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a guest
Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <resources>
  4. <string name="app_name">IR Remote</string>
  6. <string name="db_menu_search_tit">Search</string>
  7. <string name="db_menu_refresh">Refresh</string>
  8. <string name="menu_save">Save Remote</string>
  9. <string name="db_search_hint_manufacturers">Search manufacturers</string>
  10. <string name="db_search_hint_custom">Search %s</string>
  11. <string name="db_search_hint_buttons">Search buttons</string>
  12. <string name="db_select_manufacturer">Select manufacturer</string>
  13. <string name="db_select_device_type">Select device type</string>
  14. <!-- -->
  15. <string name="menu_action_delete">Delete Remote</string>
  16. <string name="menu_action_rename">Rename Remote</string>
  17. <string name="menu_action_edit">Edit Remote</string>
  19. <!-- Save -->
  20. <string name="save_remote_title">Save remote</string>
  21. <string name="save_remote_text">Choose a name for your remote.\nYour new remote will appear in the My Remotes section</string>
  22. <string name="save_remote_save">Save</string>
  23. <string name="err_name_empty">Remote name cannot be empty</string>
  24. <!-- Rename -->
  25. <string name="rename_remote_title">Rename remote</string>
  26. <string name="rename_remote_message">Enter a new name for %s</string>
  27. <string name="rename_remote_save">Rename</string>
  29. <!-- -->
  30. <string name="save_button_save">Save</string>
  31. <string name="remote_saved_toast">Remote saved</string>
  33. <string name="button_text_red">red</string>
  34. <string name="button_text_green">green</string>
  35. <string name="button_text_blue">blue</string>
  36. <string name="button_text_yellow">yellow</string>
  38. <string name="delete_remote_title">Delete remote</string>
  39. <string name="delete_remote_message">Are you sure you want to delete %s?</string>
  40. <string name="my_remotes">My remotes</string>
  42. <!-- Preferences and all that awesome stuff -->
  43. <string name="pref_tit_fix">Fix buttons</string>
  44. <string name="pref_desc_fix">On some devices Android doesn\'t send the codes correctly. Enable or disable this to fix it.</string>
  45. <string name="dlg_na_tit">Oops!</string>
  46. <string name="dlg_na_msg">It looks like your device does not have an IR Transmitter\nWe\'re sorry, but you will not be able to use this app on this device</string>
  48. <!-- Ready -->
  50. <!-- Learning -->
  52. <!-- Learned -->
  53. <!-- -->
  54. <!-- -->
  55. <!-- -->
  56. <string name="learn_help_tit">Having trouble?</string>
  57. <string name="learn_help_msg">Aim your remote directly at your device\'s IR Receiver.\nYou can also try holding it a little farther or nearer.</string>
  58. <!-- %s is the device type (tv, cable, blu ray, air conditioning... -->
  59. <!-- -->
  60. <string name="ori_system">System setting</string>
  61. <string name="ori_auto">Auto-rotate</string>
  62. <string name="ori_port">Portrait</string>
  63. <string name="ori_land">Landscape</string>
  65. <!-- BEGIN v1302 -->
  66. <string name="pref_tit_orientation">Orientation</string>
  67. <string name="pref_tit_bg">Background</string>
  68. <string name="pref_tit_fullscreen">Fullscreen</string>
  69. <string name="pref_desc_fullscreen">Remotes will show in fullscreen mode - No statusbar will be displayed</string>
  70. <!-- bg -->
  71. <string name="bg_gallery">Gallery</string>
  72. <string name="bg_remove">Remove Background</string>
  73. <string name="bg_changed_ok">Background changed</string>
  74. <!-- BEGIN v1303 -->
  75. <!-- -->
  77. <!-- -->
  78. <string name="edit_confirmexitdlg_tit">Save changes?</string>
  79. <string name="edit_confirmexitdlg_save">Save</string><!-- %s will be replaced with the Remote name -->
  80. <!-- -->
  81. <string name="menu_edit_organize">Organize</string>
  82. <string name="menu_edit_help">Help</string>
  83. <string name="add_button">Add button</string>
  84. <string name="edit_helpdlg_tit">Help</string>
  85. <string name="edit_helpdlg_msg">Long press on a button to drag and drop.\n\nTap on buttons to select them, then click the edit button at the top.\n\nWhen you\'re done, click the save button at the top.\n\nIf you don\'t like your changes, just click back to discard them.</string>
  86. <string name="save_button_dlgtit">Save button</string>
  87. <string name="save_button_dlgmsg">Test and name your button</string>
  88. <string name="edit_button_code_updated">Code changed</string>
  89. <!-- -->
  92. <!-- %s is the name of the button -->
  93. <string name="edit_button_title">Edit Button</string>
  94. <string name="edit_option_remove">Remove</string>
  95. <string name="edit_option_icon">Icon</string>
  96. <string name="edit_option_color">Color</string>
  97. <string name="edit_option_corners">Corners</string>
  98. <string name="edit_option_code">IR Code</string>
  100. <!-- BEGIN 1420 -->
  101. <string name="color_dlgtit">Change color</string>
  102. <string name="icon_dlgtit">Change icon</string>
  103. <string name="icon_remove">Remove icon</string>
  104. <!-- -->
  105. <string name="menu_edit_cab_edit">Edit</string>
  106. <string name="menu_edit_cab_sel_all">ALL</string>
  107. <string name="menu_edit_cab_sel_none">NONE</string>
  108. <!-- -->
  109. <plurals name="selected">
