
Soarin and Anon

Mar 2nd, 2016
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  1. >You wake up slowly, the morning sun streaming through the window
  2. >You roll over and come face-to-face with a smiling blue pegasus
  3. “Morning, Soarin.”
  4. >”Morning, Anon.”
  5. >He plants a kiss on your nose and you kiss him back on his muzzle
  6. >”Ready for a day off?”
  7. “I've been waiting the whole week for this.”
  8. >Ever since Soarin stumbled into Earth a few months ago, he's been a celebrity
  9. >Scientists worldwide are trying to reopen the portal that brought him here
  10. >You're the one that found him freezing on a park bench in the middle of the night
  11. >With the money he made from various public appearances and interviews, you're practically millionaires
  12. >The two of you bought a small house together and are living comfortably
  13. >And, finally, the two of you have a day off together
  15. >Your phone vibrates on the nightstand
  16. >You pick it up and read the message
  17. >Immediately, you sigh and flop down on the bed
  18. >”Anon? What's wrong?”
  19. >You show him the message
  20. >It's from your mother
  21. >”I can't wait to see your new house! I'll be over at 6:30 with your father!”
  22. >Soarin looks up at you and smiles
  23. >”This is great! I'm finally gonna meet your parents!”
  24. “There's just one problem. They're a bit on the conservative side.”
  25. >”Conservative?”
  26. “Remember those old guys who said you were the spawn of Satan and tried to get you kicked out of the country?”
  27. >”Yeah?”
  28. “Them.”
  30. “Well, not that extreme. But they certainly don't approve of gay relationships, let alone inter species with an alien.”
  31. >”An attractive alien.”
  32. “A gorgeous alien. But I never told them I was gay, and I never told them I was with you. All they know is that I got a new house.”
  33. >”So how long do we have to prepare?”
  34. “You mean to flee the country? I'm sure we could make it across the border by the evening.”
  35. >”No, silly, to prepare to tell your parents that you're dating a stallion. And the sexiest stallion of them all, too.”
  36. “I'm sure you are.” You give him another kiss. “But we can't change over fifty years of opinions on one night. You're gonna have to be ready for anything.”
  37. >He smiled and stared up at the ceiling
  38. >”You know, in Equestria, everypony loves and tolerates. Ponies care for each other, and stallions can love stallions without any problems.”
  39. >You wrap an arm around him
  40. “You know, any day now they're going to open that portal again, and we're going to be the first ones through. And I'll get to meet your family. But for now, my parents are going to get to meet Earth’s only Equestrian, and they're going to have to deal with it.”
  41. >He grabs you and pulls you into a kiss
  42. >”That's the spirit, Anon!”
  44. >You sigh as you hear the doorbell
  45. >Soarin ducks upstairs like you had planned
  46. >You open the door and your parents are standing on the front porch.
  47. >”Oh, Anon, it's so nice to see you again! It's been so lonely with just the two of us.”
  48. “It was pretty quiet here, too.” Until Soarin showed up.
  49. >”Oh, and you finally bought a house! You know, your husband and I bought a house when we were about your age.”
  50. >”Well, what I want to know is why you didn't move out of that cramped apartment years ago!”
  51. “Ha, yeah, Dad. You know how it is. Money's tight. But that doesn't matter, does it? Come in, come in. It's nice and warm in here.”
  52. >Your parents sit down in the living room
  53. >They look around at the decorations
  54. >Ten thousand dollars of Soarin’s earnings went a long way
  55. >Your father breaks the silence
  56. >”So who's the lucky lady?”
  58. “I'm sorry, what?”
  59. >”Who is she? This house is much too big and much too nice for just one person.”
  60. “Uh, that's actually something I wanted to talk to you about.”
  61. >Your mother claps her hands and grins
  62. >”Oh, I knew it! You're getting married!”
  63. “Not yet, Mom. But we're, uh, getting there.”
  64. >”Well, we're waiting, Anon. Your father and I want some grandkids.”
  65. “Ha, yeah. That would be nice.”
  66. >Your mother straightens up
  67. >”So did you hear about that pony that everyone's talking about? Quite a celebrity.”
  68. >”Linda, that horse is anything but a celebrity. It is a freak and should never have gotten that much attention from the media.”
  69. >This is going the end in disaster
  71. >Your father keeps going on his rant
  72. >”It's insane! We're pouring millions of taxpayer dollars to open a gosh-darned magical portal to another dimension.”
  73. >”It is pretty crazy, Frank.”
  74. >”And they want to call it an ambassador to another planet. It's all nonsense, Anon. Nonsense.”
  75. “Uh, yeah. Nonsense.”
  76. >He throws his hands into the air
  77. >”It's all the president’s fault. First he tries to pass Obamacare behind all of our backs, then he lets the gays marry, and now this. I can't wait until we put an honest Republican into office. And, honestly, Linda, I don't understand why this horse is getting so much attention. It could have been some lowlife before a portal opened and the world started obsessing over an alien! It doesn't deserve our attention or our money. As soon as my taxes are done being wasted on creating a magic, I'll throw that horse through myself!”
  78. “That's enough!”
  79. >Your eye is twitching and you're fuming
  80. “I'm not going to let you say any of that. Do you know Soarin?”
  81. >”I know that he's a waste of the media’s attention.”
  82. “But do you know him as a person? Or a pony, or whatever? Do you know his favorite color or his favorite movie? Do you know how afraid he was when he realized he was trapped here? Or are you just making up shit?”
  83. >Your mother looks up at you
  84. >”Anon, what's gotten into you?”
  85. “Soarin is the pony I moved in with. We've been in love since the moment we met, and it's been the best three months of my life. And I'm not going to let you say that about him, Dad.”
  87. >Your parents stare at you for a moment
  88. >You sigh and sit down
  89. “I'm sorry. Just upset, that's all.”
  90. >Your mom is the first to speak
  91. >”Son, you're- you're in love with a horse?”
  92. “A pony, yeah.”
  93. >”And you're gay?”
  94. “Yeah.”
  95. >”Well, then I guess your sister’s gonna have to give us some grandkids then.”
  96. >You call up the stairs
  97. “Soarin, you can come down now.”
  98. >”Coming!”
  99. >He flies down the stairs and comes to a stop next to you
  100. >Your mother starts to coo over him
  101. >”Look at him, Frank, he's so adorable!”
  102. >”Our son is dating a horse.”
  103. >”I don't look like any horses from around here. And I can talk.”
  104. >He sighs and extends a hand out
  105. >”The name’s Frank.”
  106. >Soarin puts his hoof in your dad’s palm, and they awkwardly shake hands
  107. >”Soarin.”
  108. >”And I'm his mother, Linda.”
  109. >Soarin sticks his hoof out, but your mother grabs him
  110. >”We're huggers around here, Soarin.”
  111. >”I- can't- breathe-”
  112. “Mom? I think you're hurting him.”
  114. >She lets him go and laughs
  115. >”He's so sweet, Frank.”
  116. >”Yeah. Sweet.”
  117. >The oven dings and you jump up
  118. “Food’s ready!”
  119. >You get the hell out of the room and take a tray full of steaming hot lasagna out of the oven
  120. >You take it out to the small dining room and set it on the table, along with a few glasses of wine
  121. >After everything looks good, you go back into the living room
  122. >Immediately you can tell that something is wrong
  123. >Your mom is pampering Soarin
  124. >Apparently she found out that he likes to be scratched behind the ears
  125. >Your father is sitting in a chair alone grumbling about how his son’s boyfriend was an animal
  126. “Uh, dinner’s ready. It's nothing special, just lasagna. No meat, though.”
  127. >”Oh, that's fine, dear.”
  128. >Your mother hops up and sits right next to Soarin
  129. >Your father grumbles his way up and into a dining chair
  131. >Dinner was quiet
  132. >Mostly
  133. >Soarin told stories about Equestria and his family
  134. >Your mother loved them, but your father wasn't as interested
  135. >”A city made of clouds? I don't believe it.”
  136. >”Frank!” Your mother hissed
  137. >”Dear, I'm sorry, but I can't sit here and listen to these fake stories about a magical world. I think the game’s on, and I'm going to watch that. You know, something that humans do.”
