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Sep 15th, 2012
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  1. 04:54 < Darkwater> So kyren, will there we a mechanics system like wires in Terraria?
  2. 04:54 < Darkwater> If yes, how advanced?
  3. 04:54 <+kyren> yes, more advanced, not *exactly* like terraria
  4. 04:54 <+kyren> less block based
  5. 04:54 <+kyren> think more LBP
  6. 04:54 < ekuurh> will you please explain the wrapping stuff? :)
  7. 04:54 <+kyren> the world wrapping system is very very simple when you play
  8. 04:54 <+kyren> and ungodly complicated to program
  9. 04:54 < Midgard> You are developing Starbound with the same engine that Terraria used?
  10. 04:55 <+kyren> no not in the slightest, it shares nothing with terraria at all other than being the same genre
  11. 04:55 < Darkwater> Weren't you also gonna release the engine after Starbound's release?
  12. 04:56 <+kyren> if it were up to me I would love to release the engine after release, but it's not up to me
  13. 04:56 < Aralicia> Kyren > Does that bother you to be compared so much with Terraria ?
  14. 04:56 <+kyren> not really, it's the same genre, and the genre is not very big
  15. 04:56 < Slayer9825> Do you know when the game would have an estimated release?
  16. 04:56 <+kyren> end of the year, ish
  17. 04:56 <+kyren> "when it's done and we hope it's done at the end of the year"
  18. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I really wish i had access to a beta
  19. 04:57 < Slayer9825> I would even pre-order
  20. 04:57 <+kyren> we don't feel comfortable accepting money without giving people something
  21. 04:57 <+kyren> so I don't think pre-order would happen
  22. 04:57 < ekuurh> kyren, do you ever join any game-coding contests like ludum dare?
  23. 04:57 <+kyren> we did icfp a while back
  24. 04:58 <+kyren> and placed.. not that great due to last minute bug
  25. 04:57 < Guest13446> Is the water physic the same as in terraria?
  26. 04:58 <+kyren> no the water physics are nothing at all like terraria
  27. 04:58 <+kyren> not that much is
  28. 04:58 <+kyren> other than the fact that they're 2d block based genre
  29. 04:58 < Slayer9825> But, from peoples point of view, it seems terraria inspired
  30. 04:58 <+kyren> it's fine, it's the same genre of game
  31. 04:58 <+kyren> the genre has lots of room
  32. 04:58 < Skippy_> Slayer: would you rather potentially ruin your first experiences of starbound with game breaking bugs, or wait for a stable release and enjoy it to the fullest?
  33. 04:58 <+kyren> not even game breaking bugs, it's not *finished* yet
  34. 04:58 < vigrid> kyren: what were the specific reasons for switching to C++ from XNA, performance? wider platform support?
  35. 04:59 < sb10> vigrid: all of these
  36. 04:59 <+kyren> we didn't switch from xna, we didn't start in xna
  37. 04:59 <+kyren> he's right though
  38. 04:59 <+kyren> sb10 can answer for me
  39. 04:59 < Wangotango> what's the hardest thing to code been so far?
  40. 04:59 <@Tiyuri> the wereturtles
  41. 05:00 <@Tiyuri> those were hard to program
  42. 05:00 < ryuu> Hello. Do you especially choose to not use .net to have the opportunity to port the game to other platforms ?
  43. 05:00 <+kyren> you can port the game to lots of platforms even on .net
  44. 05:00 <+kyren> when we started it was just me
  45. 05:00 <+kyren> and I had a large set of working code in C++, and even though it's far from perfect it's sort of common in the video game industry so I chose that
  46. 05:00 < vigrid> kyren: the monogame port of terraria wasn't very stable I heard?
  47. 05:01 <@Tiyuri> just to clarify, kyren has no connection to terraria
  48. 05:01 <+kyren> I have no connection to terraria yes thank you :D
  49. 05:01 <+kyren> other than being a fan
  50. 05:01 < Darkwater> kyren: How long do you think it will take to get bored in Starbound's world?
  51. 05:01 <+kyren> I dunno hopefully a long time
  52. 05:01 <+kyren> there are multiple worlds though
  53. 05:02 < Skippy_> How do animations work with the random creatures?
  54. 05:02 <+kyren> they have common sets of animation
  55. 05:02 <+kyren> some creatures might have animations that others don't
  56. 05:02 <+kyren> but they're all in a larger set of supported animations
  57. 05:02 < Slayer9825> I hope i enjoy the game at release
  58. 05:02 <+kyren> I hope you do to Slayer9825
  59. 05:02 < Slayer9825> Are this team and the terraria team not alike at all?
  60. 05:02 <+kyren> they both have tiy in them
  61. 05:03 < vigrid> kyren: how large is the codebase for Starbound currently? LOC?
  62. 05:03 <+kyren> 49k non-whitespace LOC
  63. 05:03 <+kyren> ish
  64. 05:03 <+kyren> and growing rapidly
  65. 05:04 < vigrid> kyren: thanks, 49k is not a lot, so it must be well structured. speaking of which - what libraries do you use?
  66. 05:05 <@Tiyuri> vigrid, kyren wouldnt tell you, but her code is incredibly well structured
  67. 05:04 < abcmonk> what are the main 'goals' of starbound and how does the overall mechanics differ to say games like terraria?
