
The Double Date

Nov 6th, 2014
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  1. >Who won the lottery? YOU, Southern Cross just won the lottery!
  2. >Well...the Ponyville Charity Raffle, but they were basically the same thing.
  3. >Honestly all you were hoping for when you got a couple of tickets was a gift basket or gift card.
  4. >Yet somehow you managed to snag the grand prize.
  5. >You grin and make your way backstage, ignoring the downcast Stallions (and mares) that you pass on your way there.
  6. >As Princess Twilight and the Mayor thank everyone for their contributions, you slip backstage through the curtains and find your neighbour, Amber Grain, arguing in hushed tones to her sister, Maple Leaf.
  7. >"I should never agreed to this stupid raffle."
  8. >"Come on Sis, it might be fun eh?"
  9. >"Oh yea, tons of fun."
  10. >You clear your throat, and the two mares spin around to face you.
  11. >"Oh, it's you." Amber mutters bitterly, only to receive a nudge to the ribs from Maple.
  12. >"Don't listen to her, she's just a bit sour over the whole thing."
  13. "Given how late she was up last night I wouldn't be surprised of that was the only thing she was sore about."
  14. >If looks could kill, you'd be well rooted from the one Amber shoots at you.
  15. >Maple giggles, and Amber shoots her a look too.
  16. >"So Cross, do know who else you're going to bring?" Amber asks curtly.
  17. "Haven't the faintest, guess it'll have to be a surprise."
  18. >Amber rolls her eyes and scoffs, earning another nudge to the ribs from her sister.
  19. >What they didn't know was that you were telling a porkie, and that you had already decided who to take; your little brother All Black.
  20. >Not that you particularly liked the little dropkick, but after a day of him crashing at your place you'd had enough.
  21. >So why not, you figure that this will at least get him off your back for a while.
  22. >After all, who wouldn't enjoy a being part of a double date with Amber and Maple.
  24. "So, I'll see you ladies tonight then?"
  25. >"Yep, we'll meet up at Amber's place, right sis!"
  26. >Amber grunts in response.
  27. "Sounds like a plan."
  28. >You turn to leave, and hear the sisters launch back into hushed conversation as you exit through the back of the town hall.
  29. >When you get home, you find All Black layed out on the lounge watching the tele.
  30. "Good to see you havn't gotten lost."
  31. >You pass him a rugby ball, which he catches without a second thought.
  32. "Get up ya' mug, we've got a date."
  33. >"A date? No way." He says, leaping to his feet. "Who with?"
  34. "You know my neighbour, Amber?"
  35. >All Black nods his head.
  36. "Well it turns out first prize in that raffle was a double date with her and her sister Maple."
  37. >"Woah, sweet as bru!"
  38. >He gallops upstairs and locks himself in the bathroom.
  39. "Oi you bloody drongo, I need to use the shitter!"
  40. >"Nah it's all 'kay bru, I'll only be a sec."
  41. >A few hours later, both you and All Black are ready for your respective dates.
  42. >While you were harsh on him, you weren't a complete ratbag and agreed to let him take out Marble, leaving you with Amber.
  43. >Not that you didn't plan on doing that anyway.
  44. >As the two of you walk out of your house you spot Amber and Maple already conversing next door.
  45. "G'day ladies, how are we this 'arvo?"
  46. >Amber looks much less cranky than she did earlier, but still answers with a simple "Good."
  47. >Maple on the other hand looks pretty happy, even faced with the prospect of a blind mystery double date.
  48. >"I'm great thanks Cross. Is this your number two?"
  49. >She nods towards your brother, who steps forward and holds out his hoof.
  50. >"Kia ora, I'm All Black. Nice to meet you."
  51. >"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Maple Leaf, and Ms. Unsociable here is my sister, Amber Grain."
  52. >She returns the hoofshake and while Amber continues to stare daggers at you.
  53. "Come on Amb cheer up."
  54. >All Black and Maple walk off, and you fall into step with Amber as she follows.
  56. "I bet if I was some beaut lil' sheila you'd be completely fine with this whole thing."
  57. >"Yep, pretty much."
  58. >Well at least you've got her speaking multiple words.
  59. >You're about to reply when Amber speaks again.
  60. >"Unfortunately, being scene with you all night means I'm going to have colts thinking they have a chance hitting on me for weeks. Months even."