  138. >He got up and went into the living room
  139. >You heard the TV click on and your mother sighed
  140. >”I'm sorry, Soarin. Anon’s father can be a little closed-minded sometimes. I was a little surprised, too, but I guess we just react in different ways.”
  141. “It's alright, Mom. I'm sure he'll be fine.”
  142. >”So, uh, Linda, what teams are playing right now?”
  143. >”Well, I think it's the Packers and the Cardinals. Football.”
  144. >”And he's rooting for the Packers?”
  145. >”Absolutely!”
  146. >”I'll be right back.”
  147. >He got up and walked in the living room
  148. >You smiled as you realized what he's doing
  150. >You're now Soarin
  151. >And you're about to make amends with Anon’s dad
  152. >You jump up on the couch and look at the game
  153. >It's pretty confusing, but you think you know how to follow it
  154. >Anon's father looks over at you
  155. >”You a fan of football?”
  156. “Yeah. I watched a few games with Anon and got hooked.”
  157. >”Which team are you rooting for?”
  158. “Packers, of course.”
  159. >He smiled
  160. >”Maybe you're not so bad after all.”
  161. “Guess not.”
  162. >You watched the game in silence for a few minutes
  163. >”So what happened to bring you here?”
  164. “I flew into a portal that popped up right in front of me. Couldn't turn away or pull up, that's how close it was. I flew straight into a tree in a park downtown, where I was lucky enough to find Anon walking home. He helped me get back on my hooves and adjust to Earth.”
  165. >”So those wings of yours work?”
  166. “Do they! I was part of the Wonderbolts. We were Equestria’s best flyers, and we performed all over the country.”
  167. >You smiled
  168. >You remembered the lights, the ponies, the wind whipping through your mane
  169. “I'd give it all up for Anon, though.”
  170. >He smiled
  171. >”You must really love him.”
  172. “I do. Your son is one of the greatest people on this planet. You raised him well.”
  173. >”Maybe you're not so bad after all.”
  175. >You're Anon again
  176. >Much to your surprise, your parents leave smiling
  177. >You didn't expect your dad to warm up to Soarin so fast
  178. >Guess he just had to get to know him
  179. >You shut the door and wipe the sweat off your forehead
  180. >”Your parents were great, Anon.”
  181. “Glad to hear it. I wasn't expecting that, that's for sure.”
  182. >He brushes up against your leg
  183. >”So what do you have planned for the rest of the night?”
  184. >You scoop him up and give him a long, deep kiss
  185. “I hope you don't plan on getting any sleep tonight.”
  186. >Soarin kisses you, and the two of you head upstairs as your parents drive away
  188. -----
  190. >It's been six months since your parents first met Soarin
  191. >Even your father is friends with him now, and they come over weekly
  192. >But you're not on Earth right now
  193. >Two weeks ago, the first portal to Equestria came online in downtown Chicago
  194. >Before it, though, there were a lot of hoops to jump through
  195. >Specifically, trying to make sure people don't treat ponies as animals
  196. >Some places in Indiana have even refused to sell ponies pizza
  197. >But it was still clear that they were in the minority and most looked forward to meeting sentient ponies
  198. >On its first day open, eight million humans and six hundred thousand ponies traveled through it
  199. >Plans for portals in New York and Los Angeles are being discussed
  200. >The world is slowly ramping up production to export to Equestria and pony-sized smartphones, cars, and computers are rumored to be in the works
  201. >But right now, you're just focused on packing
  202. >You have two tickets for the Chicago portal tomorrow
  204. >Soarin was thrilled when the portal first opened
  205. >He's been anxious to show you his home planet
  206. >"Now you can see Equestria, Anon! You'll love it! And-And you can see Cloudsdale, and meet the Wonderbolts, and we can visit my parents, too! Aren't you excited, Anon?"
  207. >It's adorable, and most of the time you can silence him with a kiss
  208. >Soarin's been paid to advertise the portal system, and whenever he's not out, you're spending time together
  209. >You really can't get enough of that stallion
  210. >The two of you don't pack much for your trip, even though you'll be staying in Equestria for a while
  211. >When the portal was ready, you had to ask Soarin something difficult
  212. "When the portal opens, are you going to go back to Equestria or stay here on Earth?"
  213. >"Anon, I'm going wherever you go. I had friends in Equestria, but nopony there can compare to you."
  214. >"Besides, it's not like we won't be visiting them."
  215. >You really don't know what you did to deserve Soarin
  216. >Depending on which way the Supreme Court goes on interspecies marriage, you might even marry him
  218. >The next day, you drive up to the crowded parking lot
  219. >$15 for one day of parking
  220. >Looks like even a portal to another planet isn't safe from expensive parking
  221. >A line of protesters are picketing outside the building carrying signs
  222. Horses are not humans!
  223. Talking horses are abominations!
  224. Don't let them come to our planet!
  225. Build a wall and make Equestria pay for it!
  226. >The two of you move through the revolving doors of the terminal and are met with chaos
  227. >The room is filled with humans, ponies, and even a few griffins
  228. >A few ponies notice Soarin and ask for an autograph
  229. >He told you a lot about the Wonderbolts, but you didn't think he would be this famous
  230. >Some humans notice him too, but for different reasons
  231. >You look around and walk towards a long line leading towards a row of metal detectors
  232. >Mother fucking TSA
  233. >Soarin barely notices your frustration
  234. >He fidgets in place as you get closer to the checkpoint
  235. >"Anon, I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Equestria again!"
  236. >You smile and scratch his mane
  238. >You finally make it to the portal
  239. >It's a large, thirty foot tall brass horseshoe with pink, shimmering magic in the center of it
  240. >On the left, ponies arrive on Earth and are ushered to one side of the vast room
  241. >On the right, a line of humans moves through the portal
  242. >You stand in the line, and it moves fairly quickly
  243. >It comes close to being your turn, and a man standing at a small table looks up at you
  244. >"Tickets?"
  245. >You hand him your two tickets and he scans them quickly
  246. >"Passports?"
  247. >You take your passport out and hand it to him, along with Soarin's
  248. >He stamps them and hands them back to you
  249. >You give Soarin a small pat and step through the portal
  251. >You appear in a bright, sunlit room
  252. >It looks almost Greek, with its tall ceiling and large columns
  253. >It's completely open to the outside, too, and a vivid green park sits beyond the building
  254. >A pony wearing a red cap walks up to you
  255. >"Hi! My name's Sunny Skies and I'm here to help you. Is this your first time through the portal?"
  256. >You cough, still a bit disoriented
  257. "Y-Yeah."
  258. >Soarin walks up next to you and smiles
  259. >"We're here, Anon!"
  260. >Sunny Skies' eyes widen when she sees Soarin
  261. >"You-You're Soarin?"
  262. >"Yeah."
  263. >She quickly composes herself
  264. >"Well, I trust that you know your way around Canterlot. If you keep going out of the building, there should be some accommodations for the two of you. Oh! I've been told to let you know to see the Princess as soon as you can."
  265. >"Uh, alright. Thank you."
  266. >"No problem! Enjoy your stay!"
  268. >Soarin turns back to you
  269. >"What do you think?"
  270. "It's very bright. Like a cartoon."
  271. >"Well, come on! There's a lot to see and not much time to see it."
  272. "Soarin, we have two weeks."
  273. >"That's not enough to show you an entire country!"
  274. "Can we at least stay the night here? That portal took a lot out of me. I already made reservations for a hotel room."
  275. >"Yeah! We can relax, I'll take you to one of my favorite restaurants, and then, after some sleep, I can show you Canterlot!"
  276. "Who said anything about sleeping?"
  277. >Soarin turns bright red
  278. >He's so adorable
  280. >You walk through the grassy park on your way to the hotels
  281. >A large cobblestone path is packed with ponies and humans alike
  282. >Soarin is back to being excited and keeps flying up to look for something
  283. >You exit the park, cross the street, and look around for any familiar signs
  284. >Looks like no Earth businesses have made their way here yet
  285. >You find the place you made reservations for
  286. >That was a nightmare
  287. >The building is six floors tall and looks almost French
  288. >A sign reads "Canterlot Plaza Hotel"
  289. >You walk in with Soarin in tow
  290. >The lobby looks like a mix of a modern Earth hotel and the late 1800s
  291. >Clean, but also elegant
  292. >You approach the desk and a blue unicorn mare greets you
  293. >"Welcome to the Canterlot Plaza Hotel! Do you have reservations?"
