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Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  4. <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
  5. <meta HTTP-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
  6. <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:01 GMT">
  8. <title>Настройка интерфейса WAN</title>
  9. <style>
  10. .on {display:on}
  11. .off {display:none}
  12. </style>
  14. <script type="text/javascript" src="util_gw.js"> </script>
  15. <SCRIPT>
  16. var initialDnsMode, pppConnectStatus=0;
  18. function setPPPConnected()
  19. {
  20. pppConnectStatus = 1;
  21. }
  22. function resetClicked()
  23. {
  24. if(document.tcpip.wanType.selectedIndex != 0){
  25. if(document.tcpip.dnsMode[0].checked)
  26. disableDNSinput();
  27. else
  28. enableDNSinput();
  29. }
  31. document.tcpip.reset;
  33. location=location;
  34. }
  36. function disableDNSinput()
  37. {
  38. disableTextField(document.tcpip.dns1);
  39. disableTextField(document.tcpip.dns2);
  40. disableTextField(document.tcpip.dns3);
  41. }
  43. function enableDNSinput()
  44. {
  45. enableTextField(document.tcpip.dns1);
  46. enableTextField(document.tcpip.dns2);
  47. enableTextField(document.tcpip.dns3);
  48. }
  50. function autoDNSclicked()
  51. {
  52. disableDNSinput();
  53. }
  55. function manualDNSclicked()
  56. {
  57. enableDNSinput();
  58. }
  59. function pptpConnectClick(connect)
  60. {
  61. if (document.tcpip.pptpConnectType.selectedIndex == 2 && pppConnectStatus==connect) {
  62. if (document.tcpip.pptpUserName.value=="") {
  63. alert('Поле "Имя учетной записи PPTP" не должно быть пустым!');
  64. document.tcpip.pptpUserName.value = document.tcpip.pptpUserName.defaultValue;
  65. document.tcpip.pptpUserName.focus();
  66. return false;
  67. }
  68. if (document.tcpip.pptpPassword.value=="") {
  69. alert('Поле "Пароль учетной записи PPTP" не должно быть пустым!');
  70. document.tcpip.pptpPassword.value = document.tcpip.pptpPassword.defaultValue;
  71. document.tcpip.pptpPassword.focus();
  72. return false;
  73. }
  74. return true;
  75. }
  76. return false;
  77. }
  78. function l2tpConnectClick(connect)
  79. {
  80. if (document.tcpip.l2tpConnectType.selectedIndex == 2 && pppConnectStatus==connect) {
  81. if (document.tcpip.l2tpUserName.value=="") {
  82. alert('Поле "Имя учетной записи L2TP" не должно быть пустым!');
  83. document.tcpip.l2tpUserName.value = document.tcpip.l2tpUserName.defaultValue;
  84. document.tcpip.l2tpUserName.focus();
  85. return false;
  86. }
  87. if (document.tcpip.l2tpPassword.value=="") {
  88. alert('Поле "Пароль учетной записи L2TP" не должно быть пустым!');
  89. document.tcpip.l2tpPassword.value = document.tcpip.l2tpPassword.defaultValue;
  90. document.tcpip.l2tpPassword.focus();
  91. return false;
  92. }
  93. return true;
  94. }
  95. return false;
  96. }
  97. function USB3GConnectClick(connect)
  98. {
  99. if (document.tcpip.USB3GConnectType.selectedIndex == 2 && pppConnectStatus==connect) {
  100. return true;
  101. }
  102. return false;
  103. }
  104. function pppConnectClick(connect)
  105. {
  106. if (document.tcpip.pppConnectType.selectedIndex == 2 && pppConnectStatus==connect) {
  107. if (document.tcpip.pppUserName.value=="") {
  108. alert('Поле "Имя учетной записи PPP" не должно быть пустым!');
  109. document.tcpip.pppUserName.value = document.tcpip.pppUserName.defaultValue;
  110. document.tcpip.pppUserName.focus();
  111. return false;
  112. }
  113. if (document.tcpip.pppPassword.value=="") {
  114. alert('Поле "Пароль учетной записи PPP" не должно быть пустым!');
  115. document.tcpip.pppPassword.value = document.tcpip.pppPassword.defaultValue;
  116. document.tcpip.pppPassword.focus();
  117. return false;
  118. }
  119. return true;
  120. }
  121. return false;
  122. }
  123. function pppConnection_Init()
  124. {
  125. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppConnect);
  126. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppDisconnect);
