
7 Nymph [F. Changeling Illusionist] MLPFEMTORPG

Dec 29th, 2013
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  1. Name: Nymph
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Changeling
  4. Class: Illusionist (Bard/Mage}
  5. Talent: Layered Voice (Control doesn't give away your nature on successful rolls)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  9. Skills:
  10. (Free Racial) Changeling Flight You have thin gossamer wings which allow you to fly unencumbered but somewhat slower than other races. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  11. (Free Racial) Shapeshifting: spell, recharge 3; A Changeling can imitate almost anything the same size as itself. This acts as disguise, but can copy any specific person/object on success, with higher success rolls giving better quality to the shapeshift. The disguise is removed when knocked helpless, rolling a critical failure when attacking, or when dispelled by magic. Purchasing the disguise skill causes this ability to autocrit , but you cannot benefit from it otherwise. Changelings can tell each other apart via pheromones and can automatically see through any disguise you use.
  12. (Racial) Control: spell; On a success, target non-changeling is driven deeper into a state of servile trance. They gain one level of stupor. Stupor affects the target differently depending on the number of levels acquired. This will automatically reveal your nature, success or fail.
  13. 1: -1 penalty to all attacks in this combat.
  14. 2: - 1 to all rolls for the remainder of the session.
  15. 3+: Thralldom: The target becomes a pet for the user. They cannot score crits in this state.
  16. Scoring a crit or receiving damage removes a level of stupor. Player characters and powerful enemies cannot become thralls.
  17. (Free Multiclass) World Warp: spell: recharge 6 since effect ends; give the target delusions: distracts the target while they interact with the fake world. The higher the roll, the more believable the illusion is, and the longer it lasts. Illusion is broken when attacking.
  18. (Class) Con Artist: on success, whatever you say, no one thinks you are trying to deceive them. Characters with evidence or knowledge contrary to your claim may still readily disprove you. Outlandish or ridiculous statements can still get you in trouble. Can also forge documents.
  19. (Class) Improvise: automatic instant, recharge 3; tossing a solution together can be better than stopping to make a plan. Your next roll succeeds on a 4+ but cannot crit
  21. Inventory:
  22. Dark Robes
  23. Satchel containing: multiple generic articles of clothing, make-up kit, lockpicks
  24. Chitin Dagger
  26. Traits:
  27. Nymph is a female changeling. Like her brothers and sisters, Nymph has a dark grey exoskeleton with emerald eyes. Nymph's (or known in the Hive as Drone 55423) roll in the Hive is to turn ponies into Thralls and send them back to the hive to procreate. While she follows the orders of Queen Chrysalis without question, Chrysalis has given Nymph with some free will, since she is exceptional at her work. Nymph travels with adventuring groups, helping them, but is always acting more-so under Chrysalis and will abandon any group if the Queen commands her.
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