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The jordanian female wannabe ex-muslim doc.

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Sep 4th, 2015
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  1. cSession Start: Mon Mar 02 18:19:20 2015
  2. Session Ident: jordanian123
  3. [18:19] Session Ident: jordanian123 (, Adammmmm) (jordanian123@037F64.C7F82C.A88C2B.AF8FE6)
  4. [18:19] <jordanian123> hey
  5. -
  6. [18:19] jordanian123 is jordanian123@037F64.C7F82C.A88C2B.AF8FE6 * jordanian123
  7. [18:19] jordanian123 on #middle_east #Single_Women
  8. [18:19] jordanian123 using
  9. [18:19] jordanian123 End of /WHOIS list.
  10. -
  11. [18:19] <Adammmmm> hi
  12. [18:19] <jordanian123> ur always in this room
  13. [18:19] <jordanian123> ?
  14. [18:20] <Adammmmm> I just logged in, but thanks for noticing :D
  15. [18:20] <jordanian123> im asking if ur always here
  16. [18:20] <jordanian123> so i talk to u when im bk
  17. [18:20] <Adammmmm> Lol, I have a life mate
  18. [18:20] <Adammmmm> Are you always here?
  19. [18:20] <Adammmmm> Stalking me ?
  20. [18:21] <jordanian123> not really
  21. [18:21] <Adammmmm> You sure ?
  22. [18:21] <Adammmmm> Lol
  23. [18:21] <jordanian123> stalking u maybe
  24. [18:21] <Adammmmm> Do you obsess about me :D
  25. [18:21] <jordanian123> getting hot on ur mmmmms
  26. [18:21] <Adammmmm> ASL ?
  27. [18:21] <jordanian123> 25 f
  28. [18:21] <Adammmmm> Lol
  29. [18:21] <Adammmmm> Yeh sure.
  30. [18:21] <jordanian123> ur awesome
  31. [18:21] <Adammmmm> I am :)
  32. [18:21] <jordanian123> ill always stalk u
  33. [18:21] <Adammmmm> Keep praising me
  34. [18:22] <jordanian123> ur blonde and sexy
  35. [18:22] <jordanian123> shining like the sun
  36. [18:22] <Adammmmm> Are you from Jordan then ?
  37. [18:22] <Adammmmm> I'm actually an Indian lol.
  38. [18:22] <jordanian123> oh
  39. [18:22] <jordanian123> no indian blondies?
  40. [18:22] <Adammmmm> Errr fakes yes
  41. [18:22] <jordanian123> cool
  42. [18:22] <jordanian123> ur original then
  43. [18:22] <Adammmmm> Are you a jordan blondie
  44. [18:22] <Adammmmm> One of them girls who put streaks in their hair
  45. [18:22] <jordanian123> no im brunette
  46. [18:23] <Adammmmm> And has a lip job
  47. [18:23] <Adammmmm> Wears too much make up, has a fake LV bag, and errr sun glasses
  48. [18:23] <jordanian123> hahaha
  49. [18:23] <jordanian123> where do u see those?
  50. [18:23] <Adammmmm> Seen plenty of them in the UK, when I was at uni
  51. [18:24] <jordanian123> blonde streaks
  52. [18:24] <jordanian123> they are in europe
  53. [18:24] <Adammmmm> The Iranian girls had nose jobs a lot
  54. [18:24] <jordanian123> they should celebrate their original looks
  55. [18:24] <jordanian123> iranians are pretty
  56. [18:24] <Adammmmm> Yes you should all wear hijab
  57. [18:24] <Adammmmm> I like my girls in hijab
  58. -
  59. [18:24] jordanian123 is jordanian123@037F64.C7F82C.A88C2B.AF8FE6 * jordanian123
  60. [18:24] jordanian123 on #middle_east #Single_Women
  61. [18:24] jordanian123 using
  62. [18:24] jordanian123 End of /WHOIS list.
  63. -
  64. [18:24] <jordanian123> what grirls
  65. [18:24] <jordanian123> u have a bunch of them
  66. [18:24] <Adammmmm> There's something sexy about unwrapping hijabis
  67. [18:25] <Adammmmm> Although I prefer to sometimes keep it on
  68. [18:25] <jordanian123> u want them to wear hujab so u unwrap it
  69. [18:25] <Adammmmm> Isn't it like a sweetie?