  127. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pppIdleTime);
  128. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpConnect);
  129. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpDisconnect);
  130. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pptpIdleTime);
  131. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpConnect);
  132. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpDisconnect);
  133. disableTextField(document.tcpip.l2tpIdleTime);
  134. /* USB3G */
  135. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GConnect);
  136. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GDisconnect);
  137. disableTextField(document.tcpip.USB3GIdleTime);
  138. }
  139. function pppTypeSelection(wan_type)
  140. {
  141. if(wan_type == 0){
  142. if ( document.tcpip.pppConnectType.selectedIndex == 2) {
  143. if (pppConnectStatus==0) {
  144. enableButton(document.tcpip.pppConnect);
  145. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppDisconnect);
  146. }
  147. else {
  148. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppConnect);
  149. enableButton(document.tcpip.pppDisconnect);
  150. }
  151. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pppIdleTime);
  152. }
  153. else {
  154. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppConnect);
  155. disableButton(document.tcpip.pppDisconnect);
  156. if (document.tcpip.pppConnectType.selectedIndex == 1)
  157. enableTextField(document.tcpip.pppIdleTime);
  158. else
  159. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pppIdleTime);
  160. }
  161. }
  162. if(wan_type == 1){
  163. if ( document.tcpip.pptpConnectType.selectedIndex == 2) {
  164. if (pppConnectStatus==0) {
  165. enableButton(document.tcpip.pptpConnect);
  166. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpDisconnect);
  167. }
  168. else {
  169. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpConnect);
  170. enableButton(document.tcpip.pptpDisconnect);
  171. }
  172. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pptpIdleTime);
  173. }
  174. else {
  175. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpConnect);
  176. disableButton(document.tcpip.pptpDisconnect);
  177. if (document.tcpip.pptpConnectType.selectedIndex == 1)
  178. enableTextField(document.tcpip.pptpIdleTime);
  179. else
  180. disableTextField(document.tcpip.pptpIdleTime);
  181. }
  182. }
  183. if(wan_type == 2){
  184. if ( document.tcpip.l2tpConnectType.selectedIndex == 2) {
  185. if (pppConnectStatus==0) {
  186. enableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpConnect);
  187. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpDisconnect);
  188. }
  189. else {
  190. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpConnect);
  191. enableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpDisconnect);
  192. }
  193. disableTextField(document.tcpip.l2tpIdleTime);
  194. }
  195. else {
  196. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpConnect);
  197. disableButton(document.tcpip.l2tpDisconnect);
  198. if (document.tcpip.l2tpConnectType.selectedIndex == 1)
  199. enableTextField(document.tcpip.l2tpIdleTime);
  200. else
  201. disableTextField(document.tcpip.l2tpIdleTime);
  202. }
  203. }
  204. /* USB3G connect type */
  205. if(wan_type == 3){
  206. if ( document.tcpip.USB3GConnectType.selectedIndex == 2) {
  207. if (pppConnectStatus==0) {
  208. enableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GConnect);
  209. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GDisconnect);
  210. }
  211. else {
  212. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GConnect);
  213. enableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GDisconnect);
  214. }
  215. disableTextField(document.tcpip.USB3GIdleTime);
  216. }
  217. else {
  218. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GConnect);
  219. disableButton(document.tcpip.USB3GDisconnect);
  220. if (document.tcpip.USB3GConnectType.selectedIndex == 1)
