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PnP Group [DATA REDACTED] Session 8

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Sep 9th, 2013
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  1. [17:22] <~Headlong> GDRL-2 Addendum 08
  2. [17:26] <~Headlong> "You're poking your nose in some serious shit, kid. If you want to, take big whiff, but nopony is making you. There's still time to back out."
  3. [17:26] <~Headlong> The Dullahans are now 3 hours into their 30 hour journey, and forward progress has halted due to intervention by the Equestrian Tranist Authority. Spearheading the operation is the sharp, bespectacled Detective Hummingbird, who has just arrived in the Dullahan's car.
  4. [17:30] * Giddy is just sitting pretty in his racing jacket, looking very disconcerted.
  5. [17:30] * Kopesh just stands, he doesn't really know what to do or say here.
  6. [17:31] * Scribbles nudges her glasses up the bridge of her nose and leans towards the window, trying to look as in place as a bright yellow pegasus can look.
  7. [17:32] <~Headlong> Hummingbird looks around the car as she enters, pushing her glasses up as well. She spots Kopesh standing awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, near two prone train officials. "You! J'accuse!"
  8. [17:32] * Bonnet had made her way back to her seat with the others. She just busies herself with reading through her cooking magazine while the inspector goes about his business.
  9. [17:34] * Giddy "Gesundheit." He said, realizing through the fact that he was talking to the bug that he wasn't the one they were looking for.
  10. [17:34] * Kopesh doesn't say anything.
  11. [17:36] <~Headlong> She cocks her head the side and approaches, two ETA guards following. They whisper reassurance to the general populous that everything is safe. The mare huffs and stops near Kopesh. "You're out of your seat. Why is that? And why are these two here? Where did these ropes come from?"
  12. [17:37] * Scribbles takes a glance at the inspector while she can, absentmindedly scratching her mane.
  13. [17:39] * Kopesh states matter of factly. "I helped that stewardess find them. They were tied up and unconscious when we did. I hated the thought of leaving them bound so I cut their bindings."
  14. [17:40] * Bonnet looks up from her magazine to see if she can find one of the stewardesses.
  15. [17:40] <~Headlong> Hummingbird's mane is tucked up in a tight bun, sticking out from the back of a French Inspector's cap. Her jacket is buttoned up the neck, and bears several ETA patches and insignias. Bonnet can see Snow Cone, as well as the other two stewardesses near the door to the darkened train.
  16. [17:40] <~Headlong> "Did you see who tied them up?'
  17. [17:41] <Kopesh> "No, in fact we saw nothing at all due to the darkness spell."
  18. [17:42] * Bonnet gets up carefully from her seat and trots casually back to the gathering of ponies by the dark car, "Excuse me, miss stewardess."
  19. [17:43] * Scribbles mentally compliments the inspector on her jacket, before mentally grilling her on throwing suspision on her coltfriend, even if she did have a perfectly valid reason.
  20. [17:43] <~Headlong> She cocks a brow, dubious. "'Darkness spell'?" She looks around to the other ponies in the back. "Prior to this changeling's intervention, did any of you see, hear or otherwise notice anything suspicious?"
  21. [17:43] <~Headlong> Snow Cone is helping one of the other stewardesses to her hooves. "Yes, Miss?"
  22. [17:45] * Bonnet looks back toward her seat before dropping her voice, "Could you tell me where the restroom facilities are on this train? If this is going to be a long stop... you know..."
  23. [17:45] <~Headlong> Snow Cone smiles. "The car ahead of you, on the right."
  24. [17:49] * Bonnet gives an appreciative smile back, "Thank you." She trots back up the car at an easy pace, flashing a smile to her seated companions as she passes them.
  25. [17:50] * Giddy rolls his eyes. "Ugh. Not really. I didn't know who was in the cart so, well. I asked these mares and the conductor to check it out. When they didn't come back, I didn't really push it until the last one came in. When we got here, there was this darkness spell all over and they were tied up, and the roof hatch was open."
  26. [17:50] <~Headlong> Hummingbird eyes Bonnet as she paces, but continues her investigation. "So you went inside too, Sir?"