  70. [18:25] <jordanian123> not really
  71. [18:25] <jordanian123> interetsing preference
  72. [18:26] <Adammmmm> Your english is pretty good for an Arab
  73. [18:26] <Adammmmm> So you don't wear niqab then ?
  74. [18:26] <Adammmmm> :(
  75. [18:26] <jordanian123> in moments ull be saying ur IQ is too good for an arab
  76. [18:27] <jordanian123> ur english is too perfect for in indian too
  77. [18:27] <Adammmmm> Lol.
  78. [18:27] <Adammmmm> That's because I was born and bred in England
  79. [18:27] <jordanian123> i know
  80. [18:27] <Adammmmm> How ?
  81. [18:27] <jordanian123> do u know a guy called danny middleton
  82. [18:27] <Adammmmm> Do you know that I'm an ex-muslim ?
  83. [18:27] <jordanian123> i kind of guessed that ur language is very perfect thats a compliment
  84. [18:28] <jordanian123> when did u leave it
  85. [18:28] <Adammmmm> Around 2 years ago
  86. [18:28] <jordanian123> it feels great right
  87. [18:28] <Adammmmm> And no I don't recall a danny middleton, no
  88. [18:28] <Adammmmm> Lol you're an ex-muslim too ?
  89. [18:28] <jordanian123> no
  90. [18:28] <Adammmmm> Tbh, I don't see much difference.
  91. [18:28] <jordanian123> but ill become one once i get the chance
  92. [18:28] <Adammmmm> I was about as haraami now as when I was a muslim
  93. [18:29] <Adammmmm> What do you mean ?
  94. [18:29] <jordanian123> haraami?
  95. [18:29] <Adammmmm> Partaking in haraam activities.
  96. [18:29] <jordanian123> hahaha
  97. [18:29] <jordanian123> same here
  98. [18:29] <Adammmmm> You want to leave Islam ?
  99. [18:29] <jordanian123> but its a matter of principle
  100. [18:30] <jordanian123> yes i want to leave it
  101. [18:30] <jordanian123> but i cant here
  102. [18:30] <Adammmmm> Oh ok.
  103. [18:30] <Adammmmm> Anyways you might just be trolling me.
  104. [18:30] <Adammmmm> Moving on
  105. [18:30] <Adammmmm> What do you do for a living?
  106. [18:30] <jordanian123> trolling
  107. [18:30] <jordanian123> ?
  108. [18:30] <Adammmmm> Just chatting shit.
  109. [18:30] <Adammmmm> Generally
  110. [18:31] <jordanian123> haha
  111. [18:31] <Adammmmm> To stalk me
  112. [18:31] <Adammmmm> ^_^
  113. [18:31] <jordanian123> hahahaha
  114. [18:31] <Adammmmm> I don't mind.
  115. [18:31] <Adammmmm> I'm bored anyways
  116. [18:31] <jordanian123> ur a stranger why wont i be honest with u
  117. [18:31] <Adammmmm> Hmmm, you're pretty strange too
  118. [18:31] <jordanian123> why
  119. [18:31] <jordanian123> bcz im stalking u , supposedly
  120. [18:31] <Adammmmm> You're like the first girl in here who said she'd like to leave Islam. I find that strange
  121. [18:32] <jordanian123> my bf is christian
  122. [18:32] <Adammmmm> Most people tell me about the great miracles in Islam, blah blah blah
  123. [18:32] <Adammmmm> Ah ok.
  124. [18:32] <jordanian123> miracles and stuff arenice
  125. [18:32] <Adammmmm> Is he uncircumcised
  126. [18:32] <jordanian123> but i find religion useless
  127. [18:32] <Adammmmm> Does he do you up the bum
  128. [18:32] <jordanian123> yes he is
  129. [18:32] <jordanian123> yes he is
  130. [18:32] <Adammmmm> Just wondering
  131. [18:33] <jordanian123> half of christian arabs here are
  132. [18:33] <Adammmmm> Actually, you're a liberal, you probably don't really care about your virginity
  133. [18:33] <jordanian123> well i have kept it till now
  134. [18:33] <Adammmmm> Lol wow.
  135. [18:33] <Adammmmm> No anal sex either?
