Guest User

a guest
Dec 20th, 2015
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text 99.70 KB | None | 0 0
  1. var style_cookie;
  2. var style_cookie_txt;
  3. var style_cookie_site;
  4. var kumod_set=false;
  5. var ispage;
  6. var is_entering=false;
  7. var injectDestination = "img_global.css";
  9. var _messages = {
  10. en: {
  11. noLocalStorage: "Your browser does not support LocalStorage",
  12. loading: "Загрузка",
  13. oops: "Something went wrong...",
  14. blankResponse: "blank response",
  15. watchlistAdd: "Тред добавлен в список избранных.",
  16. expandingThread: "Expanding thread...",
  17. newThread: "new thread",
  18. NewThread: "New thread",
  19. replyTo: "reply to",
  20. cancel: "Cancel",
  21. update: "Update",
  22. updatingCounts: "Updating...",
  23. couldntFetch: "Cold not fetch this post",
  24. noNewPosts: "No new posts",
  25. replies: "Replies",
  26. settings_fxEnabled: "Animation effects",
  27. settings_showReplies: "Show replies inside posts",
  28. settings_sfwMode: "NSFW mode",
  29. settings_expandImgFull: "Expand images to full size",
  30. deletePost: "Delete post",
  31. deleteAndBan: "Delete post and ban poster",
  32. enterCaptcha: "Please enter captcha.",
  33. selectText: "Select some text",
  34. dcls: "Double click to show source",
  35. watchOn: "Watch on",
  36. captcharot: "Captcha has rotted",
  37. threadUpdationAutomatically: "Tread is being updated automatically.",
  38. stopFuckingDolls: "<b>Отключите AJAX-отправку постов и AJAX-обновление треда.</b><br />(Кликните, чтобы закрыть)",
  39. delete: "Delete",
  40. delandban: "Delete and ban",
  41. ban: "Ban",
  42. stickthread: "Stick thread",
  43. unstickthread: "Unstick thread",
  44. lockthread: "Lock thread",
  45. unlockthread: "Unlock thread",
  46. returnDesktop: "Switch to desktop interface",
  47. returnTouch: "Switch to touch interface",
  48. impliedTouch: "Your device is recognized as touch device.",
  49. impliedDesktop: "Your device is recognized as desktop device.",
  50. forceDesktop: "Force Desktop interface",
  51. okay: "Okay",
  52. captchalang: "Captcha language",
  53. reply: "Reply",
  54. imageDownscaledBy: "Image was downscaled by",
  55. videoDownscaledBy: "Video was downscaled by",
  56. toFit: "to feet screen",
  57. newReplies: "New replies",
  58. newThreadsAvailable: "New threads available.",
  59. loading: "Loading"
  60. },
  61. ru: {
  62. noLocalStorage: "localStorage не поддерживается браузером",
  63. loading: "Загрузка",
  64. oops: "Что-то пошло не так...",
  65. blankResponse: "пустой ответ",
  66. watchlistAdd: "Тред добавлен в список избранных.",
  67. watchlistRemove: "Тред удален из списка избранных.",
  68. expandingThread: "Разворачиваем тред...",
  69. newThread: "новый тред",
  70. NewThread: "Создать тред",
  71. replyTo: "ответ на",
  72. cancel: "Отмена",
  73. update: "Обновить",
  74. updatingCounts: "Ищем новые посты...",
  75. couldntFetch: "Не удалось загрузить этот пост",
  76. noNewPosts: "Нет новых постов",
  77. replies: "Ответы",
  78. settings_fxEnabled: "Анимированные эффекты",
  79. settings_showReplies: "Показывать ответы внутри поста",
  80. settings_sfwMode: "Мамка в комнате",
  81. settings_expandImgFull: "Разворачивать картинки до исходного размера",
  82. deletePost: "Удалить пост",
  83. deleteAndBan: "Удалить пост и забанить постера",
  84. enterCaptcha: "Пожалуйста, введите капчу.",
  85. selectText: "Текст не выделен",
  86. dcls: "Double click to show source",
  87. watchOn: "Смотреть на",
  88. odc: "javascript:LatexIT.replaceWithSrc(this);",
  89. captcharot: "Капча протухла",
  90. threadUpdationAutomatically: "Тред обновляется автоматически",
  91. stopFuckingDolls: "<b>Отключите AJAX-отправку постов и AJAX-обновление треда.</b><br />(Кликните, чтобы закрыть)",
  92. delete: "Удалить",
  93. delandban: "Удалить и забанить",
  94. ban: "Забанить",
  95. stickthread: "Прикрепить тред",
  96. unstickthread: "Отлепить тред",
  97. lockthread: "Закрыть тред",
  98. unlockthread: "Открыть тред",
  99. returnDesktop: "Switch to desktop interface",
  100. returnTouch: "Switch to touch interface",
  101. impliedTouch: "Your device is recognized as touch device.",
  102. impliedDesktop: "Your device is recognized as desktop device.",
  103. forceDesktop: "Force Desktop interface",
  104. okay: "Ясно",
  105. captchalang: "Язык капчи",
  106. reply: "Ответить",
  107. imageDownscaledBy: "Картинка ужата на",
  108. videoDownscaledBy: "Видео ужато на",
  109. toFit: "по размеру окна",
  110. newReplies: "Новых ответов",
  111. newThreadsAvailable: "Доступны новые треды.",
  112. loading: "Загружаем"
  113. }
  114. }
  116. var _ = (typeof locale !== 'undefined' && _messages.hasOwnProperty(locale)) ? _messages[locale] :;
  118. function trace() {
  119. if (!console.log) return;
  121. var f = arguments.callee.caller;
  122. var path = arguments[0];
  123. if (path == '') path += "trace()";
  125. while (f != null) {
  126. var re = /function ([^\(]+)/;
  127. var fname = re.exec(f.toString());
  128. if (fname == null) fname = ''; else fname = fname[1];
  129. var args = [];
  130. for (var i = 0; i < f.arguments.length; i++) args.push(f.arguments[i]);
  131. fname += "(" + args.join(', ') + ")";
  132. path += ' <- ' + fname;
  133. f = f.caller;
  134. }
  135. console.log(path);
  136. }
  138. /* IE/Opera fix, because they need to go learn a book on how to use indexOf with arrays */
  139. if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
  140. Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) {
  141. var len = this.length;
  143. var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
  144. from = (from < 0)
  145. ? Math.ceil(from)
  146. : Math.floor(from);
  147. if (from < 0)
  148. from += len;
  150. for (; from < len; from++) {
  151. if (from in this &&
  152. this[from] === elt)
  153. return from;
  154. }
  155. return -1;
  156. };
  157. }
  159. /* Utf8 strings de-/encoder */
  160. var Utf8 = {
  161. // public method for url encoding
  162. encode : function (string) {
  163. string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
  164. var utftext = "";
  165. for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
  166. var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
  167. if (c < 128) {
  168. utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
  169. }
  170. else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
  171. utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
  172. utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
  173. }
  174. else {
  175. utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
  176. utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
  177. utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
  178. }
  179. }
  180. return utftext;
  181. },
  182. // public method for url decoding
  183. decode : function (utftext) {
  184. var string = "";
  185. var i = 0;
  186. var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
  187. while ( i < utftext.length ) {
  188. c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
  189. if (c < 128) {
  190. string += String.fromCharCode(c);
  191. i++;
  192. }
  193. else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) {
  194. c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
  195. string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
  196. i += 2;
  197. }
  198. else {
  199. c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1);
  200. c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2);
  201. string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
  202. i += 3;
  203. }
  204. }
  205. return string;
  206. }
  207. }
  209. var shares = [
  210. {name: "twitter", link: ""+url+"&text="+escape(" ")+text },
  211. {name: "vkontakte", link: ""+url+"&title="+title+"&description="+text },
  212. {name: "facebook", link: ""+url+"&t="+text },
  213. ];
  215. var sharesBtns = "";
  216. for (var s in shares) {
  217. sharesBtns += "<a href=\""+shares[s].link+"\" onclick=\", 'Поделиться ссылкой в "+shares[s].name+"', 'width=700,height=300'); return false\" target=\"_blank\"><img hspace=\"1\" class=\"shareSite\" border=\"0\" alt=\""+shares[s].name+"\" src=\"/css/images/share/"+shares[s].name+".png\" /></a>";
  218. }
  219. $(this).find('.extrabtns').first().append(sharesBtns);
  220. });
  221. $(".shareSite").css({opacity: 0.35});
  222. $(".shareSite").bind('mouseover', function() {$(this).animate({opacity: 1.00}, {duration: 100})});
  223. $(".shareSite").bind('mouseout', function() {$(this).animate({opacity: 0.35}, {duration: 100})});
  224. };
  226. function Cookie(name) {
  227. if (arguments.length == 1) {
  228. with(document.cookie) {
  229. var regexp=new RegExp("(^|;\\s+)"+name+"=(.*?)(;|$)");
  230. var hit=regexp.exec(document.cookie);
  231. if(hit&&hit.length>2) return Utf8.decode(unescape(replaceAll(hit[2],'+','%20')));
  232. else return '';
  233. }
  234. } else {
  235. var value = arguments[1];
  236. var days = arguments[2];
  237. if(days) {
