
No audio

Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3c1e0d14 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  2. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{323fd9bd V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  3. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3eb57bb2 V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  4. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{1ca21703 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  5. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2358e680 V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  6. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2a1554b9 V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  7. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2afba0fe V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  8. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3aa5205f V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  9. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{30a5eaac V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  10. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{312d8375 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  11. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2feccf0a V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  12. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{3aa5637b V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  13. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{8dd0598 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  14. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{95fe1f1 V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  15. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2610d1d6 V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  16. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{369cbc57 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  17. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{468e344 V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  18. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{207fac2d V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  19. I/Timeline( 6436): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@91b1f16 time:524399
  20. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for service pid=6474 uid=10049 gids={50049, 9997, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1023, 1015, 1005, 1007, 3007, 2001, 3006} abi=armeabi-v7a
  21. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  22. W/ResourcesManager( 6474): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  23. W/ResourcesManager( 6474): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  24. I/MultiDex( 6474): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  25. I/MultiDex( 6474): install
  26. I/MultiDex( 6474): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  27. I/ProviderInstaller( 6474): Insert disabled by gate 'gms:security:enable_conscrypt_in_gms_application'
  28. D/GCM ( 1289): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  29. D/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 1289): Received GmsCore event: Intent { flg=0x10$AutoStarter }.
  30. D/c ( 1289): Getting all permits...
  31. D/a ( 1289): Opening database...
  32. D/a ( 1289): Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
  33. D/a ( 1289): Closing database...
  34. D/LocationInitializer( 4051): Restart initialization of location
  35. E/SQLiteLog( 6474): (284) automatic index on assetrefs(dataitems_id)
  36. I/Gmail ( 5715): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 2206684, normalSync: true
  37. W/ResourcesManager( 5715): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  38. W/ResourcesManager( 5715): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  39. I/art ( 542): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13674(782KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(80KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 1.831ms total 177.276ms
  40. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  41. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  42. I/art ( 6357): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 69927(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 44% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 5.310ms total 71.655ms
  43. I/art ( 542): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3862(189KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 2.288ms total 140.808ms
  44. I/CalendarProvider2( 6106): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// }
  45. W/ContentResolver( 6106): Failed to get type for: content:// (Unknown URL content://
  46. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for broadcast pid=6503 uid=10021 gids={50021, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  47. D/ExtensionsFactory( 6503): No custom extensions.
  48. D/AlertReceiver( 6503): onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content:// flg=0x10 }
  49. D/AlertService( 6503): 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
  50. I/Gmail ( 5715): Received Ad with event id: ChMIiJfOkaS1wwIVCOCMCh0ypgC1EAaYmOGuAgE
  51. I/Gmail ( 5715): MainSyncRequestProto: lowestBkwdConvoId: 0, highestHandledServerOp: 2206690, normalSync: true
  52. I/Gmail ( 5715): lowestBackward conversation id 0
  53. I/Gmail ( 5715): notifyAccountChanged
  54. W/Gmail ( 5715): Sync complete for account: account:625928954
  55. I/Gmail ( 5715): getAccountsCursor
  56. V/AccountUtils( 4051): 0 accounts found with uca feature
  57. I/Icing ( 4051): Indexing E8E10B5DB3803C5B6363E931F10436D429268003 from
  58. I/GlobalDismissManager( 6503): no sender configured
  59. D/AlertService( 6503): Beginning updateAlertNotification
  60. D/AlertService( 6503): No fired or scheduled alerts
  61. D/AlertService( 6503): Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. sEventReminderReceived: null
  62. D/AlarmScheduler( 6503): Query result count for events starting within 1 week: 1
  63. D/AlarmScheduler( 6503): Scheduling alarm for EVENT_REMINDER_APP broadcast for event 57 at 1422486200695 (Wed, Jan 28, 2015 06:03pm)
  64. I/Icing ( 4051): Indexing done E8E10B5DB3803C5B6363E931F10436D429268003
  65. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_unsol_ind_cb: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_unsol_ind_cb ....... Remote modem(1) Msg ID 0x51, Client ID 3
  66. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x51, RX Msg Len 6
  67. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS(3), Remote modem(1), Indication(2), Msg ID 0x51