  136. [18:33] <jordanian123> no anal is harmful
  137. [18:34] <Adammmmm> Lol ok.
  138. [18:34] <Adammmmm> poor guy.
  139. [18:34] <Adammmmm> I hope he's atleast getting bjs
  140. [18:34] <jordanian123> hahaha
  141. [18:34] <jordanian123> ur worried about him
  142. [18:34] <Adammmmm> Lol :D
  143. [18:34] <Adammmmm> At least you laughed
  144. [18:35] <Adammmmm> Instead of going all serious on me.
  145. [18:35] <Adammmmm> Interesting
  146. [18:35] <jordanian123> great
  147. [18:35] <Adammmmm> So what do you do in Jordan.
  148. [18:35] <jordanian123> im a doc
  149. [18:35] <Adammmmm> Are you an ex-palestinian ?
  150. [18:35] <Adammmmm> Doc lol = I don't believe you.
  151. [18:35] <jordanian123> no im jordanian
  152. [18:35] <Adammmmm> A doctor at 25? Sure.
  153. [18:35] <jordanian123> yea
  154. [18:35] <Adammmmm> What do you really do ?
  155. [18:36] <jordanian123> im a doc for real
  156. [18:36] <jordanian123> we do it early here
  157. [18:36] <Adammmmm> Ok, and I'm a brain surgeon
  158. [18:36] <jordanian123> great lets discuss epilepsy surgery then
  159. [18:36] <Adammmmm> Lol
  160. [18:36] <Adammmmm> Epilepsy can be treated with CBD.
  161. [18:37] <Adammmmm> A bit of marijuana oil in doses, sorts it out
  162. [18:37] <jordanian123> hahahaha
  163. [18:37] <Adammmmm> No need for surgery
  164. [18:37] <Adammmmm> Next topic
  165. [18:37] <jordanian123> hahahaha
  166. [18:37] <Adammmmm> :P
  167. [18:37] <jordanian123> ur funny
  168. [18:37] <Adammmmm> Ty lol.
  169. [18:37] <Adammmmm> What university did you go to
  170. [18:38] <jordanian123> uni of jor
  171. [18:38] <Adammmmm> Ah ok.
  172. [18:40] <jordanian123> so
  173. [18:40] <jordanian123> can i keep stalking u
  174. [18:40] <Adammmmm> Yes you can, but you must keep me entertained.
  175. [18:41] <Adammmmm> I don't like boring stalkers
  176. [18:41] <Adammmmm> I prefer psychotic women, who want to eat me
  177. [18:41] <jordanian123> oh
  178. [18:41] <Adammmmm> Lmao
  179. [18:41] <jordanian123> hahahaha
  180. [18:41] <jordanian123> well im kind of cold
  181. [18:41] <Adammmmm> You need warming up.
  182. [18:41] <jordanian123> with a clit not working
  183. [18:41] <Adammmmm> I have cold hands too
  184. [18:41] <jordanian123> for a while
  185. [18:41] <Adammmmm> How come ?
  186. [18:41] <Adammmmm> FGM ?
  187. [18:42] <jordanian123> smallnd deep7
  188. [18:42] <Adammmmm> You can always try and have sex, you also have g-spot that is probably untouched
  189. [18:43] <Adammmmm> Small and deep ?
  190. [18:43] <jordanian123> exactly thats the problem
  191. [18:44] <jordanian123> miss g has never been touched
  192. [18:44] <jordanian123> i cant wait to leave this country
  193. [18:44] <Adammmmm> Lol.
  194. [18:44] <jordanian123> haha
  195. [18:44] <Adammmmm> Where do you plan to go ?
  196. [18:44] <jordanian123> qatar
  197. [18:44] <Adammmmm> Hows that any better lol ?
  198. [18:44] <jordanian123> ill live alone
  199. [18:44] <Adammmmm> Do you have strict family ?
  200. [18:44] <jordanian123> and get chance to go to europe to f inish my higher subspeciality
  201. [18:45] <jordanian123> they arent strict, even christians here keep themselves virgin
  202. [18:45] <Adammmmm> So the whole purpose you'd like to leave your country, in order to lose your virginity?
