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- >Day The Good Life in Equestria
- >You are Anon: Vampire Hunter!
- >And right now the rhythmic sound of nails being driven into wooden shingles echoes in your ears.
- >-Tap, tap, tap-
- >-Tap, tap, tap-
- >You’ve always liked that sound.
- >It means work is getting done and that’s a good feeling.
- >Since being stranded in Equestria you have had to fall back on your secondary profession as a carpenter to support yourself.
- >And that is fine because almost all the houses and buildings in your adopted town of Ponyville are made of wood so you haven’t exactly been hurting for work.
- >You even have an assistant!
- >Speaking of which…
- “Hey Nel, fly me up some more shingles would you?”
- >“Sure.” chirps a voice from the ground. “How many?”
- “Uhh, about a dozen.”
- >You hear the sound of planks being stacked and then flapping as she lifts them up onto the roof where you work.
- “Man, those wings are pretty handy.” you remark as Carnelian sets the wood close by.
- >“They are, aren’t they?” She grins and stretches her bat-wings as though showing them off to a crowd of admirers.
- >That gets the gears in your head whirring and a question takes shape.
- “I’ve been wondering this for a while. Why do bat ponies have bat wings? For that matter, why do you drink blood? That seems so different from all the other pony types in Equestria.”
- >Your assistant pauses in her preening and gives you a blank look.
- >Then she gets a broad smile and flits over to where you are crouched.
- >“Do you really want to know?”
- “Of course, I love learning about that kind of stuff! And, no offence, but every time I try to study Equestrian history I always find it a little confusing.”
- >That is an understatement.
- >From what little you have learned of this world it seems as though much of its past is wrapped in a heavy cloak of legend and mythology.
- >The thing is, there are at least three beings that have supposedly lived through all of those mysterious ages.
- >The problem is that they aren’t exactly forthcoming with the details.
- >Discord loves to talk, but he’s a sociopath of the highest order and you wouldn’t trust anything he has to say.
- >Ever.
- >Princess Celestia is probably the most reliable of the three to have her facts straight but she plays life like a professional gambler plays poker; keeping everything real close to the vest.
- >You even called her Princess Mysteria once.
- >Unfortunately Twilight Sparkle was nearby at the time and it’s only by sheer luck that you escaped her turning you into a rutabaga.
- >Well, luck and a timely warning from her erstwhile assistant.
- >Man, that’s another thing you owe Spike for.
- >Finally there is Princess Luna.
- >You actually like her a lot.
- >The Princess of the Night is always looking out for her subjects and has this antiquated sense of honor and decorum that really speaks to you.
- >But you’re also pretty sure she’s not completely sane.
- >Not that you hold that against her.
- >After all, for someone who spent a thousand years in isolation on the moon, she’s actually far more well-adjusted that one would expect.
- >Talking about the past, though, is probably not the best way to stay on her good side.
- >You recall Spike telling you about the time that Twilight and her friends went drinking with Luna.
- >Turns out the Princess of the Moon gets a little… maudlin when she’s drunk.
- >After stumbling back to the library after one too many, Spike had to listen to Luna’s bawling all night about the many mistakes she had made over the years.
- >Apparently the worst part was when she started talking about all her past lovers.
- >Poor Spike.
- >In any case, you hope that Carnelian can give you a little historical insight.
- >“Alright, let me tell you all about where my people came from.”
- >Your assistant draws herself up like a college professor about to deliver a lecture and gives a small cough to clear her throat.
- >“Ah-hem. Long ago, when the ancient gods held sway over this world, mortal ponies were at their mercy and had to pay them tribute.
- >Not only that but the gods would play tricks on mortal ponies, inflicting monsters and challenges just for their own amusement.
- >It was a dark time when cruelty and despair roamed the land.
- >But then, one day, hope came to the world.
- >A hero arrived and his name was Baticles!”
- “Baticles? Really?”
- >She looks at you a little surprised. “Have you heard of him?”