  110. <item quantity="other">%d selected</item>
  111. </plurals>
  113. <string name="edit_corners_dlgtit">Corner Radius</string>
  114. <string name="pref_tit_vibrate">Vibrate on press</string>
  115. <string name="pref_desc_vibrate">Vibrate when a button is pressed</string>
  116. <string name="pref_tit_delay">Signal repeat delay</string>
  117. <string name="pref_desc_delay">Time in milliseconds to wait between signals when long pressing</string>
  118. <string name="ms">%d ms</string>
  119. <string name="delay_reset_default">Default</string>
  120. <string name="edit_option_text_size">Text size</string>
  121. <string name="loading">Loading</string>
  122. <string name="pref_dlg_tit_fix">Warning</string>
  123. <string name="pref_dlg_msg_fix">If you have ANY remote button working, don\'t touch this setting.\nOnly change it if NOTHING works for you.\n\nAfter changing this setting, reboot your device.\n\nAre you sure you want to change this setting?</string>
  124. <!-- -->
  125. <!-- -->
  126. <string name="organize_icons">Icons</string>
  127. <string name="organize_colors">Colors</string>
  128. <string name="organize_corners">Corners</string>
  129. <string name="organize_positions">Positions</string>
  130. <string name="organize_dlgtit">Organize Buttons</string>
  131. <!-- -->
  132. <string name="provider_common">Popular Remotes</string>
  133. <string name="provider_globalcache">Online Database</string>
  134. <string name="provider_learn_remote">Learn Remote</string>
  135. <string name="learn_button">Learn Button</string>
  136. <string name="title_provider_add_remote">Add remote</string>
  138. <string name="rate_dlgtit">Rate our app</string>
  139. <string name="rate_dlgmsg">Please help us improve and add new features by leaving a positive review on Google Play</string>
  140. <string name="rate_later">Later</string>
  141. <string name="rate_never">No, thanks</string>
  143. <string name="corners_square">Square</string>
  144. <string name="corners_rounded_square">Rounded square</string>
  145. <string name="corners_circle">Circle</string>
  146. <string name="err_gc_invalid_data">Oops! There was an error</string>
  148. <string name="save_remote_preview">Preview</string>
  150. <string name="preview_remote_dlgtit_remote">Preview remote</string>
  151. <string name="preview_remote_dlgtit_button">Select a button</string>
  153. <string name="lb_msg_ready">Press and hold the button you want to learn on your remote pointing it directly to the IR receiver at about 1cm (half an inch) and press Start</string>
  154. <string name="lb_msg_test">Learned! Now try your button by clicking on it. If it works, click ok</string>
  155. <string name="lb_b_start">Start</string>
  156. <string name="lb_b_learning">Learning...</string>
  157. <string name="lb_b_test">Try me!</string>
  158. <string name="lb_b_try_again">Learn again</string>
  160. <string name="menu_action_share">Share Remote</string>
  161. <string name="share_remote_tit">Share %s</string>
  162. <string name="save_button_hint">Enter a button name</string>
  163. <string name="import_einvalid">Invalid remote file</string>
  164. <string name="import_enoent">Remote file not found</string>
  166. <string name="lr_new_remote">New Remote</string>
  168. <string name="remote_no_buttons">This remote looks pretty empty\nClick Menu - Edit to go to the edit screen\nFrom there you can add a button clicking Menu - Add Button</string>
  169. <string name="er_sub">Edit mode</string>
  171. <string name="provider_manual">Custom IR Code</string>
  172. <string name="pm_freq_patt" translatable="false">Frequency, pattern</string>
  173. <string name="pm_pronto" translatable="false">Pronto</string>
  175. <string name="pm_info_freq_patt" translatable="false">Frequency, Pattern\n\nFrequency: The IR carrier frequency in Hertz\n\nPattern: The alternating on/off pattern in pulses (comma separated)\n\nExample: 38000,1,1,171,171,21,65,21,65,21,65,[...],21,1792 </string>
  176. <string name="pm_info_pronto" translatable="false">Pronto\n\nExample: 0000 006d 0020 0000 0009 0048 [...] 000a 0046 000a 0048</string>
  177. <string name="pm_save">Save</string>
  178. <string name="pm_invalid" translatable="false">Invalid IR Code</string>
  179. <string name="pm_suspicious_freq" translatable="false">The frequency of your code looks very strange. It may not work on your device</string>
  180. <string name="new_button">New Button</string>
  181. <string name="conf_widget">Create new widget</string>
  182. <string name="conf_widget_sel_remote">Select a remote</string>
  183. <string name="conf_widget_no_remotes_tit">No remotes</string>
  184. <string name="conf_widget_no_remotes_msg">You have no remotes, please create one and then create your widget</string>
  185. <string name="nav_more_from_developer">More from Twinone</string>
  186. <string name="nav_rate">Rate</string>
  187. <string name="nav_settings">Settings</string>
  190. <string name="empty_remote_tit">Empty Remote</string>
  191. <string name="empty_remote_msg">An empty remote will be created. Click Menu - Edit to go to the edit screen.\nFrom there you can add individual buttons clicking Menu - Add Button</string>
  192. <string name="showcase_title">Add a remote to begin</string>
  194. </resources>
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