
Witch intro

Oct 3rd, 2015
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  1. [11:12] * Rapture is wheeled into the hospital room on a gurney
  2. [11:13] * Witch raises an eyebrow
  3. [11:13] <Doctor> A doctor looks to you. "Can you get her talking?"
  4. [11:13] <Witch> "Probably"
  5. [11:13] <Witch> "What seems to be the issue?"
  6. [11:14] <Doctor> "Can't say, she isn't able to tell us what happened. Run-in with Simulacrum, we're thinking."
  7. [11:15] <Witch> "And what are the damages?"
  8. [11:15] <Witch> "Has any scanning or testing been done yet?"
  9. [11:16] <Doctor> "You know how it is with Tinkers. Want to know what the situation is before we start fiddling around with potentially-defended tech."
  10. [11:17] <Witch> "So, you come in here, with absolutely no idea of what the damage is, and expect me to tell you how to fix it?"
  11. [11:17] <Witch> "Is there any reason nobody has done an MRI yet?"
  12. [11:17] <Doctor> "More hoping you'd be able to make her tell us what exactly happened."
  13. [11:18] <Doctor> "Like I said. Tinkertech."
  14. [11:18] * Witch rolls eyes and sighs dramatically
  15. [11:18] <Doctor> "Simulacrum's done suicide-bombers before."
  16. [11:18] <Doctor> "At least tell us if it's really her."
  17. [11:18] <Witch> "You're not helping here, you can get out and warn the hospital of an actual Bomb threat"
  18. [11:19] <Witch> "Evacuate the building of all nonessential personal and patients"
  19. [11:19] * Witch glares haughtily at the doctor who brought Rapture in
  20. [11:19] <Doctor> "The issue isn't that we think she's a bomb!"
  21. [11:20] <Doctor> "The issue is that we can't tell if it's her or one of Simulacrum's clones."
  22. [11:20] <Witch> "Well how do I know she won't explode if I scan her?"
  23. [11:20] <Witch> "I don't have the magic ability to tell she's a suicide bomber just by looking!"
  24. [11:21] <Witch> "Can she talk?"
  25. [11:21] <Doctor> "She won't. This is why we need you to make her!"
  26. [11:21] <Witch> "Dear lord you're right idiots you are"
  27. [11:22] <Doctor> "Fine."
  28. [11:22] <Witch> "Bringing what could be a SUICIDE BOMBER INTO A HOSPITAL"
  29. [11:22] <Witch> "Get out now. I'll do what I can"
  30. [11:22] * Doctor leaves
  31. [11:22] * Witch closes the door behind him and locks it
  32. [11:23] <Witch> "Alright"
  33. [11:23] * Witch leans over the person and looks them in the eyes
  34. [11:23] <Witch> "Can't talk or won't talk?"
  35. [11:23] <Rapture> Won't
  36. [11:23] <Witch> "Why not?"
  37. [11:24] <Rapture> Doesn't want to
  38. [11:24] <Witch> "That seems like a rather sullen thing to do"
  39. [11:24] * Rapture glares
  40. [11:25] <Witch> "How can I possibly trust you if all you're going to do is say you won't talk?"
  41. [11:25] <Witch> "Surely there is a reason other than 'I don't want to'"
  42. [11:26] <Rapture> There does not appear to be
  43. [11:26] <Witch> "Are you injured?"
  44. [11:26] * Rapture continues glaring
  45. [11:27] <Witch> < Can I cold read this? >
  46. [11:27] <Rapture> ((She's stalling for time))
  47. [11:27] <Witch> < Is that a yes or a no? >
  48. [11:28] <Rapture> ((Yes. You can cold-read that she is stalling for time))
  49. [11:28] <Rapture> ((Uninjured))
  50. [11:28] <Rapture> ((Physically))
  51. [11:28] <Witch> "Are you one of Simulacrum's people?"
  52. [11:29] <Rapture> The answer would appear to be no
  53. [11:29] <Witch> "Why are you stalling?"
  54. [11:30] * Rapture refuses to answer
  55. [11:30] <Witch> "I know you're the real you, but why do this?"
  56. [11:30] <Rapture> Too vague to cold-read that answer
  57. [11:30] <Rapture> "..."
  58. [11:31] * Witch goes to the intercom
  59. [11:31] <Witch> "Call off the Bomb threat"
  60. [11:31] <Witch> "She's not one of Simulacrum's"
  61. [11:32] * Witch returns to look Rapture straight in the eyes
  62. [11:32] * Rapture stares back
  63. [11:33] <Witch> "Will something happen if you talk too long or too much?"
  64. [11:33] * Rapture shakes her head
  65. [11:33] <Witch> "Are you embarrassed?"
  66. [11:34] * Rapture hesitates a fraction of a second, then shakes her head once more, this time more forcefully
  67. [11:34] <Rapture> A lie almost painfully transparent
  68. [11:35] <Witch> "You're lying"
  69. [11:35] <Rapture> "..."
  70. [11:35] <Witch> "Masters degree in psychology"
  71. [11:35] <Witch> "I know when you're lying"
  72. [11:38] * Rapture continues staring
  73. [11:41] <Witch> "Embarrassed about losing?"
  74. [11:42] <Witch> "Ashamed of losing?"
  75. [11:42] <Rapture> At this point, you get a look of indignation
  76. [11:42] <Witch> "Hey, they won't let me put you back until I get you talking again"
  77. [11:44] <Rapture> "..."
  78. [11:44] * Rapture seems quite content with that not happening any time soon
  79. [11:45] <Witch> "Ok, seriously, tell me what's wrong"
  80. [11:45] <Witch> "Or I will confine you to hospital stay for the next month on grounds of psychological trauma"
  81. [11:45] * Rapture almost looks... hopeful?
  82. [11:46] <Witch> "I see"
  83. [11:46] <Witch> "Failed a teammate? Or was it the team in general?"
  84. [11:46] * Rapture continues to resent the implication that she lost
  85. [11:46] <Rapture> It wasn't even her fault anyway!
  86. [11:49] <Witch> "Remind me how you ended up in this position?"
  87. [11:49] * Rapture shakes her head
  88. [11:49] <Witch> "Patient Doctor confidentiality"
  89. [11:50] * Rapture flinches at that second word
  90. [11:50] <Witch> "I'm not gonna laugh at your or tell anybody or anything"
  91. [11:50] <Witch> "Doctor?"
  92. [11:50] <Rapture> "Messed up."
  93. [11:50] <Witch> "How so?"
  94. [11:51] <Rapture> "One of his lackeys. A Brute."
  95. [11:51] <Rapture> "Thought my power would work."
  96. [11:52] <Witch> "You're the Happy Touch girl, right?"
  97. [11:52] <Rapture> "Yes."
  98. [11:52] <Witch> "Sorry, I'm terrible at memorizing names"
  99. [11:53] <Witch> "At you're embarrassed because your power didn't work, so he took you out of commission?"
  100. [11:54] <Rapture> "I said I'd have the Brute out of commission, sent the others in after the Master."
  101. [11:54] <Witch> "And when he turned out to be unaffected by your power...?"
  102. [11:55] <Rapture> "Knocked me out, helped the Master with the others."
  103. [11:56] <Witch> "And you're embarrassed because you failed your team, even though it wasn't really entirely your fault?"
  104. [11:56] <Rapture> "How could I have known?"
  105. [11:57] <Witch> "So you think the best thing to do is to stay here and... What?"
  106. [11:57] <Witch> "Wait for their anger to blow over? They're your team, they should forgive you"
  107. [11:58] <Rapture> "There was a big bounty I cost us."
  108. [11:59] <Rapture> "Waiting for the word to get out."
  109. [11:59] <Witch> "So making yourself unable to do missions for a while to earn any cash, that will make them forgive you?"
  110. [12:00] * Rapture appears unwilling to answer
  111. [12:00] * Witch takes out a pen and prescription paper and begins drawing something
  112. [12:01] <Witch> "Are you afraid you can't stand your team mates, or the bad publicity?"
