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SA anus

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Jul 2nd, 2012
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  2. Kisume, a bucket youkai. The biggest question is, does she ever leave her bucket? Checking her official profile, yes she does as it says she only spends most of her time in buckets. Which means she can be seen outside of them occasionally. Apparently she likes dropping things from high heights. Due to this I assume she wouldn't poop inside of her bucket since then it would just plop in her bucket and not fall that much. I imagine she might have possibly pooped on top of travelers while hanging around in high places waiting for people to pass under. Looking at the whiteness of her clothes, the inside of her bucket probably isn't shitstained. Kisume also hangs out in wells. If she bathes or poops in them, I don't know. I also don't know if anybody drinks from the wells she hangs out in. If one accepts that she hangs out with Yamame then Yamame might be a decent source of not only clean clothes, but toilet paper as well. Overall, I know far too little about Kisume to make a clean analysis about her anus hygiene.
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  5. Yamame, a spider youkai. She has the ability to manipulate diseases, but doesn't use it without good reason. That seems decent for preventing any bad intestinal problems. Now onto the actual pooping part. It seems spiders combine their urine with their feces so they don't need to pee. So I guess Yamame doesn't need to pee either. Googling and reading about spider poop. It seems spiders poop everywhere and the poop is very hard to clean properly. Like if you look under a spiderweb in your own house, the spots around it are very likely spider poop. However, going by her profile, Yamame is apparently well liked by the other youkai and pooping everywhere would probably piss them off. It seems Yamame may have been more youkaish in the past, but is now quite conservative in present times so she might care more about where she poops now. Spiders are decent groomers as well, so I would suppose that Yamame wipes well enough and will always be able to have silk on hand at least for toilet paper. However a lot of spiders don't take to water well. So if Yamame bathes or not is something to ponder about. There's also the difficulty of cleaning spider poop to take into account. Does that mean Yamame's shit are particularly hard to wipe? Spider poop can also vary quite a bit looking at the two youtube videos I watched. One video, the spider created a bubble with its ass and it popped without looking like it released anything and in the other the spider just suddenly pooped out a white glob. Overall, I'd wager on Yamame's anus being on the dirtier side.
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  8. Parsee, a youkai driven by jealousy. Honestly I have no idea how this will work out for my analysis. Apparently she protects the bridge between the surface and the underworld. However, there is no mention of her ever leaving this bridge. She should have easy access to water at least if her bridge is over a river. Since I have no idea how the creature Parsee is actually based off would poop, I simply decided to google "do elves poop" since she has pointy ears and blonde hair. According to the few things that came up including a LotR fanfic, yes they do. This however doesn't really bring more insight into Parsee's pooping habits or anus. Her spellcards also don't do anything that I can relate to the topic either. Overall, analysis is inconclusive.
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  11. Yuugi, an oni. Likes drinking and causing a ruckus. Her power is to manipulate the supernatural, but poop isn't supernatural in anyway so that means it's irrelevant to the analysis. As an oni, her drinking won't be included in the analysis like in Suika's. I assume Yuugi is a bodybuilder and googling that I get a list of bodybuilding diet essentials. It was fairly normal, basically protein and water. However it mentioned a fiber source that also provided good protein. Beans/legumes, however, onis hate beans, also peanuts have been thrown in recent Setsubuns in places of beans so they're a no go as well. If we assume Yuugi also hates them, then there's a good chance she might have a real fiber deficiency. She might end up being constipated a lot due to having a meat rich diet, but very little fiber. However due to her supernatural strength, it might be possible for her to squeeze out those shits anyways even if they are incredibly hard and dry. Difficulty of wiping is increased by lack of fiber and high amounts of fat. Which means Yuugi is generally going to have to wipe a lot to ensure a clean anus. Due to Yuugi's diet, her anus is more likely to be dirtier than the average anus. However since bodybuilders frequently shave their body hair Yuugi's anus is likely to be hair free.
