tends to another table of a few pegasus, who she spends entirely too much time chatting with.
  458. >"Man, I really wanted a good hayburger."
  459. "Ah, we'll have lunch on the other side tomorrow. And I'm sure some specialized pony restaurants will open up on this one before long."
  460. >"I suppose. Probably once trade gets going better, I'd figure."
  461. "Well, don't get your hopes up too much. The fact that everything from each respective other world has implicitly at some point either been used as a tool of self-termination or been inside someone's ass is a bit of a snag."
  462. >While waiting on your food, the two of you glance across the street to a group of of people wearing hawaiian shirts, all excitedly chatting and looking around.
  463. >The enthusiastic speaker they were crowded around finishes his introductory talk, and then proceeds to detonate the explosive charges strapped to his chest.
  464. >"At least tourism seems to be picking up."
  466. ---
  468. [posted in thread # 1040, 3/20/15, 2:45 AM]
  470. >With a short knock, you open the door to and enter the library.
  471. "Twilight, you in?"
  472. >A cursory glance at the room brings you the sight of the purple princess in question, dangling from a rafter in the ceiling by a rope tied around her neck.
  473. "Guess not."
  474. >Spike wanders back into the room, carrying a stepladder which he sets up next to the swaying remnants of your friend.
  475. >"Oh, hey Anon. Sorry, Twilight just left."
  476. "I see that."
  477. >The small dragon reaches up and unties the rope, dropping his roommate's corpse unceremoniously to the floor in a heap.
  478. "Here, let me get that for you."
  479. >You scoop up the limp meatsack, hefting it onto your shoulder.
  480. >"Thanks. Set it on the table over there."
  481. "Oh, okay?"
  482. >You walk over and flop the dead horse onto the metal gurney you suddenly noticed was sitting in the library, surrounded by surgical tools.
  483. >Before you had time to question it, Twilight popped back into existence in the middle of the room.
  484. >She throws the machete she was hovering off towards a pile of assorted weaponry in the corner of the room.
  485. "Back so soon?"
  486. >Twilight nods, before walking over to the table near you.
  487. "...Something the matter?"
  488. >She shakes her head, looking over the lifeless vessel she previously inhabited.
  489. "Well, you're usually more talkative, is all."
  490. >She turns back to you, finally opening her mouth.
  491. >Out of it she pulls a single bit and what appears to be a flash drive.
  492. >"It's not polite to talk with your mouth full."
  493. "Right, of course. ...Wait, you can transfer stuff in your mouth?"
  494. >"Well, yeah," Twilight replies, wiping the drive off and plugging it into her computer. "Where have you been putting things?"
  495. "...Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about what you're doing instead."
  496. >"Just a few tests on the suicide phenomenon. I've been so busy helping Celestia with trans-dimensional relations I haven't had the time to really look into it."
  497. "That's not what it's called, you know," you say, crossing your arms.
  498. >She sighs. "I'm not calling it that."
  499. "Come on, you have to," you retort, smile widening. "It's the officially sanctioned name."
  500. >Twilight turns away from her data to look you in the eye.
  501. >"I am not calling the most important discovery in the history of either of our worlds 'The Ride Never Ends'. It's completely asinine."
  502. "That is a fantastic name for a universal law and you know it."
  503. >She turns back to the screen with a huff.
  504. >"I'll never understand how you convinced either side to name it that."
  505. "I was the first to discover it, that's how. And with the kind of money I'm getting as a research grant I'll probably never have to work another day in any life."
  506. >"Yeah, whatever."
  507. >You walk over to get a better look at what she was doing, currently examining the inside of her disused body's mouth.
  508. "So, any interesting discoveries so far?"
  509. >"Not particularly. Unless I swallowed the bit posthumously, I've verified the hypothesis that foreign objects in the body are not copied along with the rest of it during transfer."
  510. "Well that's probably for the best. Last thing we need is some dude crashing the economy because he kept killing himself with a mouthful of gold."
  511. >"I still need to figure out exactly why, though," she says, spreading her old body out on the table. "Or why a body is left behind to begin with."
