
team a session5

Jun 15th, 2014
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  1. Start of #RSLV buffer: Sat Jun 14 20:40:25 2014
  2. [19:38] * Plebeian (vincent@ARG-zOmBiE-7a2.c5t.188.72.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  3. [19:40] <~DarkSunDuelist> When we last left off with Team STCS, the stakes were actually pretty low, and they'd just recieved words of information about the foe.
  4. [19:41] * Smutty ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  5. [19:42] <~DarkSunDuelist> The Amorphus Gel Creatures (AGCs for short), are all the unintentional byproduct of Professor Eugene Alfred Terrance of Eden.
  6. [19:42] <~DarkSunDuelist> Some jackass broke into his records while on vacation and stole research that was never meant to be used.
  7. [19:42] <~DarkSunDuelist> Thus creating the creatures as the state they currently are.
  8. [19:44] <~DarkSunDuelist> However, there really wasn't any trail to follow, so the Prince Maletizio Pryderi advised the team to simply enjoy their time in the Valoran Carnival until they returned home.
  9. [19:44] <~DarkSunDuelist> Thus, the scene opens, and the team is walking with Shiela through the capital, admiring various booths and rides.
  10. [19:45] <Clarent> "So guys, about that cheesecake."
  11. [19:46] <Christopher> "What cheesecake? Someone ate the whole thing before i could see it on the table."
  12. [19:46] * Seram smiles innocently.
  13. [19:47] <Jasper> "It wasn't me, living with you three has ruined sugar for me forever."
  14. [19:47] <Clarent> "It wasn't me and I need to get my fi- I mean dessert."
  15. [19:48] <Seram> "Well, it certainly wasn't me."
  16. [19:49] <Clarent> "You ate it before I could tell you it was one piece each!"
  17. [19:49] <Clarent> "There were 5 servings!"
  18. [19:50] <Jasper> "If you want to get another one, go ahead. But I'd prefer we not spend all day here."
  19. [19:50] * Seram puts a mock shocked expression, "Are you suggesting that /I/ would be capable of eating a whole cheesecake in one sitting? Little old me?"
  20. [19:50] * Clarent sighs dejectedly, "I'll just grab something from a booth....Should've just mentioned the winery with the better food...."
  21. [19:50] <Clarent> "Yes....We all watched you do it."
  22. [19:51] <Clarent> "By the way, there's still some on your cheek."
  23. [19:51] <Christopher> "Even has crums all over her shirt..."
  24. [19:51] <Seram> "That's preposterous."
  25. [19:51] <Jasper> "You could at least have the decency to wipe the cheesecake of your chin before you lie to us"
  26. [19:51] * Seram wipes the crumbs from 'her' shirt.
  27. [19:52] <Jasper> "Much better"
  28. [19:52] <Seram> "What cheesecake?"
  29. [19:52] * Seram brushes 'her face.
  30. [19:52] <~DarkSunDuelist> As you brush the cake off of your face, you walk into somebody by accident
  31. [19:53] <~DarkSunDuelist> You bounce off of them and fall on your ass.
  32. [19:53] <Seram> "Ow..."
  33. [19:53] * Seram looks up
  34. [19:53] <~DarkSunDuelist> You look up to see a pair of breasts attached to a what seems to be the most agile wall of muscle you've ever seen.
  35. [19:54] <Jasper> "Careful there Swift, for someone with eyes bigger than your stomach you need to watch where you're going more"
  36. [19:54] <~DarkSunDuelist> Thankfully you're no shorter, or you might've cracked your skull on those abs.
  37. [19:54] * Clarent reaches out a hand to pick Seram up.
  38. [19:54] <~DarkSunDuelist> The young woman grabs your hand and helps you up
  39. [19:54] <~DarkSunDuelist> You are uncerimoniously pulled to your feet.
  40. [19:55] <~DarkSunDuelist> A shrill voice filled with irritation chimes in from behind the blondie's mass of hair
  41. [19:55] * Clarent frowns before retracting his hand.