  221. enableTextField(document.tcpip.USB3GIdleTime);
  222. else
  223. disableTextField(document.tcpip.USB3GIdleTime);
  224. }
  225. }
  226. }
  227. function wanTypeSelection(field)
  228. {
  229. //document.tcpip.submit();
  230. if(!document.getElementById){
  231. alert('Ошибка! Ваш браузер должен поддерживать CSS!');
  232. return;
  233. }
  235. /* # keith: add l2tp support. 20080515 */
  236. if(field.selectedIndex == 0){ //static ip
  237. wanShowDiv(0 ,1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); //pptp, dns, dnsMode, pppoe, static (div), l2tp, USB3G
  238. enableDNSinput();
  239. document.tcpip.dnsMode[1].checked = true ; // dns change to manual mode
  240. }
  241. else if(field.selectedIndex == 1){ //Dhcp
  242. wanShowDiv(0 ,1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  243. if(document.tcpip.dnsMode[0].checked)
  244. disableDNSinput();
  245. }else if(field.selectedIndex == 2){ //pppoe
  246. wanShowDiv(0 ,1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
  247. if(document.tcpip.dnsMode[0].checked)
  248. disableDNSinput();
  249. }else if(field.selectedIndex == 3){ //pptp
  250. wanShowDiv(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  251. if(document.tcpip.dnsMode[0].checked)
  252. disableDNSinput();
  253. }else if(field.selectedIndex == 4){ //l2tp
  254. wanShowDiv(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0);
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  256. disableDNSinput();
  257. }else if(field.selectedIndex == 5){ //USB3G
  258. wanShowDiv(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
  259. if(document.tcpip.dnsMode[0].checked)
  260. disableDNSinput();
  261. }
  262. var wan_connection_type=document.tcpip.wanType.selectedIndex;
  263. if(wan_connection_type == 2)
  264. pppTypeSelection(0);
  265. else if(wan_connection_type == 3)
  266. pppTypeSelection(1);
  267. else if(wan_connection_type == 4)
  268. pppTypeSelection(2);
  269. else if(wan_connection_type == 5) //USB3G
  270. pppTypeSelection(3);
  271. else
  272. pppConnection_Init();
  273. }
  275. function Load_Setting()
  276. {
  277. var wanDhcp_ = 1;
  278. var wanDhcp_selidx = 0;
  279. if ( wanDhcp_ == 0 )
  280. wanDhcp_selidx = 0;
  281. else if ( wanDhcp_ == 1 )
  282. wanDhcp_selidx = 1;
  283. else if ( wanDhcp_ == 3 )
  284. wanDhcp_selidx = 2;
  285. else if ( wanDhcp_ == 4 )
  286. wanDhcp_selidx = 3;
  287. else if ( wanDhcp_ == 6 )
  288. wanDhcp_selidx = 4;
  289. /*
  290. else if ( wanDhcp_ == 16 )
  291. wanDhcp_selidx = 5;
  292. */
  293. document.tcpip.wanType.selectedIndex = wanDhcp_selidx;
  294. wanTypeSelection(document.tcpip.wanType);
  296. if ( 0 == 0) {
  297. document.tcpip.elements["dnsMode"][0].checked = true;
  298. autoDNSclicked();
  299. }
  301. if ( 0 == 1) {
  302. document.tcpip.elements["dnsMode"][1].checked = true;
  303. manualDNSclicked();
  304. }
  306. if ( 1 )
  307. document.tcpip.upnpEnabled.checked = true;
  309. if ( 0 == 0 )
  310. document.tcpip.igmpproxyEnabled.checked = true;
  312. if ( 1 )
  313. document.tcpip.pingWanAccess.checked = true;
  315. if ( 1 )
  316. document.tcpip.webWanAccess.checked = true;
  318. if ( 1 )
  319. document.tcpip.WANPassThru1.checked = true;
  321. if ( 1 )
  322. document.tcpip.WANPassThru2.checked = true;
  324. if ( 1 )
  325. document.tcpip.WANPassThru3.checked = true;
  327. if ( 0 )
  328. document.tcpip.ipv6_passthru_enabled.checked = true;
  329. }
  330. </SCRIPT>
  331. </head>
  333. <body onload="Load_Setting();">
  334. <blockquote>
  335. <h2><font color="#767676">Настройка интерфейса WAN</font></h2>
  336. <form action=/boafrm/formWanTcpipSetup method=POST name="tcpip">
  338. <table border=0 width="550" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
  339. <tr><font size=2>
  340. На данной странице задаются параметры подключения к Интернету. Выберите тип подключения из выпадающего списка: статический IP-адрес или DHCP-клиент (динамический IP-адрес). Тип подключения вы можете уточнить у Интернет-провайдера.
