
AiE: Celebration

May 18th, 2013
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  1. I don’t know how or why, but I’ve hit 15k paste hits [spoiler]WHY.[/spoiler] and here’s a little short to celebrate. I [spoiler]LOVE[/spoiler] you all, thank you for reading.
  3. I hope it’s a fun ride because it’ll never end. Now without further ado, here’s…
  5. Anon in Equestria: This Celebration Wasn’t Meant to Be
  7. “Hey Anon, you coming to the St. Patty’s day work party this evening?”
  8. >your coworker Rob was a cheery, fat fellow
  9. >he waddles behind you through the boring, homogenously colored hallways that are the mark the middle American office building
  10. “I don’t know man, I might just stay in. I’m bushed after the damned audit today. Do you know how late I stayed up to square out all the sales reports?”
  11. >you turned to the copy machine and set it to collate, grabbing a cone of chilled water
  12. >such was your life
  13. >and such it had been for ten years
  14. >a nine to five, a half decent apartment
  15. >maybe you’d get a cat and sneak it past the landlord
  16. “Come on, it’ll be fun,”
  17. “I don’t know… I have that box over at HR to file and the printer rep is going to be here tomorrow…”
  18. >Rob shrugs, filling his comically small water cone once more
  19. “Oh well, I’ll have one for you. Take care, Anon,”
  20. “Rob… Actually… Oh what the hell. Lead the way, dude,”
  21. >as he gives you a hearty slap on the back, you can’t help but smile and walk with your friend towards the local pub
  22. >you catch a mortified look on his face as you both enter the bar
  23. >inside, it’s already getting crazy
  24. >drinks are already flying, the music was deafening and the bouncers were having a hard time keeping people from dancing on the tables
  25. >you order a few pints of cheap stuff, leaning over the counter to hear a red-faced, unsteady old barman’s words
  26. “So’s I says to ‘im – “I’m ‘onored but I’d rather not fock yer mum agin’, I ain’t called her back last time!” roars the Irish barkeeper
  27. >he’s drunker than you are, for fuck’s sake
  28. >you almost laugh off your stool and Rob barely hangs on
  29. >Rob would talk about this guy at work, but you had to admit it
  30. >this legendary barkeep was better in person
  31. “Oh shit, man. Tell us another one of your nights out to a your parent-teacher meeting,” he asks, after recovering
  32. >but then the lights flicker and the music cuts out
  33. >groans are heard throughout the bar
  34. “Ey wat’s tha’ big deal o’er dere?” yells the barkeeper
  35. >you turn around to face the cliché old vinyl player but it seems to just be missing
  36. >like someone stole it in the middle of the crowded bar
  37. >a full size Jukebox
  38. “Now wat in Sam’ hell fockin’ Mary’s goin on ‘ere?” he continues
  39. >light floods the building
  40. >you turn to see daylight where the front bar wall would be
  41. >the lights flicker off and on again, and instantly, everything is back as it was
  42. >jukebox
  43. >wall
  44. >music was still on
  45. “What just happened?” you ask
  46. >Rob hasn’t said a word
  47. >he looks pale and is sweating profusely
  48. “Aye…. Aye donno there, fella. Must’a been some focking leprechauns fockin’ wit us,”
  49. >he doesn’t sound convinced
  50. “Rob, buddy, you okay?”
  51. >he looks around nervously, looking at the lights, the machine, the wall, the barkeep
  52. >darting to you a few times before replying
  53. “Oh yeah, everything’s fine… Weirded out, but fine I guess,”
  54. >slowly, the regular ruckus rumbles back to its original level
  55. >more alcohol is consumed and the lubricated Irish mood spreads around like wildfire
  56. “Come on Anon, she’s checking you out man. Just go talk to her,” eggs on Rob
  57. >to be honest, you felt like wingman’ing this one and getting Rob some attention
  58. >he keeps being a buddy even if you’re never really any fun
  59. >hell, this is the first time in like six or seven years that you’ve been out to a bar
  60. “Rob, why don’t you go talk to her? To be honest, I think she’s cross-eyed, looks like she’s been checking us both out. I can’t tell who’s she lookin’ at,” you slur
  61. >might be cheap beer, but it was Irish, wasn’t watered down and did in fact, pack a bit of a punch to someone like you
  62. >who hasn’t had any alcohol since…
  63. >high school?
