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  1. # Building
  3. ##General
  5. For builds, check [this page]( While building in Smite is very situational, grappul offers a nice basic build that off of which
  6. you can base your own, optimized build. If you want me to go into details on a certain item on all of them simply say so and I will.
  8. ##Useful items
  10. ###Blink
  11. Blink is pretty much a must on Tyr. Tyr relies heavily on good positioning (as I'll explain later) and many of his abilites require him to get behind the enemy to be used to their full effect, making blink an incredibly strong item on him.
  13. #Skilling
  14. Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences and that the best way to skill is the one that best suits your playstyle. There are, however, some basic guidelines that are worth following, which are what I'll try to list below.
  15. ###General
  17. Don't skill until the very second that you're going to use it. Keep your skillpoint ready incase the enemy tries to invade your team needs you. Be ready to put a point in your escape ability if you need to get out quick it's better to
  18. lose out on a little bit of earlygame power instead of giving away first blood.
  20. ###Priority
  21. 2>1>3>4
  22. ###First five levels
  23. 1-2-2/3-2/3-4
  25. ##Unyielding
  26. Stuns, Taunts, Fears, intxicate, and Mesmerize cannot affect Tyr for longer than 2s.
  27. ##Fearless
  28. Tyr chrages forwards, Immune to knockup, damaging enemeis. Assault Stance: Tyr pushes all enemies along with him, hitting them 2 times and knocking them up to the air. Guard Stance: Tyr hits each enemy only once, passing through them.
  29. ##Power Cleave
  30. Tyr makes a massive meele attack, hitting all enemies within a 180 degree once. Assault Stance: Enemies that are knocked up in the air are knocked away. Guard Stance: Tyr heals twice for the first enemy hit, and once for each additional enemy (max 3).
  31. ##Change Stance
  32. Tyr changes between Assault and Guard stance. Changing stances reduces the refreshes of Fearless and Power Cleave. Assault Stance: Gain Physical Power. Guard Stance: Gain Protections
  33. ##Lawbringer
  34. Tyr leaps through the air, bringing indiscriminate Justice upon all enemies in the target area, and slowing them.
  35. #Tips
  37. ##General
  38. Tyr is a God that very heavily relies on good positioning. A large part of what makes him great is his CCing, which requires him to be positioned well. Especially in the early phases of the game, a good AS (Assault Stance) into tower easily nets a free kill. Due to his long cooldowns, however, this
  39. also means that using a Fearless unwisely can easily net a kill for the enemy team. While Tyr is usually more of a meatshield with good CC late, you shouldn't underestimate the damage output a good Tyr has as well as the insane tankiness that he gets from his 2.
  41. ##Laning
  43. During the laning phase, you want to focus on pushing your wave and getting as much poke off / taking as little poke yourself as possible. Getting a kill early is great, but farmign should be your main focus. Tyr's true power only comes on line when he has a few defensive items, making him an insurmountable, unkillable bastion
  44. of deadly CC. Due to Tyrs long CDs, missing a skill in hopes of getting poke off will be harshly punished by any decent enemy, which is why farming is so important. True kill potential on early game Tyr usually comes from overly agressive / badly positioned opponents. Tyr has the ability to turn an early figth that very few other Gods can match, which
  45. allows you to punish overly agressive enemies very easily: e.g. The enemy Herc is trying to land his 2 on you while you're sitting under your tower with 20% health. You heal up on the remaining 3 minions, dash through him with GS (Guard Stance) Fearless, turn around and switch stances, push him into tower with AS Fearless and Power Cleave.
  47. ##Mid to Lategame
  49. Once you've gotten your core items online and have a solid ammount of defence you become insanely dangerous to the enemy team. Due to the heals that your 2 provides, you're almost unkillable in teamfights. Go for ganks if you can, look for invades and punish any enemy that overreaches. In teamfights, try to position yourself to the left or right of the main group. This
  50. leaves you close enough to engage / react to an enemy engage quickly, but also assures that you'll stay out of poke range, which is very important as you want to be able to blink when an opportunity arieses, which in turn requires you to stay out of combat.
  52. ##Tips
  53. ###Unyielding
  54. Unyielding is a wonderful passive. It allows you to stay relative and makes focusing you a horribly annoying task for the opponent. You might still want beads to get instant anti CC though.
