
Endtown RPG Session #20

Jan 16th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey!
  2. how is everyone today?
  3. Traver S.: Doing good.
  4. Have a touch of a busy day...but nothing to over the top.
  5. Suule S.: I'm doing good. Played Edge of Empire earlier
  6. GM (GM): Isn't that a mobile game?
  7. Suule S.: No
  8. It's tabletop
  9. It's the new Fantasy Flight Star Wars game
  10. GM (GM): Neat!
  11. Suule S.: It's pretty great
  12. It's not the shitty D20 SW
  13. Clayton R.: Here I am with my X-wing and Armada miniatures
  14. Suule S.: A bit closer to D6 SW
  15. GM (GM): so... D8 starwars?
  16. Suule S.: Not really
  17. It uses custom dice
  18. Basically a dice pool system
  19. GM (GM): I've been talking to Aaron about publishing.
  20. Suule S.: Yeah I've read
  21. You probably need few proofreaders and such
  22. GM (GM): Nah, screw dat!
  23. But really probably.
  24. Suule S.: I mean man
  25. Avoid Albedo 1E problem
  26. Where the manual was a fucking mess
  27. GM (GM): Asked around and alittle and it might be an idea to start a kickstarter to pay the artists.
  28. Clayton R.: Hey GM? Can I get a link to the main doc? I have to change my stats now that I've leveled up.
  29. Suule S.: That might be a good idea but have the system written at taht point
  30. OH RIGHT
  31. I was gonna ask you
  32. When I level up... and gain MP and HP
  33. GM (GM): and +10 intiative.
  34. Suule S.: Do I add the MP and HP that I level up with to the current as well?
  35. When I'm not full on either that is
  36. GM (GM): Its added to your max.
  37. I leave that ambiguious for each GM to decide.
  38. Right now, I'm saying it extends your max, not heal.
  39. brb
  41. Suule S.: Okay
  42. Since I'm wounded and a bit crazed
  43. Okay time to buy some skills
  44. GM (GM): Typically buying skills is done during rest periods.
  45. You guys are in the middle of a firefight, remember?
  46. Clayton R.: yep.
  47. Martin Baron: I'm back. I got some mustard, two cups, and pants. I'm stocked for the winter.
  48. GM (GM): Before we get to that. There are afew formal stuff.
  49. Noice.
  50. Suule S.: Well GM
  51. I'm just gonna say
  52. Martin Baron: Any bets on who's gonna bite the dust during this fight?
  53. GM (GM): Anyway, battle ax is now Giant Weapons. They're the only melee weapons that won't break under super strength.
  54. Martin Baron: Ooh, that sounds cool.
  55. Suule S.: I want to buy Traditional firearms heavy, because I think looking at Clayton waving his flammenwehrfen around enough should give me a good impression how to handle it
  56. Clayton R.: just wait till I get something more explody suule
  57. GM (GM): Also, cybernetics and robotics are now in the species list.
  58. Suule S.: Well Clayton, I'm gonna make my OWN Flamethower
  61. GM (GM): I've got to add flight, sensors, weapons, etc. but I'll do that after session.
  62. Clayton R.: I actually did want to convene with Everett at some point so he could craft some napalm for Clayton
  63. GM (GM): Bien.
  64. Is everyone ready to start?
  65. Suule S.: Well
  66. I feel like we're gonna get slaughtered
  67. So sure
  68. Too bad Manalisha isn't here
  69. GM (GM): It was inevitable.
  70. Martin Baron: I'm betting it's either gonna be Clayton or me. Probably me since I got a timebomb for a gun
  71. Suule S.: Puncturing those suits would make the fight easier
  72. GM (GM): There are topsiders in Endtown, that's just how these things are.
  73. Suule S.: I got timebombs for guns as well!
  74. GM (GM): We begin!
  75. Suule S.: You know just regular timebombs
  76. Clayton R.: You know... we could always try the plan where clayton-is-actually-a-topsider-and-his-suit-got-ripped-by-muties-and-he's-been-waiting-for-reinforcements-and-he tells-his-fellow-topsiders-how-he-found-out-he-was-immune
  77. Martin Baron: ((Ooh damn, I'm still below 50% MP, so I gotta do a paralyze roll before we fight.))
  78. Everett and DJ busily shove hardware into sacks meanwhile...
  79. Martin Baron: ((Please don't be below 25))
  80. rolling 1d100
  81. (73)= 73
  82. ((I'm all good for this fight.))