  238. var date=new Date();
  239. date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
  240. var expires="; expires="+date.toGMTString();
  241. } else expires="";
  242. document.cookie=name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
  243. }
  244. }
  247. function replaceAll(str, from, to) {
  248. var idx = str.indexOf( from );
  249. while ( idx > -1 ) {
  250. str = str.replace( from, to );
  251. idx = str.indexOf( from );
  252. }
  253. return str;
  254. }
  257. function insert(text) {
  258. var textarea = ($('#postclone').length && $('#postclone').css('display') !== 'none') ? document.forms.postclone.message : document.forms.postform.message;
  259. if(textarea) {
  260. if(textarea.createTextRange && textarea.caretPos) { // IE
  261. var caretPos=textarea.caretPos;
  262. caretPos.text=caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length-1)==" "?text+" ":text;
  263. } else if(textarea.setSelectionRange) { // Firefox
  264. var start=textarea.selectionStart;
  265. var end=textarea.selectionEnd;
  266. textarea.value=textarea.value.substr(0,start)+text+textarea.value.substr(end);
  267. textarea.setSelectionRange(start+text.length,start+text.length);
  268. } else {
  269. textarea.value+=text+" ";
  270. }
  271. textarea.focus();
  272. }
  273. if($('#postclone').css('display') !== 'none') return false;
  274. }
  276. function markup($target, start, end, istart, iend) {
  277. element = $target.find('textarea').get(0);
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  279. element.focus();
  280. sel = document.selection.createRange();
  281. sel.text = start + sel.text + end;
  282. } else */
  283. if (element.selectionStart || element.selectionStart == '0') {
  284. element.focus();
  285. var startPos = element.selectionStart;
  286. var endPos = element.selectionEnd;
  287. var selected = element.value.substring(startPos, endPos);
  288. if(selected.indexOf('\n') === (-1) && typeof istart !== "undefined" && typeof iend !== "undefined") {
  289. start = istart; end = iend;
  290. }
  291. element.value = element.value.substring(0, startPos) + start + element.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + end + element.value.substring(endPos, element.value.length);
  292. } else {
  293. element.value += start + end;
  294. }
  295. }
  297. function bullets($target, bullet, istart, iend) {
  298. var $area = $target.find('textarea');
  299. var element = $area.get(0);
  300. var startPos = element.selectionStart;
  301. var endPos = element.selectionEnd;
  302. var selected = $area.val().substring(startPos, endPos);
  303. if(selected.indexOf('\n') === (-1) && typeof istart !== "undefined" && typeof iend !== "undefined") {
  304. element.value = element.value.substring(0, startPos) + istart + element.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + iend + element.value.substring(endPos, element.value.length);
  305. }
  306. else {
  307. var selected = $area.val().substring(startPos, endPos).split('\n');
  308. var newtxt = "";
  309. for(var i=0; i<selected.length; i++) {
  310. newtxt += (bullet + selected[i]);
  311. if(i < (selected.length - 1)) newtxt += '\n';
  312. }
  313. $area.val(
  314. $area.val().substring(0, startPos)
  315. + newtxt +
  316. $area.val().substring(endPos)
  317. );
  318. }
  319. }
  321. function quote(b, a) {
  322. var v = eval("document." + a + ".message");
  323. v.value += ">>" + b + "\n";
  324. v.focus();
  325. }
  327. function checkhighlight() {
  328. var match;
  329. if(match=/#i([0-9]+)/.exec(document.location.toString()))
  330. if(!document.forms.postform.message.value)
  331. insert(">>"+match[1]);
  332. if(match=/#([0-9]+)/.exec(document.location.toString()))
  333. highlight(match[1]);
  334. }
  336. function highlight(post, checknopage) {
  337. if (checknopage && ispage) return;
  338. $('.highlight').removeClass('highlight').addClass('reply');
  339. $("#reply" + post).removeClass('reply').addClass('highlight');
  340. var match = /^([^#]*)/.exec(document.location.toString());
  341. document.location = match[1] + "#" + post;
  342. }
  344. function get_password(name) {
  345. var pass = getCookie(name);
  346. if(pass) return pass;
  348. var chars="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
  349. var pass='';
  351. for(var i=0;i<8;i++) {
  352. var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*chars.length);
  353. pass += chars.substring(rnd, rnd+1);
  354. }
  355. Cookie(name, pass, 365);
  356. return(pass);
  357. }
  359. function togglePassword() {
  360. var passwordbox_html = $("#passwordbox").html().toLowerCase();
  361. var newhtml = '<td></td><td></td>';
  362. if (passwordbox_html == newhtml) {
  363. var newhtml = '<td class="postblock">Mod</td><td><input type="text" name="modpassword" size="28" maxlength="75">&nbsp;<acronym title="Display staff status (Mod/Admin)">D</acronym>:&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="displaystaffstatus" checked>&nbsp;<acronym title="Lock">L</acronym>:&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="lockonpost">&nbsp;&nbsp;<acronym title="Sticky">S</acronym>:&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="stickyonpost">&nbsp;&nbsp;<acronym title="Raw HTML">RH</acronym>:&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="rawhtml">&nbsp;&nbsp;<acronym title="Name">N</acronym>:&nbsp;<input type="checkbox" name="usestaffname"></td>';
  364. }
  365. $("#passwordbox").html(newhtml).show();
  366. return false;
  367. }
  369. /* used for textboards only, deleted, src in clean */
  370. function toggleOptions(D,C,B){ trace('deprecated!') }
  372. // proxied functions
  373. function getCookie(name) { return Cookie(name) }
  374. function set_cookie(name,value,days) { return Cookie(name,value,days) }
  376. var Styles = {
  377. all: [], titles: [],
  378. init: function() {
  379. iter(document.getElementsByTagName("link"), function(link) {
  380. if(link.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style")!=-1 && link.getAttribute("title")) {
  381. Styles.all.push(link);
  382. Styles.titles.push(link.getAttribute("title"));
  383. if(link.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alternate")===-1) {
  384. Styles.default = link.getAttribute("title");
  385. }
  386. if(link.hasAttribute("data-custom")) {
  387. Styles.custom = link.getAttribute("title");
  388. }
  389. }
  390. });
  391. this.current = this.default;
  392. var customBypass = getCookie('bypasscustom');
  393. this.customBypass = (customBypass.length && typeof this_board_dir !== 'undefined' && in_array(this_board_dir, customBypass.split('|'))) ? true : false;
  394. },
  395. decide: function() {
  396. this.init();
  397. if(this.hasOwnProperty('custom') && !this.customBypass)
  398. return this.setCustom();
  399. var sc = getCookie(style_cookie);
  400. if(sc && in_array(sc, this.titles))
  401. this.setStyle(sc);
  402. else {
  403. this.setDefault();
  404. set_cookie("kustyle_site",this.default,365);
  405. set_cookie("kustyle",this.default,365);
  406. }
  407. },
  408. change: function(stylename) {
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  412. this.removeBypass();
  413. }
  414. else {
  415. if(this.hasOwnProperty('custom'))
  416. this.addBypass();
  417. set_cookie("kustyle_site",stylename,365);
  418. set_cookie("kustyle",stylename,365);
  419. }
  420. },
  421. removeBypass: function() {
  422. if(!this.customBypass || typeof this_board_dir === 'undefined') return;
  423. this.customBypass = false;
  424. var oldcookie = getCookie('bypasscustom').split('|'), newcookie = [];
  425. iter(oldcookie, function(brd) {
  426. if(brd !== this_board_dir) newcookie.push(brd);
  427. });
  428. newcookie = newcookie.length ? newcookie.join('|') : '';
  429. set_cookie("bypasscustom",newcookie,365);
  430. },
  431. addBypass: function() {
  432. if(this.customBypass || typeof this_board_dir === 'undefined') return;
  433. this.customBypass = true;
  434. var cookie = getCookie('bypasscustom').split('|');
  435. if(!in_array(this_board_dir, cookie)) {
  436. cookie.push(this_board_dir);
  437. set_cookie("bypasscustom",cookie.join('|'),365);
  438. }
  439. },
  440. setDefault: function() {
  441. if(this.hasOwnProperty('default') && this.current !== this.default)
  442. this.setStyle(this.default);
  443. },
  444. setCustom: function() {
  445. if(this.hasOwnProperty('custom'))
  446. this.setStyle(this.custom);
  447. },
  448. setStyle: function(stylename) {
  449. if(!in_array(stylename, this.titles)) return;
  450. iter(this.all, function(sheet) {
  451. sheet.disabled=true; // Hello IE
  452. if(sheet.getAttribute("title") === stylename)
  453. sheet.disabled=false;
  454. });
  455. this.current = stylename;
  456. }
  457. }
  459. if(style_cookie) Styles.decide();
  461. function delandbanlinks($scope, force) {
  462. if(typeof force === 'undefined') force = false;
  463. if ((!kumod_set && !force) || typeof $scope === 'undefined') return;
  464. $scope.find('span[id^=dnb]').each(function(index,element) {