  113. [12:02] <Rapture> "The latter."
  114. [12:02] <Rapture> ((Lying))
  115. [12:02] <Witch> "So you're team mates?"
  116. [12:02] <Rapture> "What? No."
  117. [12:02] <Witch> < Lying? >
  118. [12:02] <Rapture> ((Truth))
  119. [12:02] <Witch> "None of the above, eh?"
  120. [12:03] * Rapture glares
  121. [12:03] <Witch> "What exactly do you want to stay here for?"
  122. [12:03] <Rapture> "..."
  123. [12:03] <Witch> "I can make it happen if you'll only tell me why"
  124. [12:03] <Rapture> "It'll happen either way."
  125. [12:04] <Witch> "Oh really?"
  126. [12:04] <Witch> "I can tell them you're of sound health right now"
  127. [12:05] <Witch> "If you talk I can make this so much quicker"
  128. [12:05] * Rapture sighs
  129. [12:05] <Rapture> "Sky's idea."
  130. [12:06] <Rapture> "He and Firewall are down too."
  131. [12:06] <Witch> "Confuse-Guy and Forcefields?"
  132. [12:07] <Rapture> "Artillery and forcefields."
  133. [12:07] <Witch> "Right"
  134. [12:07] <Witch> "Down as in injured?"
  135. [12:08] <Rapture> "Yes."
  136. [12:08] <Witch> "Did Simulacrum get them?"
  137. [12:10] <Rapture> "..."
  138. [12:10] <Rapture> ((No))
  139. [12:10] <Witch> "Ok, so a plan went wrong and you lost some bounty"
  140. [12:11] <Witch> "Admittedly a large bounty, but just bounty"
  141. [12:11] <Rapture> "And prestige."
  142. [12:11] <Rapture> "We're professionals. Shouldn't be able to get taken out by a couple villains."
  143. [12:11] <Witch> "Was anybody seriously hurt? It sounds to me like there is more to this than reputation and cash"
  144. [12:12] <Witch> "If there isn't than you're being somewhat petty about hiding your face from the outside world"
  145. [12:12] <Rapture> "Not hiding."
  146. [12:13] <Rapture> "Planned to show up in the background at an event or two, some time down the road."
  147. [12:13] <Rapture> "Prove we're alive."
  148. [12:14] <Witch> "You wanted me to hold you here in the Medbay"
  149. [12:14] <Witch> "That's hiding"
  150. [12:14] <Rapture> "Then a month down the road, get seen a couple times, barely on my feet."
  151. [12:15] <Witch> "You want to boost the villains rep by pretending you're hurt worse than you are?"
  152. [12:15] * Rapture sighs
  153. [12:15] <Rapture> "Up the bounty."
  154. [12:15] <Rapture> "We've got info nobody else does, now."
  155. [12:16] <Witch> "So gaming the system, then"
  156. [12:16] <Rapture> "They keep beating capes, it keeps increasing, and then we swoop in and wipe 'em off the map."
  157. [12:16] <Witch> "How about you do something for me, and I'll do this favor for you"
  158. [12:17] <Rapture> "I'm listening."
  159. [12:17] * Witch turns the prescription over to Rapture
  160. [12:18] <Witch> "Do you think you can hold this piece of paper for a minute?"
  161. [12:18] * Rapture gives you a funny look
  162. [12:18] <Rapture> "Why?"
  163. [12:18] <Witch> A large symbol in red ink is splayed across the paper
  164. [12:19] <Witch> "I'll explain" Witch says pressing it into Rapture's hand
  165. [12:19] * Rapture holds the paper
  166. [12:20] <Witch> "What this will do, is make you feel an incredible burning sensation all through your body, increasing exponentially in pain the longer you hold it"
  167. [12:20] <Witch> "If you can hold it for a minute you should be in enough pain I can legally diagnose you stay here for psychological trauma"
  168. [12:21] <Witch> "Should start to feel a little tingly now"
  169. [12:21] * Rapture drops the paper
  170. [12:21] <Witch> "What's wrong?"
  171. [12:21] <Witch> "Couldn't handle the pain of actual defeat?"
  172. [12:21] <Witch> "So many people are treated for pain worse than that after they take on a group of supervillains"
  173. [12:22] <Witch> "Civilians"
  174. [12:22] <Witch> "Squishier capes"
  175. [12:22] <Rapture> "I DID take on a group of supervillains!"
  176. [12:22] <Witch> "And you got away almost unharmed it seems"
  177. [12:22] <Rapture> "Morrigan directed the ambulance to my body!"
  178. [12:22] <Witch> "Unlike so many who will die at the hands of the villains this year alone"
  179. [12:23] <Rapture> "If I had the choice, they'd already be gone."
  180. [12:23] <Witch> "You aren't injured"
  181. [12:24] <Rapture> "What gives you the right to say that?"
  182. [12:24] <Rapture> "I took on a high level Brute, alone."
  183. [12:24] <Rapture> "One immune to my power and weapons, at that."
  184. [12:24] <Witch> "I asked and when you were glaring at me, silently, I saw that you weren't"
  185. [12:25] * Rapture clamps her mouth shut
  186. [12:26] <Witch> "You realize right now that you are at my mercy? You do understand that, right?"
  187. [12:26] <Witch> "I could do so many horrible things to you right now and nobody would ever know"
  188. [12:27] <Witch> "Like that burning? I could just leave the paper someplace you couldn't reach it"
  189. [12:27] <Witch> "But I don't intend to do that"
  190. [12:27] <Witch> "Because I'm not a person who games the system to benefit or entertain themselves"
  191. [12:28] <Witch> "Though you *are* tempting me right now..."
  192. [12:28] <Rapture> "Buying Morrigan time to work out an attack strategy is entirely reasonable."
  193. [12:28] <Witch> "Is that what you're doing?"
  194. [12:29] <Witch> "Why the heck do you need to be here for that?"
  195. [12:29] <Witch> "Just go home and lie low for a while"
  196. [12:30] <Rapture> "Like I said. Reputation to keep."
  197. [12:32] <Witch> "Excuse me, but I honestly couldn't give less of a damn about your reputation, you want to take up a hospital bed so that you can look better? Go home. Say your spine was injured and you need to take time off to recover enough to get around without a wheelchair"
  199. [13:14] <Rapture> "You aren't exactly in a position to make me."
  200. [13:14] <Witch> "I am"
  201. [13:14] * Witch heads over to the intercom
  202. [13:15] <Rapture> "People don't like you. Have you noticed that?"
  203. [13:15] <Witch> "Could I get a set of crutches in this room and have Ms Rapture here dispatched with a bill of clean health?"
  204. [13:15] <Witch> "Thank you"
  205. [13:15] <Witch> "I have"
  206. [13:15] <Witch> "But that's alright"
  207. [13:15] <Witch> "I'm a sociopath"
  208. [13:16] <Rapture> "Not making a very good case for you being a doctor."
  209. [13:16] <Witch> "Would letting a patient who is not injured stay here make me a better doctor?"
  210. [13:16] <Witch> "Just for the sake of their rep?"
  211. [13:17] <Witch> "Don't care if you hate me, you know I'm powerful and that I know what I'm doing"
  212. [13:17] <Rapture> "You're "powerful"? Are you sure about that?"
  213. [13:17] <Witch> "In here I am"
  214. [13:18] <Rapture> "And you obviously don't know what you're doing."
  215. [13:18] <Witch> "I knew enough to be able to burn you with just a simple piece of paper"
  216. [13:19] <Rapture> "Ah, yes, pain."
  217. [13:19] <Rapture> "The great equalizer."
  218. [13:19] * Rapture scoffs
  219. [13:19] <Witch> "Indeed"
  220. [13:20] <Rapture> "You sound like Balefire."
  221. [13:20] * Witch begins sketching another symbol
  222. [13:20] <Rapture> "Know who that is?"