  27. [17:51] * Giddy flicks out his shades. "Yeah. I found the mares."
  28. [17:51] <~Headlong> She cocks another brow. "Was this before or after you notified the authorities?"
  29. [17:53] * Giddy rolled his eyes. "During. The b-" He just stopped himself. "I asked someone to call the cops while I checked it out."
  30. [17:54] <~Headlong> She raises a hoof. "What was that? And, if you don't mind me saying, sir, you don't seem to be taking this very seriously."
  31. [17:56] * Scribbles sighes, "Forgive him, he doesn't take anything seriously." She gives Giddy a glare. "At all."
  32. [17:56] * Giddy rolls his eyes. "If I weren't taking this seriously, I wouldn't be talking to you. I'd be under the seat cowering like a good little pony." He scoffs. "I'm a racer. You disassociate yourself from the danger. It's what you have to do."
  33. [17:57] <~Headlong> The inspector flashes Scribbles a smile, brushing off Giddy's sass. "Did you witness these two's supposed heroics as well, Miss?"
  34. [17:58] * Kopesh gives Giddy a confused look. "What the hell does racing have to do with this?"
  35. [17:58] * Scribbles returns the smile. "To be fair, I witnessed as much as anypony could in that darkness. But I can vouch for the both of them, yes."
  36. [17:59] * Bonnet checks to make sure nopony's in the bathroom before stepping in, closing and locking the door. She sits down with an exaggerated wiggle and then reclines back, propping her legs up against the door to help hold it shut while she goes back to casually reading her magazine.
  37. [18:00] * Giddy stares at Kopesh. "Believe it or not, going several times too fast than your body is equipped to handle in the middle of a wooded area where several things can go terribly, terribly wrong. Racing is a scary thing. You remove yourself from the feeling of danger to think as clearly as you can given the circumstances."
  38. [18:00] <Giddy> (ARGLE
  39. [18:00] <Giddy> (AAAAAA)
  40. [18:01] <Kopesh> "If giving sass to a detective is what you call being clear headed, then you're a fucking idiot."
  41. [18:02] <~Headlong> Bonnet finds a vacant bathroom. Hummingbird hmmms. "Well... since you three seem to be the best and only witnesses... I'll need to take you all down to the station to file a report. This is a very serious incident. Tell me... when did you first notice that something was wrong?"
  42. [18:03] * Giddy groans. "If you think I'm gonna treat her different for that, then you haven't watched me race before."
  43. [18:05] <Kopesh> "To be fair, I haven't seen you crash before either. Only heard about it from... well, everyone." He turns back to Hummingbird.
  44. [18:08] * Scribbles sighs at Giddy. Stallions. "We had asked a conductor if he could see who the VIP was, since the most vocal of us had voiced his concerns." She shot another look at Giddy, "And he didn't return. When he overheard that he was late on his route, and was usually punctual, we told the staff our concerns." She recounted, even if it was mostly her doing the talking.
  45. [18:12] <~Headlong> Hummingbird nods. "So, let's go take a look at this 'Darkness Spell'. She says, trotting into the "dark" car. The guards remain in the aisle, preventing them from leaving.
  46. [18:15] * Kopesh simply stands aside and let's her pass.
  47. [18:15] <~Headlong> "You three, with me please." She opens the door into the next car.
  48. [18:17] * Kopesh follows then.
  49. [18:17] * Scribbles gets up and follows Kopesh.
  50. [18:21] <~Headlong> As she opens the car, light pours in from the roof hatch. In front of them is a fully lit, empty train car. It's a first class car, so there aren't many seats, and they're fairly far apart. The door to the car behind it is still open.
  51. [18:22] * Kopesh looks inside. "Hmm, that's not surprising."
  52. [18:23] <~Headlong> Her brow hasn't lowered since she's arrived. "It is?"
  53. [18:24] * Giddy just follows along.
  54. [18:24] * Kopesh looking around to see if they missed and ponies inside. "It wore off. Too bad it wasn't sooner, would have made helping those ponies easier."
  55. [18:24] <Kopesh> Any*
  56. [18:25] * Scribbles looks as well, finally being able to get a feel of the crime scene.
