
Signal fragment processing result

Feb 5th, 2020
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  1. Result = "["mplif", "l sou", "urting crystal. E", "me cold.", "al. Loca", "ld assembed", "Attention: vacuum ex", "ent 1: medium-wave ", "on short-pulse transistor. Extraction New Age hu", "signa. L", "itions of ad-hoc p", ". Recommend fied b", "n: extreme pressureme heat. Co", "on photoprotoneutron torpedo. E", "embly of exposure. Components 1-4 to be antennation buffer. Co", "mponent 3: speaker cone. E", "nt compromised in arcanoferric housing. L", "portable signal receiver shipment 4: short calculator. Local source isolated, designatin", "on: overload addition: condition PADL Phonent 2: 18 picoherz resonation superamplified boom box. Extraction all field operatives: Receiver."]"
  3. R4 Result = "["stal. E", "esignal receiver.", "urting crystal. Local source isolated, designatin", "me cold.", ". Recommend fie", "ion buffer. Co", "ld assembed", "ion: vacuum ex", "ion: overload addit", "ion superamplified boom box. Ex", "Attention New Age hu", "action: conditions of ad-hoc p", "n: extreme pressureme heat. Co", "nent 4: speaker cone. E", "on photoprotoneutron torpedo. E", "ion all field operatives: Receiver shipment 1: medium-wave ", "embly of exposure. Components 1-4 to be antenna. L", "nent 3: short calculator. Lo", "nt compromised in arcanoferric housing. L", "portable signation short-pulse transistor. Extraction PADL Phonent 2: 18 picoherz resonati"]"
  4. minimum_match_number = 3
  5. R3 Result = "["stal. E", "esignal receiver.", "urting crystal. Local source isolated, designatin", "me cold.", ". Recommend fie", "ion buffer. Co", "ld assembed", "ion: vacuum ex", "ion: overload addit", "ion superamplified boom box. Ex", "Attention New Age hu", "action: conditions of ad-hoc p", "n: extreme pressureme heat. Co", "nent 4: speaker cone. E", "on photoprotoneutron torpedo. E", "ion all field operatives: Receiver shipment 1: medium-wave ", "embly of exposure. Components 1-4 to be antenna. L", "nent 3: short calculator. Lo", "nt compromised in arcanoferric housing. L", "portable signation short-pulse transistor. Extraction PADL Phonent 2: 18 picoherz resonati"]"
  6. minimum_match_number = 2
  7. R2 Result = "["stal. E", "esignal receiver.", "urting crystal. Local source isolated, designatin", "me cold.", ". Recommend fie", "ion buffer. Co", "ld assembed", "ion: vacuum ex", "ion: overload addit", "ion superamplified boom box. Ex", "Attention New Age hu", "action: conditions of ad-hoc p", "n: extreme pressureme heat. Co", "nent 4: speaker cone. E", "on photoprotoneutron torpedo. E", "ion all field operatives: Receiver shipment 1: medium-wave ", "embly of exposure. Components 1-4 to be antenna. L", "nent 3: short calculator. Lo", "nt compromised in arcanoferric housing. L", "portable signation short-pulse transistor. Extraction PADL Phonent 2: 18 picoherz resonati"]"
  8. Final Result = "["stal. E", "esignal receiver.", "urting crystal. Local source isolated, designatin", "me cold.", ". Recommend fie", "ion buffer. Co", "ld assembed", "ion: vacuum ex", "ion: overload addit", "ion superamplified boom box. Ex", "Attention New Age hu", "action: conditions of ad-hoc p", "n: extreme pressureme heat. Co", "nent 4: speaker cone. E", "on photoprotoneutron torpedo. E", "ion all field operatives: Receiver shipment 1: medium-wave ", "embly of exposure. Components 1-4 to be antenna. L", "nent 3: short calculator. Lo", "nt compromised in arcanoferric housing. L", "portable signation short-pulse transistor. Extraction PADL Phonent 2: 18 picoherz resonati"]"
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