  68. 05:04 <@Tiyuri> The main goal, if I had to pick one. Is to provide that buzz of finding new content almost indefinitely
  69. 05:04 < ekuurh> will there be an option of coding addons to starbound?
  70. 05:04 <+kyren> there will be a modding api at some point
  71. 05:05 <+kyren> there might even be a cool like.. out of process API
  72. 05:05 <+kyren> over a socket
  73. 05:04 < Skippy_> not at release?
  74. 05:05 <+kyren> the modding api will come probably soon after release
  75. 05:05 <+kyren> and it will grow a lot
  76. 05:05 <+kyren> expect it to go through several stages
  77. 05:06 < sb10> Tiyuri: so there will be not some kind ultimate bad guy to kill? just bosses?
  78. 05:06 <@Tiyuri> sb10 secrets ;)
  79. 05:06 < Wangotango> how many updates are to be expected after release? or will you just keep going for as long as possible?
  80. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> The core team will update the game for as long as they can, when they finally move onto a new project I am going to put a team together to continue updating the game
  81. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> also, during the period in which the main dev team is updating, I want the secondary update team to be producing small updates each friday
  82. 05:07 < Wangotango> will the team consist of members already making the game, or will you recruit new members?
  83. 05:07 <@Tiyuri> a bit of both
  84. 05:08 <@Tiyuri> I'll make sure there is always *A* team, of talented people, updating the game
  85. 05:06 < vigrid> I have a question to the team. IIRC, Terraria is finished - are you planning on releasing the source code for it at some point, like id Software does with their games? That would be sweet
  86. 05:08 <+kyren> we don't own the source code to terraria
  87. 05:08 <@Tiyuri> vigrid, that's entirely up to Redigit, it's his source code
  88. 05:08 <+kyren> it's up to redigit
  89. 05:09 < Mianso> Hey tiy about the races.Can avians wear other races gear?
  90. 05:09 <@Tiyuri> Mianso, yes
  91. 05:09 < Yveul> Quite sensitive question - how old are you, and for how long are you into coding ?
  92. 05:09 <+kyren> 30, forever
  93. 05:09 <+kyren> I'm oooold
  94. 05:09 < Sharks12> will we see Nyan cats? :p
  95. 05:09 <+kyren> we're keeping the references to a minimum
  96. 05:10 < hazzary453> kyren, I still think mspa is strange
  97. 05:10 <+kyren> mspa is strange and wonderful and I will hear nothing bad about it
  98. 05:11 < sb10> kyren: what is mspa?
  99. 05:11 <+kyren> mspaintadventures
  100. 05:11 < vigrid> kyren: have you livestreamed your coding or would you consider doing so?
  101. 05:11 <+kyren> I have, I did the other day
  102. 05:11 <+kyren> I will again
  103. 05:11 <+kyren> probably when I'm doing something slightly more interesting
  104. 05:11 < Wangotango> i know that before terraria's release there was controversy on 4chan regarding how many threads were made on it on it's /v/ board, with claims that it was an attempt at viral marketing. how will you react if the same controversy rises with starbound?
  105. 05:11 <@Tiyuri> Wangotango: we'll just do our thing
  106. 05:11 < vigrid> kyren: ace. where can I see it?
  107. 05:12 <+kyren> it's not on now, but
  108. 05:13 < AndyDX> Will you need a good computer to handle the game?
  109. 05:13 <+kyren> hopefully no, you won't need a great computer
  110. 05:14 <+kyren> we're trying for like.. sub 2.0ghz single core integrated video, but we might not get that low
  111. 05:14 <+kyren> it will DEFINITELY be no higher than a 2.0ghz dual core with modern intel or really old non-intel gpu
  112. 05:14 <+kyren> but we're not done makin it fast yet
  113. 05:15 <+kyren> yeah, we hope
  114. 05:15 <+kyren> I can hope
  115. 05:15 <+kyren> I mean, okay right now, it runs 60fps at 1920x1080 on like..
  116. 05:15 <+kyren> 2.4ghz dual core with an old discrete gpu
  117. 05:15 <+kyren> it's not gpu bound really
  118. 05:15 <+kyren> it's non-insane opengl driver bound
  119. 05:16 < vigrid> kyren: what do you spend your cpu cycles on in the game mainly?
  120. 05:16 <+kyren> well, after the lighting engine which uses like.. depending on the resolution, like 10-25%
  121. 05:16 <+kyren> of one core
  122. 05:16 <+kyren> mainly.. drawing tiles and waiting on opengl
  123. 05:17 < Danny> May I ask a question? Will Apex have different building styles than humans? Similar to how Avians have different building styles?