  57. [18:26] <~Headlong> All the ponies are now present and accounted for. They can now see that the hole in the roof is directly over the middle seat in the middle aisle.
  58. [18:27] * Scribbles doesn't want to step past the inspector. After all, it's /her/ job to inspect this kind of thing.
  59. [18:29] <~Headlong> Hummingbird's eyes are drawn to the hole in the roof. "That's undoubtably how the perpetrators got in and out of the car... Problem is... nopony heard anything. No saws, gunfire, anything... Hmmm..."
  60. [18:31] * Scribbles scratches her chin. "She had guards... But I haven't seen hide, nor hair of them since we left our car for munchies."
  61. [18:31] <~Headlong> "It appears that our foalnappers took them too... All right. You three are coming down to the station, for sure. We'll take this car back, too. Everypony out."
  62. [18:32] * Scribbles heads back to their car, directing the stallions in the same way.
  63. [18:34] * Kopesh didn't need directing. He hardly had any reason to not listen to the Detective.
  64. [18:35] <~Headlong> As they leave, they can see several different colors of magical auras surround the car and uncouple it, lifting it from the tracks. Seems like the ETA was prepared to take entire cars off the train as well. Hummingbird addresses them all. "Right. So, if you'll follow me to the car."
  65. [18:36] * Kopesh follows.
  66. [18:36] * Giddy sighs, and follows.
  67. [18:37] * Scribbles looks up at the inspector as she follows. "Detective. We have ponies expecting us in Coltifornia, this won't be too much of an impact on our trip, will it?"
  68. [18:39] <~Headlong> Hummingbird steps down out of the train and nods to an officer who is conversing with the conductor and engineer. "I'm sure it won't. We'll take you to the station in Derbyshire and just collect what information we can. Four, five hours tops."
  69. [18:40] * Scribbles nods before looking over the group. "Oh, is Bonnet still in the bathroom?"
  70. [18:40] <Kopesh> "Are we going to have to buy new tickets for our next ride?"
  71. [18:41] <~Headlong> Hummingbird shakes her head, but snaps to Scribbles. "Who is Bonnet? Another witness?"
  72. [18:42] * Scribbles looks back at the detective. "She's the whole reason we're on this trip in the first place, and she stayed in her seat." She explained. "The least we could do is tell her what's going on."
  73. [18:44] <~Headlong> "Yes. Get her and we'll bring her in too. She's as much a witness as any of you." The stewardesses and conductor are shuttled into their own separate car, and new ones trot onboard.
  74. [18:46] * Scribbles nods and rushes towards the restrooms. "I'll be back in a jiffy!" She called back.
  75. [18:49] * Rippedshadow (chatzilla@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) Quit ( Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812] )
  76. [18:49] <~Headlong> Hummingbird eyes a pocketwatch before placing it back in her pockets. "Did any of you know the victim personally?"
  77. [18:49] * Rippedshadow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  78. [18:50] * Scribbles opens the bathroom door, looking around before calling. "Bonnet?"
  79. [18:50] <~Headlong> It's not a proper bathroom, mind you. It's a very small room.
  80. [18:52] * Bonnet stands up carefully and looks over the door to the stall, "Oh, it's just you, well that's no fun..."
  81. [18:53] * Scribbles looked up at Bonnet. "You were planning on hiding out in here and leave us at the mercy of the police?"
  82. [18:55] * Bonnet slides down the door and stuffs the magazine back in her back before unlocking the door and pulling it open, "No, I was planning on hiding in here and pranking unsusspecting ponies while waiting for the investigators to go away and let us keep traveling."
  83. [18:57] * Scribbles sighs adn shakes her head. "Well. The investigators have called us in, nothing serious, just some paperwork and a few questions. You do know how police questioning works, right?" She asks, turning to head back from whence she came.
  84. [18:58] <~Headlong> Humming bird looks between the stallions outside. "Well?"
  85. [18:58] <Kopesh> "What?"
  86. [18:59] * Bonnet trots to the sink and rinses off her hooves thoroughly, not bothering to dry them off before following, "No, I have no idea how police questioning works, I've never been arrested, dear. All I know is that it's far more tedious than anything I wanted to deal with."