  294. "Yeah. Look under 'Anon'."
  295. >She thumbs through the ledger with her magic
  296. >You weren't expecting that, even though Soarin told you there were unicorns
  297. >"Yep! I have a reservation under 'Anon' for one night."
  298. "That would be me."
  299. >"Great!"
  300. >She hands you a key
  301. >"You'll be in room 313. The staircase is to your right. There's a bank just down the street where you can exchange your currency to bits, too."
  302. >You look over and, sure enough, a small staircase led to the upper floors
  303. "Thank you. Come on, Soarin, let's go."
  305. >He looks up and trots over to the staircase
  306. >You walk up the two flights of stairs while Soarin flies up them
  307. >You find room 313 and open the door
  308. >It's an elegant room, with wainscoting and white plaster walls
  309. >The room has a small desk, end table, wardrobe, and chair
  310. >A door leads to an old-fashioned bathroom with a claw-footed tub and an old-timey toilet
  311. >The bed looks a little small, but you don't mind sleeping close to Soarin
  312. >You put your suitcase against the wall and flop down on the bed
  313. >It's soft and comfortable
  314. "Soarin, what time is it?"
  315. >"Half past three, Canterlot time."
  316. "So we have time to kill before we go get food."
  317. >"Want me to go downstairs and make reservations?"
  318. "Sure."
  319. >"I'll be right back."
  320. >You toss him the key and he walks out of the room
  322. >You check your phone
  323. >No bars in Equestria yet
  324. >But from what Soarin has told you, you'll be busy for the whole time
  325. >You stand up and look out the window
  326. >Past the park and the portal building are more Parisian buildings
  327. >Then, past that, nothing
  328. >No hills or anything
  329. >Are you on the side of a mountain or something?
  330. >The door opens and Soarin walks in
  331. >"Alright, I've made reservations for six. We've got some time."
  332. >He jumps up on the bed and curls up next to you
  333. >You give him a small kiss on the nose
  334. >He leans closer to you and gives you another kiss
  335. "I think I've found something to do before we go out."
  337. >At exactly six in the evening, Soarin stops in front of a narrow brick building with the same elegant, French air to it as the other buildings in Canterlot
  338. >You're both cleaned up, and you're wearing a button-down shirt and dress pants
  339. >Not the fanciest, but you didn't bring your whole closet
  340. >You open the door for Soarin and step in
  341. >The place is packed
  342. >The whole room smells like warm, fresh food
  343. >A white unicorn leads you to a small table and you sit down with Soarin across from you
  344. >You give him a smile and look around
  345. "This is the place? Seems a bit fancy for you."
  346. >"Trust me, the food is worth it. After a good show at the stadium, all of us would come down here for dinner and then go to the bar across the street. It was great."
  347. >"You know, I wonder if someone's replaced me by now. Probably Rainbow Dash. I wonder where Spitfire thought I had gone. Did she think I died?"
  348. >He looks down at the menu, and you follow suit
  350. >The food is almost all French or Italian
  351. >You scan the menu, and a few things catch your eye
  352. "Maybe we should go and see her, then."
  353. >"That sounds nice. She'll want to meet you, too. You know, she was the first pony I told when I figured out I liked stallions more than mares. She was pretty much my best friend."
  354. "Then we've got to see her."
  355. >"When we get to Cloudsdale, we can stop by her place."
  356. "Works for me."
  357. >The waiter walks over and you order your food
  358. >You and Soarin talk about your plans for your Equestrian vacation
  359. >He wants to show you everything from Baltimare to Las Pegasus
  360. >And, of course, to see his parents
  361. >Your food was more delicious than anything you've ever had on Earth
  362. >You eat quickly, and Soarin laughs
  363. >"See why I brought you here? Earth food is bland compared to what we have here."
  364. >When the meal is over, Soarin places a small bag of bits on the table and you head back to the hotel
  366. >You wake up next to Soarin
  367. >He's still asleep, and snoring softly
  368. >Your clothes are scattered on the floor around you, and you're wrapped around the pegasus in a tight hug
  369. >He buries his muzzle into your chest and sighs in his sleep
  370. >He's too cute to move, so you hold him tightly until he wakes up
  371. >His green eyes flutter open and he looks up at you
  372. "Sleep well?"
  373. >He nods and kisses your chest
  374. >You give him a pat on the head and scratch his ears
  375. >His tail starts to wag beneath the sheets and he looks up at you again
  376. >"What time is it, Anon?"
  377. >You look over to the clock at the table
  378. "Half past eight."
  379. >He shoots up
  380. >"The train leaves at nine! Come on, Anon, we need to go."
  381. "Can I at least shower first?"
  382. >He hops off the bed and starts putting your discarded clothes in the suitcase
  383. >"No! There's no time."
  384. "I think you need a shower, Soarin."
  385. >"Why?"
  386. "Because you're leaking."
  387. >He looks back at you and you grin
  388. >Soarin huffs and canters into the bathroom
  389. "Hang on! I night as well shower with you."
  391. >You run through the city with Soarin flying overhead
  392. >Somehow, you make it to the station in time
  393. >Soarin hoofs over a few bits and gets two train tickets
  394. >The train is small and cartoony, but it looks solid enough
  395. >You drag your suitcase inside and sit down with Soarin
  396. >The conductor rakes your tickets and the train pulls away
  397. >You move out of the town and, suddenly, the whole world pulls away from you
  398. >You move as far away from the window as possible
  399. >Soarin looks over at you
  400. >"What's wrong? Oh! Canterlot is built on the side of this mountain. It literally sticks out over the side."
  401. "And you didn't think to tell me that earlier?"
  402. >"Well, it's perfectly safe. It's held up by magic."
  403. "I'll take your word for it."
  404. >You slide back towards the window as the train enters a tunnel
  405. "So where are we headed?"
  406. >"Well, Princess Celestia is in Ponyville right now, so we're headed there."
  407. "You've got this all planned out, don't you?"
  408. >"Yep! And from there, we'll go to Cloudsdale, where you can meet my family."
  409. "I can't wait."
  410. >You pull him closer to you as you wait to get to Ponyville
  411. >Wherever that was
  413. >The train pulls into a small train station
  414. >The two of you hop out and you drag your suitcase out onto the platform
  415. "So is there a hotel nearby?"
  416. >"I found us a place to stay."
  417. "You stepped out of the room for five minutes."
  418. >"I can get stuff done quickly! We'll be staying at Princess Twilight's castle, which is where Celestia is staying, too."
  419. "A castle, huh?"
  420. >"Yeah."
  421. "I've always wanted to fuck in a castle."
  422. >"Yea- Wait, huh?"
  423. "Just messing with you."
  424. >Two pegasi wearing golden armor walk up to you
  425. >"Are you two Anon and Soarin?"
  426. >"That would be us."
  427. >"Follow us."
  428. >They walked off the platform, and you followed them
  429. >The town looks almost medieval
  430. >The houses have thatch roofs and the roads are paved with stones
  431. >But ahead of you sits a giant crystal castle
  432. >The guards open the doors and the two of you walk in
  434. >The entrance hall is large and ornately decorated
  435. >A few ponies trot out of a large set of doors at the end of the long hallway
  436. >One is very, very tall, and has a white coat and a flowing, ethereal mane
  437. >The other is a purple, shorter pony with a deep purple mane
  438. >Both of them have wings and a horn
  439. >The tall one walks up to you and Soarin
  440. >"Greetings, and welcome to Equestria, Anon. My name is Princess Celestia. I trust that you had a safe trip?
  441. "Absolutely. Equestria just doesn't compare to Earth, Princess."
  442. >"Excellent. There are a few things Soarin and I must discuss. You can come, if you like. We have tea in the reception room."
