
Lvl Help

May 20th, 2017
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  1. /lvl challenge target room, (mode, players, format, isFriendly) - challenges a room to an LvL. ``players`` will default to 5 and ``format`` to monotype if not specified. To specify quick mode, use the word `quick` for the ``mode`` argument.
  2. /lvl roster player, player, player... - sets the roster for each LvL.
  3. /lvl disable/enable - allows/disallows others to challenge your room to an LvL.
  4. /lvl disqualify player - disqualifies a player from the current LvL granting the win to the opponent.
  5. /lvl sub out, replacement - substitutes players. To avoid gaming the system, there can be a limit (players / 2) to the number of subs one side can make in an LvL. Furthermore, players who have been subbed out cannot be subbed back in.
  6. /lvl decline - declines the current LvL challenge.
  7. /lvl forfeit - forfeits the current LvL.
  8. /lvl init room1, room2, (mode, players, format) - initiates an LvL between 2 rooms, bypasses all blocks. Only usable in some rooms.
  9. /lvl end - ends an initiated LvL between 2 league rooms.
  10. /lvl ladder - displays the LvL ladder.
  11. /lvl log - shows a log of all LvL battles.
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