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Aug 27th, 2014
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  5. <h1 class="uppercase size65">Science in Eden</h1>
  6. <p class="size30">If you're up for field-based science, Indiana Jones<br/>
  7. style, one of the world's wildest, most remote, and<br/>
  8. most radical research stations is the place for you.
  9. </p>
  10. </div>
  11. </div>
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  13. <section class="singleColumnWidth">
  14. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet swine frankfurter biltong prosciutto sirloin venison chuck ball tip fatback filet mignon tri-tip brisket. Pig jerky fatback flank. Shank corned beef bresaola, chuck tri-tip tenderloin t-bone tail tongue ham frankfurter. Shankle bresaola rump, ball tip prosciutto porchetta ham brisket venison short ribs drumstick corned beef boudin. Rump jerky jowl meatball shankle landjaeger leberkas tenderloin.
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  19. <h1 class="uppercase size65">Science in Eden</h1>
  20. <p class="size30">If you're up for field-based science, Indiana Jones<br/>
  21. style, one of the world's wildest, most remote, and<br/>
  22. most radical research stations is the place for you.
  23. </p>
  24. </div>
  25. </div>
  26. </div>
  27. <section class="singleColumnWidth">
  28. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet swine frankfurter biltong prosciutto sirloin venison chuck ball tip fatback filet mignon tri-tip brisket. Pig jerky fatback flank. Shank corned beef bresaola, chuck tri-tip tenderloin t-bone tail tongue ham frankfurter. Shankle bresaola rump, ball tip prosciutto porchetta ham brisket venison short ribs drumstick corned beef boudin. Rump jerky jowl meatball shankle landjaeger leberkas tenderloin.
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