  64. >you don’t even remember
  65. “Yanno Anon, I don’t think I’m up for it…” he replies
  66. “What the hell Rob, she’s a pretty blond in a bar, at least give it a try. Fuck it, I’ll go break the ice,” you say, grabbing a beer
  67. >a heavy hand falls on your shoulder
  68. “Naw man, I mean I’m not feeling that good. Thinking of turning in for the night,”
  69. “Already? I was just starting to enjoy myse-
  70. >the lights blink out, and when they come back on again, you are completely unprepared
  71. >Rob
  72. >the Barkeep
  73. >that pretty blond in the gray dress
  74. >the bar
  75. >the lights
  76. >cardboard?
  77. >cardboard bar, hurriedly painted colors and logos
  78. >cardboard Rob, face scribbled on with crayons and markers
  79. >cardboard walls
  80. >cardboard people
  81. “What,”
  82. >nobody, or rather “nothing” was moving
  83. >you see Rob’s boxy, cardboard hand on your shoulder
  84. >the hand was just a box with fingers poorly drawn on
  85. “What,”
  86. >you do not realize that you’ve repeated yourself
  87. >there’s a faint smile on your lips, but it’s not from any happiness or amusement
  88. “Wha-
  89. >the lights flicker again and the bar blinks back to loud, brash and just as an average St. Patty’s would be
  90. >the blond girl was looking between Rob and you
  91. >the barkeep was yelling and laughing
  92. >Rob’s hand on your shoulder
  93. “What the fuck…” you say, mechanically
  94. “What’s wrong man? You okay?” he says as he takes his hand off your shoulder
  95. >he looks genuinely concerned
  96. “You don’t look so good, Anon,”
  97. “You didn’t see? ‘The fuck is going on?”
  98. >Rob looks around nervously
  99. >you suddenly feel a whole lot more sober
  100. “See what?” he asks, “What happened? Maybe you had a few too many,”
  101. >he sounds unsure of himself
  102. “Like fuck I did, something’s fucked up here and…”
  103. >and what?
  104. >nothing was wrong now
  105. >nobody was made of cardboard
  106. “Okay man, just calm down, tell me what’s wrong,”
  107. >Rob tries to sound reassuring, but his brow is beading with sweat and his voice shakes
  108. >he keeps looking around at the other patrons
  109. >you feel like everyone’s looking at you
  110. “I… I don’t feel so good man. I think I did have too many,” you state
  111. >something was fucked up in here
  112. >everyone did look at you when you weren’t looking
  113. >Rob was acting strange
  114. >cold fear crept up your neck
  115. >the loud music was shallow in your ears
  116. >clinking glasses, footsteps, yelling of drunkards crowded the tinny sound
  117. >you don’t even know what song this is but it is wrong
  118. “Okay man, let’s go sit down. I’ll call a cab. Hang in there,”
  119. >Rob didn’t seem to be buying his own words, why should you?
  120. “Thanks Rob, gonna go sit down... Sorry, I don’t know what came over me,”
  121. >you do your best to smile as you walk towards the stool
  122. >then, you see it
  123. >a gap between the tables
  124. >nobody between you and the door
  125. “It’s fine, Anon. Hah, maybe you shouldn’t have bought the cheapest piss they have her-
  126. >you explode into a full out sprint
  127. “HEY WAIT!”
  128. >like hell you’re waiting
  129. >the front door is just a few feet away
  130. >you hear Rob yelling behind you, but you don’t really give a shit
  131. >you whip the door open and run like the fires of Hell are at your heels
  132. >you’ve been in an office for a dozen years, but you’re half drunk and you’re so full of adrenaline that can’t even blink
  133. >sure, a fit man could catch you
  134. >but Rob isn’t fit
  135. “ANON DON’T –
  136. >you whip your head around to see Rob right the fuck behind you
  137. >catching up on you with his massive, flabby bulk
  138. >WHAT THE FU-
  139. >your incoherent thoughts are cut short by the world shifting
  140. >you just ran into an object
  141. >the pain doesn’t hit you until you’re on the floor
  142. >the disorientation only serves to increase your panic
  143. “Anon!”
  144. >cardboard Rob leans down to you
  145. >you shut your eyes tightly
  146. >you don’t think like you’re going to black out
  147. >but everything hurts now, and you’re scared for your life
  148. >you curl up and throw your arms over your head
  149. >you feel tears run down your cheeks
  150. >were you going to die?