  83. Clayton, Martin, and a comatose Walker are getting potshots from Topsiders!
  84. Clayton R. curses. He feels like his heart is beating a million miles an hour.
  85. Clayton R. once again reiterates through various gestures, that he is getting shot at by topsiders
  86. Martin Baron drops the backpack and draws his blaster, receiving Clayton's earlier message and now noticing the new holes near the top of the silo.
  87. ZOT! The topsiders have shot another hole in the chimney section!
  88. GM (GM): Confront or retreat?
  89. Martin Baron: ((I would ask if they don't know about me or Walker, but I can't make a sneak roll to try to get them while they're not looking. -30 is too big of a disadvantage to do anything other than get up and shoot back.))
  90. GM (GM): Attack the topsiders or slink away hoping they don't notice?
  91. Clayton R. crawls over to the edge of his outcropping, seeing if might be able to safely make it down
  92. Martin Baron: ((I suppose attack, since they'll be coming in anyway.))
  93. ((But then again, we have a bigger advantage drawing them in rather than fighting them in this tower.))
  94. Clayton R.: ((I think we have to confront them here. That is to say, maybe Clayton can trick them, or at least distract them since he is a human.))
  95. Martin Baron: ((Clayton, what do you say? Fight them in this tower or try drawing them into the silo to fight them on even ground?))
  96. ((Go ahead and try then. I guess I can try moving up to get into a good position.))
  97. Clayton R.: ((Well, they are more open outside... but perhaps Everett could blow them sky-high by luring them in.))
  98. Martin Baron: ((So retreat and set a ambush?))
  99. Clayton R.: ((I say retreat to a more advantageous position. They have the initiative on us now.))
  100. Martin Baron: ((Sounds good. How far back should we go? To the supply room?))
  101. Clayton R.: ((I think it way to dangerous to try and leave.))
  102. GM (GM): Okay!
  103. Clayton R.: ((I think we could catch them in the loading bay.))
  104. Martin Baron whispers quickly to Walker, "Go back, go back, go back!"
  105. Martin Baron: ((Alright, I can try running to Suule to get him in on this.))
  106. ((And DJ, sorry.))
  107. Clayton R. drops down and regroups with everonne. Quickly warning them, "Topsiders, likely coming in, we need to set up an ambush."
  108. Transition!
  109. Traver S.: (Its fiiiiinr.)
  110. We now join you on the factory floor.
  111. Clayton R. meets up with DJ and Everett. "I need you to ready some bombs now. Topsiders are closing in."
  112. Martin Baron: ((GM, can I aim down the sights to get a roll boost before the Topsiders come in?))
  113. Suule S. puts the backpack down and calmly pulls out one of this pipebombs "How many?"
  114. Martin Baron: ((Also, do y'all want me to blast a hole in them or stun them? Both works fine either way.))
  115. GM (GM): ((Sure. +10 to the roll.
  116. Suule S.: We might want to grab one for interrigation
  117. Traver S. comments "And where?" The hand to hand specialist wanting to know where a good first position to be in.
  118. Suule S.: Although I think he will regret not being dead when I'm through with him.
  119. GM (GM): ((Actually Martin, aren't you so stressed you'd kill?))
  120. Clayton R.: ((Hell Suule, if we can manage it. Great, but that's a big risk.))
  121. Martin Baron , slightly panicking, takes position and aims down the exit where the Topsiders might come from.
  122. Martin Baron: ((That's only on restrained hits, right? Not stuns?))
  123. Suule S.: ((Do I have time to setup a quick tripwire?))
  124. Martin Baron: ((Here's what it says on the kill thing GM.))
  125. GM (GM): ((Prone to fits of rage or violence. Effect: Every attack that reduces an enemy's hp to zero is a lethal attack whether the character intends it or not. -10 to skill rolls."))
  126. Martin Baron: ((Yeah. It's not a damaging attack, is it?))
  127. GM (GM): ((Yeah, that's a head scratcher.))
  128. Martin Baron: ((Hmm.))
  129. GM (GM): ((Eh, I'll let it slide this time.))
  130. Martin Baron: ((I can see it coming into play if it was a restrained attack, like wanting to knock someone unconscious with a blackjack or something and accidentally killing them, but not a stun.))