  68. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_indication: Sending QMI NAS(3), Indication, Msg ID 0x51 to Client 3, Conn ID 19
  69. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_indication: Sending QMI indication to QMI Proxy Client on [fd=11]
  70. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_send_response_to_clients: QMUX header I/F(1), length(18) control flag(�) service type(3) client id(3), fd(11)
  71. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_process_client_msg: QMUX header I/F(1), length(12) control flag(
  72. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_process_client_msg: recevied request from client on fd = 11 with msg_len =7
  73. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request: qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request ....... QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, RX Msg Len 0
  74. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, RX Msg Len 0
  75. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: Skip decoding of QMI NAS(3), Request(0), Msg ID 0x4f with zero payload for client 3
  76. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr ....... Msg ID 0x4f
  77. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: Txn List for QMI NAS(3):
  78. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: Txn Rec[0] (Txn Key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 63, User Data valid 0, User Data 0x0)
  79. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: ... Remote modem(1) : Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Msg Len 0
  80. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_alloc_txn_data: Txn Setup (Txn Key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 63, Async State 0)
  81. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_dispatch_txn: Txn Entry Dispatched (Remote modem(1), Txn key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 63, Async State 0)
  82. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_free: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
  83. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: qmi_proxy_complete_txn ....... (Remote modem(1), Txn Key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x4f)
  84. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref: qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref ....... returning 1101347904
  85. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: Txn Entry Completed Success (Remote modem(1), Txn Key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 63)
  86. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: All Txn Entries Completed Success (Txn Key 0x30061, Txn ID 97, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 63)
  87. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS(3), Remote modem(1), Response(1), Msg ID 0x4f
  88. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_response: Sending QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x4f to Client 3, Conn ID 19, RX Txn ID 63
  89. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_response: Sending QMI SRVC response to QMI Proxy Client, [fd=11]
  90. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_send_response_to_clients: QMUX header I/F(1), length(30) control flag(�) service type(3) client id(3), fd(11)
  91. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_free: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
  92. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  93. E/SQLiteLog( 6357): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_46A3CAB0(STAT_DATA_ID)
  94. E/SQLiteLog( 6357): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_46A3C060(STAT_DATA_ID)
  95. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  96. E/WifiStateMachine( 542): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=1.50 rxSuccessRate=2.54 targetRoamBSSID=c2:3f:0e:69:a3:cf RSSI=-38
  97. I/wpa_supplicant( 796): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED
  98. W/AudioTrack( 542): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
  99. E/AudioTrack( 542): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  100. D/AwesomePlayer( 232): printFileName fd(27) -> /storage/sdcard0/Music/Breathe Carolina - See You Again (Miley Cyrus) Punk Goes Pop Volume 2..mp3
  101. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  102. W/Utils ( 232): bool android::canOffloadStream(const android::sp<android::MetaData>&, bool, const android::sp<android::MetaData>&, bool, audio_stream_type_t) No sample bit depth info in meta data
  103. E/AwesomePlayer( 232): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
  104. D/OMXCodec( 232): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
  105. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 8192 on input port
  106. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x41824470 on input port
  107. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x41824510 on input port
  108. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x41824560 on input port
  109. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x418245b0 on input port
  110. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 9216 on output port
  111. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x41824600 on output port
  112. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x418246a0 on output port
  113. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x418246f0 on output port
  114. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x41824740 on output port
  115. E/MediaPlayer( 6436): Should have subtitle controller already set
  116. E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 6436): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
  117. I/HeadsetService( 1040): New audio session: 54
  118. D/AwesomePlayer( 232): printFileName fd(31) -> /storage/sdcard0/Music/Camera Shy -School Boy Humor (Lyrics).mp3
  119. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  120. W/Utils ( 232): bool android::canOffloadStream(const android::sp<android::MetaData>&, bool, const android::sp<android::MetaData>&, bool, audio_stream_type_t) No sample bit depth info in meta data
  121. E/AwesomePlayer( 232): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
  122. D/OMXCodec( 232): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
  123. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 8192 on input port
  124. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a3d0 on input port
  125. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a470 on input port
