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Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. 10. Repeated derision and backhand compliments of any country not named the United States
  2. 9. The repeated reliance on mentioning how war-torn various nations are or have been instead of mentioning their athletes
  3. 8. Commenting on North Korea by mocking Kim Jong-Il's alleged 11-holes-in-one golf game after they have already caused a delay in competition after percieved political slights
  4. 7. Four-hour tape delay in the social-media era
  5. 6. Spoiling the cauldron lighting
  6. 5. Inserting Idi Amin into conversation as Uganda was marching
  7. 4. Speculating that the Maldives can fight rising sea levels by winning medals
  8. 3. Giving zero camera time to Barbados and Ukraine
  9. 2. Cutting of the athletes', coaches' and judges' oaths
  10. 1. Cutting of the London bombing memorial segment for a Michael Phelps interview
  12. Dishonorable mentions:
  13. * Referring to San Marino as "sort of an island"
  14. * Going to commercial in the middle of a segment
  15. *Stated speculation that Greece will never host the Olympics again
  16. *Referring to Borat as Kazakhstan marched
  17. *Making the Djibouti joke during a major world cultural event
  18. *Spoiling the industrial-era and National Health Service segments right as they were beginning
  19. *Making a big deal over the lack of a minute of silence for the victims of Munich
  20. *Repeated mangling of countries' names
  21. *Making reference to the Falklands War as Argentina marched
  22. *24 commercial breaks
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