  87. [18:59] * Giddy looks at Kopesh. "What he said."
  88. [18:59] <~Headlong> "I repeat: did either of you know the victim or anypony else involved personally? How do you all know each other?"
  89. [19:00] * Giddy sighs. "I didn't know anypony here before today."
  90. [19:01] * Giddy points at one Kopesh. "I knew him and my cabin mates. I didn't know them:
  91. [19:01] * Scribbles remembers that not everypony asks the police questions of their professional activities to increase the authentisity of their works. "It's long, sure. You fill out some paper work and they ask you a few questions. You're kind and courtious, they let you on your merry way. If you're Giddy, it might take some time."
  92. [19:02] <Kopesh> "Same, just the 3 of them."
  93. [19:02] <~Headlong> She continues prodding. "And -how- is it that you know each other?"
  94. [19:03] * Giddy folds his forelegs. "Temp job we're taking."
  95. [19:03] * Bonnet groans and lowers her head, "Great... fantastic." She mumbles under her breath how they'd better have doughnuts at the station like all the movies.
  96. [19:03] <~Headlong> "Since you're going to need to provide this information later, what kind of job is it?"
  97. [19:05] * Scribbles pats Bonnet on the back. "Relax. Just tell the nice officers what they need to know and it'll be over before you know it." She says with a smile. "And they might even share their doughnuts, if you ask nicely."
  98. [19:05] * Giddy sighs. "I dunno. Something about a building in Coltifornia. I didn't get to ask that many questions."
  99. [19:06] * Bonnet just gives Scribbles a blank stare, "Really, since when has anything since we've met gone so smoothly?"
  100. [19:07] <~Headlong> She nods, opening the door to her private vehicle. "You don't know what kind of job you're doing? And it has nothing to do with racing? Curious. I'll see you all at the station." She turns on her vehicle and departs. Normal officers herd them into a cruiser.
  101. [19:09] * Kopesh goes as directed without resistance.
  102. [19:10] * Giddy chuckles lightly before getting into the cruiser.
  103. [19:10] * Scribbles blinks twice before waving a hoof. "We explain what we saw, why we were concerned, and what we did. To an extent." She points out. "I'd rather not have Miss Headlong more annoyed with me than she probably already is."
  104. [19:11] * Bonnet humphs softly and just follows.
  105. [19:13] * Scribbles contines to walk back to where the detective and the other half of the group was.
  106. [19:15] <~Headlong> Two police stallions slide into the cruiser and start the engine. Giddy and Kopesh can see a team of forensic investigators pouring over the rail car. Bonnet and Scribbles are escorted to their own cop car, and soon, they all depart for Derbyshire Police Headquarters.
  107. [19:19] * Kopesh sits silently the whole way.
  108. [19:20] * Scribbles cleans her glasses during the ride.
  109. [19:20] * Bonnet sulks quietly in the back of the car.
  110. [19:21] <~Headlong> Forty-five minutes later, the police cars pass through the security gate of Derbyshire's Police HQ and park. "All right, ladies, we'll try to get you out of here as soon as we can. Just make sure that you give us everything you know, and there shouldn't be any trouble."
  111. [19:22] * Giddy chuckles a little more.
  112. [19:22] * Scribbles reapplies her glasses to her face before stepping out of the cruiser.
  113. [19:25] <~Headlong> The police stallion opens the doors of the ladies' car and leads them inside. The stallions get a similar treatment, as they are brought into the processing room. Hummingbird is behind a desk, sifting through some documents.
  114. [19:27] * Kopesh continues following, saying nothing.
  115. [19:28] * Scribbles follows in the same manner.
  116. [19:28] <~Headlong> "Here are your witness report sheets. Just fill them out as best you can, then talk to Detective Hummingbird. After that, you're free to go. The train will catch up in about two hours, so you might be able to take a look around town in the meantime. Have a nice day." The officer says, twirling his baton in his magic as he trots out. They're alone with Hummingbird, now. There are pens and clipboards nearby.
  117. [19:30] * Scribbles knows full well how this whole speel goes and starts on her sheet, writing down all that's nessecary to be known. Emphasis on nessecary.