- “Oh no. Not at all, please continue.”
- >“Right, well. Where was I? Oh yes, Baticles!
- >See, he was no ordinary pony.
- >He was born of a mortal pegasus mare but his father was none other than the King of the Gods!”
- “Do tell.”
- >“Yep! His mother was the most beautiful pegasus princess in all of ancient Pegasopolis.
- >The King of the Gods looked upon her and found her to his liking.
- >But her father was super protective, so the King of the Gods chose to transform himself into a bat.
- >He snuck in under the cover of darkness and slipped through all the guards and traps and stuff.
- >Then he wooed the princess and that’s how Baticles was born.
- >Baticles had a strength the world had never seen, and stealth and cunning that allowed him to do all kinds of stuff.
- >But his greatest strength was the kind and heroic heart that he inherited from his mortal mother.
- >Oh, and he also had bat wings and fangs and stuff ‘cause the King of the Gods showed up as a bat.”
- “So did Baticles go around helping the common ponies and performing mighty deeds?”
- >“You bet he did!
- >He did all kinds of stuff like defeating Hydrator the father of all hydras and recovering the legendary Golden Mango.
- >He even wrestled the Cerberus and dragged it back to Tartarus when it escaped one time!”
- >As you listen to Carnelian’s tale you fight back the urge to groan.
- Instead you snark, “And did he have a jealous step mother who was always tormenting him because he was the living proof of the King of the God’s infidelity?”
- >“Wow! How did you know? Yah, the mean old Queen of the Gods, Haira, was always messing with him.
- >In fact she was the one who cursed him to crave blood. That was a sad issu- I mean story.”
- “So how does this tie-in to where the rest of the bat ponies came from?”
- >“Well,” she smirks a little, “Baticles rescued a lot of beautiful mares on his many adventures and they were all very grateful. You figure it out.”
- “But I thought you ponies were monogamous. Does a hero really sleep around like that?”
- >“Well, Baticles was raised in ancient Pegasopolis. He wasn’t bound by modern Celestian values.”
- >You stare at you friend.
- >She returns your look as though challenging your skepticism.
- >You can’t help but feel that everything about this story is suspect.
- >On the one hand, there really are hydras and three headed guardians of the underworld here in Equestria.
- >On the other hand, Baticles?
- >Then again, you find it hard to believe that Carnelian could make up such a story on the spot.
- >But really, Baticles?
- “Carnelian,” you stare deep into you assistant’s eyes, “is what you just told me true?”
- >She meets you gaze for several moments, neither of you blinking.
- >Then she snickers.
- >“No! Keee-kee-ke-ke-ke-ke-ke-kee!”
- >She falls over and starts rolling around with uncontrolled mirth.
- >You should have known, really you should have.
- >After a bit more laughter she finally collects herself and gives you an insufferably smug look.
- >“But you gotta admit I had you going there for a minute, eh?”
- “I admit nothing. Where did you even hear that story?”
- >“Oh, it was an old comic book I used to read as a filly. ‘The Legendary Legends of Baticles: Bat Prince of Power!’ It was awesome!”
- “I’m sure it was.”
- >The parallels between this world and your own never cease to amaze you.
- >How in the world did an ancient Greek myth ends up in a comic book on a planet of talking magical ponies?
- >Just thinking about it makes your head hurt.
- “So, do you really know where bat ponies came from or not?”
- >“Nope. No idea. There’s all kinds of legends about our wings and stuff being a blessing from the moon, but no pony really knows for sure.”
- “Huh, well that’s to-”
- >You are suddenly interrupted by another pony calling out from the street down below.
- >“Oh, Carnelian! Yoo-hoo! Are you up there darling?”
- >You both look over the edge of the roof to see Ponyville’s most fashionable resident, Rarity.
- >“Ah, there you are my dear. May I have a moment of your time?”
- >Your assistant flutters to the ground and makes her way over towards the marshmallowy maven.