  124. 05:17 <+kyren> yes they will
  125. 05:17 <+kyren> and do
  126. 05:17 < vigrid> kyren: great :) so there seems to be plenty of time to spend on AI and background sim like circuitry and user generated mechanisms
  127. 05:18 <+kyren> oh, platforms
  128. 05:18 <+kyren> vigrid: you asked about platforms
  129. 05:18 <+kyren> all the platforms
  130. 05:18 <+kyren> libraries we use.. not many
  131. 05:18 <+kyren> all the pc platforms
  132. 05:18 <+kyren> I could get it running under freebsd in a day
  133. 05:18 <+kyren> probably
  134. 05:19 <+kyren> libraries we use are like
  135. 05:19 <+kyren> freetype, vorbisfile, libpng
  136. 05:19 <+kyren> couple of things like that
  137. 05:19 <+kyren> then SDL and opengl and that's it
  138. 05:19 < vigrid> kyren: so pretty basic stuff. it's all custom built then, not even libnoise? :)
  139. 05:20 <+kyren> no, not even libnoise
  140. 05:19 <+kyren> we even use our own mixer because we have a tragic almost fatal case of NIH
  141. 05:20 <+kyren> which is both good and bad
  142. 05:20 <+kyren> I mean.. perlin generators are not really that hard
  143. did things like disabling the fancy lighting (say if we had a really simple lighting system to fall back on?)
  144. 05:20 <+kyren> well, the lighting is not yet but will be out of thread
  145. 05:21 <+kyren> so hopefully it will be 60fps and then degrade to much less than 60fps updates while keeping the rendering at 60fps
  146. 05:21 < vigrid> kyren: do you use any test automation or is everything manual?
  147. 05:21 <+kyren> no we don't really have a lot of test automation, we have tests but it's not really proper test driven development
  148. 05:22 <+kyren> I kind of wish we had more tests, but I'm not sure test driven development really works all THAT great in an environment like this
  149. 05:22 < vigrid> kyren: what do you think about test automation in game developmen in general? is it even remotely useful?
  150. 05:22 <+kyren> it could be useful I think, but it's so hard to test in-game mechanics like that
  151. 05:23 <+kyren> I dunno, I might just not be smart enough to make it useful
  152. 05:23 < oholiab> kyren: so any chance of in-game computers? Been playing Minecraft with Computercraft and the embedded lua driven computers in that make automating and centrally controlling things by writing your own code hella fun
  153. 05:23 <+kyren> man I want in-game computers
  154. 05:23 <+kyren> if it were up to me I would waste a month making sure that the circuitry system could emulate a Z80
  155. 05:23 <+kyren> and include a Z80 built-in chip
  156. 05:24 <+kyren> but I haven't gotten to go crazy with that yet
  157. 05:24 <+bartwe> YES
  158. 05:24 <+bartwe> a Z80
  159. 05:24 <+bartwe> you are my favority genius programmer kyren
  160. 05:24 <+bartwe> awwww
  161. 05:24 <+bartwe> group hug
  162. 05:24 <+kyren> group hug
  163. 05:24 < hazzary453> will there be wiring????
  164. 05:24 <+bartwe> oh yes
  165. 05:24 <+kyren> there will be wiring
  166. 05:24 < oholiab> kyren: haha, awesome :D Embedding lua is fairly simple from what I gather and if there's already wiring I guess it would just be making an API for the in-game computer to activate said wiring
  167. 05:25 <+kyren> oh good point
  168. 05:25 <+kyren> when we make a wiring api we definitely need mod hooks into it
  169. 05:25 <+kyren> er, we need to make a wiring api for mods
  170. 05:25 <+kyren> just pretend that sentence made sense
  171. 05:24 < MsPtibiscuit> What kind of music do you listen to while coding, guys ? :3
  172. 05:26 <+kyren> I listen to random dubstep / chillstep music that omni hands me, and chiptunes, and the mspa albums over and over again for more times than is healthy
  173. 05:27 < Memeej> Will you guys make more games like this?
  174. 05:27 <+kyren> I hope so Memeej
  175. 05:27 <+kyren> if this works out, it's not like we plan on stopping
  176. 06:01 < SniperNLN> kyren, so if its almost no limits, except bandwidth.. Can we expect may be even a huge amount of slots, if specific server is used, for example 100+ of players (of course with a compareable world)?
  177. 05:29 <+kyren> I hope it won't be bandwidth limited
  178. 05:29 <+kyren> but it might be
  179. 05:29 <+kyren> block based games take up lots of bandwidth in worst cases
  180. 05:30 <+bartwe> bartwe: we'll keep working on starbound after release for a good while, so it is likely some issues that exist at release will be fixed later
  181. 05:30 <+bartwe> blockbased games can be cheap on the network
  182. 05:31 < bob___> Which programming language did you learn first?
  183. 05:31 <+kyren> I don't even remembmer..
  184. 05:31 <+kyren> Ti calcluator basic I think
  185. 05:31 < bob___> How many do you know
  186. 05:31 <+kyren> uh..
  187. 05:31 <+kyren> depends on how you count
  188. 05:31 <+bartwe> kyren knows them all
  189. 05:31 < Wangotango> kyren, have you worked on any games before starbound?
  190. 05:31 <+kyren> not any good professional games unfortunately
  191. 05:32 <+kyren> just my own crap
  192. 05:32 < vigrid> kyren: I'm just looking at the livestream you recorded. vim... impressive minimalism - are there any C++ IDEs for Mac that you could recommend?
  193. 05:32 <+kyren> xcode?
  194. 05:32 <+kyren> I mean, you're not exactly spoiled for choice
  195. 05:32 <+kyren> I dunno I'm not an IDE person
  196. 05:32 < Starbi> Bartwe, have you got your hamster back? :D
  197. 05:32 <+bartwe> Starbi: the hamster was a lie
  198. 05:33 <+kyren> I know, ranging from meh to really really well
  199. 05:33 <+kyren> C lua python javascript java C++ objective-c scheme perl shell uh..
