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Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. [FP-O] Adam :D: Why did u vote my post disagree in the celebration thread lol
  2. [LP]LpSilent: Well, you said you got banned for buying a suit, you got banned for Item transferring.
  3. [FP-O] Adam :D: Buying a suit
  4. [FP-O] Adam :D: Off my friend
  5. [LP]LpSilent: Item Transferring.
  6. [LP]LpSilent: I saw the Log.
  7. [FP-O] Adam :D: ...
  8. [FP-O] Adam :D: Show me
  9. [LP]LpSilent: My friend showed me the Log
  10. [LP]LpSilent: You've been banned 7 Times now.
  11. [FP-O] Adam :D: What friend
  12. [FP-O] Adam :D: Bans don't show anything
  13. [LP]LpSilent: The admins are nice to you and you continue to violate the rules...
  14. [FP-O] Adam :D: Hah
  15. [FP-O] Adam :D: You would be suprised
  16. [FP-O] Adam :D: Thug doge - SB DIrector
  17. [FP-O] Adam :D: Biggest dick I have met
  18. [FP-O] Adam :D: Not even kidding
  19. [LP]LpSilent: Does he know you said that?
  20. [FP-O] Adam :D: Idk, and dont care.
  21. [LP]LpSilent: Thug said
  22. [LP]LpSilent: [LP] Thug Doge™: "At least more respected than you.
  23. [FP-O] Adam :D: Tell him
  24. [FP-O] Adam :D: To screw off
  25. [FP-O] Adam :D: Also
  26. [FP-O] Adam :D: its the internet
  28. DataStorm: Well.
  29. DataStorm: That was a bit harsh
  30. DataStorm: What u aid
  31. DataStorm: Said*
  32. DataStorm: But k
  33. [LP] Chester: yep
  34. [LP] Chester: it's blunt too
  35. DataStorm: I only wanted to enlist
  36. DataStorm: Because your staff are never on
  37. [LP] Chester: been banned 5-6 times?
  38. [LP] Chester: no thanks
  39. DataStorm: No
  40. DataStorm: 4 Times
  41. [LP] Chester: actually 5
  42. DataStorm: 2 were appealed because of confusion
  43. DataStorm: 2 were 5 months ago, and forgotton about
  44. [LP] Chester: and then the one you are currently serving
  45. DataStorm: And 1 for comming out of the sewers on my zombie
  46. [LP] Chester: oh so thats 6?
  47. [LP] Chester: np
  48. DataStorm: No
  49. DataStorm: Im on the server right now
  50. DataStorm: Look for urself
  51. [LP] Chester: you should be banned
  52. DataStorm: No
  53. DataStorm: I didnt DC to avoid rp
  54. [LP] Chester: doesn't matter -- the sentence is still there
  55. DataStorm: You should be fired.
  56. [LP] Chester: I literally JUST spared you a ban and let you off with a warning.
  58. [LP] Chester: bb friend
  59. DataStorm: Your a tigharse.
  60. DataStorm: Tightarse
  61. DataStorm: And a disgrace to LP
  62. DataStorm: Good day sir.
  63. [LP] Chester: ;)
  65. DataStorm: Cya
  66. DataStorm: WOW
  67. DataStorm: Chester banned me
  68. DataStorm: From hl2rp for sticking up for myself
  69. [LP] Gurrazor: If you really don't think that you were DCing to avoid RP, I urge you to make a ban appeal
  70. [LP] Gurrazor: But really only if you didn't do it
  72. DataStorm: Wow
  73. DataStorm: Screw this
  75. 02:18 - DataStorm: I wish I had your luck
  76. 02:18 - [LP] atilla the nig: pardon
  77. 02:18 - DataStorm: Becommimg staff and all
  78. 02:19 - DataStorm: I wish some people would forgive me f
  79. 02:18 - [LP] atilla the nig: I've earned my spot here. Through respect, communication and friends.
  80. 02:19 - DataStorm: What
  81. 02:19 - DataStorm: Yeah
  82. 02:19 - [LP] atilla the nig: The recent conversation I've seen between you and Chester is unpleasant.
  83. 02:19 - [LP] atilla the nig: It includes various insults
  84. 02:19 - [LP] atilla the nig: Such as "Tightarse"
  85. 02:19 - [LP] atilla the nig: and
  86. 02:19 - [LP] atilla the nig: "You're a disgrace to LP"
  87. 02:20 - [LP] atilla the nig: Do you have any idea how insulting that could be?
  88. 02:20 - [LP] atilla the nig: Sorry, but I really lost my respect there.
  89. 02:20 - DataStorm: He told me to fuck off
  90. 02:20 - DataStorm: And he was insulting me
  91. 02:20 - [LP] atilla the nig: You might've just destroyed a chance. I'm sorry.
