
Akram/Sam Deep One Shag Session

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. [15:08] Arkalest IcePickLobotomy The evening of the day after Akram has returned from Ya Ching, he knocks at your door- Together with Marie, who has a contrite expression- She is looki g down
  2. [15:08] Arkalest "We, uh...Need to ask you a biiiig favor."
  3. [15:10] Sam Sam stares at the pair a moment, leaning on his cane. " . . I'm not driving you two to Vegas to get married, sorry."
  4. [15:10] Arkalest "No, we need...Akram?"
  5. [15:11] Arkalest She touches her lips. "Do...You want to field this?"
  6. [15:11] Akram "It involves Tiamat, and no; Marie is a sweet girl, but we are not eloping," he corrects, putting a companionable arm around Marie's shoulder.
  7. [15:12] Arkalest "We need her so we can teach Akram to fuck people without getting emotionally envolved. Also yes. No eloping- "
  8. [15:12] Arkalest She coughs. "Dunno if Mrs. Ikari's daughter would take it well."
  9. [15:13] Arkalest sam |I uh what?|
  10. [15:14] Sam ". . . Ok slow on down here. What is it exactly that you are trying to do, how are you trying to do it, why with Tiamat, and where do I come in?" Sam steps aside and ushers the pair into his room.
  11. [15:14] Sam |No idea, let's at least hear them out.|
  12. [15:16] Arkalest Marie puts her hands up. "See...Eeeeh, I'll let Akram field this."
  13. [15:16] Akram enters, and after a deep breath, begins. "Well, the truth is that as I am right now, I connect with people. It is how I work. It is how many people understand many others; it works."
  14. [15:16] Sam fixes Akram with a curious look and sits down.
  15. [15:16] Sam nods
  16. [15:17] Akram "The problem comes...with sex, because when I have sex...I connect. If I only had sex within the bounds of committed relationships, again...this would not particularly be a problem."
  17. [15:17] Sam steeples his hands, listening intently
  18. [15:19] Arkalest Sam |So he wants to do what I did with you- Noncommital sex.|
  19. [15:19] Akram "But I like sex a great deal, and I do not think there is anything wrong in having sex outside of committed relationships, as long as the bounds of those relationships are respected. However...because I connect when I have sex, I cannot follow through with this. So I can find myself falling in love where I intended no such thing, and that is...that is dangerous."
  20. [15:21] Akram "Both to myself, and to others, and I want to change that. Marie and I have made some progress--thank you, Marie," a small, friendly hug "but we have come to the conclusion that I need more work at this; and we think that Tiamat is the one who can most aid me."
  21. [15:21] Sam "And you need to establish a connection to her, via me." |Well Tiamat, how do you feel about this?|
  22. [15:22] Arkalest |I...That is something I can do. |
  23. [15:22] Sam |You can, but do you want to?|
  24. [15:22] Arkalest |The thing is.. Are /you/ comfortable with this? It is through your soul that we will commune. Also your headspace and...Yes.|
  25. [15:23] Arkalest |Being able to entertain friendships and carnal rapports without losing yourself to emotion is something I was taught well.|
  26. [15:23] Sam |I know me and Akram are not. . . close, but he is a friend, or at least close enough. If he wants to do this, and thinks this will help him then i will not turn him down.|
  27. [15:25] Sam nods. "Akram, I will help you with this, and I only ask that you do not take this lightly."
  28. [15:27] Akram "It is...I took it lightly before, and then Ya Ching happened, and...ended. Setting aside my personal wellbeing, if she could do it, Dumont will, and down that way is...dangerous to more than just me, I think."
  29. [15:28] Akram "But...thank you for this. I know that...if nothing else I am asking you to do something that could very easily become quite uncomfortable for you, so I thank you for agreeing."
  30. [15:28] Sam smiles "Then take a seat." Sam motions to the space next to him on the bed. Sam fold his legs beneath and closes his eyes, starting to regulate his breathing.
  31. [15:29] Akram does so, and tries to relax himself as well, mirroring Sam's posture.
  32. [15:31] Sam "Know this Akram. I do not trust you, not so. . . personally at least, though this is no judgement upon you. That is the core of this, is trust. We lack that, in the way we need, so instead I will have to resort to. . . alternate means, of access." Sam holds his hand out. "Take it."
  33. [15:31] Arkalest Marie raises a hand. "Can I watch?"
  34. [15:31] Sam "You may watch out *here*."
  35. [15:32] Sam "But I refuse to take a Angel into my soul, especially one that I do not trust, and most of all when I am already bringing Akram."