  131. Suule S.: ((Add an ammendum that stun energy attacks can only stun))
  132. ((Since there is no way of applying force or aim for them to be leathal))
  133. GM (GM): ((Reread the rules Suule.))
  134. Suule S.: Okay
  135. GM (GM): Anyway.
  136. Martin Baron: Having a slight moment of clarity in his panic induced mind, Martin sets the blaster from "Drill" to "Stun".
  137. Suule S.: ((Anyway can I set up a tripwire with an explosive, delay 5s after tripping?))
  138. Martin Baron: ((We good everyone? Also, how can I do a /me, but not have my name pop up first? You know, to describe what I'm doing in orange text.))
  139. GM (GM): ((Yeah, yeah. I could see it. Technically its the gun that is on Stun, you're still shooting them in the face either way.)
  140. Clayton R. is fumbling around in his mind , and he searches for cover
  141. Traver S. DJ stretches a good bit since they have a moment, no good getting stiff when beams are going to be flying.
  142. (From GM (GM)): You hear something from the room you just left... Laughing?
  143. GM (GM): Roll intiative!
  144. Suule S. readies one of his timed pipe-bombs, advising people to take cover from shrapnels
  145. Suule S.: ,roll 1d100+50
  146. rolling 1d100+50
  147. (32)+50= 82
  148. Martin Baron looks incredibly stressed, looking at the supply room with dread. "G-guys, do you hear laughing?"
  149. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  150. (43)+25= 68
  151. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  152. (64)+50= 114
  153. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 20
  154. (95)+20= 115
  155. Martin Baron: ((My roll is null, so I'm dead last. Also, OH FUCK.))
  156. ((Well, it was nice knowing y'all. Gonna warm up the other character sheets.))
  157. GM (GM): We start! DJ! Actions!
  158. Okay!
  159. Clayton R.: This is nerve-racking
  160. GM (GM): Traver?
  161. Martin Baron: ((You know, I stupidly thought that the supply room was where the top right stairs where.))
  162. GM (GM): ((Yeah, I'm not the best map maker.))
  163. Traver S.: (Sorry the stove started beepping)
  165. GM (GM): ((That is important.))
  166. Suule S.: (Wait is Martin near the topsiders?
  167. ((Shit... can't exlpde him))
  168. GM (GM): ((But if you're busy we'll move along.))
  169. Clayton R.: ((Is there any possibility of fooling them at this point GM? I know topsiders will just let people kill themselves if they give up or surrender.))
  170. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, my fault. I didn't know the room was there.))
  171. Traver S.: DJ was going to move forward toward them and shoot at them.
  172. Suule S.: (How big is the explosion radius in squares?)
  173. Clayton R.: ((use the ruler to measure feet))
  174. GM (GM): ((The ruler tool is useful for that.
  175. Traver S.: rolling 1d100
  176. (89)= 89
  177. GM (GM): ((Cool huh?))
  178. Target DJ?
  179. Also, what are you shooting?
  180. Its a hit, regardless.
  181. Traver S. was going to shoot at the topsiders. Speicifcally the one with the hands and the like in their picture.
  182. Martin Baron: ((What does he have? A blaster or a gun?))
  183. Traver S.: I have a blaster, at least that's what I have written down. I have not obtained any other guns.
  184. GM (GM): Besides you ones on your arms
  185. Roll damage!
  186. Suule S.: (( I hope there is no suit puncture or else we're in a heap of trouble ))
  187. GM (GM): I just wanna test you on it.
  188. Traver S. remembered it was set on stun before.
  189. Traver S.: rolling 1d10
  190. (8)= 8
  191. GM (GM): nm then.
  192. GM (GM): He is stunned for 8 minutes (16 rounds!)
  193. Martin Baron: ((Well cool, that's one dealt with.))
  194. ((Now we can murder the other one or stun him too.))