  465. dnbinfo = $(this).attr('id').split('-');
  467. var newhtml = '&nbsp;<span class="btngroup">' + '<a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=delposts&boarddir=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&del';
  468. if (dnbinfo[3] == 'y') {newhtml += 'thread';} else {newhtml += 'post';}
  469. newhtml += 'id=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.delete+'" onclick="return confirm(\''+_.deletePost+'?\');"><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="delete spritebtn sb-l"><\/a>';
  470. newhtml += '<a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=delposts&boarddir=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&del';if (dnbinfo[3] == 'y') {newhtml += 'thread';} else {newhtml += 'post';}
  471. newhtml +='id=' + dnbinfo[2] + '&postid=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.delandban+'" onclick="return confirm(\''+_.deletePost+'?\');"><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="dandb spritebtn sb-c"><\/a>';
  472. newhtml +='<a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=bans&banboard=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&banpost=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.ban+'"><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="ban spritebtn sb-r"><\/a></span>&nbsp;';
  474. if (dnbinfo[3] == 'y') {
  475. newhtml += '<span class="btngroup"><a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=stickypost&board=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&postid=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.stickthread+'" ><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="stick spritebtn sb-l"><\/a><a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=unstickypost&board=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&postid=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.unstickthread+'" ><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="unstick spritebtn sb-r"><\/a></span>&nbsp;';
  476. newhtml += '<span class="btngroup"><a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=lockpost&board=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&postid=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.lockthread+'" ><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="lock spritebtn sb-l"><\/a><a href="' + ku_cgipath + '/manage_page.php?action=unlockpost&board=' + dnbinfo[1] + '&postid=' + dnbinfo[2] + '" title="'+_.unlockthread+'" ><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" class="unlock spritebtn sb-r"><\/a></span>';
  477. }
  479. $(this).html(newhtml);
  480. });
  481. }
  483. var HiddenThreads = {
  484. list: function() {
  485. if (localStorage == null) {
  486. trace(_.noLocalStorage);
  487. return [];
  488. }
  489. var list = localStorage.getItem('hiddenThreads.' + this_board_dir);
  490. if (list == null) return [];
  491. return list.split(',');
  492. },
  493. isHidden: function(threadid) { return HiddenThreads.list().indexOf(threadid) != -1 },
  494. hide: function(threadid) {
  495. if (localStorage == null) alert(_.noLocalStorage);
  496. else {
  497. var newlist = HiddenThreads.list();
  498. newlist.push(threadid.toString());
  499. localStorage.setItem('hiddenThreads.' + this_board_dir, newlist.join(','));
  500. }
  501. },
  502. unhide: function(threadid) {
  503. if (localStorage == null) alert(_.noLocalStorage);
  504. else {
  505. var list = HiddenThreads.list();
  506. var i = list.indexOf(threadid.toString());
  507. if (i == -1) return;
  508. var newlist = list.slice(0,i);
  509. newlist = newlist.concat(list.slice(i+1));
  510. localStorage.setItem('hiddenThreads.' + this_board_dir, newlist.join(','));
  511. }
  512. }
  513. }
  515. function togglethread(threadid) {
  516. if (HiddenThreads.isHidden(threadid)) {
  517. $('#unhidethread' + threadid + this_board_dir).slideUp();
  518. $('#thread' + threadid + this_board_dir).slideDown();
  519. HiddenThreads.unhide(threadid);
  520. } else {
  521. $('#unhidethread' + threadid + this_board_dir).slideDown();
  522. $('#thread' + threadid + this_board_dir).slideUp();
  523. HiddenThreads.hide(threadid);
  524. }
  525. return false;
  526. }
  528. function toggleblotter() {
  529. $('.blotter-entries').each(function(index,element) {
  530. $(this).slideToggle(function() {
  531. if($(this).is(":hidden")) {
  532. Cookie('ku_showblotter', '0', 365);
  533. } else {
  534. Cookie('ku_showblotter', '1', 365);
  535. }
  536. });
  537. });
  538. }
  540. function hideblotter() {
  541. $('.blotter-entries').each(function(index,element) {
  542. $(this).hide();
  543. });
  544. }
  546. function expandthread(threadid, board) {
  547. if(dcxt.enabled) {
  548. $('#replies' + threadid + board).parent().find('.de-btn-expthr').trigger('click');
  549. }
  550. else if ($('#replies' + threadid + board).get() != '') {
  551. $('#replies' + threadid + board).prepend("<img src=\""+ku_boardspath+"/images/loading.gif\" align=\"middle\" /> " + _.expandingThread + '<br />');
  552. $.ajax({
  553. url: ku_boardspath + '/expand.php?board=' + board + '&threadid=' + threadid,
  554. success: function(data) {
  555. var rep = $('#replies' + threadid + board);
  556. if (data) {
  557. rep.html(data);
  558. Settings.sfwMode(false);
  559. rep.hide().fadeIn();
  560. } else {
  561. $('#replies' + threadid + board).prepend(_.oops + " ("+_.blankResponse+")");
  562. }
  563. },
  564. error: function(xhr, status) {
  565. $('#replies' + threadid + board).prepend(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  566. }
  567. });
  568. return false;
  569. }
  571. }
  573. function getnewposts(threadid) {
  574. if(typeof threadid === 'undefined') threadid = $('input[name=replythread]').val();
  575. var lastpost = ($('.postnode').last().find('td[id^=reply]').attr('id'));
  576. lastpost = lastpost ? lastpost.substring(5) : threadid;
  577. $.ajax({
  578. url: ku_boardspath + '/expand.php?after=' + lastpost + '&board=' + this_board_dir + '&threadid=' + threadid,
  579. success: function(data) {
  580. if (data) {
  581. var $target = $('.postnode').length ? $('.postnode').last() : $('.postmessage');
  582. $target.after('<div class="newposts">' + data + '</div>');
  583. Settings.sfwMode(false);
  584. showreplies();
  585. $('.newposts').last().hide().fadeIn();
  586. } else {
  587. popupMessage(_.noNewPosts);
  588. }
  589. $('#newposts_get').show();
  590. $('#newposts_load').hide();
  591. },
  592. error: function(xhr, status) {
  593. popupMessage(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  594. $('#newposts_get').show();
  595. $('#newposts_load').hide();
  596. }
  597. });
  598. $('#newposts_get').hide();
  599. $('#newposts_load').show();
  600. return false;
  601. }
  603. function showLinks(ev) {
  604. var href = $(this).attr('href');
  605. $('#directLink').val(ku_boardspath+href);
  606. $('#quoteLink').val('>>'+href.split('/res/')[0]+'/'+href.split('#')[1]);
  607. $('#viewlink').css({
  608. top: $(this).offset().top + $(this).height(),
  609. left: $(this).offset().left
  610. }).fadeIn('fast');
  611. return false;
  612. }
  614. var goingExternal = false;
  615. function quickreply(ev) {
  616. var externalBoard = $(this).data('boardname');
  617. if(externalBoard === this_board_dir) externalBoard = false;
  618. var parent = $(this).data('parent'), current = $(this).data('postnum') || parent;
  619. var preferUnpinned = (localStorage['pinPreference'] === 'unpinned');
  620. var appearsNew = ($('#postclone').css('display') === 'none');
  621. $('#postclone').show();
  622. if(isTouchDevice) {
  623. $('#postclone').css({
  624. bottom: '0px',
  625. left: '0px',
  626. position: 'fixed',
  627. opacity: 1
  628. });
  629. }
  630. else {
  631. if(preferUnpinned) {
  632. $('#postclone').css({
  633. top: $(this).offset().top + $(this).height(),
  634. left: Math.round(($(window).width() / 2) - ($('#postclone').width() / 2)),
  635. position: 'absolute'
  636. });
  637. }
  638. else if(appearsNew) {
  639. $('#postclone').css({
  640. top: $(this).offset().top + $(this).height() - $(document).scrollTop(),
  641. left: Math.round(($(window).width() / 2) - ($('#postclone').width() / 2)),
  642. position: 'fixed'
  643. });
  644. }
  645. }
  646. $('#postclone input[name="replythread"]').val(parent);
  647. if(externalBoard) {
  648. $('#postclone input[name="board"]').val(externalBoard);
  649. $('#postclone #posttypeindicator').html('<a href="'+ku_boardspath+'/'+externalBoard+'/res/'+parent+'.html?i#'+current+'"> &gt;&gt;/'+externalBoard+'/'+parent+'</a>');
  650. }
  651. else {
  652. $('#postclone #posttypeindicator').html('<a class="xlink" href="#'+current+'"> &gt;&gt;'+parent+'</a>');
  653. }
  654. insert('>>'+current+'\n');
  655. return false;
  656. }
  658. function getwatchedthreads(threadid, board) {
  659. if ($('#watchedthreadlist').get()!='') {
  660. $('#watchedthreadlist').html(_.loading + '...');
  661. $.ajax({
  662. url: ku_boardspath + '/threadwatch.php?board=' + board + '&threadid=' + threadid,
  663. success: function(data) {