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  14. Satori, a mind-reading youkai. I can only create my analysis through conjecture of what I know of the touhou. This makes some touhous really hard to analyze like Parsee. I can only conjecture the state of Satori's anus through her personality, duties, and the effects her power has on her personality. Reading through her dialogues, Satori has a frank habit of saying what a person is thinking and then responding immediately to it. This seems rather rude and is probably why she's so hated. I wonder if a person was ever thinking "Ah shit, I really need to shit" and Satori just went in front of everybody "Just go take a shit already". I ponder when before she moved away from everybody if she ended up reading a lot of bathroom related thoughts. And if she spoke frankly about them as well. Satori seems no nonsense and responsible so I guess she'd be fairly responsible in wiping. She also takes care of many pets so she might also be used to cleaning after a lot of pet shit as well. Overall, I'd guess her anus was fairly clean due to being a responsible person. She is also probably used to creating proper diets for her pets so her diet would probably decent as well healthwise. And she lives in a mansion so I would assume it has proper plumbing and a bathroom as well. I imagine she'd be overly self-conscious of her own hygiene as well since she can read her pets' minds. If one of them thought "Mistress Satori stinks a bit today" Satori would probably have good reason to wash up again.
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  17. Rin, a cat youkai, kasha specifically. Does manual labor and moves corpses around, what she does with them is somewhat debated. As a pet of Satori, I'd expect her to be rather disciplined in general. Satori probably makes sure Rin maintains proper hygiene. From pooping in the toilet to taking baths. Also regarding Rin's stance on water. It seems whether or not a cat hates water depends on how hot is the place they live in. If it's always hot out, then the cat would probably enjoy a nice swim. Due to this I assume Rin is fine with water since she works in the old Blazing Hells while pushing around a wheelbarrow. Rin's anus and hygiene are probably far better than Chen's it seems due to having a stricter caretaker, less dislike towards water, and the caretaker being able to read her mind. Rin can't ever be lax or Satori will know and I imagine it must be pretty embarrassing to think "I didn't wipe my ass properly" and be talking to a mind reader. She also works with corpses often so if she's considerate towards her mistress then she'll probably bathe often to get rid of the smell of death.
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  20. Utsuho, a hell raven bestowed with nuclear power. This is going to be a tricky analysis. On one hand, she's under a lot of the same conditions as Orin is, on the other hand, she's an idiot. That and her poop is most likely radioactive now. I imagine Satori put in a lot of effort to toilet train Utsuho, but then again getting her to do things isn't hard, it's getting her to remember to do those things that is apparently. There's a sharp disconnect between Utsuho's intelligence and the that of a raven as ravens are corvids, the smartest type of bird. Ravens bathe in water and even wash things in them. So I'd imagine Utsuho could do the same, but how far does her stupidity go is the question. She is very easily tricked in the least according to some of her dialogues. Also in the case Utsuho doesn't poop in the right place or wipe properly, I imagine it must get very difficult for Satori cleaning up radioactive poop or wiping up Utsuho's radioactive ass. So anus cleanliness is rather low most likely due to radioactivity. I don't imagine anymore hair growing down there after a glowing shit so it's hair free at least.
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  23. Koishi, a youkai that manipulates the subconscious. This is a hard to know matter, one way to look at it is the Freudian way. In a child's development there are psychosexual stages which can affect that child's view on a certain thing for the rest of his or her life. The one we're going to look at is the anal stage. The anal stage is the stage in which a child goes through toilet training and is about the major conflict between the Id and the Ego and Superego. If a child is punished during this stage, their Id may take precedence in the future and the child will become anal-expulsive in life. If a child is overly rewarded during this stage, then they possibly become anal-retentive in the future. Since Koishi seems able to go all Id and all Superego then that possibly means she can enjoy shitting at times and enjoy holding it in at times. If we assume Koishi is more likely to poop while in Id mode and more likely to hold it in in Superego mode then that means her Id is likely to be in control right after pooping. And if we're behaving in Id mode, she can just go "who cares about wiping". If her plain Ego is in control then she would just poop and wipe like a normal person however. This can also affect her hygiene as well. If she's in Id mode, she might just not bother with washing herself if she doesn't enjoy it on a primal level. While in Superego mode she might wash compulsively and even shave obsessively. So in the end, Koishi's anus's cleanliness and whether it's shaved or not depends on whether her Id or Superego has been in control lately.
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