  42. [19:55] * Plebeian (vincent@ARG-zOmBiE-7a2.c5t.188.72.IP) has joined #RSLV
  43. [19:55] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Yang! Watch where you're going!"
  44. [19:56] <Seram> "No, no! It was my fault!"
  45. [19:56] <Christopher> "I could think of worse ways of stopping"
  46. [19:56] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Hey, no worries. Frontal air bags, right?" The blondie grins.
  47. [19:57] <Jasper> "All the same, sorry about that. The dangers of sugar rush, am I right."
  48. [19:57] <~DarkSunDuelist> The palest bitch you've ever seen steps out from behind Yang.
  49. [19:57] <~DarkSunDuelist> She looks as delicate as a snowflake...physically, that is.
  50. [19:58] <~DarkSunDuelist> Mentally, she looks like she's liable to breathe fire any second.
  51. [19:58] * Clarent takes the moment to look for any nearby dessert stalls
  52. [19:59] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Don't worry about her," the blondie says, "she's sometimes not that weiss about things."
  53. [19:59] <Clarent> "Not that what?"
  54. [19:59] * Jasper looks a little confused by the weird pronunciation of "wise"
  55. [19:59] <Christopher> "Couldnt make out that last bit, not that what?"
  56. [20:00] <~DarkSunDuelist> "UGH," the alleged albino spits out, "she's making one of her STUPID puns again!"
  57. [20:00] <Clarent> "Puns!"
  58. [20:00] <Christopher> "Buns?"
  59. [20:00] <Seram> "Oh no. Not the puns."
  60. [20:00] <~DarkSunDuelist> The blonde girl lightly elbows Clarent and winks
  61. [20:00] <Clarent> "I don't know you, but I like you. Puns are great!"
  62. [20:00] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Schnee what I mean?"
  63. [20:00] * Clarent holds out her hand
  64. [20:01] <Jasper> "Not the puns again."
  65. [20:01] <~DarkSunDuelist> The blondie shakes the hand.
  66. [20:01] <Clarent> "The name's Clarent."
  67. [20:01] <~DarkSunDuelist> "I'm Yang. This is Weiss."
  68. [20:01] <~DarkSunDuelist> "You guys are Hunters in training, right?"
  69. [20:01] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss's face goes flat at this.
  70. [20:01] <Clarent> "Ohhhhhhhh, I get it now."
  71. [20:02] <Jasper> "Yeah, we're studying at GAAH"
  72. [20:02] * Clarent begins to laugh
  73. [20:03] <Seram> "I still say that's a terrible acronym for a school to have."
  74. [20:03] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Yeah, it's a real scream."
  75. [20:03] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss groans
  76. [20:03] <Clarent> "So you're saying they GAAH-t to get a better one?"
  77. [20:04] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Heh, good one! But we're actually from there, too. Don't think I've seen you guys around, though. You newer students?"
  78. [20:04] * Seram slaps clarent on the back of 'his' head.
  79. [20:04] <~DarkSunDuelist> Shiela suddenly grabs Weiss and Yang and walks a ways away with them.
  80. [20:04] <Clarent> "Yeah, we just got in- Ow!"
  81. [20:05] <Christopher> "Aww bring the funny one back.."
  82. [20:05] <~DarkSunDuelist> Shiela calls over her shoulder: "You guys should go look at some rides and stuff!"
  83. [20:05] <Clarent> "What was that for?"
  84. [20:05] <~DarkSunDuelist> "I've got to talk to these two for being off-campus without a mission."
  85. [20:05] <Clarent> "Sheesh you can be a pain in the neck some times."
  86. [20:05] <~DarkSunDuelist> You seem to be by yourselves now.
  87. [20:05] <Jasper> "I'm guessing they know each other"
  88. [20:05] * Clarent points at Seram with both hands and a wide smile.
  89. [20:06] * Jasper frowns at the two jokers
  90. [20:09] <Clarent> "So....think there's a place that sells dessert near here?"