  195. Clayton R.: Oh boy, have of my plan is already fulfilled
  196. Suule S. looks at Clayton in disbelief "Well I'll be."
  197. GM (GM): Next action?
  198. Sorry, Clayton!
  199. Suule S.: ((I wonder if we can just intimidate him into surrendering))
  200. Clayton R.: Can I take a shot with my blaster on stun then dodge for the rest of my move?
  201. GM (GM): Sure
  202. Clayton R.: Okay, I'll do that
  203. GM (GM): Roll to shoot!
  204. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100
  205. (26)= 26
  206. GM (GM): ZoT
  207. You have stunned... a wall.
  208. Roll to dodge!
  209. Clayton R.: and he didn't see it comin'
  210. Martin Baron: ((Good job, you got the invisible Topsider.))
  211. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  212. (58)+35= 93
  213. GM (GM): They now have to get 93< to hit you
  214. Mal Mal!
  215. Clayton R.: This feels like dark souls now
  216. always roll
  217. Martin Baron: ((Hardcore Dark Souls, where if you die, you gotta roll a new character.))
  218. Suule S. pulls out an old remote from his junk pile and yells at the topsider "IF YOU DON'T SURRENDER NOW, YOU AND YOUR FRIEND GONNA BLOW SKY HIGH. SO THINK TWICE."
  219. Suule S. is trying to intimidate the guy into surrendering
  220. GM (GM): roll a d100 and add your mind bonus
  221. Clayton R. looks genuinely surprised, as much as you can be while mid-air
  222. Suule S.: ,roll 1d100+50
  223. GM (GM): brb
  224. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+50
  225. (95)+50= 145
  226. (WOAH)
  227. Clayton R.: shieeet
  228. Suule S.: (ANGRY PANDA)
  229. Martin Baron: ((Fuck, even I'm intimidated.))
  230. Clayton R.: ((So itimidated you pull the trigger on the guy
  231. Traver S.: (Even speedwagon is afraid)
  232. Suule S.: ((The characters gonna hate me all for what I'm gonna do after this though. ))
  233. Martin Baron: ((Not Martin probably, he's completely out of it.))
  234. Clayton R.: ((If you're planning what I think you are, we may be on the same page actually.))
  235. Suule S.: ((You have a spare napalm carnister, right? I have a flare...))
  236. Martin Baron: ((Pulling a Flask and shooting at point blank range?))
  237. GM (GM): Sorry, food stuff, that was a good roll.
  238. Clayton R.: ((clayton really wants to get his hands on that unconscious topsider))
  239. Suule S.: ((Shooting? Oh no))
  240. Martin Baron: ((Oh no, that's pretty grim.))
  241. GM (GM): But there is a problem.
  242. you see...