  151. >you just wanted to know what the fuck was going on
  152. “Anon? Anon, talk to me,”
  153. >the cardboard face doesn’t move as it talks
  154. >it seems to hit you like a wave of nausea
  155. >was this what going insane felt like?
  156. >you…
  157. >you were a nutcase, now?
  158. >was it what it was like for crazy people?
  159. >everyone going about their business, and only they could see this?
  160. >were you just in a padded cell right now, had you just run into a cushioned wall?
  161. >you crack open another eye
  162. >white
  163. >white room, broken table turned on its side
  164. >door busted half off its hinges
  165. “Anon, please, just relax,” says the cardboard Rob
  166. >you sob and are surprised to hear a yelp escape your mouth
  167. >you can’t help but scamper back in the corner of the room
  168. “Anon, just calm down!”
  169. >as you blink, cardboard Rob turns back into Rob
  170. >you don’t know if this should make you feel better or worse
  171. “What the FUCK is going on, Rob?”
  172. >you practically jump at the volume of your own voice
  173. “Anon, you’re safe, please just relax. It’s me, Rob,”
  174. >yep, you finally lost it
  175. >this was a hospital, and you broke out of your fucking room or something
  176. >you can’t fucking believe this is happening
  177. >you’re actually crazy
  178. >just what the fuck
  179. >had you hurt anyone?
  180. >you feel fresh tears blur your vision
  181. >not from panic this time
  182. >now they were just from a crushing realization that you were actually fucked up and helpless
  183. “Anon, I can explain everything, just relax. You’re safe, okay? It’s all cool. Come on man, sit down, do you want me to get you some water or something?”
  184. >you take a while to slow your breathing
  185. >wiping your face every few second, holding back your feelings
  186. >you were going to get through this
  187. “I think I’m okay… Thanks… Sorry…”
  188. >he gives you a little reassuring smile, pulling you a chair
  189. >you climb off the floor and slump down into it
  190. “Anon… It all started about ten years ago,”
  191. >you’ve been a fucking psycho for that long
  192. >he pauses, the face you’ve made seems to hit him like a fist
  193. “Listen, it wasn’t like that at first. We just watched, and things were okay,”
  194. >so you were just a little crazy at first and not full fucking retard?
  195. >”What a fucking relief”, you think, the thought dripping with sarcasm
  196. “But after a while, things got… Complicated. We had to change our tactic, you know? “
  197. >you hang your head, asking
  198. “When did that happen?”
  199. >he rubs his face with his hands
  200. “About five years in. Nobody ever got hurt,”
  201. >your head rocks back in an almost ecstatic sigh
  202. >now this was good news
  203. >despite how fucked up you must be, nobody got hurt
  204. >without a shred of sarcasm, you thank your sweet stars
  205. >you chuckle and question once more
  206. “So that’s it, hunh. I’ve been crazy for ten years, but only really insane for five?”
  207. >Rob’s head tilts up as he stares into your eyes
  208. “Crazy? Anon, no, you’re not crazy,”
  209. >what
  210. “You’re just in Equestria,”
  211. >what
  212. “Listen, we used to just use magic to open a portal to your world and film you, but as your life show got more popular, that became much too expensive. We just made a copy of your office and apartment here, and swapped you for a stand-in,”
  213. >what
  214. >Rob turns into a cardboard Rob and pulls his own head off
  215. >what
  216. >cardboard Rob then opens his own chest and a small, green unicorn steps out onto the table
  217. >what
  218. >the little unicorn starts to talk, its horn glowing as its voice changes from a deep one to a high, squeaky one
  219. >what
  220. “We just cast illusion spells over the sets to really make it believable, but when you agreed to go to the bar, we panicked. We had to throw one up and it didn’t really take to the spells very well. We were trying so hard to keep the illusions up, sometimes even our body illusion spells slipped out,”
  221. >what
  222. “We really didn’t expect you to agree when I asked you to come to the bar, you haven’t agreed to go out like that in... Seven years? Yeah, seven years. It's why we started watching you in the first place, you know... You can't believe how wonderful it is to relax to a show like you after a day in our lives... We're sorry, this wasn’t meant to happen, Anon.”
  223. >what
  224. “Anon? You okay?”
  225. "What."
  227. [spoiler]I really hope you guys didn’t see it coming from too far away and I hope you enjoyed it at least a little.[/spoiler]
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