  91. [20:09] <Christopher> "How bout some real food this time around instead?"
  92. [20:09] <Clarent> "We ate at the restaurant, we just missed dessert."
  93. [20:09] <Jasper> "I don't know Clarent, Sweets? At a carnival? Sounds like a pretty tall order."
  94. [20:10] <Jasper> "And we didn't ALL miss dessert"
  95. [20:11] * Seram smiles. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  96. [20:11] <Clarent> "Riiiight."
  97. [20:12] <Clarent> "So fearless leader, please lead the way."
  98. [20:12] <Jasper> "If you think you can slip another cake past Swift here, go ahead and try. It'll be your loss.
  99. [20:13] <Jasper> "And I'm not really much of a... carnival person I guess. Not really my idea of fun."
  100. [20:14] <Christopher> "Lets find a dunking booth and volunteer the little lamb for first go.."
  101. [20:15] <~DarkSunDuelist> After a bit, Weiss returns alone.
  102. [20:15] <~DarkSunDuelist> ...or wait, you were never introduced, were you?
  103. [20:15] <~DarkSunDuelist> She bows respectfully and greets you
  104. [20:15] <Christopher> (yang did )
  105. [20:15] <Clarent> (We were)
  106. [20:15] <Jasper> (Puns count as introduction, right?)
  107. [20:16] <Clarent> "Hi, you're Weiss right?"
  108. [20:16] <Seram> "I don't believe we formally introduces ourselves."
  109. [20:17] <Jasper> ""I don't think there was anything formal about that incident"
  110. [20:17] <Clarent> "I introduced myself..."
  111. [20:17] <Seram> "Yes, but you didn't introduce anyone else."
  112. [20:18] <Clarent> "Did I need to?"
  113. [20:19] * Christopher nudges Jasper "I think thats her job"
  114. [20:19] <Clarent> "Anyway, this is Seram, Chris, and Jasper, our group's leader."
  115. [20:19] * Christopher gives a nod at the pale midget
  116. [20:20] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss: "Anyway, I have been instructed to escort you through the carnival."
  117. [20:21] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss: "As your superior in skill, rank, and experience, I suggest you follow along. It would be a shame if you got lost among the crowd."
  118. [20:21] <Jasper> "You have lots of experience in carnivals?"
  119. [20:21] <Christopher> "That sounds like so much fun..."
  120. [20:21] * Jasper raises an eyebrow
  121. [20:21] <Christopher> "Where did Yang go?"
  122. [20:21] <Seram> "I see. Could we please make a stop at one of the stands along the way? I'm afraid my teammates get a little irritable when their blood sugar is low."
  123. [20:21] <Clarent> "Yeah, she had a great sense of humor."
  124. [20:22] <Christopher> "And by "my teammates" you mean you right?"
  125. [20:22] <Jasper> "This coming from the girl who has more sugar then blood"
  126. [20:22] <Seram> "Just for that, I'm not going to be paying for yours, christ."
  127. [20:23] <Seram> *chris.
  128. [20:23] <Clarent> "Didn't I buy you most of the snacks you've been eating this month?"
  129. [20:24] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss: "THAT'S ENOUGH. Follow me."
  130. [20:24] * Jasper gives a look to Weiss, it's a plea for help
  131. [20:25] <Seram> "You're the one that handed me 20 gold coins and said not to worry about paying you back."
  132. [20:25] * Christopher whispers to the rest of the group "So we go the other way right?"
  133. [20:25] <Clarent> "Just saying."
  134. [20:25] <Clarent> "Anyway we should probably follow her."
  135. [20:26] <Christopher> "Do we have to..."
  136. [20:26] <Clarent> "Remember how Sheila mentioned being able to punch missiles out of the sky?"
  137. [20:26] <Jasper> /me elbows Chris in the ribs and whispers "Don't be rude"
  138. [20:26] <~DarkSunDuelist> She's already walking off, strutting like an intoxicated swan.
  139. [20:26] <Seram> "we should probably follow her."
