
The Great and Cuddleable Trixie

Jan 8th, 2016
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  1. >You removed your insulated Ursa Major mask and take a seat, sighing with relief.
  2. >The enthusiastic cheers of the crowd outside the caravan are actually calling for an encore.
  3. "Pretty good show today, right, Trix?"
  4. >Your travelling partner glances up from her crate of magician hats with a pout.
  5. >"Trixie told you to stop calling her that!"
  6. >You shrug and grasp the zipper on your chest, fumbling with the small tab through the fuzzy fingers of the bear costume.
  7. >This night's show had you dress up as a mythical forest beast to fake-fight Trixie, and it turned out to be a real success!
  8. >Though you think she might have been a little too eager to blast you with spells.
  9. >The zipper is halfway down to your belt when Trixie looks at you and gasps.
  10. >"G-gah!" She cries, throwing around her hooves. "Trixie does not want to s-see your...y-your human parts!"
  11. >You turn towards the panicking filly and watch her flail about, confused.
  12. "Huh?...I'm wearing pants underneath."
  13. >"Just change s-somewhere else!" Trixie insists, levitating over a rolled-up poster with her unicorn magic and smacking you in the head.
  14. "Ow! Quit hitting me with th- ow, fine!"
  15. >You pull up the bear suit and waddle away as fast as the padded legs allow you.
  16. >"Trixie refuses to stare at your...c-chest, and the muscles, and the a-arms!" She squeaks. "Trixie r-refuses!"
  17. >Her agitated hollering continues long after you've shut the door of the bunk-room.
  18. -
  19. >Once you're dressed and no longer encased in a bear-shaped heatwave simulator, you notice Trixie has finished packing up the supplies.
  20. >She's sitting at the entrance of the caravan and taking notes about the performance, like she always does.
  21. >As you wander next to her and take a seat, she glances at you icily.
  22. >"Ah, about time," Trixie huffs, tapping her pen against an open page impatiently. "Trixie has thought of a new and exciting act for the show!"
  23. >She tosses you the notebook, and you read the paragraph circled in red.
  24. >It mostly involves you getting beat up by heavy props and Trixie stomping on your face.
  25. "Not too sure about this one, actually."
  26. >"What could possibly be wrong with it?"
  27. "Well, what does it have to do with magic?"
  28. >"Hmph. Trixie will revise it, then," She notes. "N-not that Trixie has taken your opinion into account!"
  29. >You notice a blurb in tiny cursive writing at the top of the page.
  30. >You squint and lean in closer to make out the words.
  31. >"Trixie had already planned to change it in the first place!" The magician filly explains haughtily. "So you see, Trixie is always one step ahead!"
  32. >You blink and raise your eyebrows, gazing between Trixie and the book.
  33. >"...What?"
  34. "Note to self- Anonymous performed really well today. Even I was impressed by his commitment and skill..."
  35. >Trixie's eyes open wide with realization.
  36. >"Dooon't read t-thaaaaaaat!" Trixie squeals, grabbing for the notebook. "I-I command you to s-stop!"
  37. "...Also, as a side note, he looked kind of cute in his bear outfit-"
  38. >She leaps on your chest, knocking you onto your back and sending the papers flying.
  39. >"Y-you big, dumb-"
  40. "W-wait! Come on, I thought I was cute-"
  41. >The mare jumps repeatedly on you, a shade of bright pink, magician hat askew on her mane.
  42. >"loathsome, insolent...foolish-...i-idiot...human!"
  43. -
  44. >It takes a half-serious apology and some steamed vegetables for her to forgive you.
  45. >Even after that she's still adorably pouty and indignant, refusing to communicate in more than short sentences.
  46. >Not too different from calm, not-mad Trixie, actually.
  47. >The evening winds down, and eventually she casts a locomotion spell on the caravan to get going.
  48. >The caravan rolls itself slowly along the bumpy roads outside of Manehattan, rocking back and forth gently.
  49. >You glance back at your travelling companion, who has fallen asleep on the couch by the window.
  50. >A little drool is gathering at her lip, and her cheek is flat against the armrest.
  51. >Strands of her pastel-and-cerulean mane are stuck carelessly across her forehead with sweat.
  52. >The magician getup she usually has on is instead rolled around her shoulders like a blanket.
  53. >She's kind of adorable, when she's not yelling at you.
  54. >You quietly pad over and sit on the couch, thinking about what she wrote in the notebook.
  55. >It made you unreasonably happy to recall the words over and over.
  56. >You sigh, quite loudly.
  57. >Trixie stirs from her sleep, drearily gazes around, and notices you.
  58. >"Oh...Anonymous," She mumbles, slowly climbing upright. "...You're still up?"
  59. "Sorry, did I wake you?"
  60. >"No," She yawns, stretching out her rear. "Aaaah...I'm not sleepy yet."
  61. >The azure-coated filly slowly lowers herself into your side, wrapping your arm around her with her hooves.
  62. "Huh? You...want me to hug you?"
  63. >"D-don't be stupid," Trixie hums, a pink tint on her muzzle. "Just...keep Trixie warm for a while..."
  64. >You shrug and pull her a little nearer.
  65. >It was pretty cold.
  66. >She sighs contentedly and yawns again.
  67. >"I'm not sleepy," She halfheartedly repeats. "Trixie doesn't need sleep..."
  68. >The two of you lay in silence for a moment, and you absentmindedly stroke the tuft of fluffy hair on her chest.
  69. "Say, Trix..."
  70. >She groans.
  71. "I don't suppose you meant what you wrote about me."
  72. >"D-don't get any funny ideas," Trixie huffs. "And don't call me Trix."
  73. >You smile a little and close your eyes.
  74. >"...S-some of it's true," She pipes. "Some!"
  75. >You scoot her much closer and scratch her ear.
  76. >...
  77. "I think you're kind of cute, too-"
  78. >"S-stupid, idiot- dumb- foolish-!"
  79. >Being Trixie's assistant is pretty great, actually.
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