  223. [13:20] <Witch> "No idea"
  224. [13:21] <Witch> "Sounds like somebody who knows what he is talking about"
  225. [13:21] <Rapture> "That's real power."
  226. [13:22] <Rapture> "Knowing."
  227. [13:22] <Rapture> "And you, if I may say so, do not know."
  228. [13:24] <Rapture> "Maybe you can inflict pain on people. That won't help you."
  229. [13:25] <Witch> "Hmm"
  230. [13:25] <Witch> "I know that your rep would take a hit if I made this security camera footage public"
  231. [13:26] <Rapture> "As would yours, of course."
  232. [13:26] <Witch> "I'm just a brain surgeon"
  233. [13:26] <Witch> "You're one of the heroes
  234. [13:26] <Rapture> "But I suppose you've already chosen the path of villainy?"
  235. [13:26] <Witch> "Pfffffffffffft"
  236. [13:26] <Witch> "That's a gag"
  237. [13:26] <Witch> "I'm evil because I won't help you lie to the public about your injuries"
  238. [13:27] <Witch> "Real solid argument there"
  239. [13:27] <Witch> "Any GP in my position would agree that you don't need a hospital bed"
  240. [13:27] <Rapture> "You keep acting as if you understand what you're talking about."
  241. [13:27] <Rapture> "How much of this are you making up on the spot?"
  242. [13:28] <Rapture> "You're a child, and not a particularly clever one."
  243. [13:29] * Witch grins
  244. [13:29] <Witch> "Are you done?"
  245. [13:29] <Rapture> "With?"
  246. [13:30] <Rapture> "If you intend to torture me, then by all means."
  247. [13:35] <Witch> "Nah"
  248. [13:35] <Witch> "You're too stupidly stubborn to have fun with"
  249. [13:36] <Witch> "I'm waiting for the nurse to escort you out"
  250. [13:36] <Rapture> "They do not appear to be coming."
  251. [13:39] <Witch> "I have all day, I'm being payed for this"
  252. [13:40] * Rapture lays back and closes her eyes
  253. [13:40] <Witch> "You don't seem happy for somebody named Rapture"
  254. [13:42] <Rapture> "I am entirely happy, I assure you."
  255. [13:42] <Rapture> "You don't seem particularly intelligent for a doctor."
  256. [13:45] <Witch> "Ever been effected by your own power?"
  257. [13:46] <Rapture> "Excuse me?"
  258. [13:50] <Witch> "Have you?"
  259. [13:50] <Witch> "Been hit by your own power or something like it?"
  260. [13:51] <Rapture> "Why?"
  261. [13:51] <Rapture> ((No))
  262. [13:51] <Witch> "No, I see then..."
  263. [13:51] <Witch> "Would you like to be?"
  264. [13:51] <Witch> "That's rhetorical"
  265. [13:52] <Witch> "No need to respond"
  266. [13:52] * Witch begins putting the finishing touches on her rune
  267. [13:53] <Witch> "Aaannnnnddddd...."
  268. [13:53] <Witch> "Done"
  269. [13:53] * Witch turns her prescription pad towards Rapture
  270. [13:53] <Witch> "Ever heard of equivalent exchange?"
  271. [13:54] * Rapture grabs at Witch's wrist
  272. [13:56] <Witch> "Something wrong?"
  273. [13:56] <Rapture> "Be calm."
  274. [13:56] <Witch> "I'm calm"
  275. [13:56] * Rapture activates her power
  276. [13:57] <Rapture> "Stay calm."
  277. [13:57] <Witch> "I don't think you are"
  278. [13:57] <Rapture> "Shh, child."
  279. [13:58] <Rapture> "It's alright."
  280. [13:58] <Rapture> "Just calm down."
  281. [13:59] <Rapture> "Don't you think it would be easier to just stop fighting?"
  282. [13:59] <Witch> "I do"
  283. [13:59] <Rapture> "You're hurting so much."
  284. [13:59] <Witch> "Why don't I share?"
  285. [14:00] * Witch drags the symbol to Rapture's hand
  286. [14:00] <Rapture> "I can make the pain go away."
  287. [14:01] <Witch> < Rapture is being effected by her power at euphoric full strength >
  288. [14:01] <Witch> < Once the symbol touches her >
  289. [14:01] * Witch nods
  290. [14:01] <Rapture> "Isn't this easier?"
  291. [14:02] <Rapture> "So much easier than hurting people."
  292. [14:02] <Witch> "I've never hurt anybody"
  293. [14:02] <Witch> "People only hurt themselves :)"
  294. [14:03] <Rapture> "You are people, my darling."
  295. [14:03] <Rapture> "But it's alright."
  296. [14:03] <Rapture> "We can help you."
  297. [14:03] <Witch> "We?"
  298. [14:03] * Witch hugs Rapture
  299. [14:03] * Rapture hugs back
  300. [14:03] <Rapture> "It's okay."
  301. [14:03] <Rapture> "Everything is okay."
  302. [14:04] <Rapture> "Come. Let us speak with the others."
  303. [14:04] * Witch nods
  304. [14:05] * Rapture rises, takes Witch by both hands, and leads her out of the room
  305. [14:06] <Rapture> "Everything is alright, my precious child. Nobody needs to hurt ever again."
  306. [14:06] * Witch follows blissfully
  307. [14:06] * Rapture steps outside
  308. [14:06] <Rapture> "Morrigan, would you send someone to pick us up please?"
  309. [14:07] <Rapture> "We simply need to wait for our friends to arrive, and then everything will be all right."
  310. [14:08] <Rapture> You begin to lose feeling in your legs
  311. [14:09] <Witch> "My legs..."
  312. [14:10] <Rapture> "Shh... shh, my sweet child."
  313. [14:10] <Rapture> "Rest for now. It will all be over soon."
  314. [14:10] <Rapture> "This is so much easier than hurting people."
  315. [14:11] * Witch leans against Rapture
  316. [14:11] <Rapture> "Here, sit with me."
  317. [14:11] * Rapture leads Witch to a bench facing the parking lot
  318. [14:12] * Witch leans on Raptures lap and closes her eyes
  319. [14:12] * Rapture strokes Witch's hair and murmurs softly to her while waiting for a vehicle to arrive
  320. [14:13] <Rapture> "Everything is alright, dear child. Rest."
  321. [14:13] <Rapture> "I'm right here."
  322. [14:14] * Witch rests
  323. [14:14] <Rapture> After a short period, Koan arrives with a truck, and Rapture carries the sleeping Witch into it.
  324. [14:14] <Rapture> "I picked up a stray."
  326. [14:15] <Rapture> ======= TIME SKIP =======
  328. [14:15] <Rapture> You awaken in a soft bed several hours later
  329. [14:16] <Witch> "That bitch power'd me!"
  330. [14:18] <Rapture> Looking around, you appear to be in someone's bedroom. A mirrored vanity, bookcase, and dresser are strewn about the room, along with a door. Noticeably, the room is without windows.
  331. [14:18] <Witch> Did they leave me in my Civvie clothes?
  332. [14:18] <Rapture> Yes
  333. [14:19] <Witch> Good
  334. [14:19] <Witch> Witch tries to open the door
  335. [14:19] <Rapture> It's unlocked
  336. [14:20] <Witch> Witch goes to examine her kidnappers' chambers
  337. [14:20] <Rapture> You step out into a hallway filled with identical doors as the one you just came through
  338. [14:21] <Witch> "..."
  339. [14:21] <Witch> "Hello? Kidnappers?"
  340. [14:21] <Rapture> One end of the hallway ends with a decorating statue in an alcove, and the other seems to lead to a much larger room
  341. [14:21] <Witch> Let's go to the bigger room
  342. [14:22] <Rapture> You get the feeling the place is meant as a lounge area. Several couches are arranged in a circle around a currently-extinguished fireplace in one of the walls, with a man snoring gently and lying on one of them.