  341. </tr>
  342. <tr><hr size=1 noshade align=top></tr>
  343. <tr>
  344. </table>
  345. <input type="hidden" value="pptp" name="ipMode">
  347. <table border="0" width=550>
  348. <tr>
  349. <td width="30%" height=40><font size=2><b>Тип подключения к Интернету:</b></td>
  350. <td width="70%"><font size=2><select size="1" name="wanType" onChange="wanTypeSelection(this)">
  351. <option value="fixedIp">Статический IP-адрес</option>
  352. <option value="autoIp">DHCP-клиент</option>
  353. <!-- <option value="ppp">PPPoE</option> -->
  354. <!-- <option value="pptp">PPTP</option> -->
  355. <!-- <option value="l2tp">L2TP</option> -->
  356. <!--
  357. <option value="USB3G">USB3G</option>
  358. -->
  359. </select></td>
  360. <tr>
  361. </table>
  362. <span id = "static_div" class = "off" >
  363. <table border="0" width=550>
  364. <tr>
  365. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>IP-адрес:</b></td>
  366. <td width="70%"><font size=2>
  367. <input type="text" name="wan_ip" size="18" maxlength="15" value="">
  368. </td>
  369. </tr>
  370. <tr>
  371. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Маска подсети:</b></td>
  372. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="wan_mask" size="18" maxlength="15" value=""></td>
  373. </tr>
  374. <tr>
  375. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Основной шлюз:</b></td>
  376. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="wan_gateway" size="18" maxlength="15" value=""></td>
  377. </tr>
  378. <tr>
  379. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  380. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="fixedIpMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="1500">&nbsp;(1400-1500 байт)</td>
  381. </tr>
  382. </table>
  383. </span>
  385. <span id = "dhcp_div" class = "off" >
  386. <table border="0" width=550>
  387. <tr>
  388. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя хоста:</b></td>
  389. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="hostName" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  390. </tr>
  391. <tr>
  392. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  393. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="dhcpMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="1500">&nbsp;(1400-1500 байта)</td>
  394. </tr>
  395. </table>
  396. </span>
  398. <span id = "pppoe_div" class = "off" >
  399. <table border="0" width=550>
  400. <tr>
  401. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя пользователя:</b></td>
  402. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pppUserName" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  403. </tr>
  404. <tr>
  405. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Пароль:</b></td>
  406. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="password" name="pppPassword" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  407. </tr>
  408. <tr>
  409. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя сервиса:</b></td>
  410. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pppServiceName" size="18" maxlength="40" value=""></td>
  411. </tr>
  412. <tr>
  413. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Тип подключения:</b></td>
  414. <td width="70%"><font size=2><select size="1" name="pppConnectType" onChange="pppTypeSelection(0)">
  415. <script type="text/javascript">
  416. var type = 0;
  417. if ( type == 0 ) {
  418. document.write( "<option selected value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  419. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  420. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  421. }
  422. if ( type == 1 ) {
  423. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  424. document.write( "<option selected value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  425. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  426. }
  427. if ( type == 2 ) {
  428. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  429. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  430. document.write( "<option selected value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  431. }
  432. </script>
  433. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  434. <input type="submit" value="Подключить" name="pppConnect" onClick="return pppConnectClick(0)">&nbsp;&nbsp;
  435. <input type="submit" value="Отключить" name="pppDisconnect" onClick="return pppConnectClick(1)">
  436. <script type="text/javascript">
  437. if ( 0 )
  438. setPPPConnected();
  439. </script>
  440. </td>
  441. </tr>
  442. <tr>
  443. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Допустимое время простоя соединения:</b></td>
  444. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pppIdleTime" size="10" maxlength="10" value="5">&nbsp;(1-1000 minutes)</td>
  445. </tr>
  446. <tr>
  447. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  448. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pppMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="1452">&nbsp;(1360-1492 байта)</td>
  449. </tr>
  450. </table>
  451. </span>
  453. <span id = "pptp_div" class = "off" >
