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Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. its all for the sake of momentum - disclosure through public awareness condemning the future to death so it can match the past - black death 1371ce i've allowed my fears to get larger than life - disclosure Repentant their fulfillment has yet to arrive - 2024 even when its approaching torture - Leavenworth i'd hate to think of effort expended - people falling for pww i cant bring myself to set the scene - dedication to this mission its all for the sake of momentum - so i can sleep better at night its all for hte sake of momentum - because maybe everyone needs to die its all for the sake of momentum - where is my mind? i cant confront the doubts ive had - i know my intelligece reports are right compared to the hell on wheels i used to be - insider knowledge its not what you thought - because it was so complicated to finally understand you got what you want - the truth i was always looking for its not going to stop - because they're too organized to defuse it you're sure theres a cure - yes and you have finally found it - i'm afraid to go back into the ugc you think one drink - yes i do i feel guilty for the vodka its not going to stop til you wise up - i know prepare a list for what you need - i'm not going to 624 i dont care enough about humanity to pull off anymore impossible missions no its not going to stop so just give up - i dont know if i can now that ive met you would you object to never seeing each other again? - how i feel about every ugc member ive eer talked to so dont work your stuff - im immune to your brainwashing now ive got troubles enough - major ginger jane promised she'd kill me in 2003 along with everyone else in black sheep if we failed out mission one act of kindness could be deathly - ugc uses kindness as a weapon and will utilize virus vectors so wisely that no one would suspect it until its already happened you cant get me back on the farm - i'll never go back to argentina again ive got troubles enough - i'm already dead just like every american already is deathly, deathly, deathly - how serious this all is guitar solo - frittering away my time and just waiting for it all to go down you're on your honor - i lost that years ago in the theater get us the guns - using scopolo on ugc members was my weapon of choice and of course environmental weapons. killed one that blew my cover with a sewing machine and dumped 4 of them in the pacific. war is hell, there will never be any peace. i'm almost glad they're ending america. don't be a soldier, be a philosopher. save me. save me. save me. save me. save me. save me. save me. save me. save me. save yourself. save the world. save the planet. stop the underground church...
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