  343. [14:23] <Witch> Witch takes out the extra pen and paper she keeps in her pockets and begins drawing a symbol
  344. [14:24] <Witch> "Hello?"
  345. [14:24] <Koan> "Huh?"
  346. [14:24] <Koan> "Oh, shoot!"
  347. [14:24] * Koan jumps to his feet in a panic
  348. [14:24] <Koan> "Please don't tell anyone I fell asleep!"
  349. [14:25] <Witch> "..."
  350. [14:25] <Witch> "You kidnapped me"
  351. [14:25] <Koan> "Aww shoot, Mor already knows, doesn't she?"
  352. [14:25] <Koan> "That wasn't a question, don't answer that!"
  353. [14:25] <Koan> "Uh..."
  354. [14:25] <Koan> "Okay, okay okay, what was I supposed to... ?"
  355. [14:25] <Witch> "..."
  356. [14:25] <Koan> "Not asking you, you don't need to answer!"
  357. [14:26] <Witch> "Where am I?"
  358. [14:26] <Witch> "Why was I taken here?"
  359. [14:26] <Koan> "Right, yes! Q&A, that was one of the first things!"
  360. [14:26] <Koan> "Thanks for the reminder!"
  361. [14:26] <Witch> "..."
  362. [14:27] <Witch> "I think that I can legally hold you accountable for drugging and kidnapping a minor"
  363. [14:27] <Koan> "Alright, you're in the barracks, and..."
  364. [14:27] <Koan> "And I'm out of costume. Crud."
  365. [14:27] <Koan> "Wow I am really blowing this."
  366. [14:28] <Koan> "Okay, uh, what was the first question again?"
  367. [14:28] <Koan> "Wait no!"
  368. [14:28] <Koan> "You don't need to answer!"
  369. [14:28] <Koan> "Okay, um..."
  370. [14:28] <Koan> "Rapture said you needed looking after."
  371. [14:29] <Koan> "This is home base."
  372. [14:29] <Koan> "And... please don't try and arrest us?"
  373. [14:29] <Koan> "That wasn't a question either!"
  374. [14:29] <Koan> "More a... request."
  375. [14:29] <Koan> "Do those count?"
  376. [14:29] <Witch> "Why shouldn't I?"
  377. [14:29] <Koan> "Shoot no!"
  378. [14:29] <Koan> "Wasn't asking you, was asking myself if..."
  379. [14:30] <Witch> "Stop talking and answer my questions please"
  380. [14:30] <Koan> "Because I... said... please?"
  381. [14:30] <Witch> "..."
  382. [14:30] <Koan> "Look. Parahuman. Right?"
  383. [14:30] <Witch> "You're not great at this"
  384. [14:30] * Koan slaps his forehead
  385. [14:30] <Witch> "Is there anybody else I can talk to?"
  386. [14:30] <Koan> "Not a question. You're parahuman."
  387. [14:31] <Koan> "Darn it, no, I have this under control!"
  388. [14:31] <Koan> "You're a parahuman."
  389. [14:31] <Koan> "Rapture seems to think you're a pretty powerful one."
  390. [14:31] <Koan> "Stop me if I say something wrong."
  391. [14:31] <Witch> "Rapture knows nothing about me"
  392. [14:32] <Koan> "You sure?"
  393. [14:32] <Witch> "She attacked me and kidnapped me here after drugging me"
  394. [14:32] <Koan> "Shoot, no!"
  395. [14:32] <Koan> "I meant, don't be sure!"
  396. [14:32] <Koan> "I mean..."
  397. [14:32] <Koan> "Ugh!"
  398. [14:32] <Witch> "..."
  399. [14:32] <Witch> "You're the guy who asks a lot of questions"
  400. [14:33] <Koan> "I'm trying very very hard not to right now."
  401. [14:33] <Koan> "And also seriously regretting not wearing my costume."
  402. [14:33] <Koan> "I mean, oh man, I have basically screwed up my whole job here."
  403. [14:33] <Witch> "Yeah you have"
  404. [14:33] <Koan> "I was supposed to help you figure out what's going on."
  405. [14:34] <Koan> "Let you make a decision."
  406. [14:34] <Witch> "About what?"
  407. [14:34] <Koan> "Rapture likes you. Thinks you'd be better off on our side of the moral divide."
  408. [14:34] <Witch> "What do you mean?"
  409. [14:35] <Koan> "Skylark's already got a name picked out for you if you decide to go villain."
  410. [14:35] <Witch> "Excuse me?"
  411. [14:35] <Witch> "What the hell!?"
  412. [14:35] <Koan> "I know, right?"
  413. [14:35] <Koan> "Wait no."
  414. [14:35] <Koan> "I know!"
  415. [14:35] <Witch> "I'm a darn surgeon!"
  416. [14:35] <Witch> "I work for the heroes!"
  417. [14:36] <Koan> "With a pain power."
  418. [14:36] <Witch> "What power?"
  419. [14:36] <Koan> "The thing you did to Rapture, with the paper."
  420. [14:36] <Witch> "I don't know what you could possibly be talking about"
  421. [14:37] <Koan> "Sure you don't."
  422. [14:37] <Witch> "From my point of view all I said is I wouldn't let her stay in the hospital when she wasn't sick"
  423. [14:37] <Witch> "And then she used her power on me illegally and took me her"
  424. [14:37] <Koan> "She's injured. That should be enough."
  425. [14:37] <Koan> "Took on a Brute... I think he's officially a 10 or 11 by now?"
  426. [14:38] <Koan> "Not asking!"
  427. [14:38] <Koan> "If you'd like, the door's right over there. Rapture wanted to at least extend the invitation."
  428. [14:38] <Witch> "She wasn't injured enough to stay in a hospital"
  429. [14:39] <Witch> "Give me one reason why shouldn't I sue you right now"
  430. [14:40] <Koan> "If I wanted you dead or gone, you'd never be able to make it that far."
  431. [14:40] <Koan> "Please listen to me."
  432. [14:40] <Witch> "Threatening me?"
  433. [14:40] <Witch> "That's gonna look good for your PR"
  434. [14:40] <Koan> "If you want to go, the door is right there. But don't do anything too rash."
  435. [14:41] <Witch> "Rash?"
  436. [14:41] <Witch> "Like kidnapping somebody because you disagree with them?"
  437. [14:41] <Koan> "She could have-!"
  438. [14:41] * Koan sighs
  439. [14:42] <Koan> "Fine. Go. Door's right over there."
  440. [14:43] <Witch> "Heroes my ass"
  441. [14:44] <Witch> "You aren't even trying"
  442. [14:44] <Koan> "Go back to your regular not-quite-villain life, then."
  443. [14:44] <Koan> "I'm sure we'll meet again if you do so."
  444. [14:45] <Witch> "This is the worst recruiting attempt I've seen in my life"
  445. [14:45] <Koan> "I'm not supposed to be recruiting people, okay!?"
  446. [14:45] <Koan> "Shoot."
  447. [14:45] <Koan> "I'm not supposed to be recruiting people."
  448. [14:45] <Witch> "Who is?"
  449. [14:46] <Koan> "Does it-?"
  450. [14:46] * Koan flinches
  451. [14:46] <Koan> "Doesn't matter."
  452. [14:46] <Koan> "You said no. So leave."
  453. [14:47] <Witch> "Wow"
  454. [14:47] <Witch> "You're like a bad telemarketer"
  455. [14:47] <Koan> "Go back to doctors not-quite-hating you enough to avoid you entirely."
  456. [14:47] <Koan> "To using pain powers on innocent people."
  457. [14:47] <Koan> "Not even innocents. On HEROES!"
  458. [14:48] <Koan> "Having powers doesn't make you know what being a hero is."
  459. [14:48] <Witch> "I don't have a pain power"
  460. [14:48] <Witch> "It's completely different than that"
  461. [14:49] <Koan> "I get the feeling you're waiting for an invitation to share."
  462. [14:49] <Witch> "I can wait until one of the *good* recruiters show up"
  463. [14:50] <Witch> "Is there a phone so I can call my lawyer?"