  443. "Beats standing here."
  444. >You follow her and Soarin into the next room
  445. >It's just as elegant as the last room, with crystal decorations
  446. >A few chairs are assembled in the center of the room, with a teapot sitting on a small table
  447. >Princess Celestia introduces you to the other two ponies sitting there: Princess Twilight and Spitfire
  448. >As soon as Soarin walks into the room, Spitfire starts to tear up
  449. >She stands up and walks over to him
  450. >"I thought you were dead."
  451. >"I'm so, so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
  452. >She pulls him into a hug and he pats her on the back
  453. >After a few seconds, she steps back and looks down
  454. >"I replaced you. I'm sorry. I promoted Fleetfoot to second-in-command, and let Rainbow Dash on the team. I can let you back on, don't worry, but a lot has changed."
  455. >"I'm not coming back. Consider me retired, Spitfire. I've got a coltfriend now, and he's more important than that. I couldn't stay in a relationship as a Wonderbolt. None of us could. So I'm going to have to decline any offers you have."
  457. >She smiles
  458. >"I understand. You were a great Wonderbolt, and you'll be an even greater coltfriend. I'll notify the press of your retirement tomorrow."
  459. >"Ah, could you wait until we're out of Equestria? I don't want that much attention from the press."
  460. >"Sure thing."
  461. >Celestia pours you and Soarin some tea and you sit down
  462. >"Now, Soarin, I have an offer for you. You're the Equestrian with the most knowledge of Earth, and you've already made progress with Earth governments. I'd like to appoint you as an ambassador of sorts."
  463. >"Wait, what? I just turned down the Wonderbolts. What makes you think I'd take this?"
  464. >"Because, Soarin, Earth knows you, and you know Earth. Nothing like this has ever been accomplished before. Until the specifics have been fleshed out, you are the best choice."
  465. >"Well, what sort of things would I be doing?"
  466. >"You would be a part-time representative of Equestria, making sure any action taken involving us would be fair and bipartisan. You would only need to do this for around six Earth months, when Earth governments will hold a conference about the creation of Equestrian embassies."
  467. >"How much does it pay?"
  468. >Celestia whispers a number into his ear
  469. >His eyes widen
  470. >"Shit."
  471. >"Please write to me when you have decided. That's all, Soarin. I'll have a guard escort you to your room."
  472. >He gets up to exit the room and you follow him
  473. >"Thank you for the offer, Princess. I'll let you know when I have an answer."
  475. >A guard pony opens the door and the two of you walk out
  476. >"You are Anonymous and Soarin, correct?"
  477. >You nod
  478. >"Your room is upstairs. Follow me."
  479. >He leads you up the elegant staircase, down a hallway, and into your room
  480. >It's as fancily decorated as you'd expect from this castle
  481. >Soarin flops down on the bed
  482. >You sit on the end of it and stroke his mane softly
  483. >"I want to help Equestria, Anon, but I also want to be with you. The last nine months of my life have been amazing, and spending the next six tied up in government affairs sounds draining. But Celestia needs me. I saw it in her eyes. There's nopony else."
  484. "She said it would be part-time, right? And six months isn't that much time anyways. You won't have to worry about not spending time with me because I'll be waiting for you when you get home."
  485. >"What did I do to deserve you?"
  486. >You gave him a small kiss and he laughed
  487. >"It sounds stressful."
  488. "Go with what you think is best, Soarin. You have some of the best instincts out of anyone I've ever known."
  489. >"I need to think."
  490. "Then think. We're staying the night, yeah? You can sleep on it."
  492. >You wake up with Soarin in your arms
  493. >You pull him closer to you and rest your head on his mane
  494. >His eyes flutter open the same adorable way they always do after a good night's sleep
  495. >He looks up at you and steals a kiss from you
  496. >"Morning, Anon."
  497. "Sleep well?"
  498. >"Mmm, very. Though it hardly compared to the night before it."
  499. "Hope nobody heard us."
  500. >"Hope somepony did."
  501. >Soarin stretches and rolls out of bed
  502. >"Come on, let's get something to eat before we leave."
  503. >He trots over to the door, tail flicking
  504. "Hang on, Soarin. I need a shower."
  505. >"I'll be waiting downstairs for you, then. I'm starving, and they might have pie here."
  506. "You need a shower, too."
  507. >"Ponies don't have to shower every-"
  508. >He looks back to his flanks
  509. >"Again?"
  510. "Yeah."
  512. >You walk out of the room with Soarin in tow
  513. >The scent of fresh baked goods drifts down the hall
  514. >Soarin's eyes widen
  515. >"They have pie."
  516. >He trots down the hallway, and you walk after him
  517. >At the end of the hall, a set of doors leads into an elaborate dining hall
  518. >Soarin opens the door and an array of food is piled on the table
  519. >You sit down in the middle of the large row of seats, and Soarin sits across from you
  520. >Celestia is to your left, and Spitfire is to your right, a ways down
  521. >You grab a small pastry and bite into it
  522. >Tastes better than Earth's, that's for sure
  523. >You look up at Soarin
  524. "So, what's the plan for today?"
  525. >"We're heading to Cloudsdale to meet my parents."
  526. "When does the train leave?"
  527. >"Train? I'm flying! We'll need to cast a cloudwalking spell on you, but you'll get to see Cloudsdale."
  528. "A cloudwalking spell?"
  529. >"Yeah! It's a bit scary at first, but you'll love it."
  530. >Celestia looks over at Soarin
  531. >"So, Soarin, have you come to a decision yet?"
  533. >"I think I'm going to do it."
  534. >She smiles
  535. >"Wonderful. If it isn't a problem, you'll need to stay in Equestria for a week or two so I can prepare you."
  536. >Soarin looks over at you and you smile and nod
  537. >"That's fine. I'll be back in Canterlot once we finish our vacation."
  538. >Certainly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a busy day today."
  539. >"No problem, Princess. Have a nice day."
  540. >"The same to you, my little pony."
  541. >She trots out of the room and Spitfire turns to face you
  542. >"You're going up to Clousdale?"
  543. >Soarin grins
  544. >"Yeah! Princess Twilight said she'd cast the cloudwalking spell on Anon."
  545. >"Going to see your parents?"
  546. >"Yep."
  547. >"Well, if you need a place to stay, stop by my place. I still have that apartment in Manehattan too, if you're heading out there."
  548. >"I think that's on the list."
  549. >"Awesome. Just let me know."
  550. >She gets up and flies out of the room
  551. >The two of you finish eating quickly and head out of the room
  553. >As you walk down the hallway, you pass several opulent rooms
  554. >Princess Twilight sits in one of the rooms, reading
  555. >Soarin peeks in through the open doorway
  556. >"Princess?"
  557. >She looks up and puts her book down
  558. >"Please, call me Twilight. And I assume you want me to cast the spell?"
  559. >"If you could."
  560. >"No problem. Anon, if you could step in here, please."
  561. >You walk into the room and she looks up at you
  562. >"Okay. This shouldn't be too hard."
  563. >A purple glow surrounds her horn, and your skin begins to itch a little
  564. >But as soon as it begins, it's over
  565. >"Alright. It should work, but just to make sure, can you grab a piece of cloud from outside?"
  566. >Soarin trots out of the room, and Twilight looks back at you
  567. >"So what's Earth like? I haven't had the chance to visit yet, although I want to."
  568. "It's different than Equestria, that's for sure. You have to see it to believe it, though."
  569. >"I know. I was a bit skeptical at first, too. I couldn't believe the stories. Buildings with over a 100 levels? Flying boats bigger than Ponyville? And yet there's no magic in your world? It sounded crazy! But it can be done."
  570. "You're a scientist, right? You'd love it."
  571. >Soarin flies back into the room holding a small, puffy tuft of cloud
  572. >"Anon, touch this cloud."
  574. >You extend a hand out to the cloud and rest your palm on it
  575. >It feels soft and fluffy, like a cotton ball
  576. >Soarin is beaming
  577. >"Come on! All our stuff was already sent up while we ate. You ready to fly, Anon?"
  578. "As I'll ever be."