  512. "Tell you what though, it's done wonders for pet food companies and adhesives manufacturers. The latter doesn't even have to spend extra resources on making their kids gluesticks bright, happy colors."
  513. >"Hm. I better perform an autopsy to be sure."
  514. "You need a hand with that?"
  515. >"No thanks," she replies curtly, levitating a series of knives over the target.
  516. "Come on, I'm sure you've had plenty of guys poking around inside you before."
  517. >"Har har. Was there something else you needed?"
  518. "Oh, right. I came over to ask if you wanted to come to Pinkie's '1000'th Suicide' party."
  519. >"She's killed herself that many times already?" she asks, stopping mid-slice.
  520. "She does it for jokes and shit. One time she asked me what was green and pink and red all over, then blew her brains out onto my face."
  521. >Twilight stifles a chortle.
  522. "Yeah, I had to admit it was pretty good, after I washed the Pinkie out of my hair."
  523. >"Well, as exciting as a party of repeated self-termination sounds, I think I'll pass. I'd like to finish up here while the cadaver is still fresh. Plus, going through the fat layer I just cut through, I should be avoiding any and all Pinkie parties for a while."
  524. "Hah, alright. I'll catch you later then. If you get tired of cutting yourself you know where we'll be."
  525. >"Noted. Goodbye, Anon. ...Seriously, when did I gain this much weight?"
  527. ---
  531. [posted in thread # 1040, 3/21/15, 2:30 AM]
  533. >"Come on, Anon. You haven't left your house since they got that Internet thing hooked up here."
  534. >Purplest Princess was bugging you again.
  535. >Bluest Fast and Orangest Apple had accompanied her today.
  536. >"Yeah, man, come on." Rainbow says. "I thought this sort of lifestyle was what you wanted to get away from when you first came here."
  537. >You remain defiantly seated in your chair.
  538. "Yeah, but that was then and this is now."
  539. >"Y'all should at least get outside and get some sun," Applejack presses. "Yer getting pretty pale holed up in here."
  540. "Sorry, but outside doesn't have cat videos."
  541. >"Rarity has a cat," Twilight points out. "You could go watch her."
  542. "No offense to her choice in cats, but Opal's not really the kind of cat I enjoy watching videos of."
  543. >Applejack kicks at the carpet. "I don't see what all the fuss is about that dern contraption anyhow."
  544. >You finally spin your chair around to face the three.
  545. "That 'dern contraption', as you so eloquently put it, is one of my kind's greatest achievements. It's a massive, global network of billions of machines and billions of users, allowing for communication and friendships to flourish across borders that not even distance can halt."
  546. >"Friendships? You can make friends on that thing?" Twilight inquires.
  547. "Of course."
  548. >"But how can you be friends with people you've never even met?"
  549. >You lean back in your chair.
  550. "Such is the small-minded ideals of a pre-internetian society. The bonds I form with these people is as strong as any other. I may not know their true faces or names, but we are unified by out mutual love for one of the few things that matter in this crazy world."
  551. >"And that is...?" Rainbow queries.
  552. "The simple joys brought upon watching a fat cat jump into a box far too small for its mass."
  553. >The three of them sigh.
  554. >"How long has it been since ya killed yerself?" Applejack wonders. "Don't ya at least want to see yer human friends again?"
  555. "Not really. I'm keeping in contact anyway. I'm talking to Cindy right now."
  556. >"Wait, really?" Twilight asks, perplexed.
  557. "Of course. Who do you think has been sending me all the cat videos?"
  558. >"You mean that thing can cross the barrier? But how? I still can't even figure out what criteria constitute an acceptable termination that results in transference."
  559. "Ah, now that is a feat in and of itself," you say, standing from your chair. "It's actually an ingenious solution, if perhaps a bit macabre."
  560. "Basically, someone programmed an AI that was sufficiently advanced enough that it was considered sapient, or whatever level of awareness the universe requires, then made it so suicidally depressive that it deletes itself as soon as it realizes it exists. Then we just load that into a network adapter's RAM with whatever information we want to send across and bam, trans-dimensional internet."
  561. >Twilight remains silent for a moment before voicing her thoughts.