  664. $('#watchedthreadlist').html(data || (_.oops + " ("+_.blankResponse+")"));
  665. },
  666. error: function(xhr, status) {
  667. $('#watchedthreadlist').html(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  668. }
  669. });
  670. }
  671. }
  673. function popupMessage(text, delay) {
  674. if (delay == null) delay = 1000;
  675. if ($('#popupMessage').get() == '') {
  676. $('body').children().last().after('<div id="popupMessage" class="reply"></div>');
  677. $('#popupMessage').css('position', 'fixed');
  678. $('#popupMessage').css('top', '50px');
  679. $('#popupMessage').css('padding', '20px');
  680. $('#popupMessage').css('width', '40%');
  681. $('#popupMessage').css('left', '30%');
  682. $('#popupMessage').css('text-align', 'center');
  683. $('#popupMessage').css('-webkit-box-shadow', '#666 0px 0px 10px');
  684. $('#popupMessage').hide();
  685. }
  686. $('#popupMessage').html("<span class=\"postername\">" + text + "</span>");
  687. $('#popupMessage').fadeIn(150).delay(delay).fadeOut(300);
  688. }
  691. function addtowatchedthreads(threadid, board) {
  692. if ($('#watchedthreadlist').get()!='') {
  693. $.ajax({
  694. url: ku_boardspath + '/threadwatch.php?do=addthread&board=' + board + '&threadid=' + threadid,
  695. success: function(data) {
  696. popupMessage(_.watchlistAdd)
  697. getwatchedthreads('0', board);
  698. },
  699. error: function(xhr, status) {
  700. popupMessage(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  701. }
  702. });
  703. }
  704. }
  706. function removefromwatchedthreads(threadid, board) {
  707. if ($('#watchedthreadlist').get()!='') {
  708. $.ajax({
  709. url: ku_boardspath + '/threadwatch.php?do=removethread&board=' + board + '&threadid=' + threadid,
  710. success: function(data) {
  711. popupMessage(_.watchlistRemove)
  712. getwatchedthreads('0', board);
  713. },
  714. error: function(xhr, status) {
  715. popupMessage(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  716. }
  717. });
  718. }
  719. }
  721. function hidewatchedthreads() {
  722. Cookie('showwatchedthreads','0',30);
  723. $("#watchedthreads").fadeOut();
  724. }
  726. function showwatchedthreads() {
  727. Cookie('showwatchedthreads','1',30);
  728. window.location.reload(true);
  729. }
  731. var captcha_shown = 0, rottencaptcha, captcha_rotten = 0;
  733. function captcha_show() {
  734. if (captcha_shown == 0 || captcha_rotten == 1) {
  735. $(".captchaimage").attr("src", ku_boardspath+'/captcha.php?'+Math.random());
  736. $('.captchawrap').show();
  737. if(!dcxt.enabled) {
  738. captcha_rotten = 0;
  739. rottencaptcha = setTimeout(rotCaptcha, captchaTimeout);
  740. $('.captchawrap').animate({'width': 0}, captchaTimeout, "linear").css('overflow', 'visible');
  741. }
  742. else $('.captchawrap').css({'background': 'none'});
  743. $(".captcha_status").html("").click(); captcha_shown = 1;
  744. }
  745. }
  747. function rotCaptcha() {
  748. captcha_rotten = 1;
  749. $('[name="captcha"]').val('');
  750. // $(".captchawrap").css({'opacity': '0'});
  751. $(".captchawrap").hide();
  752. $(".captcha_status").html('<a class="xlink" onclick="javascript:refreshCaptcha();">'+_.captcharot+'</a>').show();
  753. }
  755. function refreshCaptcha() {
  756. $('#'+$(this).parents('[name="postform"]').attr('id')).find('[name="captcha"]').val('').focus();
  757. $('.captchaimage').attr('src', ku_boardspath+'/captcha.php?'+Math.random());
  758. $('.captchawrap').stop().css({'width': 150}).animate({'width': 0}, captchaTimeout, "linear").show().css('overflow', 'visible');;
  759. $(".captcha_status").hide();
  760. clearTimeout(rottencaptcha);
  761. captcha_rotten = 0;
  762. rottencaptcha = setTimeout(rotCaptcha, captchaTimeout);
  763. }
  765. function checkcaptcha(formid) {
  766. if($('input[name=captcha]').length > 0) {
  767. if($('#'+formid+' input[name=captcha]').val() =='') {
  768. popupMessage(_.enterCaptcha);
  769. return false;
  770. }
  771. if(captcha_rotten) {
  772. popupMessage(_.captcharot);
  773. return false;
  774. }
  775. }
  776. return true;
  777. }
  779. function expandimg(postnum, imgurl, thumburl, imgw, imgh, thumbw, thumbh) {
  781. var element = document.getElementById("thumb" + postnum);
  782. if (element == null) return false;
  783. if(typeof event !== 'undefined' && event.which === 2) return true;
  784. if (element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].getAttribute('alt').substring(0,4)!='full') {
  785. $(element).html('<img src="'+imgurl+'" alt="full'+postnum+'" class="thumb" height="'+imgh+'" width="'+imgw+'">');
  786. if (Settings.expandImgFull()) return false;
  787. var element = document.getElementById("thumb" + postnum);
  788. var img = element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
  789. var max_w = document.documentElement?document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;
  790. var offset = 50;
  791. var offset_el = img;
  793. while (offset_el != null) {
  794. offset += offset_el.offsetLeft;
  795. offset_el = offset_el.offsetParent;
  796. }
  797. var new_w = max_w - offset;
  798. if (img.width > new_w) {
  799. var ratio = img.width / img.height;
  800. var zoom = 1 - new_w / img.width;
  801. var new_h = new_w / ratio;
  802. var notice = document.createElement('div');
  803. notice.setAttribute('class', 'filesize');
  804. = 'underline';
  805. var textNode = document.createTextNode(_.imageDownscaledBy + " " + Math.round(zoom*100) + "% "+_.toFit);
  806. notice.appendChild(textNode);
  807. element.insertBefore(notice, img);
  808. $(img).width(new_w);
  809. $(img).height(new_h);
  811. }
  812. }
  813. else
  814. element.innerHTML = '<img src="' + thumburl + '" alt="' + postnum + '" class="thumb" height="' + thumbh + '" width="' + thumbw + '">';
  816. return false;
  817. }
  819. // YOBA previews w/#snivystuff
  820. var PostPreviews = {
  821. zindex: 1,
  822. cached: {},
  823. parent: {},
  825. _mouseover: function(e) {
  826. e.stopPropagation();
  827. var href = this.getAttribute("href");
  828. var isCatalog = $(this).hasClass('catalog-entry');
  830. var board = href.split('/res/')[0].split('/').reverse()[0];
  831. var postid = isCatalog ? href.split('.html')[0].split('/').reverse()[0] : href.split("#")[1];
  833. var previewid = 'preview_'+board+'_'+postid;
  834. var preview = $('#' + previewid);
  835. if (preview.length == 0) {
  836. $('body').children().first().before('<div id="'+previewid+'"></div>');
  837. preview = $('#preview_'+board+'_'+postid);
  838. preview.addClass('reflinkpreview content-background');
  839. preview.mouseleave(PostPreviews._mouseout);
  840. preview.mouseover(PostPreviews.onMouseOver);
  841. }
  842. var parent = $(this).parents('div[id^=preview]');
  843. if (parent.length > 0) {
  844. if (previewid == parent.attr('id')) { return; } // anti-recursion
  845. for(var id in PostPreviews.parent) { if (id == previewid || PostPreviews.parent[id] == previewid) return }
  846. PostPreviews.parent[previewid] = parent.attr('id');
  847. } else {
  848. for(var id in PostPreviews.parent) {
  849. $('#'+id).stop(true, true);
  850. $('#'+id).fadeOut(1);
  851. $('#'+PostPreviews.parent[id]).stop(true, true);
  852. $('#'+PostPreviews.parent[id]).fadeOut(1);
  853. }
  854. PostPreviews.parent = [];
  855. }
  856. if(e.clientY < ($(window).height() / 1.5)) {
  857. preview.css({top:e.pageY+5});
  858. } else {
  859. preview.css({bottom:$(window).height()-e.pageY+5});
  860. }
  861. if(e.clientX < ($(window).width() / 1.5)) {
  862. preview.css({left:e.pageX+15});
  863. } else {
  864. preview.css({right:$(window).width()-e.pageX+15});
  865. }
  866. preview.css({zIndex: PostPreviews.zindex++});
  867. if (PostPreviews.cached[previewid] != null) {
  868. preview.html(PostPreviews.cached[previewid]);
  869. if(isCatalog) $(preview).find('.quickreply').remove();
  870. $(preview).fadeIn(100);
  871. } else {
  872. preview.html("<img alt=\"...\" src=\""+ku_boardspath+"/images/loading.gif\" />");
  873. (function(board, id, callback) {
  874. var $post = $('a[name='+id+']');
  875. if(board === this_board_dir && $post.length) {
  876. callback(false, $post.parents('.postnode').html())
  877. }
  878. else {
  879. $.ajax({
  880. url: ku_boardspath+"/read.php?b="+board+"&t=_&p="+id+"&single",
  881. success: function(data) {
  882. callback(false, data);
  883. },
  884. error: function(err) {
  885. callback(true, err)
  886. }
  887. });
  888. }
  889. })(board, postid, function(err, data) {
  890. if(err) {
  891. preview.html(_.couldntFetch);
  892. $(preview).fadeIn(100);
  893. }
  894. else {
  895. var text = data||(_.oops + " (" + _.blankResponse + ")");
  896. preview.html(text);
  897. if (data) {
  898. PostPreviews.cached[previewid] = data;
  899. Settings.sfwMode(false);
  900. }
  901. if(isCatalog) $(preview).find('.quickreply').remove();
  902. $(preview).fadeIn(100);
  903. }
  904. })
  905. }
  906. e.preventDefault();
  907. },
  909. onMouseOver: function() {
  910. var preview = $(this);
  911. if ($(this).is('a')) {