  56. ###Fearless
  57. Fearless is how Tyr does damage and is a detriment to the enemy team.
  58. ####Assault Stance
  59. **Offensively**
  60. In teamfights, Fearless is what allows your team to get an edge over the enemy. Your main job here is not to do damage, but to set up a disadventageous situation for the enemy team. You probably wont be able to just walk behind them, so use either Blink or your ult to get into a favourable postion.
  61. Keep in mind that even just missplacing 2 enemies, or forcing their beads, is often enough to give your team the advantage you need. I often see Tyr players lose the moment of surprise or hesitating to engage because they're looking for the perfect 5-man-into-tower Fearless, which obviously would be nice but is
  62. unlikely to happen all that often. Try to focus on key targets instead. Sometimes even just hitting a single enemy is enough: e.g. you Fearless the enemy Poseidon, who's been instakilling your squishies with his 3-4 combo in every teamfight, away from the teamfight. This also goes for the direction you Fearless them in.
  63. While it might sometimes be benificial to Fearless multiple enemies towards your team, this could also turn out to be an disadvantage for your team, especially if you have a lot of squishies that rely on keeping their distance to survive. Use your game sense and the map. Knocking enemies into walls is very effective and allows for eas follow ups by your teammates.
  64. **Defensively**
  65. Fearless can not only be used offensively but also defensively. If a teamfight has gone south you might be able to save some of your teammates by Fearlessing enemies away from them. Focus key targets with good CC to allow your team to escape. Don't underestimate the distance gain Fearless gives you either - especially if you find yourself retreating. If you can't simply retreat, use your AS Fearless to gain a few critical seconds and give yourself some breathing room. Especially if you're waiting for a gank / for your skills or items to come off cooldown, turning around and Fearlessing enemies
  66. can give you that much needed breathing space.
  67. ####Guard Stance
  68. Fearless in GS is often forgotten about, as its uses aren't as obvious. GS Fearless alows you to reposition yourself really quickly. As you can dash **through** enemies, this allows you to get past a body block as a set up for AS Fearless, to chase after enemies, to get out of a risky situation, etc.
  70. ###Powercleave
  71. Powercleave is what allows you to keep the pressure up, gives you survivability and works as a great follow up for Fearless.
  72. ####Assault Stance
  73. AS Powercleave usually functions as a follow up to AS Fearless, to get some extra damage and CC in, as well as lane clear. Pretty straight forward.
  74. ####Guard Stance
  75. Guard Stance is where Powercleave really shines. The heal it provides is your bread and butter, both in lane as well as in teamfights later on. In lane you should mainly use it when you're taking poke or if you need to clear the wave fast. If you get ganked, saving your Powercleave might be worth it so you can hit both enemies and heal up more than you would if you just hit one. Keep in mind that you wont get the 2x multiplier on anyone but the first target hit.
  76. In teamfights the same applies. Especially since teamfights will mainly take place later in the game, don't use your GS Powercleave just to get poke off. You have the defence, so even if you get focused, keep your cool, heal up on as many enemies as possible and just juggle them around. Your kit is perfect for sustained fights, you can continiously dash through them and push them away with Fearless, allowing your Powercleave to come off cooldown.
  77. ###Lawbringer
  78. While Lawbringer does good damage, you'll mainly use it either as an initiation (which is suboptimal, use blink for that if possible), an escape, or to chase after an escaping enemy. The offensive use is pretty obvious, jump behind enemies to set yourself up for a good Fearless. If you're chasing after someone and they're quicker than you, you can land Lawbringer for a) the slow and b) to cut off their escape route. Make sure not to use it if the enemy has a leap and is close to a wall, as he could just jump over it if he knows that your Lawbringer is down.
  79. Devensively this ability is insanely valuable. Not only is it a leap (which has obvious uses if you're trying to get away from an enemy) but it also gives you CC immunity, allowing you to counter something like Ares' ult, etc. Keep in mind that, as most leaps, even just getting up into the air might be enough to turn the tide of the fight. If you get ganked, especially by someone with huge AOEs, chances are that they'll throw down their damage quickish. If they don't CC you, you beads out of it, or just use your passive, jumping straight up into the air and landing in the same spot again might be beneficial. You can remove yourself from harms way for a second and deal some damage.
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