  118. [19:32] * Giddy sighs deeply, then just clicks the top of his pen and floats over a clipboard. He begins to actually read the questions and then answers them honestly, but avoids actually naming or describing the SCP.
  119. [19:33] <~Headlong> Hummingbird is... humming something to herself as she sifts through different documents.
  120. [19:34] * Kopesh has the same thoughts as Scribbles. It's a witness report not a biography, only the necessities.
  121. [19:35] * Bonnet retrieves a clipboard and pen for herself. Sitting back down heavily, she pulls on the chord to flare her wings out and locks it, letting them drape open along her sides.
  122. [19:35] * PatchedGlow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  123. [19:36] <~Headlong> The forms mostly ask them to describe their experience in detail, including appropriate times and locations. Curiously, at the bottom, it asks "Did you ever smell fudge where there was no fudge before?"
  124. [19:36] * Bonnet begins slowly reading the form and filling it out with as little information as possible.
  125. [19:37] * Kopesh chuckles when he reaches that, wondering, and puts "No".
  126. [19:38] * Giddy lifts his head. The fuck? "... Hey guys, didn't...?" Nevermind. He didn't think he smelt fudge.
  127. [19:38] * Scribbles debates on asking wiether the question is referring to the incident or at all. Nonetheless, she checks no.
  128. [19:38] * Rippedshadow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  129. [19:39] * Rippedshadow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  130. [19:41] * Bonnet gets to the bottom and just stares at the question for a few moments before writing, "No, but now I want fudge, thanks." She sets down the drool-covered pen once she's finished and folds her hooves to lean back.
  131. [19:42] * PatchedGlow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  132. [19:42] * Kopesh hoofs his report to Hummingbird when he's done.
  133. [19:43] * Scribbles passes her's in shortly after Kopesh.
  134. [19:43] <~Headlong> Hummingbird scoffs. "Yeah, that's just some crap the FBI makes us on the papers. Never did get that part. Thanks for your time."
  135. [19:45] * Scribbles keeps in a chuckle as she waits for her companions.
  136. [19:46] * Kopesh (EDtiGron@Pony-d2q.sfo.181.166.IP) Quit ( Quit: Laters )
  137. [19:46] * Kopesh (EDtiGron@Pony-gdm.iqc.181.166.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  138. [19:46] * Bonnet stands up carefully and brings the paper up to the inspector's desk, "So we're free to go now? Are there any places that sell quality fudge in town?"
  139. [19:47] <~Headlong> Hummingbird raises a brow again. "I... not that I know of. Derbyshire -does- have a legendary pastry shop... but I don't know of any fudge."
  140. [19:48] * Kopesh stands back and waits for the others to finish.
  141. [19:50] * Bonnet nods a little before turning, "Ah, alright. Maybe I'll check that out still, thanks."
  142. [19:51] * Giddy hoofs off his report after lots of crossing out and white out involved, and then turns it in.
  143. [19:53] * Kopesh once they're all gathered. "Well, let's see if we can get back to the train in time."
  144. [19:54] <~Headlong> The Inspector looks Giddy over, not sure if he's just fucking with her or not. "Thank you. I hope you enjoy you job that you know absolutely nothing about. Good day."
  145. [19:54] * Scribbles shoots Giddy a glance while they leave.
  146. [19:55] * Giddy grumbles. He missed his rally car. "Done. Let's get back on the stupid train so we can do that stupid job."
  147. [19:55] * Kopesh already walking out. "Let's go then."
  148. [19:57] * Scribbles follows Kopesh out. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?"
  149. [19:58] <~Headlong> As they exit the police station, they can, from their perch on a hill above the rest of the town, they can see the earthen, hill-like homes remeniscent of the Lord of the Reigns'.
  150. [19:59] <Kopesh> "Should we see about getting a cab? She said two hours when we started filling those out."
  151. [19:59] * Bonnet gives Scribbles a blank look as she follows after the group, her wings still flopped at her sides, "Really?"
  152. [20:00] <~Headlong> It took them, at most, 45 minutes to fill out the forms.
  153. [20:02] * Scribbles reaches over and keeps one of her wings from dragging on the ground. "Yes, really."