  464. [14:51] <Koan> "You don't have a lawyer."
  465. [14:51] <Witch> "I do"
  466. [14:51] <Koan> "Look."
  467. [14:51] <Witch> "I'm a Parahuman too. You have no idea what trouble I can get in for performing surgery on people with my powers"
  468. [14:52] <Koan> "You said no."
  469. [14:52] <Koan> "Leaving it at that is an option."
  470. [14:52] <Witch> *tch*
  471. [14:52] <Koan> "Go home."
  472. [14:52] <Witch> "Just because you really really are a bad recruiter..."
  473. [14:52] <Witch> "No"
  474. [14:52] <Witch> "I want to talk to Rapture"
  475. [14:52] <Koan> "Rapture's busy."
  476. [14:53] <Witch> "Like I said"
  477. [14:53] <Witch> "I can wait"
  478. [14:53] <Koan> "How long?"
  479. [14:53] <Koan> "Shoot!"
  480. [14:54] <Witch> "If you'd want to recruit me then it'd make sense to accommodate me here"
  481. [14:54] <Witch> "Are you afraid of accidentally using your power on me?"
  482. [14:54] <Koan> "Oh, I've been doing that this whole time."
  483. [14:55] <Koan> "It's pretty new to me, to be honest. Still getting the hang of it."
  484. [14:55] <Witch> "Mhmm"
  485. [14:56] <Witch> "Have you heard of Equivalent Exchange Koan?"
  486. [14:56] <Koan> "Yeah, sure"
  487. [14:56] <Koan> "Wh-?"
  488. [14:56] * Koan claps a hand over his mouth before he can finish
  489. [14:57] <Koan> "Please explain your reason for asking."
  490. [15:06] <Witch> "Question:"
  491. [15:06] <Witch> "What if I told you I could render you able to toggle your ability to ask questions?"
  492. [15:07] <Witch> "You could turn off and on your question asking ability so never mistakenly asked your team mates"
  493. [15:07] <Koan> "I would be pretty suspicious."
  494. [15:07] <Witch> "There would be a cost"
  495. [15:07] <Koan> "And probably not believe you either."
  496. [15:08] <Witch> "How about the ability to taste sweetness?"
  497. [15:08] <Witch> "The loss of that entirely"
  498. [15:08] * Koan blinks in confusion
  499. [15:09] <Witch> "Would you be interested in making the trade?"
  500. [15:09] <Koan> "I would not."
  501. [15:10] <Witch> "Suit yourself"
  502. [15:10] <Witch> "Option stands"
  503. [15:10] <Koan> "I don't believe you."
  504. [15:11] <Witch> "Too expensive a trade?"
  505. [15:11] <Witch> "Shame"
  506. [15:12] * Witch puts the last touches on her symbol
  507. [15:12] * Koan gets up and backs away slightly
  508. [15:13] <Witch> "I'm the victim here Koan, remember that"
  509. [15:13] <Koan> "No you're not."
  510. [15:13] <Koan> "You're a villain."
  511. [15:13] <Koan> "I tried. Sorry Rapture."
  512. [15:13] <Witch> "How do you define being a villain?"
  513. [15:13] <Witch> "I'm a sociopath"
  514. [15:13] <Witch> "It's a condition"
  515. [15:13] <Koan> "How do you define being a hero?"
  516. [15:14] <Witch> "I'm asking you"
  517. [15:14] <Koan> "I'm asking back."
  518. [15:14] <Witch> "I have done absolutely nothing to deserve being called a villain"
  519. [15:14] <Koan> "Pain rune, unprovoked, on a hero."
  520. [15:15] <Koan> "Probably a ridiculous amount of malpractice."
  521. [15:15] <Witch> "Unprovoked?"
  522. [15:15] <Koan> "I could get Morrigan to find me a list."
  523. [15:15] <Witch> "That's a bit presumptuous"
  524. [15:15] <Koan> "Rapture doesn't provoke people."
  525. [15:16] <Koan> "If things got to that point between you, I know where the blame lies."
  526. [15:16] <Witch> "It's so simple when you only look at one person's point of view"
  527. [15:17] <Koan> "I'm sure it must be for you."
  528. [15:17] * Witch shrugs
  529. [15:18] <Witch> "I want to talk to Rapture, then I'll leave"
  530. [15:18] <Koan> "Rapture is in the hospital."
  531. [15:18] <Koan> "Getting her wounds tended to."
  532. [15:19] <Witch> "Shame"
  533. [15:19] <Witch> "I'll visit her there then"
  534. [15:19] <Witch> "Know if she's still at my hospital or...?"
  535. [15:20] <Koan> "I'm not telling you where to find her."
  536. [15:20] <Koan> "For what should be obvious reasons."
  537. [15:20] <Witch> "Why not?"
  538. [15:20] <Witch> "I seem to recall she was the one who used her power on me in a case of assault with a Parahuman ability"
  539. [15:21] <Koan> "Recall whatever you like."
  540. [15:21] <Witch> "You're not very charismatic for a hero"
  541. [15:21] * Witch pulls her phone out of her pocket
  542. [15:21] <Koan> "I don't have much experience with it. Sue me."
  543. [15:21] * Koan shrugs
  544. [15:22] * Witch begins dialing her hospital
  545. [15:22] <Koan> "Who you calling?"
  546. [15:22] <Koan> "Do they know where you are?"
  547. [15:22] <Koan> "Will they come get you even if they did?"
  548. [15:22] <Witch> "I don't get a choice but to answer, don't I?"
  549. [15:22] <Witch> "Maybe Maybe Maybe?"
  550. [15:22] <Koan> "You know the answers already. Don't you?"
  551. [15:23] <Witch> "I'd like to think that I do"
  552. [15:23] <Koan> "Why?"
  553. [15:23] * Witch plugs her ears
  554. [15:23] <Witch> "Cause I'm smart"
  555. [15:23] <Witch> "Hello, Hospital?"
  556. [15:23] * Koan shakes his head slowly, and withdraws a grenade
  557. [15:24] <Koan> "It's hard, you know."
  558. [15:24] <Koan> "Really really hard."
  559. [15:24] <Witch> "It's Dr Kelly"
  560. [15:24] <Witch> "I'd like to know if Rapture was ever reported leaving my care?"
  561. [15:24] <Witch> "And if she fully left the hospital"
  562. [15:25] <Doctor> "Records indicate that the parahuman Rapture is indeed still under your jurisdiction."
  563. [15:26] <Witch> "Can you confirm she is receiving medical care inside of the building right now?"
  564. [15:26] <Doctor> "Ah... is she not with you?"
  565. [15:27] <Witch> "No, I've been kidnapped it seems"
  566. [15:27] <Witch> "Long story"
  567. [15:27] <Koan> "Is it, really?"
  568. [15:27] <Koan> "Are you sure?"
  569. [15:27] * Witch begins humming
  570. [15:27] <Koan> "I'm trying to help you off this path."
  571. [15:28] <Witch> "I've not been unreasonable in my requests"
  572. [15:28] <Koan> "Really?"
  573. [15:28] <Koan> "Are you sure?"
  574. [15:28] <Koan> "How many people have you hurt?"
  575. [15:28] <Witch> "Asking to see somebody other than you? The newbie who isn't supposed to recruit?"
  576. [15:28] <Koan> "How many people are you GOING TO?"
  577. [15:29] <Witch> "I have no plan of hurting anybody"
  578. [15:29] <Koan> "The others are hospitalized."
  579. [15:29] <Koan> "After an event involving a certain double-digits Brute."
  580. [15:29] <Witch> "They're still better than you at recruiting I'd bet"
  581. [15:29] <Witch> "Even while hospitalized"
  582. [15:29] <Koan> "Mmm... no, I don't think so."
  583. [15:30] <Koan> "I think most of them would have gotten fed up with you QUITE some time ago."
  584. [15:30] <Koan> "Leave. You obviously don't want to be here."