  92. 02:20 - [LP] atilla the nig: He sent me the logs
  93. 02:21 - DataStorm: Talking shit behind my back
  94. 02:24 - DataStorm: So now im not being op for standing up for myself.
  95. 02:24 - DataStorm: How great....
  96. 02:24 - DataStorm: Just what I need...
  97. 02:24 - [LP] atilla the nig: You're not being OP for insulting an administrator, and lying several times.
  98. 02:24 - [LP] atilla the nig: It's not trashtalk.
  99. 02:25 - DataStorm: Lyimg
  100. 02:25 - DataStorm: What the hell
  101. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: You're going for the most harmful attacks, personal attacks.
  102. 02:25 - DataStorm: How did I lie
  103. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: "He insulted me"
  104. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: where?
  105. 02:25 - DataStorm: He did
  106. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: Where?
  107. 02:25 - DataStorm: He told me to fuck off
  108. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: When, where?
  109. 02:25 - DataStorm: Ask jamie
  110. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: Give me the logs.
  111. 02:26 - DataStorm: Im on my phone and removed him
  112. 02:25 - [LP] atilla the nig: He never told you to fuck off.
  113. 02:26 - DataStorm: Ask jamiw
  114. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: He sent me the logs
  115. 02:26 - DataStorm: Hes got. It
  116. 02:26 - DataStorm: Yes
  117. 02:26 - DataStorm: He
  118. 02:26 - DataStorm: Did
  119. 02:26 - DataStorm: Ask
  120. 02:26 - DataStorm: Jamie
  121. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: No
  122. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: You're
  123. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: Lying
  124. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: Please
  125. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: Stop
  126. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: It's
  127. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: Not
  128. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: Cool
  129. 02:26 - [LP] atilla the nig: [LP] Chester: tell him to fuck off
  130. 02:27 - [LP] atilla the nig: its not directed towards you as a personal attack
  131. 02:27 - [LP] atilla the nig: It's directed as a way of fending your spam off.
  132. 02:27 - [LP] atilla the nig: You're going for directed personal attacks.
  134. 02:27 - spky: hi
  135. 02:28 - DataStorm: Hi
  136. 02:28 - DataStorm: Chester fucked me over
  137. 02:28 - DataStorm: I quit lp
  138. 02:28 - spky: how did he fuck you over
  139. 02:29 - spky: and why did you leave lp lol
  140. 02:31 - DataStorm: He got birthing because I said he was a bad admin and banned me for a week for something that got appealed
  141. 02:31 - spky: can you link me that appeal?
  142. 02:32 - DataStorm: No. I did not make one. Vanguard shortened it to a day.
  143. 02:32 - DataStorm: Ask him urself
  144. 02:32 - spky:
  145. 02:32 - spky: I literally JUST spared you a ban and let you off with a warning.
  147. You've been banned, according to the ban requests, my bans and halo, 5 times atleast, 3 of them being after Nova said it should be permanent.
  148. I don't see why you keep on breaking the rules, it's just stupid.
  149. Scam was IC, but disconnecting from a roleplay situation is a serious ban.
  151. Banned for a week
  152. -Locked
  153. 02:32 - spky: -vanguard
  154. 02:33 - DataStorm: Ask him
  155. 02:33 - DataStorm: He shortened it
  156. 02:33 - DataStorm: But yeah
  157. 02:33 - DataStorm: Fuck this shit
  158. 02:33 - spky: calm down
  159. 02:33 - spky: make a ban appeal
  160. 02:33 - spky: and rp again
  161. 02:33 - DataStorm: No
  162. 02:34 - DataStorm: He fucked me over
  163. 02:34 - spky: he gave you a rightful ban
  164. 02:34 - spky: your lastest ban was not even shortened
  165. 02:34 - spky: i asked vanguard
  166. 02:34 - DataStorm: Vanguard said I shouldn't of got banned. And banned me instead for lol shotting
  167. 02:34 - spky: If you dont want to be in lp sure
  168. 02:35 - spky: but chester did nothing bad
  169. 02:35 - DataStorm: So how come I was on th fucking server a.hour ago if it did not get shortened
  170. 02:35 - spky: prolly cus u didnt get the ban yet
  171. 02:37 - DataStorm: Anyway I leave lp. What a fucking waste of time that was
  172. 02:37 - spky: lol
  173. 02:37 - spky: ok
  174. 02:38 - DataStorm: Chester can to fuck himself.