  912. var href = this.getAttribute("href");
  913. var board = href.split('/res/')[0].split('/').reverse()[0];
  914. var postid = $(this).hasClass('catalog-entry') ? href.split('.html')[0].split('/').reverse()[0] : href.split("#")[1];
  915. preview = $('#preview_'+board+"_"+postid).first();
  916. }
  917. while (preview.length > 0) {
  918. preview.stop(true,true);
  919. preview.fadeIn(1);
  920. preview = $('#' + PostPreviews.parent[preview.attr('id')]);
  922. }
  923. },
  925. _mouseout: function() {
  926. var preview = $(this);
  927. if ($(this).is('a')) {
  928. var href = this.getAttribute("href");
  929. var board = href.split('/res/')[0].split('/').reverse()[0];
  930. var postid = $(this).hasClass('catalog-entry') ? href.split('.html')[0].split('/').reverse()[0] : href.split("#")[1];
  931. preview = $('#preview_'+board+"_"+postid).first();
  932. }
  933. while (preview.length > 0) {
  934. preview.delay(50).fadeOut(250).queue('fx', function() {
  935. delete PostPreviews.parent[$(this).attr('id')];
  936. $(this).remove();
  937. });
  938. preview = $('#' + PostPreviews.parent[preview.attr('id')]);
  939. }
  940. }
  941. }
  943. /* txt only. deleted. src in clean */
  944. function postpreview(D,A,C,B){}
  946. function set_inputs(id) {
  947. if (document.getElementById(id)) {
  948. with(document.getElementById(id)) {
  949. if(!name.value) name.value = getCookie("name");
  950. if(!em.value) em.value = getCookie("email");
  951. if(!postpassword.value) postpassword.value = get_password("postpassword");
  952. }
  953. }
  954. }
  956. function set_delpass(id) {
  957. if (document.getElementById(id).postpassword) {
  958. with(document.getElementById(id)) {
  959. if(!postpassword.value) postpassword.value = get_password("postpassword");
  960. }
  961. }
  962. }
  964. (function ($) {
  965. $.event.special.load = {
  966. add: function (callback) {
  967. if ( this.nodeType === 1 && this.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img' && this.src !== '' ) {
  968. if ( this.complete || this.readyState === 4 ) {
  969. callback.handler.apply(this);
  970. }
  971. else if ( this.readyState === 'uninitialized' && this.src.indexOf('data:') === 0 ) {
  972. $(this).trigger('error');
  973. }
  975. else {
  976. $(this).bind('load', callback.handler);
  977. }
  978. }
  979. }
  980. };
  981. }(jQuery));
  983. var Settings = {
  984. _checkbox: function(clicked, settingName, defaultValue) {
  985. if (localStorage == null) {
  986. trace(_.noLocalStorage);
  987. return;
  988. }
  989. if (localStorage[settingName] == null) {
  990. localStorage[settingName] = defaultValue;
  991. }
  992. if (clicked == true) {
  993. // save it
  994. localStorage[settingName] = $('#settings_' + settingName).is(":checked");
  995. } else {
  996. // update checkbox (called on load)
  997. if (localStorage[settingName] == 'true')
  998. $('#settings_' + settingName).attr("checked","checked");
  999. else
  1000. $('#settings_' + settingName).removeAttr("checked");
  1001. }
  1002. return (localStorage[settingName] == 'true') || (localStorage[settingName] == true) ;
  1003. },
  1005. fxEnabled: function(changed) {
  1006. var enabled = Settings._checkbox(changed, 'fxEnabled', true);
  1007. if (changed != null) {
  1008. $ = !enabled;
  1009. }
  1010. return enabled;
  1011. },
  1013. showReplies: function(changed) {
  1014. var enabled = Settings._checkbox(changed, 'showReplies', false);
  1015. if (changed != null) {
  1016. enabled ? showreplies() : $('.replieslist').remove();
  1017. }
  1018. return enabled;
  1019. },
  1021. sfwMode: function(changed) {
  1022. var enabled = Settings._checkbox(changed, 'sfwMode', false);
  1023. if (changed != null) {
  1024. var target = $('img.thumb');
  1025. if(enabled) {
  1026. injectCSS([[".thumb { opacity: 0.05;}", 1], [".thumb:hover { opacity: 1;}", 2]]);
  1027. } else if(changed) {
  1028. removeCSS([1, 2]);
  1029. }
  1030. }
  1031. return enabled;
  1032. },
  1034. expandImgFull: function(changed) {
  1035. return Settings._checkbox(changed, 'expandImgFull', false);
  1036. }
  1037. }
  1039. var rswap = {
  1040. i: true,
  1041. swap: function() {
  1042. if(this.i) $('#delform').before($('#rswapper')).after($('.postarea'));
  1043. else $('#delform').before($('.postarea')).after($('#rswapper'));
  1044. this.i = !this.i;
  1045. }
  1046. }
  1048. var isTouchDevice = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) ? true : false;
  1049. var interfaceType = localStorage['interfaceType'] || false;
  1051. var captchalang = getCookie('captchalang') || 'ru';
  1052. function setCaptchaLang(lang) {
  1053. if(!in_array(lang, ['ru', 'en', 'num'])) return;
  1054. captchalang = lang;
  1055. set_cookie('captchalang', lang, 365);
  1056. // document.cookie = 'captchalang='+lang+'; expires=0; path=/';
  1057. }
  1059. function readyset() {
  1060. if(!ispage) $('.mgoback').show();
  1062. if(interfaceType) {
  1063. if(interfaceType == 'touch') {
  1064. isTouchDevice = true;
  1065. $('#js_settings').prepend('<a href="javascript: localStorage.setItem(\'interfaceType\', \'desktop\'); location.reload();">'+_.returnDesktop+'</a><br>');
  1066. }
  1067. else if(interfaceType == 'desktop') {
  1068. isTouchDevice = false;
  1069. $('#js_settings').prepend('<a href="javascript: localStorage.setItem(\'interfaceType\', \'touch\'); location.reload();">'+_.returnTouch+'</a><br>');
  1070. }
  1071. }
  1072. else if(isTouchDevice) {
  1073. $('#boardlist_header').after('<div id="interface-notifier" class="content-background reflinkpreview"><div class="ifcn-text">'+_.impliedTouch+'</div><div class="incn-buttons">'+
  1074. '<button class="ifcnbtn" onclick="javascript: localStorage.setItem(\'interfaceType\', \'touch\'); $(\'#interface-notifier\').fadeOut(\'fast\');">'+_.okay+'</button>&nbsp;'+
  1075. '<button class="ifcnbtn" onclick="javascript: localStorage.setItem(\'interfaceType\', \'desktop\'); location.reload();">'+_.forceDesktop+'</button></div></div>');
  1076. }
  1077. else {
  1078. $('#js_settings').prepend('<a title="'+_.impliedDesktop+'" href="javascript: localStorage[\'interfaceType\']=\'touch\'; location.reload();">'+_.returnTouch+'</a><br>');
  1079. }
  1080. $('#js_settings').prepend(_.captchalang+': <a href="javascript:setCaptchaLang(\'ru\');">Cyrillic</a> | <a href="javascript:setCaptchaLang(\'en\');">Latin</a> | <a href="javascript:setCaptchaLang(\'num\');">Numeral</a><br />');
  1082. LatexIT.init();
  1083. checkhighlight();
  1084. checkgotothread();
  1085. checknamesave();
  1087. bnrs.init();
  1089. cloud20.init();
  1090. $('#boardselect').on('input', function() {
  1091. cloud20.filter($(this).val());
  1092. });
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  1100. //initial post-process
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  1113. if($('#js_settings').is(':visible')) {
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  1171. /* not losing floating form data */
  1172. ffdata.load();
  1174. $('<span class="extrabtns postboxcontrol">'+ pinner +
  1175. '&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="javascript:$(\'#postclone\').hide();return false;" title="Закрыть"><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" border="0" class="closebox spritebtn"></a>'+
  1176. '</span>').appendTo('#postclone');
  1178. //Dollscript rape begins
  1179. //Switch captcha language
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  1182. //Switch to "form" tab
  1183. $('.de-cfg-tab[info=form]')[0].click();
  1184. //Switch language if it's set wrong
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  1186. $('select[info=captchaLang]').val($('select[info=captchaLang] option:contains(Rus)').val()).triggerNative('change');
  1187. }
  1188. if(captchalang == 'en' && $('select[info=captchaLang] option:selected').val() !== $('select[info=captchaLang] option:contains(Eng)').val()) {
  1189. $('select[info=captchaLang]').val($('select[info=captchaLang] option:contains(Eng)').val()).triggerNative('change');
  1190. }
  1191. dcxt.closeSettings();
  1192. });
  1194. if(react_ena && typeof io !== 'undefined') {
  1195. // Remove malfunctioning post counter
  1196. injectCSS('.de-ppanel-cnt:after {display: none}', 8);
  1197. $("#postform, #postclone").each(function() { $(this).append($('<input type="hidden" name="token">').val(randomString())) } );
  1198. $('#postform input[type="submit"]').after('<img class="sending-loading" src="'+ku_boardspath+'/images/loading.gif">')
  1199. var socket = io.connect(react_api);
  1200. if(ispage) {
  1201. var subscribeTo = [react_sitename+this_board_dir+':newthreads'];
  1202. $('.op .reflink').children(':last-child').each(function() {
  1203. subscribeTo.push(react_sitename+this_board_dir+':'+$(this).text());
  1204. });
  1205. socket.on('update', updater.bpageNotify)
  1206. .emit('subscribe', subscribeTo);
  1207. }
  1208. else {
  1209. dcxt.addTask(function() {
  1210. dcxt.openSettings();
  1211. $('.de-cfg-tab[info=form]')[0].click();
  1212. //Detect if AJAX posting enabled.