  154. [20:05] * Kopesh seeks out a cab to hail.
  155. [20:06] * Bonnet rolls her eyes, "That was one of the most boring things I've ever done, and I've been to several operas..."
  156. [20:07] <~Headlong> There don't appear to be any paved roads in Derbyshire, and even fewer motor vehicles. None of them appear to be cabs.
  157. [20:08] * Kopesh trot along towards the station. No means of better transportation for the two non-flying of the group, balls.
  158. [20:10] * Giddy folds his legs. "Oh, you've /got/ to be-" He turns back towards the police station. "One of you, tell them that they have to give us a ride back to the station!"
  159. [20:10] * Scribbles follows Kopesh, sticking with her pusedo-pegasi friend. "Giddy. No. We're walking."
  160. [20:11] <Scribbles> "It's good for your heart, anyway."
  161. [20:12] * Bonnet just sulks and ambles along the road with the rest, letting her wings flop gently with the gait.
  162. [20:13] * Kopesh still walking forward. "Actually asking isn't that bad an idea, but I doubt that they'd give enough of a damn about our plight to give us one."
  163. [20:14] <~Headlong> They still have more than an hour and a quarter till the train arrives.
  164. [20:17] * Scribbles looks to Bonnet. "What's gotcha down?"
  165. [20:18] * Giddy groans and starts walking. He hated walking. It was too slow.
  166. [20:22] * Bonnet reaches down and pulls the release to let her wings fold back up, "It's this whole thing... It's frustrating."
  167. [20:23] * Kopesh keeps walking along while listening.
  168. [20:23] * Scribbles moves out of the way of the wings. "Frustrating?"
  169. [20:25] * Bonnet glances to the side at Scribbles, "Yes, frustrating."
  170. [20:26] * Scribbles steps closer to her. "Elaborate. Kindly."
  171. [20:27] <~Headlong> As they amble through Derbyshire, ponies in simple clothing smile at them as they pass. Warm baked bread and candle wax mingle in the air as the pass through the winding, downhill road.
  172. [20:29] * Kopesh can't help, but walk through with a smile due to the niceness and the smells.
  173. [20:31] * Bonnet lifts her head up, sniffing at the scent of the baked bread, "Tell me, darling, were you walking along, would you step around an anthill in your path?"
  174. [20:31] * Bonnet snuffs her hoof in the ground for emphasis.
  175. [20:31] <Bonnet> *scuffs
  176. [20:32] <Kopesh> "I'd step over it."
  177. [20:32] * Scribbles tilts her head in confusion. "Of course I would. Nopony wants to annoy a would nest of ants."
  178. [20:33] * Bonnet nods a little, "Now... picture an entire field waist-high with anthills. That's what I mean by frustrating."
  179. [20:35] * Kopesh nods a little too. Odd, but not a necessarily a bad simile.
  180. [20:35] * Scribbles scratches her mane. "Well. Sometimes you've got no choice but to trudge on through."
  181. [20:39] * Bonnet kicks over one of the anthills in her head with a little flag bearing the inspector's face sticking out of the top, "Yes... so that would be what has me down, dear."
  182. [20:40] * Scribbles pats Bonnet on the back again. "Hey, you're not the only one in this anthill farm."
  183. [20:43] * Bonnet leans a little against Scribbles' hoof, "I guess so."
  184. [20:46] * Scribbles smiles. "We've got some time. How's about an actual meal between the four of us?"
  185. [20:46] <~Headlong> Eventually, busying themselves with talks of anthills, they arrive at the a more urban looking section of Derbyshire. Squat brick and concrete building line a central, cobble road. The smell of bread is much stronger than before.
  186. [20:47] * Giddy pauses. "Fine. But this better not take too long."
  187. [20:49] <~Headlong> It's been about fifteen minutes. One hour until the train arrives.
  188. [20:49] * Bonnet nods a little, "A real dinner would be nice. I doubt we'd get one aboard the train."
  189. [20:50] * Scribbles nods. "We'll grab some sandwiches or something, then head for the station."
  190. [20:51] * Giddy frowns. "Didn't it take around twenty minutes for the cars to get here?"