  200. 05:33 <+kyren> thinking
  201. 05:33 <+kyren> ruby-ish
  202. 05:33 <+kyren> oh php a bit
  203. 05:33 <+kyren> um
  204. 05:33 <+kyren> I'm missing some
  205. 05:34 <+kyren> a tiny bit of C#
  206. 05:34 <+kyren> html if you count that
  207. 05:34 <+kyren> no, there's some I'm missing
  208. 05:34 <+kyren> fuu
  209. 05:34 <+kyren> uh
  210. 05:35 <+kyren> some variants of basic
  211. 05:35 <+kyren> I want to know haskell better
  212. 05:35 <+kyren> oh, crap coldfusion
  213. 05:35 <+kyren> that pos
  214. 05:36 <+kyren> I wish coldfusion and php were stricken from my head
  215. 05:36 <+kyren> oh, man scala
  216. 05:36 <+bartwe> Scheme
  217. 05:36 <+kyren> a bit of D
  218. 05:36 <+bartwe> and C
  219. 05:36 <+kyren> I dunno some of them I don't know that well / have forgotten
  220. 05:36 <+bartwe> the grandparents
  221. 05:36 <+kyren> I knew perl crazy well but forgot most of it
  222. 05:36 < Wangotango> (reposting) is there anybody contributing to the game outside of the those shown on the team page? will they get credit and mentions for their work inside of the game?
  223. 05:37 <+kyren> I think everyone contributing is on the team page atm?
  224. 05:37 < Rampage> kyren: what made you guys use wanderlust rebirth as a means of support instead of just opening up the game to pre orders?
  225. 05:38 <+kyren> we don't like to take money and give people nothing in return
  226. 05:39 < Wuzhles> Wait, isn't it really late where kyren is?
  227. 05:39 <+kyren> it's really early
  228. 05:39 <+kyren> I woke up early
  229. 05:40 <+kyren> I'm on GMT time atm I think
  230. 05:40 <+kyren> I stay in one spot, but my sleeping schedule is a *world traveler*
  231. 05:40 < vigrid> thanks for answering the questions. good luck with the game. bye! :)
  232. 05:40 <+kyren> aww thank you vigrid
  233. 05:40 <+kyren> :)
  234. 05:41 < Wicstar> What language are you coding the game ?
  235. 05:41 <+kyren> C++ :)
  236. 05:42 < Wangotango> will there be a combat demo video anytime soon?
  237. 05:42 <+kyren> I hope we put out a combat / gameplay video pretty soon actually
  238. 05:42 <+kyren> I don't know when, though
  239. 05:43 < hazzary453> will the wiring be like terraria were the switch provides power or like real life were it lets it through?
  240. 05:44 <+kyren> kind of
  241. 05:44 <+kyren> it won't be terraria's wiring system
  242. 05:44 <+kyren> but it does provide power
  243. 05:44 <+bartwe> terrarias system was too simple
  244. 05:44 <+bartwe> no crossing wires limits so much
  245. 05:44 <+kyren> what bartwe said
  246. 05:45 < Rampage> kyren: were any other games used as inspiration for the design of starbound? it seems to take a few small elements from terraria as well
  247. 05:47 <+kyren> I mean, it's the same genre of game as terraria, it's a 2-d block based game
  248. 05:47 <+kyren> there's plenty of room in the genre :)
  249. 05:47 <+kyren> but building will be block by block mostly
  250. 05:47 <+kyren> or 2x2 blocks
  251. 05:46 < hazzary453> will the updates like terraria be free?
  252. 05:48 <+kyren> no, we won't have game one dlc oh god
  253. 05:48 <+kyren> no, I think we've all decided that at the very minimum engine updates and things like that will be free forever
  254. 05:49 <+kyren> if we did have dlc, which we don't have any plans for really for a very long time
  255. 05:48 < Wicstar> Kyren: Do you guys use an array to generate the land ? (C++) I want to 2d aventure game but I am wondering where to concentrate my effort for the map generation. I love the concept of randomness
  256. 05:50 <+kyren> an array to generate the land?
  257. 05:50 <+kyren> yeah, kind of
  258. 05:50 <+kyren> it's multi-level array
  259. 05:50 <+kyren> so we can unload / load specific sectors
  260. 05:50 <+kyren> because it's kind of hard to hold a 64k x 12k planet or something
  261. 05:50 < Toiletpaper> kyren will this game rely on hamachi
  262. 05:50 <+kyren> no not at all
  263. 05:51 <+kyren> it uses its own networking, but I think that integrating with steamworks is a good idea at some point, it'd be nice if you could click on a friend in steam and play with them
  264. 05:52 <+kyren> it will be based on private servers, but we want to do a lot of things that should make it easier than minecraft / terraria
  265. 05:52 <+kyren> like
  266. 05:53 <+kyren> at the very least have some convenience thing, like have upnp automatic port mapping, or reverse client / server connections
  267. 05:53 <+kyren> and hopefully something better like udp hole punching
  268. 05:53 < SniperNLN> kyren, how much players will be the cap for multiplayer?