  36. [15:32] Sam "If you can watch without interacting, then by all means, though."
  37. [15:33] Akram nods, not surprised, and...surprisingly not even disappointed. He blinks at Marie's question, and to give her at least something she can enjoy, undoes his shirt. "I understand," he says to Samuel, taking his hand.
  38. [15:33] Arkalest "Oookay! Thanks for helping him, Sam."
  39. [15:34] Sam "Akram, now try to. . . relax, and separate yourself from the physical. This will be easiest if you are in a state of . . . attachment. You will know when we have started."
  40. [15:34] Sam *Dissociation.
  41. [15:36] Akram follows Sam's direction, slowly letting himself fade away from the world outside.
  42. [15:39] Sam Akram: Time passes, with only Sam's slow breathing and your heartbeat to count the time. You feel a faint, subtle, guiding pressure from Sam. The world fades further, and then you feel a tug. You seem to fall/fly/rise and then you reach a barrier, thick and slightly flexible. You push against it, a force pushing you through it, even as it attempts to reject you. For a moment you feel...
  43. [15:39] Sam ...yourself lose progress, being pushed back, but then a finale effort, and you slip though it. You Descend/Arrive/Infiltrate. . .
  44. [15:42] Sam You find yourself atop a hill, a gnarled leafless tree arching over you. The sun has just set, casting the sky in bands of red, to yellow, to midnight blue out on the horizon. Sprawling outwards is a vast expanse of golden brown grass, a few shrubs and leafless trees. Old abandoned buildings, Silo's, farm houses, and barns, dot the landscape. Near the horizon is a distant lake, the waters...
  45. [15:42] Sam and non-reflective. The air is warm, with a cool evening breeze that sways the grass.
  46. [15:43] Akram blinks, looking around and patting himself down. Then he blinks again. "Of course I am shirtless," he says aloud. "Mm--Samuel, can you hear me? I think I am in the right place."
  47. [15:45] Sam Sam emerges from below the hill. "Right here Akram." He is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white dress shirt. "Welcome to. . . well me I suppose."
  48. [15:47] Akram "Fits, as it should," the Omani responds, nodding. "How do you want to do this? I imagine you do not want me wandering around everywhere."
  49. [15:49] Sam "No, there are places that you should not go." Sam looks to the black lake. "And places that are. . . private, but you would find yourself stymed if you tried to force yourself somewhere I did not want you to go, in less I brought you." Sam removes a old key ring from a pocket, a number of large iron rings jangle as he bounces it for emphasis.
  50. [15:53] Akram looks on with some interest. "A way of keeping your...understanding of your aspects of yourself organized enough so that you can explore them without risk?" he hazards, after a moment.
  51. [15:55] Sam "Yes, but I did not create it either. This is merely the form it takes, a form I understand, yes, but not one I gave it." Sam begins to walk down the hill. He motions for Akram to follow.
  52. [15:56] Akram hums, mulling over the answer for a little bit before following behind Sam; for the sake of respecting what boundaries are left, he follows as directly behind Sam as he can reasonably manage, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
  53. [15:57] Sam stops at a house near the hill. Small, two story affair with a front porch. Two chairs sit out facing the sunset. The once light blue paint now faded into a dusty grey-blue, and has pealed in many places. Sam opens the screen door, the hinges whining in protest. "Come inside, I just need to grab something."
  54. [15:58] Akram "Mm; is it okay if I take a seat while you find what you need?" he asks as he follows Samuel inside.
  55. [15:59] Sam "Go ahead, and feel free to look around. I just need to grab something from my room real quick."
  56. [15:59] Sam heads up a small narrow stairwell.
  57. [16:00] Akram "No, it is fine; like you said. I am a guest here, but only a guest; for mutual ease of mind I think it best if I restrain my curiosity."
  58. [16:01] Sam returns shortly, a sketchbook in hand and a spare shirt. "You'll want something to cover up here?"
  59. [16:02] Akram blinks, and smiles a little, but shakes his head. "Thank you for thinking of me, but I do not need it; in truth, it would more than likely be coming off anyway. Besides, the temperature here is pretty comfortable, so I have no problems continuing like this."
  60. [16:04] Akram "Time for us to continue on?"
  61. [16:04] Sam nods and walks through the kitchen and out onto the back yard. You can see what looks like a bare vegitabel garden, a small gated enclosure, and a old chicken coop. All empty. A rough dirt path extends outward, sneaking into the fields and hills. "Tiamat is out taht way, bit of a walk though. The beach is nice however."
  62. [16:05] Akram "Let us set out, then," Akram says, glancing curiously around.