  585. [15:30] <Witch> "No fuck you, you're not ruining my chances to be a hero with your whining"
  586. [15:31] <Koan> "You aren't a hero."
  587. [15:32] <Witch> "Not if somebody fails to recruit me"
  588. [15:33] <Koan> "What do you want me to say?"
  589. [15:33] <Koan> "I give up."
  590. [15:33] <Witch> "Great"
  591. [15:33] <Koan> "Carry on down your merry path to the dark side."
  592. [15:33] <Witch> "I'll wait to talk to another one of your team"
  593. [15:34] <Witch> "I have a few months"
  594. [15:34] <Koan> "I assure you, none of them are likely to try particularly hard after this."
  595. [15:34] <Witch> "In the meantime"
  596. [15:35] <Witch> "Tell you what@
  597. [15:35] <Witch> "Stick out your hand"
  598. [15:35] <Koan> "No."
  599. [15:35] <Witch> "And trust me"
  600. [15:35] <Witch> "And I'll show you I can be a hero"
  601. [15:35] <Koan> "I don't trust villains."
  602. [15:36] <Witch> "I've operated on more Heroes than you can imagine"
  603. [15:36] <Koan> "The same way you operated on Rapture?"
  604. [15:37] <Witch> "I've used my power only twice to inflict pain"
  605. [15:37] <Witch> "Both simply to prove a point"
  606. [15:37] <Witch> "Both removed without causing anything other than a temporary pain"
  607. [15:37] <Koan> "You aren't helping yourself."
  608. [15:38] <Witch> "You hurt people with your powers all the time"
  609. [15:38] * Koan laughs
  610. [15:38] <Witch> "Is it different because they are labelled as villains?"
  611. [15:38] <Koan> "We don't hurt people."
  612. [15:38] <Witch> "I can't do anything to make it up to you, can I?"
  613. [15:39] <Witch> "I'm just forever a villain because I hurt your teammate with some temporary minor shock"
  614. [15:39] <Witch> "I didn't even force them to have the pain"
  615. [15:40] <Witch> "Rapture dropped the note as soon as she wanted to"
  616. [15:41] <Koan> "Just get out of my house. There's clearly nothing for you here. I've pointed out the door several times now."
  617. [15:41] <Witch> "How about a sign of goodwill?"
  618. [15:41] <Witch> "I'm leaving this paper here"
  619. [15:41] <Witch> "While you hold it in your hands you can't ask any questions intentional or non"
  620. [15:41] <Witch> "But you also lose your sense of taste"
  621. [15:42] <Koan> "Go away."
  622. [15:42] <Witch> "I'll be heading back to my hospital to see if Rapture is still labelled as under my care
  623. [15:43] <Witch> "Don't pick that paper up if you don't want to feel it's effects. gloves and stuff won't help if you touch it"
  624. [15:44] <Witch> "It also has my phone number if you want to call me"
  625. [15:44] <Witch> "Cya"
  626. [15:44] * Witch leaves
  627. [15:45] <Koan> "Goodbye, Antagony."
  628. [15:45] <Koan> "Good luck."
  629. [15:45] <Witch> "Name is Witch"
  630. [15:46] <Witch> "Or Morgan if you're going by my civilian name"
  632. [15:46] * Witch heads back to the hospital
  633. [15:48] <Koan> You are now back at the hospital
  634. [15:48] <Witch> "Dr Kelly, reporting in"
  635. [15:49] <Witch> "The call dropped earlier"
  636. [15:49] <Witch> "What room is my patient in?
  637. [15:50] <Doctor> "Room 314, Doctor Kelly."
  638. [15:50] * Witch proceeds to room 314
  639. [15:50] <Rapture> "Hey pal."
  640. [15:50] <Rapture> "Long time no see."
  641. [15:51] <Witch> "Koan is a pretty bad recruiter"
  642. [15:51] * Rapture sighs
  643. [15:51] <Rapture> "I know."
  644. [15:51] <Rapture> "He wasn't really our first choice."
  645. [15:52] <Rapture> "Or our fourth."
  646. [15:52] <Witch> "You think you're not suited to recruit?"
  647. [15:52] <Rapture> "It's not fair when I do it."
  648. [15:52] <Witch> "Well no using your power"
  649. [15:53] <Witch> "Try it without using your powers"
  650. [15:54] <Rapture> "Hiya kids, wanna save the world?"
  651. [15:54] * Rapture laughs
  652. [15:55] <Rapture> "Dial 555-whatever to become an honourary Vanguard."
  654. [16:04] <Witch> "You told Koan I had a pain power?"
  655. [16:05] <Rapture> "Hmm?"
  656. [16:05] <Witch> "That's what you made it sound like to him"
  657. [16:06] <Rapture> "I didn't say anything to him about your power."
  658. [16:06] <Witch> "He knew about what happened in the hospital"
  659. [16:07] <Rapture> "If he knew, then it wouldn't be from me."
  660. [16:07] <Rapture> "Mor, perhaps."
  661. [16:08] <Witch> "Well"
  662. [16:08] <Witch> "He thought I was a complete and utter irredeemable ass"
  663. [16:08] <Rapture> "Did he?"
  664. [16:08] <Rapture> "Mmm."
  665. [16:08] <Witch> "A bit"
  666. [16:09] <Witch> "To be fair I threatened to sue you for kidnapping"
  667. [16:09] <Witch> "Drugging and Kiddnapping a minor"
  668. [16:09] <Rapture> "You weren't drugged."
  669. [16:09] <Witch> "Your power is in essence a drug"
  670. [16:10] <Rapture> "I like to think it has more benevolent uses."
  671. [16:10] <Witch> "Would you rather I say assault with a Parahuman ability and kidnapping?"
  672. [16:10] <Rapture> "Did I harm you?"
  673. [16:10] <Witch> "Irrelevant"
  674. [16:11] <Witch> "You used your power on me and then *kidnapped* me"
  675. [16:11] <Rapture> "That's not assault, my dear."
  676. [16:11] <Rapture> "Nor is taking a sleeping child somewhere she can rest kidnapping."
  677. [16:11] <Witch> "I don't think there is a more relevant term in common use in court"
  678. [16:11] <Rapture> "He let you go, did he not?"
  679. [16:11] <Witch> "Oh bullshit"
  680. [16:11] <Witch> "Taking a sleeping kid to your house?"
  681. [16:12] <Rapture> "Wee you wounded?"
  682. [16:12] <Rapture> "Threatened?"
  683. [16:12] <Witch> "Threatened, yes"
  684. [16:12] <Witch> "He pulled out a grenade"
  685. [16:12] <Rapture> "And what did you say to lead him to do that?"
  686. [16:12] <Witch> "Tried to use his power on me while I made a phone call to this hospital to see where you were"
  687. [16:13] <Rapture> "'Tried'?"
  688. [16:13] <Witch> "I stopped listening"
  689. [16:13] <Witch> "Any way you spin it, highly dubious if not outright illegal"
  690. [16:14] <Rapture> "Except that we're heroes."
  691. [16:14] <Rapture> "Isn't that right?"
  692. [16:14] <Rapture> "Of course we must be right, we're the good guys."
  693. [16:14] <Witch> "What's your point?"
  694. [16:14] <Witch> "It's bad PR"
  695. [16:15] <Rapture> "As bad as being hospitalized for a month after losing a fight against two villains?"
  696. [16:15] <Witch> "Probably worse"
  697. [16:15] <Rapture> "And if your ability to inflict pain comes to light?"
  698. [16:16] <Rapture> "Now we were simply trying to restrain a potential villain-to-be."
  699. [16:16] <Rapture> "Perhaps convince her to join the right side."
  700. [16:17] <Witch> "Look"
  701. [16:17] <Witch> "You want me on the team?"
  702. [16:18] <Witch> "Do you?"
  703. [16:19] <Rapture> "Of course."
  704. [16:19] <Rapture> "Why would I not?"