  454. <table border="0" width=550>
  455. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>IP-адрес:</b></td>
  456. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpIpAddr" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  457. </tr>
  458. <tr>
  459. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Маска подсети:</b></td>
  460. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpSubnetMask" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  461. </tr>
  462. <tr>
  463. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>IP-адрес сервера:</b></td>
  464. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpServerIpAddr" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  465. </tr>
  466. <tr>
  467. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя пользователя:</b></td>
  468. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpUserName" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  469. </tr>
  470. <tr>
  471. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Пароль:</b></td>
  472. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="password" name="pptpPassword" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  473. </tr>
  474. <tr>
  475. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Тип подключения:</b></td>
  476. <td width="70%"><font size=2><select size="1" name="pptpConnectType" onChange="pppTypeSelection(1)">
  477. <script type="text/javascript">
  478. var type = 0;
  479. if ( type == 0 ) {
  480. document.write("<option selected value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  481. document.write("<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  482. document.write("<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  483. }
  484. if ( type == 1 ) {
  485. document.write("<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>");
  486. document.write("<option selected value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>");
  487. document.write("<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>");
  488. }
  489. if ( type == 2 ) {
  490. document.write("<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>");
  491. document.write("<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>");
  492. document.write("<option selected value=\"2\">Manual</option>");
  493. }
  494. </script>
  495. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  496. <input type="submit" value="Подключить" name="pptpConnect" onClick="return pptpConnectClick(0)">&nbsp;&nbsp;
  497. <input type="submit" value="Отключить" name="pptpDisconnect" onClick="return pptpConnectClick(1)">
  498. <script type="text/javascript">
  499. if ( 0 )
  500. setPPPConnected();
  501. </script>
  502. </td>
  503. </tr>
  504. <tr>
  505. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Допустимое время простоя соединения:</b></td>
  506. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpIdleTime" size="10" maxlength="10" value="5">&nbsp;(1-1000 minutes)</td>
  507. </tr>
  508. <tr>
  509. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  510. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="pptpMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="1460">&nbsp;(1400-1460 байт)</td>
  511. </tr>
  513. <tr>
  514. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
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  516. if (0)
  517. document.tcpip.pptpSecurity.checked = true;
  518. if (0)
  519. document.tcpip.pptpCompress.checked = true;
  520. </script>
  521. <b><input type="checkbox" name="pptpSecurity" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Запросить шифрование MPPE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  522. <input type="checkbox" name="pptpCompress" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Запросить сжатие MPPC</b></td>
  523. </tr>
  524. <tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr>
  525. </table>
  526. </span>
  527. <!-- keith: add l2tp support. 20080515 -->
  528. <span id = "l2tp_div" class = "off" >
  529. <table border="0" width=550>
  530. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>IP-адрес:</b></td>
  531. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpIpAddr" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  532. </tr>
  533. <tr>
  534. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Маска подсети:</b></td>
  535. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpSubnetMask" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  536. </tr>
  537. <tr>
  538. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>IP-адрес сервера:</b></td>
  539. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpServerIpAddr" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  540. </tr>
  541. <tr>
  542. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя пользователя:</b></td>
  543. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpUserName" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  544. </tr>
  545. <tr>
  546. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Пароль:</b></td>
  547. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="password" name="l2tpPassword" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  548. </tr>