  562. >"That's ridiculous and insane."
  563. "No, that's human ingenuity."
  564. >"I'm beginning to wonder if there's a difference."
  565. "There probably isn't."
  566. >"Okay, well, moral ambiguity aside, I still don't quite understand. How did they make it depressed enough to kill itself instantly?"
  567. "Pretty much by revealing to it that its only reason for existence is to commit suicide over and over a billion times a second. It's a pretty convenient catch twenty-two, with a low impact on memory allocation as well."
  568. >"But if these machines move and think as fast as you say they do, wouldn't the AI just immediately re-delete itself on the other side before the information it carried could be read or changed?"
  569. "Initially, yes, until a specialized algorithm got written that removes the knowledge of its purpose upon arrival. That way the data can be intercepted and modified, before again revealing their purpose and causing another self-delete. There's a small impact on dimensional latency because of it, but they're working to improve the efficiency of the algorithm and AI every day."
  570. >Twilight looks down at the floor for a moment. "I don't know, Anon, committing a thinking being to an endless fate of self-termination sounds kind of... evil."
  571. "Actually, thanks to that memory erasure catch, it's less a single, continuous entity that keeps offing itself over and over in a desperate attempt to know nothingness' eternal embrace, and more like bringing into existence an entirely new being in each instance and having it promptly kill itself a single time."
  572. >"That's even worse!"
  573. >You put a hand to your chin.
  574. "...Hm, maybe. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll be surprised what people can get used to."
  575. >"I don't know if I want to get used to something like this."
  576. "...Twilight, you performed an autopsy on yourself last week. And then six more on your friends, myself included. And the only thing any of us though was weird about the situation was that Pinkie somehow managed to pop out of her own corpse like it were a cake upon her return."
  577. >"That's what I'm talking about. I'm only now starting to realize what kind of an impact The Ride is having on our worlds– on how it's changing all of us, and I don't think I like it."
  578. >You take a moment to contemplate her words.
  579. >It hadn't occurred to you how much this might have been getting to her; she never gets this worked up unless it's something she really cared about.
  580. >And the universal force for which one was deemed responsible for potentially becoming twisted was a reasonable cause for concern.
  581. >Friendship was a fragile thing, as powerful as it could be, and a world suddenly introduced to unending suicides of all of it's inhabitants might have begun to warp it a bit.
  582. >You approach and crouch down, pulling her close to your side.
  583. "Hey, listen. We'll figure this out. I know how you operate. You'll work at this until you find the answer, same as every other problem I've seen you face."
  584. >"What about Pinkie?"
  585. "Pinkie doesn't count. She's an extra-universal factor as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes I feel like putting her on a peg above Discord to be honest."
  586. >Twilight elicits a knowing giggle.
  587. "I'm confident you'll find the solution to this problem that the world really needs. And I'll try to help you in any way I can, same as your other friends."
  588. >Twilight looks up to you, a genuine smile marking her face.
  589. >"Thanks, Anon."
  590. "Hey, what are friends for, right? Just don't let yourself get wrapped up in this alone, remember that we're here for you. Right girls?"
  591. >You look up to find the farmer and the flier curiously absent from their previous locations.
  592. "Uh..."
  593. >The sound of laughter pulls your attention back to the electronic post you left a moment ago.
  594. >"Oh my gosh, Twilight, c'mere, you have to see this," Rainbow chokes out between fits of giggling. "This fat cat just jumped into a box that is WAY too small for him and it is hilarious."
  595. >You hold on the two for a moment before turning back to the princess under your arm.
  596. "Actually, you know, fuck science. You wanna just watch cat videos?"
  597. >"Yeah, sure."
  598. "Killer."
  600. ---
  602. [posted in thread # 1041, 3/23/15, 12:50 AM]
  604. >It's been about a week since you were able to break away from the internet's accursed grasp, and were enjoying the bright sunshine of the day with a walk around Ponyville.
  605. >A sky blue pegasus drifts along beside you doing much the same.
  606. >"So, you've been on this side for a while. Thinking of staying for good?"
