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Michel's Trade List

a guest
Sep 14th, 2014
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  1. [ Michel | 0404-6250-9212 | Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine ]
  2. I can nickname them if you really want.
  3. [ Have ]
  4. {Perfect spreads}
  5. - 3x Heracross - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - 2 Female, 1 Male - Net Ball - Adamant - Guts - Leer/Endure/Horn Attack/Rock Blast
  6. - 2x Starly - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - 1 Female, 1 Male - Timer Ball - Jolly - Keen Eye - Detect/Pursuit/Mirror Move/Double-Edge
  7. - 2x Aerodactyl - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Male - Dream Ball - Adamant - Unnerve - Wide Guard/Tailwind/Pursuit/Whirlwind
  8. - 1x Absol - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Female - Pokeball - Jolly - Super Luck - Feint/Play Rough/Psycho Cut/Sucker Punch [Lv50]
  9. - 1x Rotom - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Calm
  10. - 1x Scyther - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Male - Sport Ball - Adamant - Technician - Defog/Counter/Quick Guard/Baton Pass
  11. - 1x Buneary - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Male - Dream Ball - Jolly - Limber - Encore/Fake Out/Focus Punch/Cosmic Power
  12. - 1x Shuppet - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Male - Luxury Ball - Adamant - Insomnia - Pursuit/Gunk Shot/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force
  13. - 1x Sneasel - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Female - Love Ball - Jolly - Inner Focus - Pursuit/Ice Shard/Icicle Crash/Fake Out [GER]
  14. - 1x Carvanha - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Male - Dream Ball - Adamant - Speed Boost - Brine/Thrash/Hydro Pump/Destiny Bond
  15. - 1x Larvitar - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Female - Dusk Ball - Jolly - Guts - Pursuit/Iron Head/Stealth Rock/Dragon Dance
  17. [ I also have every Berry ]
  18. {5IVs - Imperfect}
  19. - 12x Charmander - Pokeball - Timid - Blaze - Growl/Dragon Pulse/Flare Blitz/Dragon Dance [ 2 Female, 10 Male ]
  20. - 11x Tepig - Pokeball - Rash - Blaze - Thrash/Superpower/Magnitude/Sucker Punch [ 1 Female, 10 Male ]
  22. - 6x Absol - Pokeball - Naive - All Abilities - Megahorn/Play Rough/Baton Pass/Zen Headbutt [ 3 Male, 3 Female ]
  23. - 6x Froakie - Dive Ball - Hasty - Protean - Pound/Growl/Toxic Spikes [ Females ]
  24. - 6x Chimchar - Pokeball - Naive - Iron Fist - Encore/Fake Out/Heat Wave/Thunder Punch [ Males ]
  26. - 4x Gible - Great Ball - Naive - Rough Skin - Tackle/Outrage/Iron Head/Iron Tail [ Females ]
  27. - 4x Carvanha - Dream Ball - Adamant - Speed Boost - Brine/Thrash/Hydro Pump/Destiny Bond [ Females ]
  29. - 3x Torchic - Pokeball - Adamant - Speed Boost - Scratch/Growl/Last Resort/Baton Pass [ Males ]
  30. - 3x Roselia - Pokeball - Timid - Leaf Guard - Spikes/Pin Missile/Leaf Storm/Sleep Powder [ 2 Female, 1 Male - HP Fire ]
  31. - 3x Shuppet - Luxury Ball - Adamant - Frisk - Pursuit/Gunk Shot/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force [ Females ]
  33. - 2x Gible - Great Ball - Jolly - Rough Skin - Sand Tomb/Outrage/Iron Head/Iron Tail [ Females ]
  34. - 2x Numel - Pokeball - Quiet - Simple - Growth/Heat Wave/Ancient Power/Iron Head [ 1 Female, 1 Male ]
  35. - 2x Buneary - Dream Ball - Jolly - Limber - Encore/Fake Out/Focus Punch/Cosmic Power [ Females ]
  36. - 2x Corphish - Dive Ball - Adamant - Adaptability - Aqua Jet/Knock Off/Superpower/Dragon Dance [ Females ]
  38. - 1x Ralts - Premier Ball - Jolly - Telepathy - Encore/Skill Swap/Destiny Bond/Shadow Sneak [ Female ]
  39. - 1x Starly - Pokeball - Jolly - Reckless - Detect/Pursuit/Mirror Move/Double-Edge [ Female ]
  40. - 1x Tyrunt - Pokeball - Adamant - Strong Jaw - Tackle/Dragon Dance/Ice Fang/Fire Fang [ Female ]
  41. - 1x Dratini - Pokeball - Adamant - Marvel Scale - Aqua Jet/Iron Tail/Dragon Pulse/Extremespeed [ Male ]
  42. - 1x Scyther - Sport Ball - Adamant - Swarm - Defog/Counter/Baton Pass/Quick Guard [ Female ]
  43. - 1x Larvitar - Dusk Ball - Jolly - Guts - Pursuit/Iron Head/Stealth Rock/Dragon Dance [ Female ]
  44. - 1x Houndour - Moon Ball - Timid - Early Bird - Counter/Sucker Punch/Thunder Fang/Destiny Bond [ Female ]
  45. - 1x Larvesta - Pokeball - Timid - Flame Body - Ember/String Shot/Morning Sun [ Male ]
  46. - 1x Electrike - Quick Ball - Timid - Static - Uproar/Electro Ball/Eerie Impulse/Flame Burst [ Female - HP Ice ]
  48. -----
  49. [ Want ]
  50. - Breeding leftovers with balltism/4 egg moves
  51. - Happy Hour Inkay
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