  203. [18:45] <Adammmmm> lol
  204. [18:46] <Adammmmm> I went to Dubai and Abu Dhabi over the New Years
  205. [18:46] <Adammmmm> :)
  206. [18:46] <Adammmmm> Was pretty cool
  207. [18:47] <jordanian123> cool
  208. [18:47] <jordanian123> no whole purpose is to pursue a bright future and career
  209. [18:47] <jordanian123> once i guarantuee that i can lose it freely
  210. [18:51] <Adammmmm> Lol
  211. [18:51] <Adammmmm> But you're already a doctor?
  212. [18:51] <Adammmmm> So whats the issue ?
  213. [18:51] <Adammmmm> Unless ur chatting shit.
  214. [18:51] <jordanian123> as long as im here there is always an issue
  215. [18:52] <jordanian123> its a small society
  216. [18:52] <jordanian123> ask me medical shit
  217. [18:53] <jordanian123> so u make sure im not chatting shit
  218. [18:53] <jordanian123> so i can stalk u more and more
  219. [18:55] <Adammmmm> Lol
  220. [18:55] <Adammmmm> Why do you wish to stalk me ?
  221. [18:55] <jordanian123> just kidding
  222. [18:55] <Adammmmm> What medication do you take for high blood pressure
  223. [18:55] <jordanian123> thiazide diuretics are first line ttt
  224. [18:55] <Adammmmm> Name me a similar substance to pregabalin
  225. [18:56] <Adammmmm> medication*
  226. [18:56] <jordanian123> pregabalin
  227. [18:56] <jordanian123> hm thats for neuropathic pain i guess
  228. [18:56] <jordanian123> maybe gabapentin
  229. [18:56] <Adammmmm> Name me a receptor in the brain that a SSRI may inhibit
  230. [18:56] <Adammmmm> Yeh that was correct.
  231. [18:56] <Adammmmm> I hope you didn't google it
  232. [18:56] <jordanian123> no
  233. [18:56] <jordanian123> NMDA maybe
  234. [18:57] <Adammmmm> Idon't know I just asking questions on the top of my head
  235. [18:57] <jordanian123> thats too detailed about SSRI
  236. [18:57] <Adammmmm> Whats the cure for cancer?
  237. [18:57] <jordanian123> deends
  238. [18:57] <jordanian123> depends
  239. [18:57] <Adammmmm> How do you restart a clit that has gone cold
  240. [18:57] <Adammmmm> lOl.
  241. [18:57] <jordanian123> hahahahahhahahahahhaa
  242. [18:57] <Adammmmm> :D
  243. [18:58] <jordanian123> any more
  244. [18:58] <Adammmmm> Hmmmmm
  245. [18:58] <Adammmmm> Not really
  246. [18:58] <Adammmmm> I never studied medicine
  247. [18:58] <jordanian123> are y sure now
  248. [18:58] <Adammmmm> I just know a lil
  249. [18:58] <Adammmmm> No I don't believe anything on the internet
  250. [18:58] <Adammmmm> Until I see it for myself
  251. [18:59] <jordanian123> okay
  252. [18:59] <Adammmmm> You can show me your face now and certificate
  253. [18:59] <jordanian123> it doesnt matter then
  254. [18:59] <Adammmmm> Lol
  255. [18:59] <jordanian123> haha
  256. [18:59] <jordanian123> ill send u a mai
  257. [18:59] <jordanian123> mail
  258. [18:59] <jordanian123> with my certificates sir
  259. [18:59] <Adammmmm> Well more importantly I want to see a picture of you graduation
  260. [18:59] <Adammmmm> in
  261. [18:59] <jordanian123> hahaha
  262. [18:59] <Adammmmm> In your jilbab
  263. [18:59] <jordanian123> hahahahahaha
  264. [18:59] <Adammmmm> I'll keep that for my fantasy
  265. [18:59] <Adammmmm> :)
  266. [18:59] <Adammmmm> :D
  267. [18:59] <jordanian123> hahahahaha,,, thats funny
  268. [19:00] <Adammmmm> Lol.
  269. [19:00] <Adammmmm> I wonder if you laugh that much in real life
  270. [19:00] <jordanian123> i do
  271. [19:01] <jordanian123> but u wont believe that either
  272. [19:02] <Adammmmm> Lol
  273. [19:02] No such nick/channel
  274. Session Time: Tue Mar 03 00:00:00 2015
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