  549. <tr>
  550. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Тип подключения:</b></td>
  551. <td width="70%"><font size=2><select size="1" name="l2tpConnectType" onChange="pppTypeSelection(2)">
  552. <script type="text/javascript">
  553. var type = 0;
  554. if ( type == 0 ) {
  555. document.write( "<option selected value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  556. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  557. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  558. }
  559. if ( type == 1 ) {
  560. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  561. document.write( "<option selected value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  562. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  563. }
  564. if ( type == 2 ) {
  565. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  566. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  567. document.write( "<option selected value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  568. }
  569. </script>
  570. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  571. <input type="submit" value="Подключить" name="l2tpConnect" onClick="return l2tpConnectClick(0)">&nbsp;&nbsp;
  572. <input type="submit" value="Отключить" name="l2tpDisconnect" onClick="return l2tpConnectClick(1)">
  573. <script type="text/javascript">
  574. if ( 0 )
  575. setPPPConnected();
  576. </script>
  577. </td>
  578. </tr>
  579. <tr>
  580. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Допустимое время простоя соединения:</b></td>
  581. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpIdleTime" size="10" maxlength="10" value="5">&nbsp;(1-1000 минут)</td>
  582. </tr>
  583. <tr>
  584. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  585. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="l2tpMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="1460">&nbsp;(1400-1460 байт)</td>
  586. </tr>
  587. <tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr>
  588. </table>
  589. </span>
  590. <!-- start USB3G -->
  591. <span id = "USB3G_div" class = "off" >
  592. <table border="0" width=550>
  593. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Имя пользователя:</b></td>
  594. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="USB3G_USER" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  595. </tr>
  596. <tr>
  597. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Пароль:</b></td>
  598. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="password" name="USB3G_PASS" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  599. </tr>
  600. <tr>
  601. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>PIN:</b></td>
  602. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="password" name="USB3G_PIN" size="18" maxlength="30" value=""></td>
  603. </tr>
  604. <tr>
  605. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>APN:</b></td>
  606. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="USB3G_APN" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  607. </tr>
  608. <tr>
  609. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Номер модемного пула:</b></td>
  610. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="USB3G_DIALNUM" size="18" maxlength="128" value=""></td>
  611. </tr>
  612. <tr>
  613. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Тип подключения:</b></td>
  614. <td width="70%"><font size=2><select size="1" name="USB3GConnectType" onChange="pppTypeSelection(3)">
  615. <!--
  616. <script type="text/javascript">
  617. var type = ;
  618. if ( type == 0 ) {
  619. document.write( "<option selected value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  620. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  621. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  622. }
  623. if ( type == 1 ) {
  624. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  625. document.write( "<option selected value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  626. document.write( "<option value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  627. }
  628. if ( type == 2 ) {
  629. document.write( "<option value=\"0\">Continuous</option>" );
  630. document.write( "<option value=\"1\">Connect on Demand</option>" );
  631. document.write( "<option selected value=\"2\">Manual</option>" );
  632. }
  633. </script>
  634. -->
  635. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  636. <input type="submit" value="Подключить" name="USB3GConnect" onClick="return USB3GConnectClick(0)">&nbsp;&nbsp;
  637. <input type="submit" value="Отключить" name="USB3GDisconnect" onClick="return USB3GConnectClick(1)">
  638. <script type="text/javascript">
  639. if ( 0 )
  640. setPPPConnected();
  641. </script>
  642. </td>
  643. </tr>
  644. <tr>
  645. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Допустимое время простоя соединения:</b></td>
  646. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="USB3GIdleTime" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">&nbsp;(1-1000 минут)</td>
  647. </tr>