  61. >Full sentences, you're impressed.
  62. "True, but think of it this way."
  63. >She turns her head and cocks an eyebrow.
  64. "Think how much fun it'll be to see them when they realize they don't have a chance and pike."
  65. >You see the corners of her mouth twitch slightly upwards and you swear you hear her give a short laugh.
  66. >"Yea, I guess that'll make it worth it."
  67. >You and Amber hear your respective sibling's laughter and you both you turn your gaze forward.
  68. "Oi Blacky, you regaling young Maple with the story of the time you shagged that sheep?"
  69. >For a moment it becomes so quiet you could hear a gnat let one rip.
  70. >Infact you think you do.
  71. >Then both Maple and Amber burst out laughing, while All Black coughs and splutters trying to say something.
  72. >"Bloody hell bru, what'd you do that for?"
  73. "Come on, you know you're never going to live it down."
  74. >"Yea but you didn't have to spill it infront of the chicks did you bru?"
  75. "Where would the fun in that be though?"
  76. >You grin and slug him in the shoulder.
  77. "So come on, tell me you don't plan on walking around all arvo."
  78. >Remembering he is in fact on a date, All Black perks up at raises his voice so he can be heard over the girl's laughter.
  79. >"Anyway, I know this place that does some choice chips. It's right around the corner."
  80. >By the time you arrive the girl's laughter has died off and you all file in and find a table without incident.
  81. >"So..." Maple starts in an attempt to break the ice.
  82. >"A sheep eh?"
  83. >All Black groans and rubs his face.
  84. >"Look whatever Cross says SHE came onto ME."
  85. >As if to spare him any more embarrassment, a waiter decides to show up and pass out the menus.
  87. >You decide on a hayburger meal, All Black orders a generous serving of chips with his and Maple asks for a bottle of syrup.
  88. >"Quick question, do any of these burgers have a meat option?"
  89. >All eyes at the table turn to Amber, and out of the corner of your eye you notice Maple turn a little green.
  90. >"I'll...see what we have ma'am."
  91. >The waiter walks off towards the kitchen, and you share a look with All Black.
  92. "Meat huh? Interesting choice."
  93. >"Well I figured why not, after it is a special occasion."
  94. >There was so much sarcasm dripping off that sentence that you were afraid that it'd stain the tablecloth.
  95. >You're not sure whether you prefer this Amber over silent, tranquil fury Amber.
  96. "Meat just seems so hard to come by in Ponyville, stuff's almost as rare as a decent jar of Vegemite."
  97. >"That's not a problem is it?"
  98. "Not at all, I cook snags up for my mate Gniezno all the time. We'll have to get you over for a barbie some time."
  99. >Still, you were cunning as a dunny rat, and two could play at this game.
  100. >"So do either of you two do any sports?"
  101. >Amber jumps in and answers before her sister can.
  102. >"I played hoofball in college, could've gone pro if I didn't join the Air Force."
  103. "Real hoofball or gridiron hoofball."
  104. >She turns you, and you can see the look from earlier is back.
  105. >"'Gridiron' hoofball IS real hoofball."
  106. >You quietly scoff, and share another look with All Black.
  107. >When you look back you notice Amber AND Maple staring daggers at you.
  108. "I'm just saying, gridiron players have to be pretty soft to wear all that gear when it has the same amount of physical contact as rugby and real hoofball."
  109. >Forget tranquil fury, the girls look absolutely spewin'.
  110. >If not for the 2nd intervention of the waiter you reckon you'd have had better chances of surviving against pack of hungry dingos.
  111. >"Look, how about we agree to disagree and tuck in to our feed? Yea?"
  112. >You can tell it's hard, but the girls decide to eat their food rather than you.
  114. >You have a quick squizz at Amber's burger, and see that the chef somehow managed to get some meat.
  115. >To be honest it looks a tad undercooked.
  116. >Amber doesn't seem discouraged as she bites into the burger, sending a cascade of juices dripping down her chin.
  117. >Amber Fact No.29: She's a bit of a messy eater.
  118. >Not wanting to crack a fat right there in the restaurant, you turn you attention to the other two occupants of the table.
  119. >Somehow All Black has finished off his platter of chips, and is in the process of stuffing the survivors into his hayburger.