  269. 05:54 <+kyren> I don't see a reason why you couldn't have at least 16 players on a server, it's mostly a question of bandwidth
  270. 05:54 < The_Decryptor> I hope there’s NAT-PMP support along with uPnP :p
  271. 05:54 <+kyren> yeah also nat-pmp
  272. 05:54 <+kyren> just, auto port forwarding
  273. 05:54 <+kyren> even that is like 2000% better than terraria / minecraft for non-technically-inclined users
  274. 05:54 <+kyren> I watch people struggle with minecraft / terraria multiplayer all the time
  275. 05:55 <+kyren> also, every game is a multiplayer game, so
  276. 05:55 <+kyren> what I want is a "invite player to my game" feature, hopefully integrated with steam
  277. 05:55 <+kyren> single player is local multiplayer
  278. 05:55 <+kyren> it's been like that from the beginning
  279. 05:55 < AppoX> So you can't play offline without internet? :/
  280. 05:55 <+kyren> depends a lot on what you're doing
  281. 05:55 <+kyren> it can spike when doing crazy stuff
  282. 05:56 <+kyren> I'd say alpha? I dunno it depends on how you define alpha
  283. 05:56 <+kyren> it's so not feature complete, but really I mean
  284. 05:56 <+kyren> it won't be feature complete at release haha
  285. 05:56 <+kyren> we're gonna add features for a long time
  286. 05:56 <+kyren> so, I dunno the normal names hardly apply
  287. 05:56 <+kyren> I mean, it'll be feature complete but then we'll add more features?
  288. 05:56 <+kyren> I dunno what to call it anymore
  289. 06:01 < The_Decryptor> What kinds of plans are there for mod support? Will we be able to do crazy things like we can in Minecraft or Gmod? (Where we can attach custom code to an object for certain events/situations)
  290. 06:01 <+kyren> minecraft modding is not modding
  291. 06:01 <+kyren> it's..
  292. 06:01 <+kyren> tacitly approved binary hacking
  293. 06:01 < Dassery> do you guys have fun while your coding?
  294. 06:02 <+kyren> oh I hate coding
  295. 06:02 <+kyren> :p
  296. 06:02 <+kyren> no I code all the time
  297. 06:02 <+kyren> for fun
  298. 06:02 <+kyren> erry day
  299. 06:02 <+kyren> errday
  300. 06:02 < The_Decryptor> Yeah, I really wanted to use Gmod as my main example, since you can create entirely new entities and script them via Lua there :p
  301. 06:02 <+kyren> I want gmod's modding support really bad, but gmod is a very high standard
  302. 06:03 <+kyren> we haven't decided, but bartwe has a really really neat idea
  303. 06:03 <+kyren> about modding being out of process
  304. 06:03 <+kyren> over a local socket
  305. 06:03 <+kyren> which he has warmed me up to in a big way
  306. 06:03 < JoshMad> Any word about the Avians being playable?
  307. 06:03 <+kyren> avians are playable
  308. 06:04 <+kyren> I thought that was a given
  309. 06:04 <@Tiyuri> so are Apex
  310. 06:04 <+kyren> all the races we've introduced are
  311. 06:06 < ThunderSmasher> +kyren, you must be tired typing
  312. 06:06 <+kyren> base entity type
  313. 06:06 <+kyren> I never get tired of typing
  314. 06:06 <+kyren> if there's one thing I can do is talk until you can't stand it anymore
  315. 06:06 <+kyren> anyway
  316. 06:06 <+kyren> so, the mods will be able to spawn / despawn / control / do everything that all in-game entities can do via eh.. proxy entities
  317. 06:07 <+kyren> and then there will be a higher level universe / world portion of the api
  318. 06:07 < The_Decryptor> So a mod could define a custom world?
  319. 06:07 < Rampage> ahhh very well so its more then just a scrip system then?
  320. 06:07 <+kyren> yeah, basically the same as any mod api, but with a nice socket api for it
  321. 06:07 <+kyren> based on json
  322. 06:07 <+kyren> yeah, mods would be able to load specific worlds and do other universe controller level stuff
  323. 06:07 < TautwiZZ> like [Q] what are your plans with getting it on Steam
  324. 06:08 <+kyren> it's going to be on steam, HOPEFULLY on all 3 platforms but I don't know how that will work yet since linux steam is not released
  325. 06:08 < The_Decryptor> The modding situation sounds awesome
  326. 06:08 <+kyren> we don't have a modding api yet, it's still WIP
  327. 06:08 <+kyren> bartwe has a lot of awesome ideas, though
  328. 06:08 < Rampage> sorry if this has been asked already but do you guys have any idea what your going to charge at release yet?
  329. 06:09 <+kyren> $10-$15
  330. 06:09 <+kyren> cheap
  331. 06:09 <+kyren> thank you guys for all the well wishes
  332. 06:09 <+kyren> it means a lot
  333. 06:10 < TautwiZZ> [Q] You guys are based in Europe?
  334. 06:10 < loadme> please stay focused guys. you have an extra ordinary project in your hands. wish you good luck and good progress.
  335. 06:10 <+kyren> we're based everywhere haha
  336. 06:10 <+kyren> thank you loadme :D
  337. 06:11 <+kyren> jeez.. uh
  338. 06:11 <+kyren> 5 countries?