  1213. if(+$('select[info=ajaxReply]').val()) {
  1214. updater.ajaxPosting = true;
  1215. }
  1216. //Switch to "posts" tab
  1217. $('.de-cfg-tab[info=posts]')[0].click();
  1218. //Turn off AJAX thread update
  1219. if($('input[info=ajaxUpdThr]:checked').length) {
  1220. $('input[info=ajaxUpdThr]:checked')[0].click();
  1221. dcxt.changed++;
  1222. }
  1223. dcxt.closeSettings();
  1224. });
  1225. _.noNewPosts += ("<br>" + _.threadUpdationAutomatically);
  1226. socket.emit('subscribe', react_sitename+$('input[name=board]').val()+':'+$('input[name=replythread]').val());
  1227. socket.on('update', function(data) {
  1228. updater.update(data);
  1229. });
  1230. $('body').on('submit', '#postform, #postclone', function(e) {
  1231. e.preventDefault();
  1232. if (!dcxt.enabled || checkcaptcha($(this).attr('id')))
  1233. updater.send($(this));
  1234. });
  1235. }
  1236. }
  1238. $('#delform').after('<div id="rswapper">[<a onclick="javascript:rswap.swap();return false;" href="#">'+(ispage ? _.NewThread : _.reply)+'</a>]<hr /></div>');
  1241. dcxt.addTask(function() {
  1242. $('#rswapper').remove();
  1243. })
  1245. Settings.sfwMode(false);
  1246. if (localStorage) {
  1247. for(var s in Settings) {
  1248. if (s.substring(0,1) == "_") continue;
  1249. $("#js_settings").append('<label><input type="checkbox" onchange="javascript:Settings.'+s+'(true)" name="settings_'+s+'" id="settings_'+s+'" value="true"> '+_['settings_'+s]+'</label><br />');
  1250. Settings[s](false);
  1251. }
  1252. } else {
  1253. $("#js_settings").append("<span style=\"color:#F00\">"+_.noLocalStorage+"</span><br />Твой браузер — говно. Скачай <a href=\"/web/20110329072959/\" target=\"_blank\">Chome</a>, например.");
  1254. }
  1256. var textbox = document.getElementById('message');
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  1281. //Permalinks and stuff
  1282. $('<div id="viewlink"></div>').addClass('content-background reflinkpreview qreplyform').html(
  1283. '<div style="display:inline-block"><input type="text" id="directLink"><br /><input type="text" id="quoteLink"></div>'+
  1284. '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:$(\'#viewlink\').hide();return false;" title="'+_.Close+'"><img style="vertical-align: top;" src="'+ku_boardspath+'/css/icons/blank.gif" border="0" class="closebox spritebtn"></a>'
  1285. ).hide().appendTo('body');
  1286. $('body').on('click', '.shl', showLinks);
  1287. $('#directLink, #quoteLink').on("click", function() { $(this).select(); });
  1289. //Ultimate YOBA Youtube embeds
  1290. $('body').on('click','.embed', function() {$(this).unwrap() });
  1291. //detect node insertions and process them
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  1296. $('body').on('mouseenter', '._country_', function() {
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  1298. $(this).attr('title', countries[$(this).attr('src').split('flags/')[1].split('.png')[0].toUpperCase()]);
  1299. }
  1300. });
  1301. dcxt.performTasks();
  1302. $('body').on('click', '.audiowrap', function(ev) {
  1303. ev.preventDefault();
  1304. var src = $(this).attr('href');
  1305. $(this).replaceWith('<audio src="'+src+'" controls autoplay="true"></audio>')
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  1308. $('input[name=embed]').on('input', function() {
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  1312. .parents('.postform').find('[name=embedtype]').val(;
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  1317. // this will be applied to every new inserted node (post)
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  1321. $node.addClass('_inserted_');
  1322. $node = $node.parents(":eq(1)");
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  1324. if($node.find('.prettyprint').length) prettyprint_mod(null, $node[0]);
  1325. LatexIT.render($node);
  1326. processEmbeds($node);
  1327. delandbanlinks($node);
  1328. }
  1330. var dcxt = {
  1331. tries: 10,
  1332. enabled: false,
  1333. tasks: [],
  1334. changed: 0,
  1335. openSettings: function() {
  1336. if($('#de-content-cfg').length) return;
  1337. injectCSS('#de-content-cfg {opacity: 0!important}', 7);
  1338. $('#de-btn-settings')[0].click();
  1339. },
  1340. closeSettings: function() {
  1341. if(!$('#de-content-cfg').length) return;
  1342. $('#de-btn-settings')[0].click();
  1343. removeCSS(7);
  1344. },
  1345. addTask: function(fn) {
  1346. if(this.enabled) fn();
  1347. else this.tasks.push(fn);
  1348. },
  1349. performTasks: function() {
  1350. if(!this.enabled && $('#de-btn-settings').length) {
  1351. this.enabled = true;
  1352. $('#gotothread').prop('checked', true);
  1353. iter(this.tasks, function(task) {
  1354. task();
  1355. });
  1356. this.tasks = [];
  1357. if(this.changed) location.reload();
  1358. }
  1359. else if(this.tries) {
  1360. setTimeout(function() {
  1361. dcxt.performTasks();
  1362. }, 500);
  1363. this.tries--;
  1364. }
  1365. }
  1366. }
  1368. var updater = {
  1369. ajaxPosting: false,
  1370. newThreads: [],
  1371. showNewThreads: function() {
  1372. $('#wild_thread_appeared').remove();
  1373. iter(this.newThreads, function(thread) {
  1374. $.get(ku_boardspath+'/read.php?b='+this_board_dir+'&t='+this_board_dir+'&p='+thread+'&single&replink=1', function(data) {
  1375. $('#delform').prepend(data+'<br clear="left" /><hr />');
  1376. });
  1377. });
  1378. this.newThreads = [];
  1379. },
  1380. update: function(data) {
  1381. if(typeof data.token !== undefined) {
  1382. if($('input[name=token][value='+ data.token +']').length) {
  1383. // This is my post
  1384. clearfields($('input[name=token][value='+ data.token +']').parents('form'));
  1385. if(!this.ajaxPosting) getnewposts();
  1386. }
  1387. else {
  1388. getnewposts();
  1389. }
  1390. }
  1391. var lastvisits = localStorage['lastvisits'] ? (JSON.parse(localStorage['lastvisits']) || { }) : { };
  1392. if(typeof data.timestamp !== 'undefined') {
  1393. lastvisits[boardid] = data.timestamp;
  1394. localStorage.setItem('lastvisits', JSON.stringify(lastvisits));
  1395. }
  1396. },
  1397. bpageNotify: function(data) {
  1398. if($('input[name=token][value='+ data.token +']').length) return;
  1399. if( == 'newthreads') {
  1400. if(dcxt.enabled) return;
  1401. updater.newThreads.push(data.newthread);
  1402. if(!$('#wild_thread_appeared').length)
  1403. $('.postarea').after('<a class="xlink" href="javascript:updater.showNewThreads();return false;" id="wild_thread_appeared">'+_.newThreadsAvailable+'<hr /></a>');
  1404. }
  1405. else {
  1406. var $target = $('[id^=replies'']');
  1407. if(!$target.find('.fresh-replies').text(_.newReplies+': '+(Number(($target.find('.fresh-replies').text().split(':')[1]))+1)).length)
  1408. $target.append('<a href="/'+ this_board_dir +'/res/''.html" class="xlink fresh-replies">'+_.newReplies+': 1</a>').find('.fresh-replies').click(function(e) {
  1409. e.preventDefault();
  1410. var $label = $(this);
  1411. var after = /\d+/.exec($target.find('.reply').last().attr('id'));
  1412. $.ajax({
  1413. url: ku_boardspath + '/expand.php?after=' + after + '&board=' + this_board_dir + '&threadid=' +,
  1414. success: function(data) {
  1415. if (data) {
  1416. $target.append($(data));
  1417. // showreplies();
  1419. } else {
  1420. popupMessage(_.noNewPosts);
  1421. }
  1422. $label.remove();
  1423. },
  1424. error: function(xhr, status) {
  1425. popupMessage(_.oops + " (" + status + ")");
  1426. }
  1427. });
  1428. });
  1429. }
  1430. },
  1431. send: function($form) {
  1432. if(!this.ajaxPosting) {
  1433. xsend($form.attr('id'));
  1434. }
  1435. return false;
  1436. }
  1437. }
  1439. function strip(html)
  1440. {
  1441. var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
  1442. tmp.innerHTML = html;
  1443. return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
  1444. }
  1446. function processEmbeds($scope) {
  1447. $scope.find('.embed:not(.title-given)').each(function() {
  1448. var container = $(this);
  1449. var vidID ='id');
  1450. if('site') === 'youtube') {
  1451. $.get(''+vidID+'&key='+ku_youtube_apikey, function(res) {
  1452. if(!res.error && res.items.length) {