  120. >Maple's dinner seems to be inundated with several sticky layers of syrup, and at one point she just skulls the rest of the bottle.
  121. >You chuckle, and tuck into your own food.
  122. >"What's so funny?"
  123. "Just remembered a funny joke."
  124. >"Oh? What was it?"
  125. >Well, time to think on your hooves.
  126. "Did you hear the one about the tip?"
  127. >Like clockwork, All Black chimes in.
  128. >"Oh don't tell that one bru, it's rubbish!"
  129. >The sister's give the both of you confused looks, and you explain that 'tip' is slang for garbage dump.
  130. >Maple chokes back a laugh, narrowly avoiding sending half eaten, syrup covered food everywhere, while Amber just rolls her eyes.
  131. >The rest of the date progresses without incident, some drinks, a few more jokes, civil conversation, the works.
  132. >Eventually you all decide to call it a night and make your way out of the restaurant.
  133. >You subtlety pull All Black to the side while the girls are talking.
  134. "Oi, don't stay out too late now, 'kay?"
  135. >"Yea, no prob bru."
  136. >You hoof bump and, being the gentlecolts you are, escort your dates home.
  138. >You and Amber walk in silence for a while, what would be a romantic moonlit walk ruined by the storm clouds over head.
  139. "Looks like it's gonna start pissing down any minute."
  140. >"Yea, I heard the weather patrol planned an overnight storm."
  141. >That short conversation thread runs it's course and you're back to silence
  142. "So..."
  143. >"So..."
  144. "You can't say you didn't enjoy tonight."
  145. >Amber looks at you and you swear you see her smile.
  146. >"Well, I can."
  147. "Ah, but you'd be telling a porkie, wouldn't you."
  148. >"That's for me to know..."
  149. "And me to never find out."
  150. >You guess the end of her sentence, and judging by her smile, you were right.
  151. >"I did enjoy one thing."
  152. "Oh?"
  153. >"Yea, you were right earlier when you said how fun it'll be to lead some poor stallion on until he realizes he never had a chance."
  154. >Somehow, you've made it back to her house without realizing it.
  155. >"I think I'll start now."
  156. >Amber turns and runs the tip of her tail along your chin as she sashays to her front door, wiggling her plot all the way.
  157. >She turns and looks you right in the eye.
  158. >"Goodnight Cross~"
  159. "What, no goodnight kiss?"
  160. >Amber scoffs and disappears inside.
  161. >Leaving her front door wide open.
  162. >You'd have to be a bloody idiot not to miss something that obvious.
  164. >"Well, what happened next?"
  165. >You smile as you take another swig of beer.
  166. >Gniezno, Lucky and Anon are all leaning forward, hanging off your every word.
  167. >You place your glass back on the table, and silence settles over the table.
  168. >You clear your throat, and resume your recount of last night's events.
  169. "I said to the mare, 'Are you trying to tempt me?'"
  170. >You smile even wider.
  171. "Because I come from the land of plenty."
  172. >A look of horror settles on Gniezno's and Lucky's features, while Anon looks on, confused.
  173. "And she said, 'Oh, you come from a land down under! Where the mares glow and colts plunder! Can't you hear can't you hear that thunder? You better run, you better take cover!'"
  174. >Anon bursts out laughing while Gniezno and Lucky groan and bang their heads into the table.
  175. >"Come on Cross, you can'ah leave us hanging like that."
  176. >You clear your throat, and settle into your best impression of Ponyville's boutique owner.
  177. "A gentlecolt doesn't kiss and tell."
  178. >That earns another round of groans.
  179. >"So Cross, was there any 'hanky panky' or not?"
  180. >You put on your most serious expression and look Gniezno right in the eye.
  181. "Yes, I made sweet, passionate love to Amber right there at her front door."
  182. >"Really?"
  183. >*Beat*
  184. "Nah I'm just pullin' your leg."
  185. >Lucky gives an exasperated sigh, and moves to down the rest of his drink.
  186. "I rooted her in her bed. Like I said, I'm nothing but a sophisticated cunt."
  187. >A cheer goes up around the table and you wonder what will happen between you and Amber now.
  188. >Truth be told, as far as you remember the two of you had a few too many drinks when you got to Amber's house, and the two of you ended up passing out on the couch.
  189. >Not that you'd tell your mates that.
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