  63. [16:06] Sam The path is long and winding, It snakes through the hills, the grass growing longer, the trees larger, the ground rougher. THe abandoned buildings become fewer and fewer.
  64. [16:08] Arkalest And the scenery slowly morphs- The trees become shorter, their foliage more luscious and vivid- Their trunks sag, the bark turning grey colours.
  65. [16:08] Arkalest The heat intensifies- And so does the smell of saltwater- At one point, as the path dwindles to a trail, you can feel the breeze of the sea.
  66. [16:11] Akram sniffs the air a little curiously.
  67. [16:12] Sam "Oh and Akram? Make sure you have the right hole. She didn't tell me that wasn't the right one. . . not that it really mattered, but you know, pride."
  68. [16:12] Arkalest Akram The smell is similar to that of Thalassa's beaches- But more..Deep. More..Alien. There are some hints of copper.
  69. [16:13] Akram "...Really. From one man to another, thank you for the warning, Sam."
  70. [16:14] Akram Akram's tone conveys actual, sincere and deep gratitude.
  71. [16:14] Sam "You're welcome."
  72. [16:14] Arkalest Finally, the beach arrives in sight- The sand's incredibly fine, nearly white- And it's covered in all kind of seashells.
  73. [16:14] Sam is likewise, being serious
  74. [16:14] Arkalest The sea itself is a deep blue, clear- With large waves lapping at the shore.
  75. [16:16] Sam stops at the edge of the beach.
  76. [16:17] Arkalest Sam Akram out at sea you can see two trails of foam circling each other- With the occasional upward splash.
  77. [16:17] Sam |Tiamat, we're at the beach.|
  78. [16:17] Akram stops next to Sam, and looks to him curiously, and then out to sea when he notices the odd movement of the foam trails.
  79. [16:22] |<-- Yezara has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  80. [16:24] Arkalest |One moment.| The water turns red near the two trails- And one of them casually breaks off, sailing towards the beach. |Was playing with Meagara.|
  81. [16:25] Sam smiles |That's good to hear.|
  82. [16:25] Sam "She'll be here in a moment."
  83. [16:27] Akram "Is the other also Tiamat, or someone else?"
  84. [16:27] Arkalest Tiamat emerges from the water- Missing a large chunk of her left shoulder, parts of her tail and bleeding from several clawmarks on her legs.
  85. [16:27] Akram points to the other trail; the one not approaching.
  86. [16:28] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@35173FA3.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  87. [16:28] Sam "Meagara. They were playing."
  88. [16:28] Akram blinks, and looks toward Sam, and then to Tiamat. "Are you alright?" he asks after a moment.
  89. [16:30] Arkalest Her blood is thick, turning grey as it hits the water and sand- "Yes."
  90. [16:30] Arkalest Her voice is..Oddly melodious, nearly sing-song- With an acqueous reverb to it.
  91. [16:31] Sam "And yet you find biting to be sexual deviant. . ." Sam teases
  92. [16:31] Sam *Sexually
  93. [16:32] Arkalest Akram Tiamat's overall shape is oddly human- Aside from her draconic head, the spikes on her back and the tail- Plus the scales and webbing- She'd have what you'd describe as a florid figure.
  94. [16:34] Arkalest She holds her hands apart. "There is biting and there is /biting/ "
  95. [16:35] Arkalest Akram She appears to be in the three meter ballpark- Tail excluded
  96. [16:35] Sam "Yes. Thee is /biting/ and there is biting. Anyways, Akram, Tiamat. Tiamat, Akram."
  97. [16:35] Sam *there
  98. [16:36] Akram "A pleasure, and hopefully a few more afterward," Akram says, bowing with a slight flourish.
  99. [16:36] Sam nods "I
  100. [16:36] Sam "I'll give you to some space here." Sam motions to a distant hill "I'll be on the far side of that if you need me."
  101. [16:36] Sam *two
  102. [16:36] Arkalest Tiamat's ruffle flattens to her neck. "I'd say a bit further."
  103. [16:37] Sam "Ohh, /myyy/ . Well, you can reach me if you need me then."
  104. [16:37] Sam sets off with a wave "Have fun you two~"
  105. [16:38] Akram At that, Akram blinks, and after looking at aforementioned distant hill, decides on a couple quick stretches, to make sure he is sufficiently limber.
  106. [16:38] Arkalest Tiamat casually arches her back. "So."
  107. [16:39] Arkalest "You are here to learn how to love without loving."
  108. [16:39] |<-- Yezara has left (Ping timeout: 122 seconds)
  109. [16:41] Akram "At least how to keep from forming mutually unintended connections."