  339. 06:11 < Vbitz> your game is one of the only 2 releases I am actively looking forward to. What your doing is amazing
  340. 06:11 <+kyren> thank you so much Vbitz
  341. 06:11 < Wurmy> I dont think they need luck or well wishes. Game looks amazing. Couldnt hurt though right. Luck best of good wishes.
  342. 06:11 <+kyren> oh we need luck :D
  343. 06:11 < TautwiZZ> [Q] does the multi-nationality and different time-zones give you any trouble?
  344. 06:11 <+kyren> a bit!
  345. 06:11 <+kyren> sometimes
  346. 06:13 < Horyzone> Is there any chance that cats will be playable ? :3
  347. 06:13 <+kyren> you're not the only one that wants cats to be playable
  348. 06:14 <+kyren> my wife won't leave me alone about it
  349. 06:14 <+kyren> she keeps coming up with, you know theoretically
  350. 06:14 <+kyren> what she would name her cat
  351. 06:15 <+kyren> kitten in an exosuit is a good race
  352. 06:15 <+kyren> make a tabby in a big purple exosuit
  353. 06:15 <+kyren> name: Lt. Colonel Batsyourface
  354. 06:16 <+kyren> Major General Mouser
  355. 06:16 < Stevil> Where abouts are you based? Do you code remotely or do you have an office?
  356. 06:16 <+kyren> everything is done over irc
  357. 06:16 <+bartwe> and git and mumble and skype and a few other tools
  358. 06:16 <+kyren> we exist in like 8 different timezones
  359. 06:17 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> mumble ftw
  360. 06:17 <+kyren> yeah okay and git and mumble and skype
  361. 06:17 <+kyren> our "office" is irc
  362. 06:18 <+kyren> because there aren't a lot of good engines for doing crazy block based stuff in 2d
  363. 06:18 < ThunderSmasher> Kyren, what was the most complicated thing you have worked on on this game?
  364. 06:18 <+kyren> ooh, nice question
  365. 06:18 <+kyren> I really liked lighting and physics and..
  366. 06:18 <+kyren> rendering
  367. 06:18 <+kyren> ooh.. hmm
  368. 06:18 <+kyren> networking was very complex, so is lighting
  369. 06:19 <+kyren> even though the entirety of the meat of the lighting code is in a 400 line header and a 700 line cpp file
  370. 06:19 <+kyren> it's some of the most mind-bending code in the game
  371. 06:19 <+kyren> I mean, "physics"
  372. 06:19 <+kyren> it's all "physics"
  373. 06:20 <+kyren> personally I don't think Physics works for platformers all that well unless they're, well, a Physics platformer
  374. 06:20 < TautwiZZ> [Q] Are there any things you guys have not been allowed to say to the community?
  375. 06:20 <+kyren> uh hahaha
  376. 06:20 <+kyren> like tiy will kill my hamster if I do?
  377. 06:20 <+kyren> yeah of course
  378. 06:20 <+kyren> I can't spill all the beans
  379. 06:20 <+kyren> just most of them
  380. 06:20 < Wangotango> will a structure completely collapse if two blocks holding it up are destroyed, or will it float, like in terraria?
  381. 06:21 <+kyren> nah, they float.. part of me wants to change that
  382. 06:21 < SniperNLN> kyren, will be the bug of unlimited water source there? xDDD
  383. 06:21 <+kyren> no water is absolutely finite
  384. 06:21 <+kyren> it's actually destructible
  385. 06:21 <+kyren> but not creatible
  386. 06:21 <+kyren> creatable
  387. 06:21 < Wurmy> Force not any further, we dont want to be mourning the loss of Kyren's hamster.
  388. 06:21 <+kyren> I don't actually own a hamster, he'd probably kill my cat
  389. 06:21 < The_Decryptor> Is water going to be compressible? It’d be nice to have hydraulics.
  390. 06:22 <+kyren> water is compressible
  391. 06:22 <+kyren> did you not see the water video?
  392. 06:22 <+kyren> it's hilariously unrealistically compressible
  393. 06:22 <+kyren> but that's the most fun
  394. 06:22 < Wangotango> is there anything you don't like about the game so far that you'd like to change?
  395. 06:22 <+kyren> oh yeah tons
  396. 06:23 <+kyren> bugs, stuff that should work better but doesn't, parts where it's just not done yet
  397. 06:23 <+kyren> which is a lot
  398. 06:23 < ThunderSmasher> Is the sort pixelly water fixed yet? Or still bothering about that until release?
  399. 06:23 <+kyren> it's just a small bug, no I haven't fixed it yet, there are tons of those
  400. 06:23 <+kyren> you're seeing behind the curtain
  401. 06:23 <+kyren> the "pixelly" water is really
  402. 06:23 <+kyren> the way the lightmap looks before smoothing
  403. 06:24 <+kyren> and then i'ts 2x2 blurred
  404. 06:23 < ThunderSmasher> How much longer until the entire Combat System is polished and ready?
  405. 06:24 <+kyren> I hope very very soon
  406. 06:24 <+kyren> on the combat system
  407. 06:24 < Walross> So Kyren, any chance of a meat planet? Please?