  705. [16:30] <Witch> "Well then"
  706. [16:30] <Witch> "Sell me on it"
  707. [16:31] <Rapture> "Helping people."
  708. [16:32] <Rapture> "We're the first line of defence between monsters and people."
  709. [16:33] <Rapture> "Even if you don't care about the people themselves, there is something to be said about being thought of as a paragon."
  710. [16:33] <Witch> "Don't care about fame, don't care about giving my life to the monsters"
  711. [16:34] <Rapture> "Money, then."
  712. [16:37] <Witch> "I'mma brain surgeon"
  713. [16:37] <Witch> "I can get money"
  714. [16:37] <Rapture> "It's fun."
  715. [16:37] <Witch> "Why did you want me on your time?"
  716. [16:38] <Witch> "You don't even know what my power does"
  717. [16:38] <Rapture> "I don't care what your power does, child."
  718. [16:38] * Rapture wraps an arm around Witch's shoulders
  719. [16:39] <Witch> "No touching"
  720. [16:39] <Rapture> "I'm not doing anything."
  721. [16:39] <Rapture> "You would know, I think."
  722. [16:40] <Rapture> "Whatever your power is, you deserve a chance to use it for good."
  723. [16:40] <Rapture> "No?"
  724. [16:42] <Witch> "I am"
  725. [16:42] <Witch> "What could I offer your team?"
  726. [16:42] <Witch> "Tell me"
  727. [16:43] <Rapture> "You're a brain surgeon."
  728. [16:43] <Rapture> "That's already a powerful Thinker or Tinker."
  729. [16:44] <Rapture> "You could tell what I meant even without me speaking."
  730. [16:44] <Witch> "What good is that in the field?"
  731. [16:44] <Rapture> "Your debilitation runes."
  732. [16:47] <Witch> "What about them?"
  733. [16:49] <Rapture> "I don't know what the rules are for them. But I highly doubt they are useless."
  734. [16:49] <Rapture> "And even if they are, not every cape needs to take the field."
  735. [16:49] <Witch> "Like Morrigan"
  736. [16:51] <Rapture> "Yes."
  737. [16:54] <Witch> "Rapture..."
  738. [16:55] <Rapture> "Yes, dear?"
  739. [16:56] * Witch hugs Rapture and hides her face
  740. [16:56] * Witch starts sobbing a little
  741. [16:56] * Rapture hugs back
  742. [16:56] <Rapture> "It's alright, my child."
  743. [16:56] <Rapture> "You're safe."
  744. [16:57] <Witch> "My parents died"
  745. [16:57] <Witch> "I have nobody "
  746. [16:57] <Rapture> "You have me."
  747. [16:57] <Rapture> "Whether you accept my offer or not, you have me."
  748. [17:04] <Witch> *sobs*
  749. [17:05] <Rapture> "Be at peace, my dear."
  750. [17:06] <Rapture> "You are safe."
  751. [17:06] <Rapture> "I have you."
  752. [17:06] <Rapture> "And I will never let you go."
  753. [17:09] * Witch begins crying openly
  754. [17:11] <Witch> Between sobs, Witch says
  755. [17:11] <Witch> "You could.. . use ... your power now"
  756. [17:12] <Rapture> "As you wish, my darling child."
  757. [17:12] * Rapture does so
  758. [17:12] <Rapture> "Allow the pain to fade away."
  759. [17:12] * Witch begins wiping her tears away
  760. [17:12] <Rapture> "I've got you."
  761. [17:12] * Witch whispers "I'll join you"
  762. [17:13] <Witch> "I'll join your team"
  763. [17:14] <Rapture> "Then may you never be alone again."
  764. [17:14] <Rapture> "... Would you like to go home, dear?"
  765. [17:14] * Witch slowly lets go of Rapture
  766. [17:14] * Witch nods
  767. [17:15] <Rapture> "Then let us go home."
  768. [17:15] * Rapture offers Witch a hand
  769. [17:16] * Witch takes it
  774. 7:59 PM — Rapture and Witch arrive at the base, with Rapture knocking before entering
  775. 7:59 PM — Witch fidgets a bit uncomfortably
  776. 8:00 PM — Rapture clasps Witch's hand and smiles encouragingly
  777. 8:00 PM <Rapture> "Hey Koan! You lose someone?"
  778. 8:01 PM <Rapture> Koan grumbles a bit under his breath
  779. 8:02 PM <Rapture> "I really am sorry about the whole kidnapping thing, you know."
  780. 8:02 PM <Rapture> "Bit of a... difference between intention and reality."
  781. 8:04 PM <Witch> "S'not your fault"
  782. 8:04 PM <Witch> "I was over reacting"
  783. 8:05 PM <Witch> "Mr Koan?"
  784. 8:05 PM <Witch> "I'm sorry for acting so unbearably stubborn and rude to you"
  785. 8:05 PM <Koan> "Mmhmm?"
  786. 8:05 PM <Witch> "But what I said about that charm is true"
  787. 8:05 PM <Witch> "It works"
  788. 8:06 PM <Koan> "I tossed it in the fire. No offense."
  789. 8:06 PM <Koan> "Deals like that never turn out well."
  790. 8:06 PM <Witch> "None taken"
  791. 8:06 PM <Witch> "But it's how my power works"
  792. 8:07 PM <Witch> "Alters the brain like that"
  793. 8:07 PM — Rapture looks at Witch with newfound interest
  794. 8:07 PM <Rapture> "The runes aren't pain, are they?"
  795. 8:07 PM <Witch> "They're a lot more versatile than that"
  796. 8:08 PM — Witch looks down at the ground and fidgets
  797. 8:08 PM <Witch> "Pretty much anything you can think of"
  798. 8:08 PM <Witch> "I can change the brain temporarily or for a fixed duration or permanently"
  799. 8:09 PM <Rapture> "I... see. By touching with the runes?"
  800. 8:09 PM — Witch nods
  801. 8:10 PM <Witch> "Sorry if I lead you to believe I wasn't strong"
  802. 8:10 PM <Witch> "I guess I am"
  803. 8:10 PM <Rapture> "Do not apologize, my dear."
  804. 8:10 PM <Rapture> "There is something to be said for being thought of as weak."
  805. 8:12 PM — Witch nods
  806. 8:12 PM <Rapture> "... Are you alright?"
  807. 8:13 PM <Witch> "I'm a bit vulnerable"
  808. 8:13 PM <Witch> "Emotionally"
  809. 8:13 PM <Rapture> "What can we do?"
  810. 8:14 PM <Rapture> "Myself, Koan, perhaps Mor if she can make it."
  811. 8:14 PM <Witch> "Just make me feel comfortable and I should start feeling normal again"
  812. 8:15 PM <Rapture> "Television? A shower? A computer, perhaps?"
  813. 8:16 PM <Rapture> "Or would you like to simply sit and think?"
  814. 8:16 PM <Witch> "I'd rather talk"
  815. 8:16 PM <Witch> "About what exactly this all means"
  816. 8:16 PM <Rapture> "Then talk we shall, my darling."
  817. 8:17 PM <Witch> "Koan, if you will allow me I can make another copy of that charm from before"
  818. 8:17 PM <Witch> "So you don't end up accidentally using your power again"
  819. 8:17 PM <Koan> "No need."
  820. 8:18 PM <Koan> "Gotta learn somehow."
  821. 8:18 PM — Witch nods
  822. 8:18 PM <Witch> "I can respect that"
  823. 8:19 PM <Witch> "So... If I were to join the team..."
  824. 8:19 PM <Witch> "What would that entail exactly?"
  825. 8:19 PM <Rapture> "As a member of Vanguard, you would have access to our entire facility."
  826. 8:19 PM — Rapture gestures broadly around them and draws Witch to the couches
  827. 8:20 PM <Rapture> "A monthly paycheck in exchange for keeping the peace, or attempting to at least."
  828. 8:21 PM <Rapture> "All the prestige that comes with being a high-importance hero."
