
2019-10-30 TOEFL: reading inference, listening inference

Oct 30th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: Answer the rest of the questions in exercise 3.2. (questions 6-34, passages 2-4)
  6. Compare your answers with your partner. Try to convince them of your answers if you disagree.
  7. 6 B
  8. 7 C
  9. 8 A
  10. 9 A
  11. 10 B (Families that have a common origin are called Hiruzama asteroids, but this isn’t all families.)
  12. 11 B (The first two theories are not what people believe any more.)
  13. 12 A (It was discovered in July of 2002, and the year followed by two letters is a temporary name. A different asteroid, 2002 Euler, was the 2002nd to be discovered.)
  14. 13 D (This is a permanent name, so the number is the order of discovery. Eros is a god, not a goddess.)
  15. 14 A (“Even after these names were used up” means the mythological names were used up sooner, so some of the first 333 are other female names.)
  16. 15 C
  18. 16 B
  19. 17 A (C may also be true, but can’t be inferred from the information in the text.)
  20. 18 A (“leaking out into the loose rock” is what would happen without geyserite, so it prevents water from passing through. A hot spring has geyserite but is not a geyser.)
  21. 19 D
  22. 20 C
  23. 21 B
  24. 22 A (A volcano is mentioned because the geyserite “looks like” one, so it has a similar shape.)
  25. 23 D (Geysers with open pools are fountain geysers, and Old Faithful is a columnar or cone geyser.)
  26. 24 A (They “still retain” the word “field”, so they have been in operation since the time when that was common.)
  27. 25 C
  28. 26 C
  29. 27 A
  30. 28 B
  31. 29 C
  32. 30 A
  33. 31 D
  34. 32 B
  35. 33 C
  36. 34 D
  37. ---
  38. - Sometimes it’s probably helpful to take notes on a large paragraph in a reading passage, to simply the information and make sure you understand it.
  39. first discovered = temp name, like 2006 AC
  40. year + 2 letters (half-month and order)
  41. then - permanent name
  42. number (of discovery) + name, like 1 Ceres or 334 Chicago
  43. mythological females
  44. all females until 334 Chicago
  45. ---
  46. Listening Section:
  47. - two or three sets of listenings, which can be long or short (one long and one or two short sets)
  48. long set = 1 conversation (5Q), 1 lecture (6Q), 1 discussion (6Q); 10 minutes to choose answers
  49. short set = 1 conversation, 1 lecture or discussion; 6.5 minutes to choose answers
  50. - you’ll listen only once, followed by questions
  51. - you cannot return to earlier questions after you click “next”
  52. - You will read and hear each question, and the timer continues after the answer choices appear
  53. - On the official test, you will have to click “next” and then click “confirm” in order to move on
  54. ---
  55. Listening Question Types:
  56. - main idea (topic or purpose)
  57. - detail/fact
  58. - attitude
  59. - replay (function)
  60. - inference
  61. - purpose
  62. - complete a chart or table
  63. - prediction
  64. ---
  65. Cambridge exercise L18 - Are the inferences correct (write “yes” or “no”)
  66. 1 Yes
  67. 2 No
  68. 3 No
  69. 4 Yes
  70. exercise L19 - Choose the correct answer to each inference question.
  71. 1 B
  72. 2 D
  73. 3 A
  74. 4 B
  75. ---
  76. BREAK
  77. ---
  78. exercise L20 - Listen to parts of conversations or lectures and answer the questions in your own words
  79. 1 She is or plans to be an art major.
  80. 2 Those are low-tech toys that children don’t lose interest in, because they can be anything.
  81. 3 It’s an opportunity to hear regional Spanish accents, and it’s a chance to be exposed to Spanish outside the class.
  82. 4 There has been an assault on campus.
  83. ---
  84. Oxford p. 231 - pre-listening questions
  85. In British English, a university faculty is a large subdivision of the university, which in the US might be called a school or college (bigger than a department).
  86. A major is your primary area of study, and it’s what your degree will be in.
  87. A minor is a secondary area of study, which doesn’t require as many total classes to complete.
  88. ---
  89. exercise 4L5 - What abbreviations could you use in your notes for these things?
  90. 1 apt / appt / appmt
  91. 2 bhr / bhvr (Many English words can be reliably abbreviated by removing vowels.)
  92. 3 cog neurosc / CNS / cog ns
  93. 4 bio sci
  94. 5 special [mortarboard picture] / spec degs
  95. 6 rqmt / req
  96. (In a course catalog, “prereq” and “coreq” are common abbreviations.)
  97. ---
  98. Listen to the conversation and take notes.
  99. exercise 4L6 - Use your notes to answer the detail and inference quesitons about the conversation.
  100. 1 c
  101. 2 a (The psychology department is in the Arts Faculty. There is no “Arts and Sciences” faculty, or else she wouldn’t have to switch.)
  102. 3 a d (“Losing credit” is not the same as “losing credits”, which are the “units” of study that you’ve done.)
  103. 4 b c d
  104. 5 c d
  105. 6 c (“The end of February” “doesn’t give us much time”, so it’s already winter.)
  106. ---
  107. A credit is often called a credit-hour. It’s usually one lesson per week for a full term. For example, a class that meets for 3 lessons a week will be three credits.
  108. ---
  109. exercise 4L7 - Listen and take notes on another piece of paper.
  110. Then with your partner, use your notes to complete the outline on p. 232.
  111. 1. Study
  112. * participants
  113. - school children
  114. * method
  115. - measured body mass, did exercise to assess fitness, took a (cognitive) test
  116. * results
  117. - fittest students scored higher
  118. 2. Science behind results = process
  119. 1. move the muscles
  120. 2. produces IFG-1, which goes to the brain
  121. 3. increases the production of BDNF
  122. 3. BDNF = Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
  123. * promotes higher level thought
  124. * more exercise = more capacity to handle cognitive tasks
  125. * study: BDNF causes new brain cells and new connections between cells
  126. * chemical that facilitates learning
  127. ---
  128. exercise 4L8 - Answer the questions.
  129. 1 c
  130. 2 d
  131. 3 b
  132. 4 a c
  133. 5 a
  134. ---
  135. Homework: Delta exercises 2.4.A and 2.4.B
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