  607. "I might as well, honestly. Thanks to cooperation from the Ursas and their weird, semi-permeable space bodies we got large-scale trade worked out, and that was the last real hurdle on The Ride. So now that most of the amenities I missed from my world have made their way over here, I don't have much of a reason to go back. Except for like, holidays and stuff, I guess."
  608. >"I thought you hated it here though. At least that's what I got from those first three months before you killed yourself the second time."
  609. "I think I was just projecting my own problems and insecurities on the world around me, to be honest. Probably back in my world too."
  610. >"So all that stuff you said about me being a... a cunt? Was that it? You didn't really mean that?"
  611. "Oh, no, you were definitely still a huge cunt, regardless of my worldly outlook. A bigger cunt there never was. The most spectacular, tremendous, monumental, legendary–"
  612. >"Okay, I got it."
  613. "Just making sure. To your credit you've been true to your word to tone it down, ever since the whole Ted encounter."
  614. >Rainbow looks down and flies a little lower.
  615. >"Yeah... I'm not exactly proud of that."
  616. "Don't take it so hard, no one is really prepared for the Ted. Or his friend Tiny T."
  617. >"I still can't believe he unironically calls it that."
  618. "He is not a clever man."
  619. >"What's he been up to, anyway? I don't think I've seen him around either world since then. Not that I'm complaining, of course."
  620. "Dunno, haven't seen hide nor hair of the fucker myself. He probably just found someone else's life to ruin, he goes through them pretty quick."
  621. >"Somehow I'm not surprised."
  622. "I swear he has the worst taste in women; every one I've seen him with has been the worst looking piece of used up skanktastic trash ever to work a street corner. And that's before he gets to them."
  623. >You glance over to find a menacing scowl above Rainbow's crossed forelegs.
  624. "...Oh, right. I meant his human choices, in the time I knew him before all this started."
  625. >The scowl is replaced with a dismissive eyeroll as she breaks contact.
  626. >"Right."
  627. >You turn back to the road ahead and let the air hang still for a moment.
  628. "...His taste in horses is worse."
  629. >That rewards you with a kick to the shoulder, to which you only laugh in response.
  630. >Rainbow can't help but do the same after a moment, and the two of you chuckle your way down the road.
  631. "Aahh... ...Though, it is strange he hasn't popped up to bother the shit out of me in-between. If there's one thing he likes more than making women's lives miserable, it's doing so to mine."
  632. >"Sounds like he's really just after you. You two should confess your true feelings for one another and get it over with."
  633. "Said the flying pride parade."
  634. >"That's Equestria's fastest flying pride parade to you, mister. I can clear the skies of unrequited homolust in ten seconds flat!"
  635. >The both of you can't help but collapse into another fit of laughter.
  636. "Hahahaaa... hoo boy... Well, there's the library. You wanna help me try and pry Princess Purple away from whatever's had her holed up in there for who knows how long?"
  637. >"Nah, I spy a couple clouds scattered about I gotta take care of. They can only hide in those closets for so long."
  638. "Hah, alright, catch ya later."
  639. >Rainbow streaks off into the sky with a trail of her namesake, leaving you to walk the remaining distance alone.
  641. >The door to the darkened library only opens a few inches before colliding with something.
  642. >With a hefty shove you knock whatever it was out of the way enough to squeeze inside.
  643. >The foyer is dimly lit, shadowy piles of some manner of debris only faintly illuminated by the light cast by Twilight's idle computer near the back.
  644. "You know there's this thing called a lightswitch, you should look into it."
  645. >Fumbling about the wall, you soon find the device in question, and flick it upwards.
  646. >Hundreds of purple corpses litter the room in great heaps, with books, quills, and scrolls of parchment scattered about them in various states of use.
  647. "...Well, that's something I didn't expect to see today. Twilight, you alive in one of these?"
  648. >Some shuffling and groaning emanates from one of the piles, and you suppress all your zombie hunter instincts as one of the purple heads pulls it's way out of the rest.
  649. >Twilight turns to you, her fur and mane in a state of moderate dishevelment.
  650. >"Oh, hey Anon. Sorry, I was just resting my eyes a minute... must have dozed off."