  829. 8:21 PM <Rapture> "And..."
  830. 8:21 PM — Rapture hugs Witch again
  831. 8:21 PM <Rapture> "A family."
  832. 8:21 PM — Witch stifles a sob
  833. 8:22 PM <Witch> *sniff*
  834. 8:22 PM <Witch> "Would uh"
  835. 8:22 PM <Witch> *sniff*
  836. 8:23 PM <Witch> "Do I need to sign a contract or something?"
  837. 8:23 PM <Rapture> "We can work out that later."
  838. 8:24 PM <Rapture> "Money is not the reason you're here, as you said."
  839. 8:24 PM — Witch nods
  840. 8:25 PM <Koan> "Work basically consists of rushing off to stop anyone Morrigan catches doing dastardly deeds."
  841. 8:26 PM <Witch> "And how would I fit into that picture?"
  842. 8:27 PM <Rapture> "However you choose, dearest. Beside myself and Fire taking them on face to face, providing support with Sky, or working behind the scenes with Mor and Koan."
  843. 8:28 PM <Witch> "I don't know what I can do yet"
  844. 8:29 PM <Rapture> "Then perhaps we can work it out as it happens."
  845. 8:30 PM <Witch> "Ok"
  846. 8:32 PM <Rapture> "It is not so urgent that we must work out everything right away."
  847. 8:32 PM — Witch nods
  848. 8:33 PM <Rapture> "Excellent. Now, shall we set you up in one of the empty rooms?"
  849. 8:33 PM <Rapture> "Or is there more you would like to speak of?"
  850. 8:33 PM — Witch 's eyes open wide
  851. 8:34 PM <Witch> "You mean I would stay here?"
  852. 8:35 PM <Rapture> "Er... If you would prefer elsewhere, that can easily be arranged."
  853. 8:35 PM <Witch> "No! I'd *love* to stay here!"
  854. 8:35 PM <Witch> "It's just"
  855. 8:36 PM <Witch> "I need to tell my foster parents first"
  856. 8:38 PM <Witch> "Don't think they'll object to me staying with the Vanguards, but Mom could be a stubborn bi-*cough* - could be stubborn about it"
  857. 8:40 PM <Rapture> "Of course, dearest."
  858. 8:42 PM <Rapture> "Although, for the record, the team as a whole is "Vanguard". Single."
  859. 8:42 PM <Witch> "What do I call the members of this team? I thought Vanguards sounded better than Vanguardians"
  860. 8:43 PM — Rapture smiles
  861. 8:43 PM <Rapture> "A puzzle we can work out with the other members of Vanguard when they return, perhaps."
  862. 8:44 PM <Koan> "Did vanguard stop sounding like a word for anyone else?"
  863. 8:44 PM <Koan> "That was rhetorical!"
  864. 8:44 PM — Witch rolls eyes
  865. 8:45 PM <Witch> "Hey, Rapture?"
  866. 8:45 PM <Rapture> "Yes, my dear?"
  867. 8:46 PM <Witch> "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me, and I'm sorry for antagonizing you earlier"
  868. 8:47 PM <Rapture> "Do not apologize, darling. You followed the most sensible course of action, based on your knowledge."
  869. 8:49 PM <Witch> "I'm going to call my foster parents"
  870. 8:49 PM <Witch> "Ask if I can stay over here"
  871. 8:49 PM <Witch> "They're liable to want to talk to you"
  872. 8:50 PM <Rapture> "By all means. If you would like, I can come with you to collect your things as well."
  873. 8:50 PM <Witch> "Ok?"
  874. 8:50 PM <Rapture> "Certainly."
  875. 8:50 PM <Witch> "Great!"
  876. 8:51 PM <Rapture> Koan procures a phone from somewhere and tosses it to you
  877. 8:51 PM — Witch steps aside and calls parents
  879. 8:54 PM <Rapture> ((Jump-cuts seem to have solved all our issues so far, so wanna just skip it?))
  880. 8:54 PM <•Witch> < aight >
  881. 8:54 PM <•Witch> < you tell me the end result >
  882. 8:55 PM <Rapture> ((You now have parental permission to live with strangers who kidnapped you earlier this morning))
  883. 8:56 PM <•Witch> < Local celebrity strangers with good PR >
  885. 8:56 PM <Witch> "They said I can stay!"
  886. 8:57 PM <Rapture> "Excellent."
  887. 8:57 PM <Witch> "I don't need anything from home if you have a bed and computer her I could use. I carry most everything else on me"
  888. 8:58 PM — Rapture gives Witch another hug
  889. 8:58 PM <Rapture> "We do indeed."
  890. 8:58 PM <Witch> *sniff*
  891. 8:58 PM <Witch> "Stop doing that, you're making me sappy"
  892. 8:59 PM <Rapture> "That's what I do, darling."
  893. 8:59 PM <Koan> "It kind of is, yeah."
  894. 9:00 PM — Witch smiles
  895. 9:01 PM <Koan> "Do you know how many meetings have been interrupted when Rapture decided to try and just hug it out?"
  896. 9:01 PM <Witch> "No"
  897. 9:01 PM <Koan> "Wait no."
  898. 9:01 PM <Koan> "You WOULDN'T know how many blah blah all of the above happened."
  899. 9:02 PM <Witch> "Mhmm"
  900. 9:04 PM <Rapture> "Well then. If that all is taken care of..."
  901. 9:05 PM <Rapture> "Would you like a chance to settle down for a bit, or shall we continue to discuss matters?"
  902. 9:06 PM <Witch> "Whichever is easier for you"
  903. 9:07 PM <Rapture> "It is entirely your decision, dearest. Do you have any more concerns I can address for you?"
  904. 9:08 PM <Witch> "How long will the others be in the hospital?"
  905. 9:10 PM <Rapture> "Sky originally intended a month or so, based on the... psychological effects of the fight, as well as the physical."
  906. 9:11 PM <Rapture> "Fire will likely be longer."
  907. 9:11 PM <Witch> "Can I help with the psychology stuff?"
  908. 9:14 PM <Rapture> "You could, perhaps, but we still want to appear reeling. Fire is severely wounded, and if Sky and myself were nonresponsive as well, the other two could feasibly be excused from attempting revenge."
  909. 9:14 PM <Rapture> "As is, we don't want to act without Fire, and he's hurting. Badly."
  910. 9:15 PM <Witch> "Ok"
  911. 9:15 PM <Rapture> "I'm tough, but that thing hits like a freight train. Fire didn't even get a chance to see him coming."
  912. 9:15 PM <Rapture> "And of course, the more time we keep back, the more Mor can work out a solution."
  913. 9:17 PM — Witch nods thoughtfully
  914. 9:20 PM <Rapture> "Speaking of. Our... opponents, in this scuffle you're being told so much about."
  915. 9:21 PM <Rapture> "Would you care to be told right now, or perhaps just sit a while longer?"
  916. 9:21 PM <Witch> "Uh"
  917. 9:21 PM <Witch> "Sitting please"
  918. 9:21 PM <Rapture> "Excellent."
  919. 9:22 PM — Rapture wraps an arm around Witch's shoulders and pulls her close
  920. 9:22 PM <Rapture> "Then for now, child, rest."
  921. 9:24 PM — Witch leans in and whispers
  922. 9:24 PM <Witch> "Thank you, you've been the best motherly figure I've ever had"
  923. 9:24 PM — Rapture smiles warmly
  924. 9:25 PM <Rapture> "Thank you, my precious child."
  925. 9:27 PM <Witch> "I'm going to go rest in that room you talked about"
  926. 9:27 PM <Witch> "A lot is happening so fast"
  927. 9:28 PM <Rapture> "Of course. If there is anything you need, Koan or myself would be happy to oblige."
  928. 9:28 PM <Rapture> "Yours will be the second door on the right. Is that alright?"
  929. 9:29 PM <•Witch> "Yes, of course"
  930. 9:29 PM — •Witch curtsies and heads off into her room
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