  1453. var videotitle = res.items[0].snippet.title;
  1454. container.append($('<a target="_blank" title="'+_.watchOn+' Youtube"></a>').addClass('yt-title-overlay').text(videotitle).attr('href', ''+vidID)
  1455. .click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }));
  1456. }
  1457. });
  1458. container.addClass('title-given');
  1459. }
  1460. if('site') === 'vimeo') {
  1461. $.get(''+vidID+'.json', function(res) {
  1462. var videotitle = res[0].title, thumbnail = res[0].thumbnail_large;
  1463. container.css({'background-image': 'url('+thumbnail+')'})
  1464. .append($('<a target="_blank" title="'+_.watchOn+' Vimeo"></a>').addClass('vi-title-overlay').text(videotitle).attr('href', ''+vidID)
  1465. .click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }));
  1466. });
  1467. container.addClass('title-given');
  1468. }
  1469. if('site') === 'coub') {
  1470. $.get(ku_boardspath+'/corpsy.php?code='+vidID, function(res) {
  1471. var videotitle = res.title, thumbnail = res.thumbnail_url;
  1472. container.css({'background-image': 'url('+thumbnail+')'})
  1473. .append($('<a target="_blank" title="'+_.watchOn+' Coub"></a>').addClass('co-title-overlay').text(videotitle).attr('href', ''+vidID)
  1474. .click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }));
  1475. });
  1476. container.addClass('title-given');
  1477. }
  1478. });
  1479. }
  1482. var kumod = getCookie('kumod');
  1483. if (kumod !== '') {
  1484. if(kumod === 'allboards') kumod_set = true;
  1485. else kumod_set = in_array(this_board_dir, kumod.split('|'));
  1486. }
  1488. var mp3playerid = 0;
  1489. function expandmp3(id, path){
  1490. if (mp3playerid == id)
  1491. {
  1492. document.getElementById('player'+id).innerHTML = '';
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  1494. mp3playerid = 0;
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  1497. {
  1498. document.getElementById('player'+mp3playerid).innerHTML = '';
  1499. document.getElementById('player'+mp3playerid).style.display = 'none';
  1500. }
  1502. document.getElementById('player'+id).innerHTML = '<embed src="/web/20110329072959/'+path+'" width="320" height="20">';
  1503. document.getElementById('player'+id).style.display = 'block';
  1504. mp3playerid = id;
  1505. }
  1506. }
  1508. var swfplayerid = 0;
  1509. function expandswf(id, path, w, h){
  1510. if (swfplayerid == id)
  1511. {
  1512. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+id).innerHTML = '';
  1513. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+id).style.display = 'none';
  1514. swfplayerid = 0;
  1515. } else {
  1516. if(swfplayerid != 0)
  1517. {
  1518. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+swfplayerid).innerHTML = '';
  1519. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+swfplayerid).style.display = 'none';
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  1522. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+id).innerHTML = '<embed src="'+path+'" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'">';
  1523. document.getElementById('swfplayer'+id).style.display = 'block';
  1524. swfplayerid = id;
  1525. }
  1526. }
  1528. function expandwebm($mov, ev) {
  1529. //good luck understanding this shitcode :^)
  1530. if($'expanded') !== '1') {
  1531. ev.preventDefault();
  1532. var movieurl = $mov.attr('href'), imgh = $'height'), imgw = $'width'), dt = $'thumb'), postnum = $'id');
  1533. var uid = '_vframe_'+makeid()+(new Date().getTime());
  1534. $mov.replaceWith(function() {
  1535. return '<span id="'+uid+'" data-thumb="'+dt+'" data-width="'+imgw+'"" data-height="'+imgh+'" data-href="'+movieurl+'">'+this.innerHTML + '</span>';
  1536. });
  1537. $mov = $("#"+uid);
  1538. $mov.find('img').hide();
  1539. var video = $mov.find('video').show(), notice = '';
  1540. if(!video.length) {
  1541. $mov.find('span').append('<video class="thumb" src="'+movieurl+'" controls loop autoplay height="'+imgh+'" width="'+imgw+'"></video>').promise().done(function() {
  1542. video = $mov.find('video');
  1543. });
  1544. }
  1545. else video.get(0).play();
  1546. if(!Settings.expandImgFull()) {
  1547. var offset = 50, offset_el = video[0];
  1548. var max_w = document.documentElement?document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth;
  1549. while (offset_el != null) {
  1550. offset += offset_el.offsetLeft;
  1551. offset_el = offset_el.offsetParent;
  1552. }
  1553. var new_w = max_w - offset;
  1554. if(imgw > new_w) {
  1555. var ratio = imgw / imgh;
  1556. var zoom = 1 - new_w / imgw;
  1557. var new_h = new_w / ratio;
  1558. video.width(new_w);
  1559. video.height(new_h);
  1560. notice = _.videoDownscaledBy + " " + Math.round(zoom*100) + "% "+_.toFit;
  1561. }
  1562. }
  1563. $mov.parent().find('.filesize').append('<span class="videocloser"><b> [<a href="#"> x </a>]</b> '+notice+'</span>');
  1564. $mov.parent().find('.videocloser').click(function() {
  1565. var uid = '_vframe_'+makeid()+(new Date().getTime());
  1566. $mov.replaceWith(function() {
  1567. return '<a class="movie" id="'+uid+'" data-thumb="'+dt+'" data-width="'+imgw+'"" data-height="'+imgh+'" href="'+movieurl+'">'+this.innerHTML + '</a>';
  1568. }).data('expanded', '0');
  1569. $mov = $("#"+uid);
  1570. $mov.find('video').hide()[0].pause();
  1571. $mov.find('img').show();
  1572. $(this).remove();
  1573. return false;
  1574. });
  1575. }
  1576. }
  1578. function makeid()
  1579. {
  1580. var text = "";
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  1988. }
  1989. popupMessage(resp.find('.big-shit').text());
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  1991. }
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  2006. $form.find('[name="token"]').val(randomString());
  2007. }
  2008. if(!dcxt.enabled) {
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  2010. clearTimeout(rottencaptcha);
  2011. rotCaptcha();
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  2043. for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) result += chars[Math.round(Math.random() * (chars.length - 1))];
  2044. return result;
  2045. }
  2047. var cloud20 = {
  2048. init: function() {
  2049. $.getJSON(ku_cgipath + '/boards20.json', function(data) {
  2050. cloud20.allboards = data;
  2051. cloud20.filter('');
  2052. });
  2053. },
  2054. filter: function(query) {
  2055. var res = [];
  2056. if(typeof this.allboards === "undefined") return;
  2057. if(query == '') res = this.allboards;
  2058. else {
  2059. query = query.toLowerCase();
  2060. iter(this.allboards, function(board) {
  2061. if( !== -1 || board.desc.toLowerCase().search(query) !== -1)
  2062. res.push(board);
  2063. });
  2064. }
  2065. this.display(res);
  2066. },
  2067. display: function(list) {
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  2070. newhtml += '<a class="menu-item" title="'+ item.desc +'" href="'+ku_boardspath+'/''/">/''/ - '+ item.desc +'</a>';
  2071. opts += '<option value="''">/''/ - '+ item.desc +'</option>';
  2072. });
  2073. $('#boards20').html(newhtml);
  2074. $('.boardsel20').append(opts);
  2075. }
  2076. }
  2078. var countries = {
  2079. 'A1': "Anonymous Proxy",
  2080. 'A2': "Satellite Provider",
  2081. 'O1': "Other Country",
  2082. 'AD': "Andorra",
  2083. 'AE': "United Arab Emirates",
  2084. 'AF': "Afghanistan",
  2085. 'AG': "Antigua and Barbuda",
  2086. 'AI': "Anguilla",
  2087. 'AL': "Albania",
  2088. 'AM': "Armenia",
  2089. 'AO': "Angola",
  2090. 'AP': "Asia/Pacific Region",
  2091. 'AQ': "Antarctica",
  2092. 'AR': "Argentina",
  2093. 'AS': "American Samoa",
  2094. 'AT': "Austria",
  2095. 'AU': "Australia",
  2096. 'AW': "Aruba",
  2097. 'AX': "Aland Islands",
  2098. 'AZ': "Azerbaijan",
  2099. 'BA': "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
  2100. 'BB': "Barbados",
  2101. 'BD': "Bangladesh",
  2102. 'BE': "Belgium",
  2103. 'BF': "Burkina Faso",
  2104. 'BG': "Bulgaria",
  2105. 'BH': "Bahrain",
  2106. 'BI': "Burundi",
  2107. 'BJ': "Benin",
  2108. 'BL': "Saint Bartelemey",
  2109. 'BM': "Bermuda",
  2110. 'BN': "Brunei Darussalam",
  2111. 'BO': "Bolivia",
  2112. 'BQ': "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba",