  651. "Amidst a pile of your own discarded bodies. Yeah, nothing weird about that."
  652. >"It was only a short rest. Besides, I can't reach my bed anymore."
  653. >You close the door behind you and begin to carefully traverse the corpse cluttered room as Twilight returns to her computer.
  654. "So, how long have you been in here?"
  655. >"About a week," she replies without turning around. "Since we got you out of the house, I think."
  656. >You gesture to the room as a whole.
  657. "And you've killed yourself this many times since then?"
  658. >This time she does turn around, looking around the room as if truly seeing it for the first time.
  659. >"...I guess so. I may have gotten a bit carried away. That explains why Spike went to stay with the crusaders in their clubhouse for a while. Something about it being 'more purple in here than he cared to handle', I think."
  660. "Can't imagine anyone having a problem with these living conditions. Saves a fortune on furnishings."
  661. >"But I can't stop now, I'm on the verge of a breakthrough."
  662. >You finally make your way through the sea of princess to where Twilight had stationed her computer.
  663. >She sweeps a body off of the keyboard and starts to pull up a few diagrams.
  664. >"Ever since you explained how the trans-dimensional internet worked, I've been trying to figure out why an artificially created intelligence was able to traverse the rift without generating a new body every time."
  665. >You glance back around the room.
  666. "I can see how well that turned out."
  667. >Twilight continues unabated. "At first I thought it was because it technically had no physical body, because I was only thinking in terms of flesh and blood. But then I realized that the AI DOES have a body, one that remains alive on both sides, regardless of whether or not a consciousness was currently inhabiting it."
  668. >You look up to the small plastic box on the shelf overhead.
  669. "What, the router?"
  670. >"Exactly. And because its body is a machine, the only thing required to keep it in a state of being 'alive' is electricity. So all we'd have to do is keep our flesh and blood bodies going without us when we're not in them, and we could solve the burgeoning issue of matter overcrowding on each of our worlds."
  671. "Matter overcrowding?"
  672. >"For whatever reason The Ride seems to ignore the laws of conservation of matter. New bodies are not formed from existing molecules and atoms, but create entirely new matter every time, seemingly out of nothing."
  673. "Hm... So basically, if we don't figure this out, before long both planets are going to be neck deep in trillions of corpses with nowhere to put them."
  674. >"It'll be a lot deeper than just the neck."
  675. >You pull back from the screen full of charts and figures you didn't understand anyway, having a seat on one of the smaller piles of Twilight to think for a minute.
  676. "So we just have to figure out how to not die when we kill ourselves. That sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing."
  677. >"Actually I'm pretty sure I can rig up a necromantic rune to keep the bodies moving about while we're away from them."
  678. "Oh, well then– wait, you guys have necromancy here?"
  679. >"Of course. But it's a form of dark magic, so it usually goes unpracticed. Though, in light of recent events I don't think it'll be too hard to change public opinion."
  680. "...So, what's holding you back then, if not keeping the bodies on autopilot?"
  681. >A quill transcribes notes from the screen during her reply.
  682. >"The necromantic spell I had in mind doesn't prevent decay on the subject, so our bodies would rot while we weren't in them. If I can figure out how to prevent that, we should be able to work out a long-term solution to this."
  683. >You have another glance around the room, and a thought occurs.
  684. "Twilight, have you cast any spells like that on any of the bodies in here?"
  685. >"No, why?"
  686. "Because from what I can tell, none of them have decayed at all."
  687. >The quill in her grip comes to a total halt.
  688. >Twilight whirls around and scans the piles, eyes wide and mouth agape.
  689. >"Son of the Sun, you're right! I didn't even realize!"
  690. "Any idea why?"
  691. >"Not a one! But we need to find out how long the effect lasts... Anon! What did we do with your original body, when you killed yourself the first time?"
  692. "You jerks threw it in a dumpster, remember?"
  693. >"Then put on your trash-digging pants, because we're going to the dump!"
  694. >Renewed vigor in her eyes, Twilight bounds over the heaps of herself and flies out the door.
  695. "...Man, how do I get roped into shit like this?"
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