  579. >You say goodbye to Twilight and walk out of the castle
  580. >Off in the distance, a white mass hangs in the sky
  581. >Soarin points to it with one of his adorable hooves
  582. >"See that? That's Cloudsdale."
  583. >You thought it was just a really big cloud, honestly
  584. >You walk with Soarin through the city
  585. >All sorts of ponies have market stalls or shops in the wide streets
  586. >Across the river, the town gives way to grassy hills
  587. >Soarin stops and stretches his wings
  588. >"Here's as good a place as any. You'll have to be careful with me, or we'll fall out of the sky."
  589. "I know how to be gentle."
  590. >He thwaps you with a wing
  591. >"Not like that, Anon. Come on, get on my back."
  592. >You laugh and he gives you another playful smack with his wing
  594. >You wrap your arms around Soarin's neck and sit on his hips, right behind his wings
  595. >He starts slowly flapping and you rise off the ground
  596. >One foot becomes five, then ten, and then twenty as you rise up
  597. >You look down and your grip tightens
  598. >"You okay, Anon?"
  599. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get to Cloudsdale."
  600. >He turns and starts flying in that direction
  601. >You lean forward until your head is right behind his
  602. >Stray locks of his hair fly in your face
  603. >You gently bury your nose in his mane and take a deep breath
  604. >He always smells crisp and fresh, with a hint of equine musk
  605. >Slowly, Cloudsdale grows in your field of vision
  606. >You don't want to look down right now
  607. >Soarin flies over the edge of the cloud city and above the streets
  608. >A few ponies notice him and wave
  609. >He touches down in a small park at the intersection of a few streets
  610. >You cautiously put a foot down on the cloud and find it firm, but malleable
  611. >You dismount and pull Soarin into a kiss
  612. "You're amazing, you know that?"
  613. >"Only when I have somepony like you to tell me every day."
  614. >You give him another quick kiss before standing up
  615. "Now, which way to your parents'?"
  617. >He starts off down a wide road and you follow him
  618. >As you walk, you start to notice small things about the city
  619. >Some buildings didn't even have entrances at street level, and ponies just flew up
  620. >It's no surprise that you only saw pegasi here
  621. >A few ponies with obnoxiously large cameras and flashbulbs take photos of you and Soarin and you walk, but you mostly remain undisturbed
  622. >Some taller buildings look like apartments, and each floor has a small balcony leading inside
  623. >And everything's made from cloud
  624. >One of these buildings is where Soarin stops
  625. >"My parents are on the second floor. Hop on."
  626. >You sit on his back, wrap your arms around his neck, and lean forward as he flies up
  627. >He lands on the balcony and you stand up
  628. >He raps at the cloud door a few times
  629. >"Mom? Dad? It's me, Soarin."
  630. >The door swings open and two beaming pegasi are on the other side of it
  632. >The mare has a light blue coat, a long, even lighter blue mane, and bright green eyes
  633. >The stallion has a darker blue coat and a blue mane much like Soarin's
  634. >Soarin looks between them and you
  635. >"Anon, these are my parents: Flash Flood, my father, and Skydancer, my mother. Mom, Dad, this is my coltfriend, Anon."
  636. >Skydancer trots up to you
  637. >"You're so tall!"
  638. >Soarin's father laughs
  639. >"Sky, he's a human. Humans are tall. Come on inside, Anon. It's going to be a bit windy for the rest of the day."
  640. >The four of you step inside and you look around the living room
  641. >It's bright and made entirely out of clouds, even the furniture
  642. >You sit down on a cloud couch
  643. >It's plush and soft, not like the firmer clouds that made up the roads
  644. >Are there different types of clouds?
  645. >Skydancer derails that train of thought
  646. >"So, Anon, you'll be staying the night?"
  647. "Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the city."
  648. >"It really is a wonderful place to live. How does it compare to Earth? Which city are you from, again?"
  649. "We live in Chicago, but I didn't grow up there, so I don't have the accent. And, uh, there isn't any town on Earth that's made of clouds."
  650. >She gets up and walks through an arch into what looks like a kitchen
  651. >"Soarin, all your luggage arrived safely. It's in your old room."
  653. >Soarin motions to a small hallway and you follow him
  654. >At the end of the hall is a small room
  655. >A few old Wonderbolt posters hang on the walls, and a bookshelf is filled with Equestrian books.
  656. >"Like it?"
  657. "Pretty nice, yeah."
  658. >You give him a small peck on the cheek, and as soon as you break it, he goes in for a deeper one on your lips
  659. >Your tongue prods at his lips, but he pulls away
  660. >"Come on, save it for when we get to Manehattan. I got us a nice hotel room. We won't have to leave."
  661. "Good. We won't."
  662. >You give him one last kiss before walking back out into the living room
  663. >Flash Flood is sitting in a cloud chair
  664. >"So, Anon, how's my boy treating you?"
  665. >You sit down, and Soarin hops up next to you
  666. "Better than any human, that's for sure."
  667. >"Dad, whatever you're going to ask next, don't."
  668. >He grins
  669. >"But, son, I was only going to ask which one of you is on-"
  670. >Skydancer pops her head into the room
  671. >"Flash, don't scare him away before we've gotten to know him."
  672. >"Just a little humor, that's all, dear."
  674. >Flash grinned
  675. >"Come on Anon, I'd love to hear more about Earth."
  676. >Skydancer trots into the living room
  677. >"I wouldn't mind hearing a bit as well."
  678. "Well, what do you want to hear about?"
  679. >"For starters, how did you meet Soarin?"
  680. "It was late at night. I was walking home from work, and I cut through a park like I always did. Then a glowing portal opened above a tree a ways down and this guy flew out and crashed into a tree. I ran over to help him, and we ended up going back to my apartment. I helped him adjust to Earth life, and beat away the press and the nutjobs."
  681. >"Ah, defending your lover from lunatics. How romantic."
  682. "It was surprisingly frequent. But that all stopped once we moved away and people got used to him."
  683. >"Where do you live now?"
  684. "When Soarin started making some money from interviews and things like that, we moved out of the apartment and into a small house nearby. It's a bit big, but nice."
  685. >"Sounds lovely."
  686. "What else do you want to know? A lot of the stuff you have to see to believe. Chicago's skyscrapers are a bit scary compared to everything here."
  687. >"I'd love to go out there one day."
  689. >Skydancer hops up
  690. >"I need to go get started on dinner, if you don't mind. It'll be a bit early, but that gives us plenty of time afterwards."
  691. "Works for me. We just had breakfast a couple hours ago, though."
  692. >"Anon, we woke up at noon."
  693. "Really? Damn, that's late. The castle was great, though."
  694. >Flash Flood looks up at you
  695. >"The castle?"
  696. "Yeah, the one in Ponyville. We stayed there for a night."
  697. >"Well, how's your trip been?"
  698. "It's been great so far. We stayed in Canterlot for a night, then Ponyville, then here. I think we're going to Manehattan next."
  699. >"So you're getting a tour of Equestria."
  700. "Yep. I can't wait to see the rest of it."
  701. >"Maybe after dinner Soarin can show you around Cloudsdale, then."
  702. "Sounds like a plan. I think we're just staying for a night, though."
  703. >"That's fine. You two go out and see the city."
  704. "After dinner. For now, any other things you'd like to hear about Earth?"
  705. >"Yeah. When can I come over?"
  707. >You spend the next half hour talking to Flash about various Earth things
  708. >Having lived in Equestria his whole life, he was very curious about Earth
  709. >You could say the same thing about Equestria
  710. >Slowly, the smell of food begins to fill the room
  711. >It's driving you crazy, really
  712. >How can Equestrian food smell so damn good?
  713. >Eventually, Skydancer trots out from the kitchen and calls you all to dinner
  714. >In the next room is a modest dining table, and the four of you can all sit comfortably
  715. >A large casserole sits at the center of the table
  716. >You offer to serve it for Skydancer, but she refuses
  717. >"You're our guest, Anon. I'll take care of it."
  718. >Once it's in front of you, you take a small bite
  719. >The flavors explode in your mouth, and you sigh
  720. "This is really good. Thank you, Skydancer."