- >Their conversation is too low to hear but you have a pretty good idea what it’s about.
- >When you first met Rarity, you didn’t really like her.
- >Her personality just rubbed you the wrong way.
- >But, seeing as how she was the only tailor in town who was willing to take up the challenge of making clothes for a human, you ended up spending quite a bit of time around her.
- >Fortunately for your sanity it turned out that Rarity wasn’t nearly as annoying as her public persona would have led you to believe.
- >And seeing as how you ordered way more garments from her than any other creature in town you had even managed to establish a somewhat cordial relationship with her.
- >You look down at the two mares and see the unicorn levitate a small envelope out of her bag and give it to the bat pony.
- >They talk for a little while longer, then Rarity makes her farewells and heads off towards her boutique.
- >Carnelian flits back up onto the roof with a bemused look on her face.
- “Well?”
- >“She wants to have me over for tea tomorrow. She wants to discuss a co-commission!”
- “That’s great isn’t it? You’ve been working on a couple of pieces you can show her, right?”
- >“Sure I guess. But how did she even… Did you have something to do with this, Anon?”
- “Weeelllll, you remember that nifty crucifix you made me as a thank you present?”
- >“Yah.”
- “I might have been wearing it while Rarity was fitting me for a new shirt.
- And when she asked where I got such a ‘charming silver pendant’ I might have mentioned that you made it for me in your spare time.
- And when we got to talking about your talents as a jewelry maker, I might have let slip how you were looking to establish yourself as a craftsman, excuses me, craftspony here in Ponyville.”
- >You look back at your assistant just in time to see her swoop in for a hug.
- >“Thankyouthakyouthankyou! Oh, this is the best!”
- >She starts to flap her wings nervously.
- >“I’ve got to get my pieces ready to show her. I gotta get something to take to tea tomorrow. Do you think I should bake something?”
- “Um, do you remember the last time you tried to use the stove?”
- >Her face blanches. “Yah, your right. I’ll just buy something at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow.”
- “Probably a wise decision.”
- >You both wrap up the job at hand while Carnelian goes on about what this could for do her rep in Ponyville and beyond.
- >Apparently crafts from bat pony artisans aren’t widely recognized in Equestria; whether from isolation or just good old fashion discrimination you aren’t sure.
- >As you head home you give your friend some advice about tomorrow’s negotiations.
- “If she commissions you for a job, whatever you do, get her to pay for the materials up front.”
- >“Oh?”
- “Yep, because if I know Rarity, whatever she asks you to make will either have to be in gold or platinum.”
- >“But Anon, I’ve never worked with platinum before."
- “Well, I’m pretty sure the Princess has some books on metallurgy at the library. Do you think that you’re smart enough to work it out if we get you the right book?”
- >“Um, sure I guess so.”
- “Then let me give you a bit of advice that my grandpa Anonymous gave me when I was but a lad.
- If you have the opportunity to take a job but it’s not exactly something you’ve ever done before, then you look that person in the eye and say, ‘Sure I can do that.’
- And then you get busy and figure how to do it.”
- >Your companion looks up at you.
- >“And is that what you do?
- “Absolutely.”
- >She shakes her head. “That explains so much about you.”
- “I’ll choose to take that as a complement.”
- >“Heh. I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous about tomorrow.
- >It’ll be her and Fluttershy and some other pony named Hoity Toity.
- >I’ve never been to a proper tea before.
- >I just don’t want to look like an idiot.”
- “Is that what’s bugging you? Don’t worry about it. Tomorrow we’ll swing by the library and have Spike give you a crash course on tea etiquette.”
- >“Spike? Does he know about that kind of stuff?”
- “Are you kidding? He probably learned about it from Princess Celestia herself. He’s quite the renaissance dragon, y’know.”
- >“Sure, whatever that means. I just hope everything goes okay.”
- “Eh, it’s just tea. What can go wrong?”
- To be continued…
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