

Jun 5th, 2015
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  1. - lack of variance in rooms, which makes it hilariously easy to blaze through them even when you're being chased because you've memorized the layout of a room by the time you actually need to navigate it
  2. - only counter to this is random trial and error door locking that may force you to take a hit, which even then is very rare
  3. - room designs are ugly and plain
  4. - enemies are all pathetic and slow, the only part i've really gotten hit being fucking around or running in an area where monsters have more mobility than i do (e.g. floating specimens when i have to run through the one-tile wide paths)
  5. - only argument against this is the puppetmaster, who's a weeping angel with poorly explained mechanics
  6. - only enemy that can hit you during room transitions
  7. - hard countered by walking backwards for twenty or thirty rooms which is fucking stupid
  8. - an entire room dedicated to fucking let's players
  9. - cutouts are somehow the most frightening part of the game, and only because they're actual jumpscares
  10. - random framerate drops, no settings to increase resolution
  11. - completely pointless area with the cat
  12. - graphics occasionally break
  13. - deers take three hits to kill which almost guarantees they will get a hit on you before you kill them
  14. - i actually had no idea some of the specimens existed because i went through their areas so fast
  15. - grand majority of the rooms in the game are stupid filler rooms you run through to pad out the room count
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