
Denny Lindberg bashes StarVault

Aug 23rd, 2018
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  3. Denny Lindberg bashes his previous employer StarVault and their partners.
  5. Here's the log. Be prepared folks.
  7. Denny: And oh, the reason why I left SV is for A LOT of reasons. I'll list them.
  8. Herc: (begins sweating)
  9. Herc: :p
  10. Herc: i am thinking either you have a long list... or you're a slow typer :p
  11. Denny: 1. Malmö is a shitty town with immigrant problems and no recreational activities at all. If you're not born there you won't like it, period.
  12. 2. Shitty pay. I got worse pay from SV than if I would work at McDonalds, I would also have real work days and a life.
  13. 3. Management that doesn't know shit and a boss who doesn't understand that he's essentially killing his employees from stress. (inexperience)
  14. 4. Even when we were already working 10-14 hour workdays for several years we were still asked to increase the obligatory workhours because we were lazy.
  15. 5. I was worn out and won't ruin my life for a game that's too shitty to compare.
  16. Herc: hehe
  17. Herc: you should remember me
  18. Herc: henrik hates me
  19. Herc: lol
  20. Herc: and i think he's an idiot
  21. Herc: i've said that for a long time tho
  22. Denny: Ah yeah, wasn't it you who said all those nice things on
  23. Denny: Great stuff. :]
  24. Herc: was i wrong in saying it?
  25. Denny: Nope
  26. Herc: :p
  27. Herc: lol
  28. Denny: I said nice things didn't I?
  29. Herc: honestly i never had a problem with the employees
  30. Herc: i just felt like the game had zero direction
  31. Herc: and henrik had no idea wtf he was doing with his dad's money
  32. Denny: Just to brush your ego a little I wasn't the only one who agreed to most of your messages. : P
  33. Denny: In the studio.
  34. Herc: yea, i figured as much
  35. Herc: early on henrik used to ask me questions in IRC
  36. Herc: im like, how do you not know this stuff?
  37. Herc: after a while you put two and two together
  38. Herc: you figure out what the problems are
  39. Herc: if you dont remember... i'm an enterprise systems engineer
  40. Herc: ie, large scale financial systems engineering
  41. Herc: 17k-30k users
  42. Herc: so i know the challenges
  43. Herc: and the design ideas are about the same
  44. Herc: game or no game
  45. Herc: :p
  46. Herc: either way
  47. Herc: i still feel bad for the employees
  48. Denny: Henrik was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was a computer geek, he managed to get some money because he was good at talking and had contacts. He thought he knew game development because he went to SOFE but actually he understood shit.
  49. Herc: yea he seems the type
  50. Herc: big talker, no knowledge
  51. Denny: It was apparent time after time because we had hours of long conversation with him why some things wasn't possible to make and he couldn't grasp how huge some things was.
  52. Herc: i work on wall street -- i knwo the type :)
  53. Herc: what do you think is going to happen with the game now?
  54. Denny: Fun fact, the game you see today is less than half of the initially planned game project....
  55. Herc: i think that it's going to die slowly
  56. Denny: I don't care to be honest, it's not worth thinking of.
  57. Denny: It's shit, period.
  58. Denny: Considering what the small team accomplished? A fucking miracle.
  59. Herc: yep, that's true
  60. Herc: and given the management, even moreso
  61. Herc: i kinda lumped Mats into the same group with Henrik of "knowitalls"
  62. Herc: not sure how accurate that one was
  63. Herc: but from what i saw and read... he was a copy of henrik in a lot of ways (bad)
  64. Herc: one Q... just for my sanity check
  65. Herc: did henrik really send people to Epic to fix shit?
  66. Herc: and is epic responsible for half the shit henrik says they are?
  67. Herc: "desync -- oh epics fault they are working on it"
  68. Herc: shit like that
  69. Herc: i've always called BS on that
  70. Herc: but who knows, maybe i'm wrong
  71. Herc: :)
  72. Denny: Mats is actually a decent guy but he's the "visionary" behind MO, he had a lot of good ideas but he of course had some ego as well. In real life you can't find many better people than him, I'm sad you got that impression from him. But then I know he tend to defend Henrik from your posts just to keep his good image (I suppose).
  73. Herc: I suppose on that one too
  74. Denny: Sebastian had the same pay as me.
  75. Denny: Yes, several programmers went to the US to fix shit yes.
  76. Herc: ah cool, so wrong on that one :)
  77. Herc: in a way im glad to be wrong
  78. Herc: probably one good step they made after all the stupid ones
  79. Denny: Also regarding the network code, the only thing I can really say due to NDA.... It is made in China, what do you expect?
  80. Herc: lol
  81. Herc: is epic really responsible for the desync tho? or more internal "i cant use it" type of issue?
  82. Denny: We spent more time fighting the code than getting it to work.
  83. Denny: I don't know how often I heard the programmers scream in agony over the horrendous nature of the code.
  84. Denny: The speed of the development went from 100 to 15% after we started working with it.
  85. Denny: Or something like that....
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