  721. >"Oh, I'm glad you like it. Family recipe."
  722. >Dinner is filled with talk of Earth: Earth history, Earth technology, Earth stories
  723. >Even mundane life in Chicago was fascinating to them, which was a bit amusing
  724. >They listened to every word, though, and were genuinely interested
  726. >After the meal was finished, Soarin dragged you out the door
  727. >"Come on, Anon, I want to show you something. You'll like it, I promise."
  728. >You get out onto the cloud street and Soarin navigates the windy paths
  729. >Eventually, you come to a small building
  730. >Even made out of clouds you could tell it was run-down
  731. >He steps through the doors and ponies all cheer
  732. >The bartender, a tan stallion, looks up and smiles
  733. >"Guess you finally decided to drag your ass back here."
  734. >"I know you're surprised to see me. I would have put it off longer, but this guy wanted to see the sights so badly."
  735. >"You come back after all this time and this is the first place you come?"
  736. >"Don't be flattered, buddy. We stayed in Ponyville before we came here."
  737. >"Ponyville? Guess you really did hate me."
  738. >The bartender slides two mugs over to you and Soarin
  739. >"On the house. I know you don't like to stay long, but it's still good to have you back."
  740. >"Good to be back again, buddy."
  742. >The bartender walks off and you look over at Soarin
  743. >"What? He's an old friend from college. I came here to get a drink some nights after practice. They have the best cider in the city."
  744. "Cider?"
  745. >You grab a mug and take a sip
  746. >It's crisp and fresh, but more apple than alcohol by far
  747. "Tastes pretty good. Not very strong, though."
  748. >"Not compared to anything on Earth, maybe, but here, this is some of the strongest stuff out there."
  749. "Lightweight. Now I know why you got so damn drunk the first time you had anything on Earth."
  750. >"Hey, c'mon, drink quickly. The best is yet to come."
  751. >You finish your drink and Soarin does the same
  752. >Sometimes, though, someone would sit down and stroke up a conversation
  753. >It was mostly filling in Soarin on what had happened since he left
  754. >Someone quit drinking for good, someone quit drinking "for good", someone got married, someone flew off to Fillydelphia, and so on
  755. >A few ponies were a bit curious as to who you were, and when they found out you were dating him, Soarin was congratulated on his catch
  756. >Eventually, though, you left the bar, and Soarin led you across the town, stopping at the end of a road
  757. >In front of you was nothing, only the sky
  758. >You hop on Soarin's back and he flies up to a small cloud
  759. >On it is a cloud bench with a perfect view of Equestria
  760. >Ponyville and Canterlot are off in the distance, barely visible in the dark sky
  762. >"Can't believe they didn't move this cloud."
  763. "What's so funny about it?"
  764. >"This was the choice of Cloudsdale couples for years. Somebody pushed it over the town twenty years ago, and it's always been moved back."
  765. "And you brought me here to do what, exactly?"
  766. >"Oh, sit down."
  767. >You rest on the bench, and Soarin moves close to you
  768. "I feel unclean just sitting here."
  769. >"Oh, calm down, you prude. It wasn't that bad. I just wanted you to see the view, which isn't as cool in the dark, but it's better than not seeing it at all. Plus, my parents are great, but some time to relax is always nice."
  770. "You're not wrong. Can't say I'll ever get enough of you."
  771. >"Am I that adorable?"
  772. >You pull him into a quick, but deep, kiss
  773. "Very."
  774. >He leans in for another kiss, and you gladly comply with his silent request
  775. >When your lips separate again, he's panting
  776. "You okay?"
  777. >"Celestia, I love you, Anon."
  778. "I love you too, Soarin."
  780. >He leans back on the bench and sighs
  781. >"Beautiful night out, really. This is why I came. When I was in high school and even college, I'd come here to rest after a hard day. Of course, more often or not the cloud would be occupied, but when I had the chance, I'd sit."
  782. "Well, I can see why. Being up here, away from everything, is great."
  783. >He leans into you, and you wrap an arm around him as he looks out
  784. "Soarin."
  785. >"Yeah?"
  786. "Do you want to stay in Equestria?"
  787. >"I mean, yeah, if you want to, but I do like Earth. Why?"
  788. "Just thinking."
  789. >You spend most of your time there in silence, Soarin buried into your side
  790. >After a while, he leans forward and stands up
  791. >"We should be heading back."
  792. "I'd object, but you're my ride, so I kinda have to do what you say."
  793. >He laughs and wiggles his flanks
  794. >"Hop on."
  795. >You ride back down to the cloud streets and meander back to Soarin's parents'
  797. >When you walk through the door, Flash Flood raises an eyebrow
  798. >"Just showing him the city, Soarin?"
  799. >"Yeah."
  800. >He yawns
  801. >"I'm beat. I need to rest."
  802. >"Goodnight, Soarin."
  803. >"Goodnight."
  804. >He trots down the hallway and into his room
  805. >"Will you be staying up, Anon? It's getting late."
  806. "I might as well sleep. We'll be leaving tomorrow in the early afternoon."
  807. >"For Manehattan?"
  808. "Yeah."
  809. >"Well, goodnight, Anon."
  810. "Goodnight, Flash."
  811. >You turn and walk down the hallway
  812. >The door is shut, and you open it a crack to peek inside
  813. >Soarin is in bed already, and you walk over to him
  814. >"Glad you could join me."
  815. "I'd never pass up the opportunity to spend a night with the stallion of my dreams."
  816. >You climb under the covers and wrap Soarin in your arms, stealing a kiss on the top of his head before sleep takes both of you
  818. >You wake up tangled in the bedsheets with Soarin pressed against you
  819. >His hooves are wrapped around you, and his head is buried in your neck
  820. >As you start to shift, one of his eyes opens, but slowly closes
  821. >"Don't move. I want to stay here with you forever."
  822. >You smile and give his mane a small kiss
  823. "You're adorable, you know that?"
  824. >He doesn't respond, only inhaling deeply with his eyes still closed
  825. >"I love you, Anon."
  826. "I love you too, Soarin."
  827. >You lay together like that for almost an hour, drifting in and out of sleep, sometimes planting small kisses on each other
  828. >Eventually, there's a small knock on the door
  829. >It's Skydancer
  830. >"Soarin? Anon? Are you awake?"
  831. >Soarin's head slowly rises and he sits up
  832. >"Yeah, Mom, we're awake."
  833. >"Well then get out of bed! I made some breakfast for the two of you before you get going."
  834. >Soarin curses under his breath
  835. >"Shit, the train. We're coming, Mom!"
  836. >He starts to get out of bed, but you grab him with an arm and bring him on top of you
  837. >You share a quick hug before he hops up and trots out of the room
  839. >You walk out after him and the smell of food knocks you off your feet
  840. >You didn't realize how hungry you were until you smelled whatever was cooking
  841. >When you turn the corner, you see Soarin rushing to sit down at the table
  842. "What's the hurry, Soarin?"
  843. >"She made French toast. Prench toast. Doesn't matter, it's basically the same."
  844. >Skydancer looks up from her seat at the other end of the table
  845. >"Yep. Your favorite."
  846. >Soarin barely acknowledges her, as he's already digging in
  847. >You take a small bite and the Equestrian flavor fills your mouth
  848. >Earth food sucks compared to this
  849. "I can tell why he loves it so much."
  850. >She smiles
  851. >"Thank you, Anon. Flash is already out; there was a problem with a flash flood in Fillydelphia. He told me he couldn't wait to see Earth."
  852. "My offer still stands, you know. Come visit anytime."
  853. >"We'll definitely come over soon."
  855. >The three of you chat idly over breakfast, and when the meal is finished, you walk back to your room to pack
  856. "Manehattan, huh?"
  857. >"Yep. You'll love it. There's so much to see, and so much to do. But if you don't want to leave the hotel room, I won't protest."
  858. >You rub behind one of his ears as he sits down on the bed
  859. "We'll see. I wouldn't want to get your hopes up."
  860. >You pack your clothes and Soarin's various tickets and papers, and go back into the living room, where Skydancer is waiting
  861. >"It was great meeting you, Anon. You're the nicest coltfriend Soarin's ever had."