  191. [20:54] <~Headlong> Something like that.
  192. [20:56] * Bonnet smiles softly to Scribbles' suggestion, kicking over another anthill in her head with a bright yellow flag in the top.
  193. [20:56] * PatchedGlow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  194. [20:57] * Giddy "So how do you figure we'll be able to walk that distance in less than an hour?"
  195. [20:58] * Rippedshadow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) Quit ( Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by PatchedGlow)) )
  196. [20:58] * Scribbles waves a dismissing hoof towards Kopesh.
  197. [21:00] * Anarchy ( has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  198. [21:00] * Anarchy ( has left #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  199. [21:02] * Kopesh looks at Scribbles, he didn't like having Giddy's complaints directed at him. "Well, seeing as how only two of us can fly and there are no cabs or public transportation around, we'll have to keep walking. If we miss the train, we miss the train. At least we didn't get arrested, that's all Headlong wanted anyway."
  200. [21:05] <~Headlong> Everpony is immediately aware of a large post dug into the earthen street corner near them. On it are dozens of signs pointing to various locations of interest in town. Largest, and painted the brightest, is a white sign that points due east and reads "Train Station."
  201. [21:08] * Scribbles looks up at the sign briefly.
  202. [21:08] * Kopesh heads East.
  203. [21:09] * PatchedGlow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) Quit ( Ping timeout: 121 seconds )
  204. [21:09] * Giddy starts heading that way, looking for where that bread smell is coming from.
  205. [21:10] <~Headlong> Kopesh trots down the main street. The sign also notifies them that "Devil's Cake Bakery" is in the same direction. It's not hard to assume that this bakery is the source of the bread. Damn, it smells tasty.
  206. [21:11] <~Headlong> In the distance, Kopesh spots a small, wooden building sandwiched between two larger brick ones. A fairly large sign shows a picture of a locomotive engine puffing down some tracks.
  207. [21:11] * Bonnet takes a few minutes to examine the sign before following after the others. It wasn't fudge, but some fresh bread would still be nice.
  208. [21:12] * PatchedGlow (lostsoul101@Pony-dre.ktm.96.24.IP) has joined #FruityRumpusAssholeFactory
  209. [21:12] * Kopesh checks the time to see if they can look around before leaving. "Excellent, we're here on time."
  210. [21:13] <~Headlong> They almost certainly can, with time to spare.
  211. [21:13] * Giddy nods. "I guess we could get a sandwich or something."
  212. [21:14] * Kopesh looking around. "We have some time."
  213. [21:15] <~Headlong> Across the street, Kopesh spots "Devil's Cake Bakery." An open flag waves proudly over the front door, beckoning the weary travellers inside.
  214. [21:16] * Kopesh starts trotting forward. "May as well. It'll be a treat after all that earlier."
  215. [21:17] * Scribbles follows Kopesh's lead.
  216. [21:19] * Giddy also follows the herd.
  217. [21:19] <~Headlong> A breath of fresh, cool AC washes over them as they entire the tiny, almost cramped bakery. A lone, slate black earth pony yawns, leaning on a chair behind the counter. She's jolted awake by the sudden entrance of hungry ponies. "Oh, uh. Hey."
  218. [21:21] * Bonnet walks in slowly after the rest, looking around the shop carefully.
  219. [21:21] * Kopesh looks around. "Hello. We smelled your bakery and decided to give it look."
  220. [21:22] * Scribbles walks around the shop, the part that's in front of the counter anyway.
  221. [21:24] * Bonnet gives the shop-keeper a courteous smile and bow of her head before she resumes looking around.
  222. [21:25] <~Headlong> It's a very humble space. Everything is wooden, save the racks where the bread is kept. The chairs, the floors, the walls, the tables. Everything. On those metal racks are dozens and dozens of fresh baked, deliciously mouth-watering loaves of bread. On top of that, muffins, bagels, doughnuts, and other Fancee pastries cover the bottom shelves. "Well, uh... thanks! Take your time."
  223. [21:34] <~Headlong> : PLAYBACK PAUSED, GDRL-2 ADDENDUM-9 PLAYBACK BEGIN :
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