  126. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a4c0 on input port
  127. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a510 on input port
  128. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocating 4 buffers of size 9216 on output port
  129. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a560 on output port
  130. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a600 on output port
  131. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a650 on output port
  132. I/OMXCodec( 232): [] allocated buffer 0x4282a6a0 on output port
  133. E/MediaPlayer( 6436): Should have subtitle controller already set
  134. I/MediaFocusControl( 542): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from
  135. E/AudioService( 542): Player entry present, no need to add
  136. V/AudioService( 542): updating focussed RCC change to RCD:
  137. E/AwesomePlayer( 232): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
  138. E/AwesomePlayer( 232): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
  139. I/AudioPlayer( 232): start of Playback, useOffload 0
  140. E/AudioTrack( 232): AudioTrack::set : Exit
  141. I/HeadsetService( 1040): New audio session: 54
  142. I/ActivityManager( 542): START u0 { flg=0x4000000} from uid 10061 on display 0
  143. E/MediaPlayer( 6436): Should have subtitle controller already set
  144. E/MediaPlayer( 6436): Should have subtitle controller already set
  145. W/art ( 542): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=0 for 176ms
  146. W/art ( 542): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=2 for 166ms
  147. W/art ( 542): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void from waiters=3 for 130ms
  148. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{1ca21703 V.ED.... ......ID 430,20-480,41 #7f0c003a app:id/duration} during layout: running second layout pass
  149. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2358e680 V.ED.... ......ID 0,11-430,43 #7f0c0015 app:id/line1} during layout: running second layout pass
  150. W/View ( 6436): requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.TextView{2a1554b9 V.ED.... ......ID 0,43-430,68 #7f0c0016 app:id/line2} during layout: running second layout pass
  151. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6106) has died
  152. V/PhoneStatusBar( 806): setLightsOn(true)
  153. I/ActivityManager( 542): Displayed +708ms
  154. I/Timeline( 542): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{11e83439 u0 t22} time:542799
  155. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  156. I/Timeline( 6436): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3b834464 time:542820
  157. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  158. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  159. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  160. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  161. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  162. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  163. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  164. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  165. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  166. D/ExtendedUtils( 232): extended extractor not needed, return default
  167. E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 232): failed to extract an album art
  168. I/ValidateNoPeople( 542): skipping global notification
  169. I/EntropyMixer( 542): Writing entropy...
  170. I/art ( 542): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15843(906KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(450KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/20MB, paused 2.685ms total 186.096ms
  171. I/iu.Environment( 4051): update battery state; isPlugged? true*
  172. I/iu.UploadsManager( 4051): num queued entries: 0
  173. I/iu.UploadsManager( 4051): num updated entries: 0
  174. I/iu.SyncManager( 4051): NEXT; no task
  175. I/GCoreUlr( 1591): Starting service, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, extras=Bundle[{receiverAction=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED}]
  176. I/GCoreUlr( 1591): WorldUpdater received intent Intent { (has extras) } with receiverAction android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
  177. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 4051): Start processing all media
  178. I/iu.FingerprintManager( 4051): Start processing media store URI: content://media/external/images/media
  179. I/GCoreUlr( 1591): No GCM registration ID
  180. I/GCoreUlr( 1591): Ensuring that reporting is stopped because of reasons: {account#14#=[InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=12, mName='LocationDisabled'}, InactiveReason{mVersionCode=0, mIdentifier=6, mName='ReportingNotSelected'}]}
  181. D/GCoreFlp( 1591): Unknown pending intent to remove.
  182. I/GCoreUlr( 1591): Unbound from all location providers
  183. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for broadcast pid=6555 uid=10054 gids={50054, 9997, 3003, 3001, 1028, 1023, 3002, 1015, 1005} abi=armeabi-v7a
  184. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6503) has died
  185. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 5715) has died
  186. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for content provider pid=6575 uid=10050 gids={50050, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  187. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6555) has died
  188. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6575) has died
  189. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6474) has died
  190. W/ActivityManager( 542): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 4000ms
  191. I/WindowState( 542): WIN DEATH: Window{10eed03d u0}
  192. W/art ( 542): Long monitor contention event with owner method=void$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied() from waiters=0 for 232ms
  193. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 4892) has died
  194. I/art ( 806): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12948(653KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(125KB) LOS objects, 8% free, 9MB/9MB, paused 1.525ms total 148.590ms
  195. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_unsol_ind_cb: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_unsol_ind_cb ....... Remote modem(1) Msg ID 0x51, Client ID 3
  196. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x51, RX Msg Len 6
  197. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS(3), Remote modem(1), Indication(2), Msg ID 0x51