  140. [20:26] <Christopher> "Oww.. alright ill be good"
  141. [20:27] * Jasper follows behind
  142. [20:27] * Seram begins running after the pale short girl.
  143. [20:28] <~DarkSunDuelist> After a while, you find yourself at what seems to be an early preview for a circus performance
  144. [20:28] <~DarkSunDuelist> You see what seems to be a perriot in a top hat, serving as ringmaster
  146. [20:28] <~DarkSunDuelist> Weiss dashes over to get a good look, utter glee on her face
  147. [20:29] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Today we have a wonderful surprise for you!"
  148. [20:29] <Jasper> "I guess she does have experience in carnivals"
  149. [20:30] <Christopher> "Oh boy, clowns and animals that dont want to eat us"
  150. [20:30] <Seram> "Shush."
  151. [20:30] <~DarkSunDuelist> The ringmaster stands on top of a small hippo, one leg in the air, top hat lowered in an exaggerated bow.
  152. [20:30] <Clarent> "You think they breed the animals specifically for these kinds of performances?"
  153. [20:30] <~DarkSunDuelist> He motions towards one of the cages next to him
  154. [20:31] <Jasper> "Why do I get the feeling Wattson just jinxed us?"
  155. [20:31] <~DarkSunDuelist> "Here you see a wonderful specimen, caught from the wild and trained by our own Acrobatic Angels!
  156. [20:31] <Seram> "You're missing the performance."
  157. [20:31] <Christopher> "Perfect, its no fun if they dont want to eat us"
  158. [20:31] <Clarent> "Because then these guys would be professionals at Bred and Circuses."
  159. [20:31] <~DarkSunDuelist> He motions to the cage and it contains what seems to be a weird orange creature.
  160. [20:31] <~DarkSunDuelist> The bars and the crowd obscure it too much.
  161. [20:32] <Christopher> "...Is that thing orange?"
  162. [20:32] * Seram jumps up to get a better view.
  163. [20:32] <Clarent> "Guess the joke needs work...."
  164. [20:32] <Jasper> (How tall would the crowd be?)
  165. [20:32] <~DarkSunDuelist> The ringmaster blocks your vision of the cage.
  166. [20:32] <Clarent> "Like the unemployed."
  167. [20:32] <Clarent> "Heh."
  168. [20:33] <Seram> " you really just made an unemployment joke."
  169. [20:33] <~DarkSunDuelist> "We scoured the world to bring you one of the great wonders from beyond the walls!"
  170. [20:33] <~DarkSunDuelist> "There's nothing to fea-"
  172. [20:33] <~DarkSunDuelist> You hear a large shattering of wood and the bending of metal
  173. [20:34] <Seram> "Way to go, chris. Looks like you DID jinx us after all."
  174. [20:34] <Christopher> "Nice, this is more fun anways."
  175. [20:34] <Clarent> ((Do we have our weapons on us?)
  176. [20:35] <~DarkSunDuelist> Out steps what seems to be a large two-legged lizard, skin caked with rocks and dust. Between the stones and dirt that make up its skin, you can see the lava that makes up its inner flesh, as well as make out the nucleus near where its heart should be.
  177. [20:35] <~DarkSunDuelist> It roars at the ringmaster.
  178. [20:35] <~DarkSunDuelist> [END SESSION]
  179. [20:38] * Seram is now known as Frederick
  180. [20:38] * Christopher is now known as Editanon
  181. [20:39] <~DarkSunDuelist> REWARDS:
  182. [20:39] <~DarkSunDuelist> >20 EXP
  183. [20:39] <~DarkSunDuelist> >Cliffhanger
  184. [20:39] * Jasper is now known as Danceanon
  185. [20:39] <~DarkSunDuelist> >-2 Party Members
  186. [20:39] <~DarkSunDuelist> >+1 Party Member
  187. [20:39] * Clarent is now known as Saia
  188. [20:39] <Kroked> lizzards
  189. End of #RSLV buffer Sat Jun 14 20:40:25 2014
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