  110. [16:41] Akram "There is a difference between enjoying a night with willing company and...falling in love with a stranger."
  111. [16:44] Arkalest "You are afraid of the latter. "
  112. [16:44] Arkalest "You are afraid of...Loving someone who could be a monster. Like that woman."
  113. [16:45] Arkalest Tiamat casually runs a finger along the ridge of her left leg. "And you want that skill in order to shore up your political skills."
  114. [16:45] Akram nods. "I am also afraid of...betraying Rei. I promised her that she would always be the most important to me, and if I continue like this..."
  115. [16:46] Akram He frowns a little. "I...if I become better at politics, that is also good, truth, what I want is...well..." he exhales slowly.
  116. [16:47] Arkalest "You will end up attaching yourself to someone different than her."
  117. [16:47] Akram "I want to lust and love in equal measure, but choice."
  118. [16:48] Arkalest "A remarkable objective."
  119. [16:49] Arkalest Her tail slithers around your feet, and a webbed hand gently touches your shoulder. "I am going to try and go ahead and make you feel attached. You need to resist."
  120. [16:49] Akram nods slowly, mentally steadying himself.
  121. [16:50] Arkalest The smell of her blood is..:Weirdly sweet, soothing. A talon gently runs along your spine- Before caressing your chin.
  122. [16:51] Arkalest She kneels behind you- Tail still wrapped around your feet- And gently pulls you into her.
  123. [16:52] Arkalest Her skin's both cold and hot- And soft. - The difference between the saltwater and the heat radiating from the scales causing your nerves to wobble.
  124. [16:54] Akram It is difficult, at first. Akram is inexperienced, and Tiamat is...unfamiliar.
  125. [16:54] Arkalest A wet, snakelie tongue drifts against your cheek. "Now....I am going to teach you a few things. "
  126. [16:54] =-= Cornuthaum is now known as extinct
  127. [16:55] Arkalest Her gentleness- The way she lets you explore- The way she pins you softly against the sand- Is something out of this world. She's experienced beyond words- No one of your previous crushes would compare.
  128. [16:55] Akram Nearly, he falls under, body already responding, and his mind wanting to follow. But, with an expenditure of will, he steadies himself, and pulls errant emotions away.
  129. [16:56] Arkalest Eventually, you drift apart- She's still embracing you, her chin over your head.
  130. [16:56] Akram is breathing deeply. "That...I can do better. I held on. I know. I held on. But..." he sighs.
  131. [16:57] Akram "I am not sure I even had the right hole."
  132. [16:57] Arkalest "It was the right one."
  133. [16:58] Arkalest "I mean, it happened with Sam because he was...A bit disperate. And eager."
  134. [16:58] Arkalest She rubs her tail on the sand. "And unused to different physologies"
  135. [16:59] Akram " we have enough time to try again? This time, I think...I think I can do better. Good enough for you to enjoy."
  136. [17:00] Akram Akram's voice...sounds dissatisfied, like a performer who fell on stage. Not like the boy who fell for Ya Ching, and begged for just a moment longer, just a bit more time.
  137. [17:01] Arkalest "Yes. "
  138. [17:02] Arkalest Tiamat gently rolls on her back, spreading her arms wide.
  139. [17:04] Akram rolls over, already falling into synch, and sinks into her, hands already exploring, taking the initiative and looking to find what Tiamat responds to.
  140. [17:04] Arkalest Akram She ramps it up- By whispering to you, cooing softly- Utter gentleness and love and affection- Maybe faked, maybe real...
  141. [17:05] Arkalest But eventually, she stops the frills- And simply sets down into an animalistic, tumultous rythm.
  142. [17:05] Arkalest Sam After a while you hear something that sounds like a roar.
  143. [17:05] Akram Slowly, his competence and confidence increase, and he follows and leads, alternating in time with Tiamat's ebbs and flows.
  144. [17:06] Arkalest Eventually you're left with her on her side, tongue out as she pants- Claw marks, tail impact craters and sand all around you.
  145. [17:08] Akram massages the much taller woman carefully, where his brief experience tells him she is most comfortable with his ministrations.
  146. [17:09] Arkalest She raises a hand. "O-oh, give...Five..Minutes..Must..:Catch..Breath."
  147. [17:09] Arkalest Sam You feel a small silver of it- A flash of what's she going through.
  148. [17:09] Arkalest And oh man is it awkwardly satisfying.
  149. [17:10] Sam shifts awkwardly and returns to his drawing.