  408. 06:24 <+kyren> I'm working on non-stupid NPC ai as we speak, in fact
  409. 06:24 <+kyren> a meat planet haha
  410. 06:24 < Wurmy> You made it rain fish didnt you Kyren?
  411. 06:25 <+kyren> I did make it rain fish
  412. 06:25 <+kyren> they're particles, so I made it rain a graphic
  413. 06:25 <+kyren> that I thought was the funniest
  414. 06:25 <+kyren> because I'm like that
  415. 06:25 <+kyren> it's like a gentile way to nudge the artists
  416. 06:26 < matoua> will it be possible to move while attacking with a sword? thanks
  417. kyren> yeah ofc matoua
  418. 06:26 < The_First_Gamer> How will the sprites be stored?
  419. 06:26 < The_First_Gamer> Like viewable .png files, or will they be shoved in some special format?
  420. 06:26 <+kyren> well, all the game assets will probably be shipped in our own weirdo btree db format
  421. 06:26 <+kyren> but it's not going to be a secret
  422. 06:27 <+kyren> day 1 I'll probably release tools to let you pack / unpack them
  423. 06:27 <+kyren> we're not going to keep it all obfuscated or anything
  424. 06:27 <+kyren> but it might not be like.. a folder
  425. 06:27 < sb10> kyren: this packing actually makes it load faster?
  426. 06:27 <+kyren> I don't think so, it's mostly to manage patches
  427. 06:28 <+kyren> I mean it could be a set of folders also
  428. 06:28 <+kyren> but it's so easy to sha1 sum a pak file
  429. 06:28 <+kyren> and.. I dunno I haven't decided yet
  430. 06:28 <+kyren> if it's a pak file it will be made clear what the format is
  431. 06:29 <+kyren> well okay maybe not day *1*
  432. 06:29 <+kyren> I mean, steam patching at the very least
  433. 06:29 < Wicstar> Being close to your customers is huge :)
  434. 06:29 <+kyren> I want to be here, and answer questions
  435. 06:29 <+kyren> I'm always here :)
  436. 06:29 <+kyren> we're not aloof or anything haha
  437. 06:29 < ThunderSmasher> Would that be realistic? Or do you think you need a bit more time?
  438. 06:29 <+kyren> I'm not sure yet ThunderSmasher
  439. 06:30 <+kyren> it depends on a lot of things
  440. 06:30 <+kyren> and were we decide "done enough for initial release" is
  441. 06:30 <+kyren> I think a couple of them, pets and vehicles at least
  442. 06:30 <+kyren> I would be happy with swimming in a reasonable wage after release :D
  443. 06:30 <+kyren> it doesn't have to be bucketloads of money
  444. 06:30 <+bartwe> wow
  445. 06:30 <+bartwe> still answering questions
  446. 06:30 < Wurmy> If you're going to have money fights I would suggest dimes. They hurt the least.
  447. 06:31 <+kyren> yeah it definitely does not work like that
  448. 06:31 <+kyren> silver dollars
  449. 06:31 <+kyren> leave the largest bruises
  450. 06:33 < Walross> Kyren darling, is there charge then fire weapons? Or shall they all be point-click-fire?
  451. 06:33 <+kyren> I got called darling
  452. 06:34 <+kyren> yeah, definitely charging weapons
  453. 06:34 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Is that harassment?\
  454. 06:34 <+kyren> no?
  455. 06:34 <+kyren> I don't mind
  456. 06:34 < Walross> Also, I assume there will be launchers that lob projectiles, yes?
  457. 06:35 <+kyren> yeah ofc Walross
  458. 06:35 <+kyren> you guys didn't see the water balloon gun
  459. 06:35 <+kyren> which is how we test water
  460. 06:36 <+kyren> how long have I been answering questions?
  461. 06:36 <+kyren> what time is it?
  462. 06:36 < The_Decryptor> Please leave the water balloon gun in the final game
  463. 06:36 <+kyren> oh yeah haha definitely
  464. 06:36 <+kyren> high level item, though
  465. 06:37 < TautwiZZ> any useless items you wanna have in the game? Remeber the Angel State?
  466. 06:37 <+kyren> oh there are plenty of useless items
  467. 06:37 <+kyren> that are just there for fun
  468. 06:38 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> Will enemies explode when killed like in terraria?
  469. 06:39 <+kyren> they do right now, with like a million blood particles
  470. 06:39 <+kyren> because somebody let me decide
  471. 06:39 <+kyren> I'm sure it'll be a bit more tasteful at some point
  472. 06:39 < ryanmm> kyren are we going to be able to build similar to terraria? or is it only destruction?
  473. 06:40 <+kyren> yeah, you'll be able to build ryanmm
  475. 06:41 < TautwiZZ> [Q] kyren, Blueprints to craft items?
  476. 06:41 <+kyren> yeah definitely blueprints, they'll probably just be on your character though
  477. 06:41 <+kyren> like, you yourself just become knowledgable about how to make it
  478. 06:41 < The_First_Gamer> Kyren, will the game be too power heavy (As in, needing high PC requirements to get a decent FPS)
  479. 06:41 <+kyren> no The_First_Gamer
  480. 06:42 <+kyren> we're trying very hard to get it to run on everything this side of a roll of paper towels
  481. 06:42 <+kyren> it runs on any non-foam computer atm
  482. 06:42 <+kyren> we're still working on it
  483. 06:42 < ryanmm> kyren is it going to be really sparkley like the terraria 1.1.1 update
  484. 06:44 <+kyren> no it won't be nearly as sparkly particlely
  485. 06:44 < lyraris> Do you plan on releasing later updates for the game?