  198. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_indication: Sending QMI NAS(3), Indication, Msg ID 0x51 to Client 3, Conn ID 19
  199. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_indication: Sending QMI indication to QMI Proxy Client on [fd=11]
  200. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_send_response_to_clients: QMUX header I/F(1), length(18) control flag(�) service type(3) client id(3), fd(11)
  201. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_process_client_msg: QMUX header I/F(1), length(12) control flag(
  202. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_process_client_msg: recevied request from client on fd = 11 with msg_len =7
  203. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request: qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request ....... QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, RX Msg Len 0
  204. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, RX Msg Len 0
  205. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message: Skip decoding of QMI NAS(3), Request(0), Msg ID 0x4f with zero payload for client 3
  206. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr ....... Msg ID 0x4f
  207. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: Txn List for QMI NAS(3):
  208. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: Txn Rec[0] (Txn Key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 64, User Data valid 0, User Data 0x0)
  209. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_print_txn_list: ... Remote modem(1) : Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Msg Len 0
  210. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_alloc_txn_data: Txn Setup (Txn Key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 64, Async State 0)
  211. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_dispatch_txn: Txn Entry Dispatched (Remote modem(1), Txn key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 64, Async State 0)
  212. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1096115584] qmi_proxy_free: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
  213. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: qmi_proxy_complete_txn ....... (Remote modem(1), Txn Key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x4f)
  214. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref: qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref ....... returning 1101348064
  215. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: Txn Entry Completed Success (Remote modem(1), Txn Key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x4f, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 64)
  216. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_complete_txn: All Txn Entries Completed Success (Txn Key 0x30062, Txn ID 98, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 64)
  217. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS(3), Remote modem(1), Response(1), Msg ID 0x4f
  218. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_response: Sending QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x4f to Client 3, Conn ID 19, RX Txn ID 64
  219. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_srvc_send_qmi_response: Sending QMI SRVC response to QMI Proxy Client, [fd=11]
  220. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_send_response_to_clients: QMUX header I/F(1), length(30) control flag(�) service type(3) client id(3), fd(11)
  221. D/Diag_Lib( 236): qmi_proxy: [1103302784] qmi_proxy_free: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
  222. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  223. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for service pid=6602 uid=10049 gids={50049, 9997, 3003, 3002, 3001, 1028, 1023, 1015, 1005, 1007, 3007, 2001, 3006} abi=armeabi-v7a
  224. W/ResourcesManager( 6602): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  225. W/ResourcesManager( 6602): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
  226. I/MultiDex( 6602): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
  227. I/MultiDex( 6602): install
  228. I/MultiDex( 6602): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
  229. I/ProviderInstaller( 6602): Insert disabled by gate 'gms:security:enable_conscrypt_in_gms_application'
  230. D/GCM ( 1289): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
  231. D/AuthorizationBluetoothService( 1289): Received GmsCore event: Intent { flg=0x10$AutoStarter }.
  232. D/c ( 1289): Getting all permits...
  233. D/a ( 1289): Opening database...
  234. D/LocationInitializer( 4051): Restart initialization of location
  235. D/a ( 1289): Opening database auth.proximity.permit_store...
  236. D/a ( 1289): Closing database...
  237. E/SQLiteLog( 6602): (284) automatic index on assetrefs(dataitems_id)
  238. I/art ( 542): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13593(804KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(181KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 2.288ms total 107.208ms
  239. D/lights ( 542): set_light_buttons: color=0xff000000, tlc=2.
  240. E/SQLiteLog( 6357): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_50D32D80(STAT_DATA_ID)
  241. E/SQLiteLog( 6357): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_50D32100(STAT_DATA_ID)
  242. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for service$Service: pid=6632 uid=10054 gids={50054, 9997, 3003, 3001, 1028, 1023, 3002, 1015, 1005} abi=armeabi-v7a
  243. I/ActivityManager( 542): Start proc for content provider pid=6653 uid=10050 gids={50050, 9997, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a
  244. D/CountryDetector( 542): No listener is left
  245. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process android.process.acore (pid 6357) has died
  246. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 806): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no data type icon / Roaming
  247. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6632) has died
  248. I/ActivityManager( 542): Process (pid 6653) has died
  249. I/ActivityManager( 542): Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{23c8f7d5 u0}
  250. E/WifiStateMachine( 542): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source -2 txSuccessRate=11.54 rxSuccessRate=13.12 targetRoamBSSID=c2:3f:0e:69:a3:cf RSSI=-30
  251. I/art ( 542): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10676(558KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(41KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/19MB, paused 1.800ms total 117.309ms
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