  862. "Thank you, Sky. I'll visit again soon."
  863. >You open the door, grab your small bag, and hop on Soarin's back
  864. "Ready?"
  865. >"Yep!"
  866. >He takes off and you dip beneath the cloud city, with Ponyville on the horizon
  867. >The two of you land unharmed and you walk with Soarin the rest of the way to Ponyville
  868. >On your way through the hamlet, a few ponies stop and wave at you
  869. >The friendliness of ponies never ceases to amaze you
  870. >On the other side of town is the small train station
  871. >A cutesy train is already there, and you walk up to the conductor
  872. "This train's going to Manehattan?"
  873. >"Sure is! You need tickets?"
  874. >Soarin pulls two out of your bag
  875. >"We already bought some."
  876. >The orange pony takes the tickets and ushers you onto the train
  877. >You sit down by a window, and Soarin curls up next to you
  878. "You've come prepared. How'd you get those tickets?"
  879. >"My mom got them yesterday while we were out."
  880. "How very thoughtful of her."
  881. >You plant a small kiss on his muzzle before the train lurches to a start
  883. >The sun travels slowly across the sky as you pass through the Equestrian countryside on your way to Manehattan
  884. >You spend most of your time looking out the window with Soarin curled up next to you
  885. >You run your fingers through his mane and he sighs in contentment
  886. >Moving your eyes away from the rolling hills, you take a look around the car
  887. >There's a surprising amount of humans on this train
  888. >Some of them are traveling with a pony tour guide, while others are alone or with family
  889. >They're outnumbered by the ponies, though
  890. >Soarin cracks an eye open and looks up at you
  891. >"How much longer until Manehatten?"
  892. >You take a look out the window to look at the sun's position in the sky
  893. "We're supposed to arrive at around sunset, and it looks like the early afternoon."
  894. >"Trains suck."
  895. >You scratch behind one of his ears and he moves to rest his head on your lap
  896. >"Company's nice, though."
  897. "It always is."
  899. >When you arrive in Manehattan, the sun has already set
  900. >You had a quick meal on the train, but are still tired as you step off the platform and onto the city street
  901. >It's much busier than Ponyville, Cloudsdale, and even Canterlot, but nothing compared to an Earth city
  902. >The buildings are mostly five stories tall and made of brick, with shops on the first floor and apartments above
  903. >It almost looks like New York City would have been like at the turn of the 20th century
  904. >Soarin leads the way down one of the busy streets, having already reserved a room at one of Manehattan's many hotels
  905. >He stops in front of a limestone building and a doorpony opens the door for the two of you
  906. >The lobby is ornately decorated, with marble columns and wood paneling
  907. >Soarin trots up to the desk and a colorful mare greets him
  908. >"Welcome to the Dakota. Do you have reservations?"
  909. >"Yeah, under Soarin."
  910. >The mare leafs through a large book with her magic
  911. >"Yes, you're right here. Room 701, the Presidential Suite."
  912. >She levitates two keys across the desk to Soarin and he takes them in his mouth
  913. >He hands you one, and you put it in your pocket as you walk up the stairs
  915. >Soarin throws open the door and you're in awe
  916. >The room is large and ornate, with elegant paneling and Victorian-esque furniture
  917. >And this is just one room
  918. >You can see a dining room through a large archway, and past an open door is the bedroom
  919. >Soarin trots into the bedroom, and you carry your luggage in behind him
  920. >As soon as you step into the darkened bedroom, Soarin leaps into you, wraps his forelegs around your neck, and pulls you into a long, deep kiss
  921. >You're knocked back a bit at first, but once you recover you lean into him
  922. >His flat tongue prods at your lips and you open them to let him in
  923. >When you finally break the kiss, he's panting and wears a crimson blush
  924. >You drop the suitcase and start to unbutton your shirt
  925. >With Soarin still on you
  926. >He seems to understand and leaps onto the bed
  927. >As soon as your shirt is off, you join him
  929. >He grabs the zipper of your jeans in his mouth and drags it down
  930. >Your dick springs out of your boxers, and you pull down your pants and toss them away
  931. >Soarin runs his tongue along the tip of your dick, lapping up a bit of pre
  932. >Without any warning, he takes the head in his mouth and you let out a deep breath
  933. >He bobs his head down, taking in more of you with each one
  934. >His tongue passes over the medial ring and you scratch one of his ears
  935. >The ear flicks involuntarily and he only takes in more
  936. >With each flick of his tongue and movement of his head, he comes closer to having the whole thing in his mouth
  937. >That moment comes when his muzzle bumps against your stomach, and he looks up at you as he pulls back
  938. >Once he only has the tip in his mouth, he bobs his head down quickly, and you let out a gasp
  939. >He works his tongue in all the right places, and you find yourself close to orgasm
  940. >You grunt
  941. "Ngh- Soarin, I'm gonna-"
  942. >Your dick twitches in his eager mouth and the first rope of cum shoots into him
  943. >You thrust your hips as you cum in Soarin's mouth, and he swallows every drop
  945. >He pulls his head up and the last few spurts of cum find their mark on his face
  946. >Soarin licks his lips, turns around, and raises his tail at the center of the bed
  947. >"Okay, Anon, give it to me."
  948. >You get up and position yourself on top of him
  949. >Your dick pokes his tight asshole, and your head is right next to his
  950. "Ready?"
  951. >Soarin nods quickly
  952. "Good."
  953. >You slowly slide your dick into his ass, and he lets out a moan
  954. >You keep pushing your rod into him, even past the medial ring
  955. >He moans softly as your head passes over his prostate, and you stop pushing into him to tease him
  956. >You rub the tip of your dick against the same spot, and he moans louder
  957. >"Ohh, Anon, just fuck me~"
  958. >You grin and kiss him on the cheek as you start to push into him again
  959. >You keep going until you've hilted inside him, and he moans again
  960. >Slowly, you pull back and start thrusting softly
  961. >"I thought I said to fuck me-"
  962. >You cut him off with a quick, deep thrust, and are rewarded with a moan
  963. >You pump quickly and rhythmically, with Soarin moaning and panting underneath you
  964. >Soon, you can feel yourself coming close to another orgasm, and start thrusting deeper, balls slapping against his ass with each thrust
  965. >After a few quick pumps, you bury your dick inside him and cum buckets
  966. >Soarin yells your name as you cum inside him, a moaning, gasping mess underneath you
  968. >You pull out and collapse on the bed next to him
  969. >"Mmm, Anon, that was great."
  970. >You give him a quick kiss and a smile, but notice he's squirming in your grip
  971. "What's wrong?"
  972. >He points down and you find his throbbing dick, dripping pre and twitching wildly
  973. >"That."
  974. >You give him a lust smile and give the tip of his large, black horse dong a kiss
  975. >One hand moves down to fondle his balls, and the other starts stroking his shaft around the medial ring
  976. >He starts panting again, and you swirl your tongue around his head, savoring the taste of your coltfriend
  977. >You know you won't be able to take him in your mouth, but you lick the head as much as you're able to
  978. >As you start to plant kisses closer to his medial ring, hands running up and down his length, you feel the head flare, twitching farther up your head
  979. >The first few ropes of cum quickly find their place in your hair, but the next long, thick spurts clear your head entirely
  980. >You move your hands faster to milk every last drop from him and bury your head in the base of his cock, licking and kissing hungrily
  981. >He thrusts a few times as he cums, and you can feel his seed splattering on your back
  982. >When the spurts of cum lose their intensity, they land in your hair, before stopping altogether
  983. >Soarin plops down, exhausted, letting out one last moan as his head finds a pillow
  984. >You give him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up
  985. "I'm going to clean up really quick."
  986. >"I'll be waiting for you."
  987. >When you emerge from the bathroom after quickly wiping Soarin's cum off your back and your hair, he's fast asleep
  988. >You slide under the covers and wrap your arms around his frame, pulling him close to you, before silently falling asleep
  990. >Soarin trots through the door, wearily shutting it behind him
  991. >As he walks over to the large, clean sofa, you move over to give him room
  992. "Bad day?"