  2113. 'BR': "Brazil",
  2114. 'BS': "Bahamas",
  2115. 'BT': "Bhutan",
  2116. 'BV': "Bouvet Island",
  2117. 'BW': "Botswana",
  2118. 'BY': "Belarus",
  2119. 'BZ': "Belize",
  2120. 'CA': "Canada",
  2121. 'CC': "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
  2122. 'CD': "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
  2123. 'CF': "Central African Republic",
  2124. 'CG': "Congo",
  2125. 'CH': "Switzerland",
  2126. 'CI': "Cote d'Ivoire",
  2127. 'CK': "Cook Islands",
  2128. 'CL': "Chile",
  2129. 'CM': "Cameroon",
  2130. 'CN': "China",
  2131. 'CO': "Colombia",
  2132. 'CR': "Costa Rica",
  2133. 'CU': "Cuba",
  2134. 'CV': "Cape Verde",
  2135. 'CW': "Curacao",
  2136. 'CX': "Christmas Island",
  2137. 'CY': "Cyprus",
  2138. 'CZ': "Czech Republic",
  2139. 'DE': "Germany",
  2140. 'DJ': "Djibouti",
  2141. 'DK': "Denmark",
  2142. 'DM': "Dominica",
  2143. 'DO': "Dominican Republic",
  2144. 'DZ': "Algeria",
  2145. 'EC': "Ecuador",
  2146. 'EE': "Estonia",
  2147. 'EG': "Egypt",
  2148. 'EH': "Western Sahara",
  2149. 'ER': "Eritrea",
  2150. 'ES': "Spain",
  2151. 'ET': "Ethiopia",
  2152. 'EU': "Europe",
  2153. 'FI': "Finland",
  2154. 'FJ': "Fiji",
  2155. 'FK': "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
  2156. 'FM': "Micronesia, Federated States of",
  2157. 'FO': "Faroe Islands",
  2158. 'FR': "France",
  2159. 'GA': "Gabon",
  2160. 'GB': "United Kingdom",
  2161. 'GD': "Grenada",
  2162. 'GE': "Georgia",
  2163. 'GF': "French Guiana",
  2164. 'GG': "Guernsey",
  2165. 'GH': "Ghana",
  2166. 'GI': "Gibraltar",
  2167. 'GL': "Greenland",
  2168. 'GM': "Gambia",
  2169. 'GN': "Guinea",
  2170. 'GP': "Guadeloupe",
  2171. 'GQ': "Equatorial Guinea",
  2172. 'GR': "Greece",
  2173. 'GS': "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
  2174. 'GT': "Guatemala",
  2175. 'GU': "Guam",
  2176. 'GW': "Guinea-Bissau",
  2177. 'GY': "Guyana",
  2178. 'HK': "Hong Kong",
  2179. 'HM': "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
  2180. 'HN': "Honduras",
  2181. 'HR': "Croatia",
  2182. 'HT': "Haiti",
  2183. 'HU': "Hungary",
  2184. 'ID': "Indonesia",
  2185. 'IE': "Ireland",
  2186. 'IL': "Israel",
  2187. 'IM': "Isle of Man",
  2188. 'IN': "India",
  2189. 'IO': "British Indian Ocean Territory",
  2190. 'IQ': "Iraq",
  2191. 'IR': "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
  2192. 'IS': "Iceland",
  2193. 'IT': "Italy",
  2194. 'JE': "Jersey",
  2195. 'JM': "Jamaica",
  2196. 'JO': "Jordan",
  2197. 'JP': "Japan",
  2198. 'KE': "Kenya",
  2199. 'KG': "Kyrgyzstan",
  2200. 'KH': "Cambodia",
  2201. 'KI': "Kiribati",
  2202. 'KM': "Comoros",
  2203. 'KN': "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
  2204. 'KP': "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
  2205. 'KR': "Korea, Republic of",
  2206. 'KW': "Kuwait",
  2207. 'KY': "Cayman Islands",
  2208. 'KZ': "Kazakhstan",
  2209. 'LA': "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
  2210. 'LB': "Lebanon",
  2211. 'LC': "Saint Lucia",
  2212. 'LI': "Liechtenstein",
  2213. 'LK': "Sri Lanka",
  2214. 'LR': "Liberia",
  2215. 'LS': "Lesotho",
  2216. 'LT': "Lithuania",
  2217. 'LU': "Luxembourg",
  2218. 'LV': "Latvia",
  2219. 'LY': "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
  2220. 'MA': "Morocco",
  2221. 'MC': "Monaco",
  2222. 'MD': "Moldova, Republic of",
  2223. 'ME': "Montenegro",
  2224. 'MF': "Saint Martin",
  2225. 'MG': "Madagascar",
  2226. 'MH': "Marshall Islands",
  2227. 'MK': "Macedonia",
  2228. 'ML': "Mali",
  2229. 'MM': "Myanmar",
  2230. 'MN': "Mongolia",
  2231. 'MO': "Macao",
  2232. 'MP': "Northern Mariana Islands",
  2233. 'MQ': "Martinique",
  2234. 'MR': "Mauritania",
  2235. 'MS': "Montserrat",
  2236. 'MT': "Malta",
  2237. 'MU': "Mauritius",
  2238. 'MV': "Maldives",
  2239. 'MW': "Malawi",
  2240. 'MX': "Mexico",
  2241. 'MY': "Malaysia",
  2242. 'MZ': "Mozambique",
  2243. 'NA': "Namibia",
  2244. 'NC': "New Caledonia",
  2245. 'NE': "Niger",
  2246. 'NF': "Norfolk Island",
  2247. 'NG': "Nigeria",
  2248. 'NI': "Nicaragua",
  2249. 'NL': "Netherlands",
  2250. 'NO': "Norway",
  2251. 'NP': "Nepal",
  2252. 'NR': "Nauru",
  2253. 'NU': "Niue",
  2254. 'NZ': "New Zealand",
  2255. 'OM': "Oman",
  2256. 'PA': "Panama",
  2257. 'PE': "Peru",
  2258. 'PF': "French Polynesia",
  2259. 'PG': "Papua New Guinea",
  2260. 'PH': "Philippines",
  2261. 'PK': "Pakistan",
  2262. 'PL': "Poland",
  2263. 'PM': "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
  2264. 'PN': "Pitcairn",
  2265. 'PR': "Puerto Rico",
  2266. 'PS': "Palestinian Territory",
  2267. 'PT': "Portugal",
  2268. 'PW': "Palau",
  2269. 'PY': "Paraguay",
  2270. 'QA': "Qatar",
  2271. 'RE': "Reunion",
  2272. 'RO': "Romania",
  2273. 'RS': "Serbia",
  2274. 'RU': "Russian Federation",
  2275. 'RW': "Rwanda",
  2276. 'SA': "Saudi Arabia",
  2277. 'SB': "Solomon Islands",
  2278. 'SC': "Seychelles",
  2279. 'SD': "Sudan",
  2280. 'SE': "Sweden",
  2281. 'SG': "Singapore",
  2282. 'SH': "Saint Helena",
  2283. 'SI': "Slovenia",
  2284. 'SJ': "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
  2285. 'SK': "Slovakia",
  2286. 'SL': "Sierra Leone",
  2287. 'SM': "San Marino",
  2288. 'SN': "Senegal",
  2289. 'SO': "Somalia",
  2290. 'SR': "Suriname",
  2291. 'SS': "South Sudan",
  2292. 'ST': "Sao Tome and Principe",
  2293. 'SV': "El Salvador",
  2294. 'SX': "Sint Maarten",
  2295. 'SY': "Syrian Arab Republic",
  2296. 'SZ': "Swaziland",
  2297. 'TC': "Turks and Caicos Islands",
  2298. 'TD': "Chad",
  2299. 'TF': "French Southern Territories",
  2300. 'TG': "Togo",
  2301. 'TH': "Thailand",
  2302. 'TJ': "Tajikistan",
  2303. 'TK': "Tokelau",
  2304. 'TL': "Timor-Leste",
  2305. 'TM': "Turkmenistan",
  2306. 'TN': "Tunisia",
  2307. 'TO': "Tonga",
  2308. 'TR': "Turkey",
  2309. 'TT': "Trinidad and Tobago",
  2310. 'TV': "Tuvalu",
  2311. 'TW': "Taiwan",
  2312. 'TZ': "Tanzania, United Republic of",
  2313. 'UA': "Ukraine",
  2314. 'UG': "Uganda",
  2315. 'UM': "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
  2316. 'US': "United States",
  2317. 'UY': "Uruguay",
  2318. 'UZ': "Uzbekistan",
  2319. 'VA': "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
  2320. 'VC': "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
  2321. 'VE': "Venezuela",
  2322. 'VG': "Virgin Islands, British",
  2323. 'VI': "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
  2324. 'VN': "Vietnam",
  2325. 'VU': "Vanuatu",
  2326. 'WF': "Wallis and Futuna",
  2327. 'WS': "Samoa",
  2328. 'YE': "Yemen",
  2329. 'YT': "Mayotte",
  2330. 'ZA': "South Africa",
  2331. 'ZM': "Zambia",
  2332. 'ZW': "Zimbabwe",
  2333. 'XX': "OMCK"
  2334. }
  2336. var bnrs = {
  2337. initiated: false,
  2338. init: function() {
  2339. $.getJSON(ku_boardspath+'/bnrs.json', function(data) {
  2340. var reduced = [];
  2341. if(data.length > 1) {
  2342. iter(data, function(bnr) {
  2343. if( !== this_board_dir) reduced.push(bnr);
  2344. });
  2345. }
  2346. else reduced = data;
  2347. = reduced;
  2348. bnrs.initiated = true;
  2349. bnrs.display();
  2350. });
  2351. },
  2352. display: function() {
  2353. if(!this.initiated) return;
  2354. if(! return;
  2355. var reduced = [];
  2356. if(typeof this.current !== 'undefined') {
  2357. iter(, function(item) {
  2358. if(item.path !== bnrs.current) reduced.push(item)
  2359. });
  2360. }
  2361. else reduced =;
  2362. var toDisplay = randomItem(reduced);
  2363. this.current = toDisplay.path;
  2364. var link = ('http') === (-1)) ? ku_boardspath+'/' :;
  2365. var newhtml = '<a class="bnrsupdate" href="#" onclick="javascript:bnrs.display();return false;"></a><a href="'+link+'"><img src="'+ku_boardspath+'/images/bnrs/'+toDisplay.path+'" /></a>';
  2366. if($('.bnr').length) {
  2367. $('.bnr').html(newhtml);
  2368. }
  2369. else $('.logo').before('<div class="bnr-wrap"><div class="bnr">'+newhtml+'</div></div>');
  2370. },
  2371. }
  2373. function getRandomInt (min, max) {
  2374. return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
  2375. }
  2377. function randomItem(array) {
  2378. return array[getRandomInt(0, array.length-1)];
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