  175. 02:38 - spky: can to fuck himself
  176. 02:38 - spky: oh
  177. 02:38 - spky: nvm
  178. 02:38 - DataStorm: Phone auto correct
  179. 02:38 - spky: lol rip
  180. 02:38 - DataStorm: Oh fuck off
  181. 02:39 - spky: wow
  182. 02:39 - spky: ok
  184. 02:39 - DataStorm: Meh
  185. 02:39 - DataStorm: Fuck it
  186. 02:39 - DataStorm: Im out
  187. 02:39 - [LP] atilla the nig: Allright
  188. 02:40 - [LP] atilla the nig: Enjoy life
  189. 02:40 - DataStorm: All I ever handler to do was help
  190. 02:40 - DataStorm: You all were too stupid to try me om
  191. 02:40 - [LP] atilla the nig: No.
  192. 02:40 - [LP] atilla the nig: You were too stupid to try.
  193. 02:40 - [LP] atilla the nig: You don't just GET trust.
  194. 02:41 - DataStorm: Stuborn*
  195. 02:40 - [LP] atilla the nig: You earn it.
  196. 02:41 - DataStorm: I tried earning it
  197. 02:41 - DataStorm: I was dedicated
  198. 02:41 - DataStorm: I git all the whitelists
  199. 02:41 - [LP] atilla the nig: But you got banned.
  200. 02:41 - DataStorm: Got my friend on
  201. 02:41 - [LP] atilla the nig: You bugged the head staff.
  202. 02:42 - DataStorm: Played on lp every day
  203. 02:42 - [LP] atilla the nig: You eventually insulted the staff.
  204. 02:42 - DataStorm: After the staff insulted me
  205. 02:42 - [LP] atilla the nig: No.
  206. 02:42 - [LP] atilla the nig: ALL the staff didn't insult you.
  207. 02:42 - [LP] atilla the nig: You're too blind to see.
  208. 02:43 - DataStorm: I have been called a dumbass by cryptic
  209. 02:42 - [LP] atilla the nig: YOU insulted one. We confronted you-
  210. 02:43 - DataStorm: Been told to fuck off by chester
  211. 02:43 - [LP] atilla the nig: You eventually insult me
  212. 02:43 - [LP] atilla the nig: And chester
  213. 02:43 - [LP] atilla the nig: and now
  214. 02:43 - [LP] atilla the nig: all of us
  215. 02:43 - DataStorm: Not all of u
  216. 02:44 - DataStorm: Gurrazor the only one that listened
  217. 02:44 - [LP] atilla the nig: Gurrazor is intelligent and he's a really cool guy.
  218. 02:44 - [LP] atilla the nig: But
  219. 02:44 - [LP] atilla the nig: You kept on bugging people with the operator thing.
  220. 02:44 - [LP] atilla the nig: You have to earn it.
  221. 02:44 - [LP] atilla the nig: Not beg for it
  222. 02:45 - [LP] atilla the nig: Not GET it
  223. 02:45 - DataStorm: Its because no one responded to it
  224. 02:45 - [LP] atilla the nig: have patience
  225. 02:45 - DataStorm: I have Ben waiting so long
  226. 02:45 - DataStorm: No need now
  227. 02:45 - [LP] atilla the nig: yes, no need
  228. 02:46 - [LP] atilla the nig: Because your inpatience became the end of your chance.
  229. 02:46 - [LP] atilla the nig: Impatience*
  230. 02:47 - DataStorm: You can sit behind it computer screen laughing behind it screen.
  231. 02:47 - DataStorm: But on this day
  232. 02:47 - DataStorm: It has brought me years to leave lp
  233. 02:47 - DataStorm: I fucked everything up.
  234. 02:47 - DataStorm: I always do
  235. 02:48 - DataStorm: So I bid you farewell
  236. 02:48 - DataStorm: And a happy new year
  237. 02:48 - [LP] atilla the nig: And I bid you farewell too, and a happy new year. Don't be sad about making mistakes, you're still young and you have a lot to learn - Heck, so do I. But learn from your mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
  238. 02:49 - DataStorm: Tears to leave lp*
  239. 02:49 - DataStorm: I wish I could.come back
  240. 02:49 - DataStorm: But every hates me
  241. 02:50 - DataStorm: Im literally crying right now
  242. 02:50 - DataStorm: Better get to sleep
  243. 02:50 - DataStorm: Night. And im sorry
  244. 02:50 - [LP] atilla the nig: Remember what I said.
  245. 02:50 - [LP] atilla the nig: Learn from the mistakes.
  246. 02:50 - [LP] atilla the nig: big tear
  250. 02:52 - DataStorm: I can believe.i fucked it up
  251. 02:52 - DataStorm: 8 months at lp
  252. 02:52 - DataStorm: All down the drain
  253. 02:52 - DataStorm: Because I was a impatient bastard
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