  993. >"Tiring day. I don't know why Princess Celestia thinks I know anything about portals."
  994. "I'm sure she has her reasons."
  995. >Soarin hops up and stretches out next to you
  996. >The small pied-á-terre you bought close to the Chicago portal was intended to be a place to relax between trips, but it quickly evolved into a full-time residence as Soarin's job as Equestria's ambassador took its toll
  997. >And, a few weeks ago, he got news that the Equestrian embassy was nearing completion in Washington, D.C., so you'll be moving again
  998. >He sighs when your hand makes contact with his mane, and you slowly pet him as he relaxes
  999. >"I can't wait for this to be over."
  1000. "At least it's for a cause. You're helping Equestria."
  1001. >You bend down and steal a kiss on his forehead
  1002. "Paycheck's not bad, either."
  1003. >"The Princess says Spitfire's planning on getting me nine months of back pay as a Wonderbolt, even though I went missing. It's supposed to be a surprise, though."
  1004. >You feel him shift on the couch and look over
  1005. >Soarin's lying on his back, wings spread out and fully erect
  1006. >"Kiss me, Anon."
  1007. >You plant your hands on either side of him and give him a long, deep kiss
  1008. >One hand moves to take off your shirt, and a hoof moves down to your pants
  1009. "Eager, aren't you?"
  1010. >"Don't say you don't love it. Oh, fuck me hard, Anon."
  1011. >You grin as your dick springs free and you reach for a bottle of lube
  1013. >You coat your dick in the clear, shiny lube and press it against Soarin's round, tight asshole
  1014. >He lets out a small breath, which turns into a moan as you push the head inside him
  1015. >His tight ass clenches around you, but you press on
  1016. >You bottom out quickly, and he gasps as you start to thrust
  1017. >He's small enough that you can look him in the eyes as you fuck him
  1018. >As your thrusts pick up speed, his eyes roll back and his tongue lolls out
  1019. >"Ohh, Anon, faster~"
  1020. >You start pumping deeper, and his moans grow louder
  1021. >You silence him with a long, kiss, and he moves a weak hoof down to his dick, rubbing it along the shaft
  1022. >A hand moves to push the blue hoof off of his stallionhood, your fingers quickly taking its place
  1023. >He rewards you with a deep, throaty moan, which you cut off with another kiss
  1024. >He loves it when you do that
  1025. >Your thrusts become more erratic, and you feel yourself nearing orgasm
  1026. "Soarin, I'm gonna cum-"
  1027. >You thrust as deep as you can, and fire off spurt after spurt of cum
  1028. >He moans as rope after rope of seed coats his insides, even as your orgasm fades
  1029. >You pull out of him and take a look at his panting, sweaty frame
  1030. >He still hasn't came
  1031. >Yet
  1033. >You softly grab his shoulders and move him to a sitting position
  1034. >His dick stands tall at attention, and you put both hands on it, stroking up and down
  1035. >"Oh, Anon~"
  1036. >He pants softly with each soft, teasing stroke
  1037. >Under your grip, he doesn't last long
  1038. >The delicate touch of your hands makes him moan and squirm
  1039. >You see the head flare in your grip and start to pump your hands faster
  1040. >With a loud cry, the first long strand of cum shoots out of him, landing squarely on his muzzle
  1041. >His long, thick cock fires into the air, and cum lands on Soarin, on the couch, and even on you
  1042. >Slowly, his orgasm fades, and you plant a small kiss on the tip of his dick to coax out one last dribble of cum
  1043. >Soarin weakly pulls you into a kiss, his cum on both of your faces
  1044. >You lick up a puddle of it resting on his muzzle, and he gives you another moan
  1045. >"Oh, that's hot. You're amazing. Keep going."
  1046. >You slowly clean the cum off the rest of his face, and he rewards you with another kiss when you've finished
  1047. >"Anon?"
  1048. "Yeah, Soarin?"
  1049. >"Carry me into the bedroom. I don't think I can walk."
  1050. >You comply, picking up his delicate, warm body in your arms and carrying him into the nearby bedroom
  1051. >You lay him down on the soft bed
  1052. >He sinks into it, and you follow suit
  1053. >You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer to you
  1054. >Soarin does little to resist, rubbing himself into your chest as you scratch one of his ears
  1055. >"Anon?"
  1056. "Mhm?"
  1057. >"I love you."
  1058. "I love you too, Soarin."
  1060. >"Anon, do I have to be blindfolded?"
  1061. "Yes. I want this to be a surprise."
  1062. >And this is gonna be the surprise to end all surprises
  1063. >You lead him into the Sears (fuck Willis) Tower, and he sticks close to you as you make your way to the elevators
  1064. >Scott is already waiting by the elevators
  1065. >Having a friend who's a security guard always pays off
  1066. >He leads you into the elevator, pushes a button, and steps off as the doors close
  1067. >When the car lurches to a start, Soarin almost loses his balance
  1068. "Don't worry. We're just in an elevator."
  1069. >"I can tell."
  1070. >The elevator shoots upwards, and the floors quickly tick off
  1071. >At floor 103, the doors open, and you lead Soarin out and over to one end of the tower
  1072. >The whole city unfolds in front of you, and the last rays of the sun slowly disappear beneath the horizon to your left
  1073. >You reach behind Soarin and take the blindfold off
  1074. >A quick look at your phone confirms the time
  1075. >Everything's perfect
  1076. >"Wow, I can't believe you never took me here. I love it. It's like I'm flying, but on level ground."
  1077. "Is that why you like our place so much?"
  1078. >"Our pl- Oh! I can see it! The light's on! Look, right there!"
  1079. >He points to the John Hancock Center, where your condo sits on the 81st floor
  1080. >You didn't know that they had condos, either, until you started looking
  1082. >As Soarin stands, captivated by the view, you send out a quick message
  1083. "Now."
  1084. >Suddenly, forty-five floors of people in the building turn their lights on and off at once, in three rapid bursts
  1085. >Soarin laughs
  1086. >"That was-"
  1087. >He's stopped as the seemingly erratic pattern of lights forms letters
  1088. >He focuses on the nearby building as the lights spell out a message
  1089. >"S O A R I N W I L L Y O U M A R R Y M E"
  1090. >The lights turn off and a tear falls from his eye
  1091. >He turns to you and you're on one knee, silver band in the open box
  1092. "The past year has been the best of my entire life, and I never want to be away from you. So, Soarin, will you-"
  1093. >"Yes."
  1094. >He closes the distance quickly and gives you the most passionate kiss of your life
  1095. >When he pulls away, he looks straight into your eyes
  1096. >A tear falls from his eye and he wraps his arms around you in a tight hug
  1097. >"I love you so much, Anon."
  1098. "I love you too, Soarin."
  1099. >You've never been happier than you are here, with the stallion you love in your arms
  1100. >The modified ring looks more like a bracelet, fit to a pony's hoof
  1101. >You slide it on his foreleg and the magic in it shifts it to fit snugly
  1102. >He lets out a small gasp as a light hits it, giving the silver a shine
  1104. >"Wow. I- I can't say how much I-"
  1105. "You don't have to."
  1106. >You pull him into another tight hug, and he relaxes at your touch
  1107. >When Soarin pulls away, you get a glimpse of his tear-streaked face
  1108. >You lead him back to the elevator, and on your way down, his eyes remain fixed on the silver band
  1109. >You climb into a taxi and slowly make your way back home
  1110. >Soarin leaves the cab first, and you follow him into the elevator up to the sky lobby
  1111. >When you reach the lobby on the forty-fourth floor, a crowd of people starts clapping and cheering
  1112. >Soarin looks over at them, beaming
  1113. "Thank you guys, again."
  1114. >"How'd it go?" asks someone in the crowd
  1115. "Better than I ever hoped for."
  1116. >That brings another cheer from the people in the lobby
  1117. >On the sixty-fifth floor you get on another elevator, and another crowd greets you with their applause
  1118. >Finally, you make it to your unit, and the two of you collapse on the bed
  1119. >Soarin looks over at you and scoots a little closer
  1120. >You wrap your arms around him like he loves so much, and you fall asleep with him close to you
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