  486. 06:44 <+kyren> yes very very very much so lyraris
  487. 06:44 <+kyren> so many
  488. 06:44 <+kyren> for a very long time
  489. 06:45 <+kyren> the game when we release will not be the absolute final game
  490. 06:45 <+kyren> continuous updates, all that
  491. 06:45 < CCCode> kyren what kind of buffs will armor give players?
  492. 06:45 <+kyren> all sorts of buffs
  493. 06:45 < alextie> kyren can you play at the game on your pc now?
  494. 06:45 < alextie> Kyren*
  495. 06:45 <+kyren> I can?
  496. 06:45 <+kyren> I mean of course I can?
  497. 06:46 < SniperNLN> kyren, and so how you will get your money for the updates? i know that you say it will be free, but also i knwo you all want to eat too. ^_^
  498. 06:46 <+kyren> we haven't decided yet SniperNLN
  499. 06:46 <+kyren> we know that we will absolutely not not never ever ever have
  500. 06:47 <+kyren> day 1 dlc
  501. 06:47 <+kyren> or nickel and dime dlc
  502. 06:47 <+kyren> because we all hate it
  503. 06:47 <+kyren> and we're not evil
  504. 06:47 <+kyren> think like.. pay $5 and get 6 months of stuff or something
  505. 06:47 <+kyren> something not evil
  506. 06:47 <+kyren> we might not even have dlc or anything
  507. 06:47 <+kyren> we just haven't thought about it
  508. 06:48 <+kyren> because we release a game, THEN think about dlc haha
  509. 06:48 <+kyren> we just want you to buy the game and have fun and update and fix bugs and release new stuff for a while, then later on when we need to eat, THEN think about it
  510. 06:50 < DevonX> Can you play as a avian? :3
  511. 06:50 <+kyren> yeah ofc
  512. 06:51 <+kyren> all the races are playable
  513. 06:51 <+kyren> 180%
  514. 06:51 <+kyren> but the completion level is not out of 100
  515. 06:51 <+kyren> it's out of ???%
  516. 06:52 < The_First_Gamer> Are the devs even eating/drinking/sleeping?
  517. 06:53 <+kyren> oh I drink
  518. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean
  519. 06:53 <+kyren> I drink fluids
  520. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean
  521. 06:53 <+kyren> yeah
  522. 06:53 <+kyren> I mean no
  523. 06:53 < Invalidmicah> I went into the future, bought the game and brought it back so now I am playing it. Muwahahaha
  524. 06:53 <+kyren> could you also grab the code from the future too?
  525. 06:53 <+kyren> I'd be much abliged
  526. 06:54 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> is coding starbound your fulltime job?
  527. 06:54 <+kyren> yes iasfinsdfnklsdfg
  528. 06:54 <+kyren> also answering questions on irc
  529. 06:54 <+kyren> that's my other fulltime job haha :D
  530. 06:55 <+kyren> irc username completion
  531. 06:55 <+kyren> is a lifesaver
  532. 06:55 < TautwiZZ> [Q] Kyren, Steam/In-Game achievements are a possibility?
  533. 06:56 <+kyren> I hope so TautwiZZ
  534. 06:56 <+kyren> very much
  535. 06:56 <+kyren> I'm almost certain yes, but we haven't started on it yet, because we haven't done anything steam api ish yet
  536. 06:56 <+bartwe> I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen
  537. 06:57 <+kyren> well, right now in game inputs don't pause
  538. 06:57 <+bartwe> Kyren has been answering questions for 3 hrs already
  539. 06:57 <+kyren> er, events
  540. 06:57 <+bartwe> and it is time for a break.
  541. 06:57 <+kyren> yeah I am kinda tired haha
  542. 06:57 < iasfinsdfnklsdfg> BUT I WANT HER TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FOREVER
  543. 06:57 <+kyren> I said I could answer questions forever, and I LIED
  544. 06:57 <+kyren> full of lies
  545. 06:57 <+kyren> thank you all!
  546. 06:57 <+kyren> bye!
  547. 06:58 < xJudgement> bartwe you finishing up question session
  548. 06:58 <+bartwe> xJudgement: nope, but you are welcome to my twitch stream of boringness
  549. 06:58 <+kyren> no problem, thank you guys for being so supportive
  550. 06:58 <+kyren> oooh bartwe twitch stream
  551. 06:58 <+kyren> watch it
  552. 07:03 <@Tiy> I have rice crispies
  553. 07:03 <@Tiy> mm
  554. 07:04 <+kyren> sorry, I answered questions for like 3.5 hrs
  555. 07:04 <+kyren> I'm so tired :<
  556. 07:04 < psychotwo> go rest, kyren :)
  557. 07:04 <+kyren> no, I actually woke up at 1am
  558. 07:04 <+kyren> I'm not going to sleep
  559. 07:04 <+kyren> I just have to go shower, and eat
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