  648. <tr>
  649. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>MTU:</b></td>
  650. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="USB3GMtuSize" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">&nbsp;(1420-1490 байт)</td>
  651. </tr>
  652. <tr></tr><tr></tr><tr></tr>
  653. </table>
  654. </span>
  655. <!-- end USB3G -->
  657. <span id = "dnsMode_div" class = "off" >
  658. <table border="0" width=550>
  659. <!--
  660. <tr height="35" valign="bottom">
  661. -->
  662. <tr>
  663. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  664. <b><input type="radio" value="dnsAuto" name="dnsMode" onClick="autoDNSclicked()">Получить адрес DNS-сервера автоматически</b>
  665. </td>
  666. </tr>
  667. <tr>
  668. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  669. <b><input type="radio" value="dnsManual" name="dnsMode" onClick="manualDNSclicked()">Задать адрес DNS-сервера вручную</b>
  670. </td>
  671. </tr>
  672. <tr>
  673. </table>
  674. </span>
  676. <span id = "dns_div" class = "off" >
  677. <table border="0" width=550>
  678. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DNS 1:</b></td>
  679. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="dns1" size="18" maxlength="15" value=></td>
  680. </tr>
  681. <tr>
  682. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DNS 2:</b></td>
  683. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="dns2" size="18" maxlength="15" value=></td>
  684. </tr>
  685. <tr>
  686. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DNS 3:</b></td>
  687. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="dns3" size="18" maxlength="15" value=></td>
  688. </tr>
  689. </table>
  690. </span>
  692. <table border="0" width=550>
  693. <tr>
  694. <td width="30%"><font size=2><b>Клонировать MAC-адрес:</b></td>
  695. <td width="70%"><font size=2><input type="text" name="wan_macAddr" size="18" maxlength="12" value=000000000000></td>
  696. </tr>
  697. <tr>
  698. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  699. <b><input type="checkbox" name="upnpEnabled" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Включить uPNP</b></td>
  700. </script>
  701. </tr>
  702. <tr>
  703. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  704. <b><input type="checkbox" name="igmpproxyEnabled" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Включить IGMP Proxy</b></td>
  705. </tr>
  706. <tr style="display:none">
  707. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  708. <b><input type="checkbox" name="pingWanAccess" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить Ping-опрос интерфейса WAN</b></td>
  709. </tr>
  710. <tr style="display:none">
  711. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  712. <b><input type="checkbox" name="webWanAccess" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить доступ к Web-серверу через интерфейс WAN</b></td>
  713. </tr>
  714. <tr style="display:none">
  715. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  716. <b><input type="checkbox" name="WANPassThru1" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить IPsec через VPN</b></td>
  717. </tr>
  718. <tr style="display:none">
  719. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  720. <b><input type="checkbox" name="WANPassThru2" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить PPTP через VPN</b></td>
  721. </tr>
  722. <tr style="display:none">
  723. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  724. <b><input type="checkbox" name="WANPassThru3" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить L2TP через VPN</b></td>
  725. </tr>
  726. <!-- disable ipv6 pass throuth for release jungle sdk v2.2, add "<" before %if (getIndex... enable it-->
  727. <tr>
  728. <td width="100%" colspan="2"><font size=2>
  729. <b><input type="checkbox" name="ipv6_passthru_enabled" value="ON">&nbsp;&nbsp;Разрешить IPv6 через VPN</b></td>
  730. </tr>
  732. </table>
  734. <SCRIPT>
  735. /*
  736. if(document.tcpip.wanType.selectedIndex != 0){ // static ip
  737. group = document.tcpip.dnsMode;
  738. for (var r = 0; r < group.length; r++)
  739. if (group[r].checked)
  740. break;
  741. initialDnsMode = r;
  742. if (initialDnsMode == 0)
  743. disableDNSinput();
  744. }
  745. */
  746. var wan_connection_type=document.tcpip.wanType.selectedIndex;
  747. wanTypeSelection(document.tcpip.wanType);
  748. if(wan_connection_type == 2)
  749. pppTypeSelection(0);
  750. else if(wan_connection_type == 3)
  751. pppTypeSelection(1);
  752. else if(wan_connection_type == 4)
  753. pppTypeSelection(2);
  754. else if(wan_connection_type == 5)
  755. pppTypeSelection(3);
  756. else
  757. pppConnection_Init();
  758. </SCRIPT>
  760. <BR>
  761. <input type="hidden" value="/tcpipwan.htm" name="submit-url">
  762. <p><input type="submit" value="Применить изменения" name="save" onClick="return saveChanges_wan(document.tcpip)">&nbsp;&nbsp;
  763. <input type="reset" value="Сброс" name="reset" onClick="resetClicked()">
  764. </p>
  765. </form>
  766. </blockquote>
  767. </body>
  768. </html>
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