  150. [17:10] Sam "Least he's given her a good time." Sam mumbles
  151. [17:11] Akram smiles, feeling only the satisfaction of a performance well-executed. "I think that was much better."
  152. [17:14] Arkalest "Y-yes."
  153. [17:15] Arkalest Out to sea, Meagara raises an unexistant and inquisitive eyebrow. "Kinky."
  154. [17:15] Arkalest And then she sinks under the water.
  155. [17:18] Arkalest "So, I guess...You felt nothing?"
  156. [17:18] Arkalest Tiamat lets out one last pant and turns on her back.
  157. [17:18] Arkalest "Because I did not."
  158. [17:19] Akram sighs, and leans back. "There were a great many enjoyable sensations, and if we can manage to meet again without having to impose unfairly on Samuel's personal space I think I would enjoy having fun with you again," Akram says.
  159. [17:20] Akram "But...I am not dealing with a sudden and unexpected romantic attachment."
  160. [17:21] Akram "I can walk away from here as I entered. I shared nothing more than what I wished to give."
  161. [17:22] Akram "You were not...dissatisfied, were you?"
  162. [17:26] Arkalest "Of course not. You would make a great concubine."
  163. [17:28] Akram "Thank you. For the teaching, the experience, and the second round," Akram says, getting up and locating his pants, mercifully not far from where they ended up on the beach.
  164. [17:29] Akram "Sam! We have finished up, you can come out now."
  165. [17:29] Sam pops up shortly after.
  166. [17:29] Arkalest Tiamat shrugs her shoulders, working the kinks. "Oh, and Akram?"
  167. [17:30] Arkalest "If you ever met Meagara and Hydra..."
  168. [17:30] Arkalest The corners of her mouth curve upwards. "You know what to do."
  169. [17:30] Akram grins back. "Indeed."
  170. [17:32] Akram [above line stricken from the record]
  171. [17:32] Akram grins back. "( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)."
  172. [17:33] Sam smiles "Well, glad you two had fun, even if the . . . feedback was a bit odd."
  173. [17:34] Akram "My apologies for unwanted sensations. Before you send me out, I think Marie is going to want to know what went on; do you mind if I show her?"
  174. [17:35] Sam "Not at all, and it's fine Akram, no need to apologize."
  175. [17:35] Akram "Mm. Then," Akram extends a hand outward to Sam. "Thank you for letting me in to do this. It helped. It helped a great deal, and you did not have to do it for me. But you did. Thank you."
  176. [17:36] Akram "If I can return the favor, at a metaphorical sense, I will."
  177. [17:36] Sam take Akram's hand and shakes it firmly "Hey, we're all in this together."
  178. [17:36] Akram "Malak is not interested in you that way, I do not think."
  179. [17:36] Sam chuckles
  180. [17:36] Sam "Ahh, nuts." Sam pouts "And I bet he has a great ass too."
  181. [17:37] Akram sighs theatrically. "So many great things in the world, so little time to experience them."
  182. [17:38] Sam "Well, ready to head back to the waking world?"
  184. [17:38] Arkalest |QUOTE|
  185. [17:38] Arkalest |A GREAT ASS.|
  186. [17:38] Arkalest |Unquote.|
  187. [17:38] Akram nods, and then snickers.
  188. [17:38] Akram "He does."
  189. [17:39] Sam lets out a mock sigh of pain. "Ohh Mannnn~"
  190. [17:39] Akram "But before we waste too much time; you were going to send me on my way?"
  191. [17:40] Sam Akram: A moment later and you're eyes flutter open, revealing Sam's room. You and him are sprawled out on the bed, having fallen asleep
  192. [17:41] Akram slowly gets up, looking around the room. "Huh. Marie, you have questions, yes?"
  193. [17:41] Sam sits up slwoly "Ahh, that's. . . not as bad as I though it'd be."
  194. [17:42] Sam ignores Akram and Marie in favor of fishing out a pair of aspirin from his bed side.
  195. [17:43] Arkalest Marie pulls up her pants. "Yes I do."
  196. [17:44] Sam ". . . . Why are you putting on your pants in my /room/ ?"
  197. [17:45] Akram "Why do you think I took off my shirt before we went in?"
  198. [17:45] Sam ". . . oh. . ." Sam shakes his head "Right, never mind then."
  199. [17:46] Akram "But anyway; Marie, to my room. We will talk everything over there, and then I will thank you."
  200. [17:48] Akram grabs Marie's hand and exits Sam's room, nodding to him thankfully one last time.
  201. [17:48] Sam gives Akram a thumbs up as he leaves.
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