  243. Clayton R.: WHAT
  244. Martin Baron: ((FUCK FUCK FUCK))
  245. Clayton R.: HE was UNCONSIOUC
  246. GM (GM): Dittos can't be intimidated!
  247. Clayton R.: FUCK
  249. Martin Baron: ((Dude, Dittoes are such cunts.))
  250. Clayton R.: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I wanted a topsider suit so bad you cock-tease.
  251. Martin Baron: ((We have no clue what they are though, right? Our characters, anyway.))
  252. Suule S. tosses the control at the place where the topsiders where and starts to yell obscenities
  253. GM (GM): That was a very forceful act that revealed them!
  254. Traver S.: "Uhh...G-guys what the hell?!"
  255. Clayton R. recoils as the topsiders shit into malformed beasts
  256. Martin Baron screams out of pure horror at the sight of the Topsiders melting into a black pile of teeth and eyes.
  257. Clayton R. asks hesitantly, "I-Is that some kind of mutant?! What the hell happened?!"
  258. Clayton R.: How did that auto-correct to say "shit"
  260. Clayton R.: whelp
  261. Martin Baron: ((Martin currently thinks he's having an incredibly bad trip.))
  262. Traver S.: (We all are.)
  263. GM (GM): They swarm up Martin!
  264. Martin Baron: ((Fug))
  265. GM (GM): Martin, roll a d100 and add your mind bonus
  266. Martin Baron screams even louder than before.
  267. Clayton R.: close your eyes Martin
  268. GM (GM): .d 1d100
  269. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  270. (80)+15= 95
  271. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  272. (79)= 79
  273. Suule S. tosses everything down and runs towards Martin "FUCK OFF FROM HIM, YOU MANIAC PSYCHIC JELLY"
  274. GM (GM): You resist the bizarre imagery of the dittos!
  275. Martin Baron: ((We're entering Call of Cthulu territory now.))
  276. GM (GM): ((It's also your turn!
  277. Clayton R.: Wait a minute... That was a REAL shot that burnt the chimney I was in!
  278. Martin Baron: ((... Hey, yeah.))
  279. Suule S.: ((Well duh))
  280. Clayton R.: So that means even worse problems
  281. Suule S.: ((Where did the Topsiders come from? Outside. Not top of the chimney. I smelt something fishy))
  282. Martin Baron: ((How though? Dittos making the holes through illusion?))
  283. GM (GM): That is correct
  284. Traver S.: (This whole place is dittos)
  285. Martin Baron: ((This facility is dittos. The wasteland is dittos. This planet is dittos. Planet dittos.))
  286. Traver S.: (This is the work... OF AN ENEMY STAND.)
  287. Laughing can still be heard in the other room...
  288. Martin Baron: ((Anyway, I want to move as far the hell away as possible from the dittos with one move.))
  289. ((9 speed, 27 feet))
  290. Clayton R. shakes his head in an effort to get a hold of himself. This is too bizarre to be real.
  291. GM (GM): He jumps clean over the railing to get away from the weird darkness.
  292. Martin Baron still continues to scream, preparing to blast the goo with his blaster.
  293. Martin Baron: ((Stun wont work, so I gotta switch it to drill.))
  294. GM (GM): Walker is dittos too.
  295. Traver S.: "Martin, are you okay...oh well you're screaming, Right."
  296. Clayton R.: meanwhile, Walker is a resolute statue against the beasts
  297. Oh..
  298. GM (GM): DJ!
  299. Martin Baron: ((I still got 2 actions fam))
  300. GM (GM): Ah, right.
  301. Well?
  302. Martin Baron: ((I'll spend one to switch it to drill, unless it isn't one action, then shoot.))
  303. GM (GM): It is an action
  304. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  305. (47)+15= 62
  306. ((Ok.))
  307. GM (GM): Which is your target
  308. Clayton R.: ((It goes through targets right?))
  309. Martin Baron: ((That one))
  311. GM (GM): You killed ditto walker!
  312. Martin Baron: ((Ok, thank goodness))
  313. ((End turn.))
  314. GM (GM): Also the catwalk has been damaged.
  315. Martin Baron blasts the piles of dittos, still screaming in horror.
  316. GM (GM): DJ!
  317. Traver S. DJ sets his gun from stun, to kill. "I'm with Martin AHHHHHH" and proceeds to shoot at the nearest dittos.
  318. GM (GM): Target and roll!
  319. Traver S.: rolling 1d100
  320. (81)= 81
  321. GM (GM): Destroyed
  322. Traver S. still has another action, they'll use it to take another shot...and then end their turn. Once more. The next nearest one.
  323. GM (GM): Rool
  324. Traver S.: rolling 1d100
  325. (77)= 77
  326. Traver S. then ends turn. "Got 'em."
  327. GM (GM): Clayton!
  328. Suule S. hisses angrily at Clayton "Burn the fuckers down. Leave nothing. Fucking Dittos tricking me..."
  329. GM (GM): Everett takes it personal!
  330. Suule S.: ((Everett missed a chance to torture the object of his utter hatred. He is furious.))
  331. Clayton R. shakes his head again, groaning as he heads toward the catwalk's railing. "Get off the catwalk now! It's too dangerous."
  332. GM (GM): Remaining actions?
  333. Clayton R. withdraws the blaster and readies his flamethrower instead. He warns Martin. "Stay Resolute! Don't let them overwhlem you!"
  334. Clayton R.: ((I switched weapons so that's a double action for me))
  335. GM (GM): Your turn suule
  336. Suule S.: (Well I'm gonna go and protect Martin
  337. (Should have enough actions to go to his spot and shove him behind me?)
  338. Martin Baron: ((I think I'm fine, I doubt it can slither 27 feet to goop all over me. But cool, thanks.))
  339. Suule S. runs to Martin and act as a human shield in case Dittos will try to overhelm him again, pushing the rabbit behind him "COME AND GET ME YOU FUCKERS. I AIN'T AFRAID OF YOUR TRICKS!".
  340. Suule S.: ((That's all))
  341. The darkness grows
  342. Clayton R.: "What a pleb, he didn't even go into overwatch))
  343. shieeet
  344. Martin Baron: ((RUUUUN MOTHERFUCKERS RUN!))
  345. GM (GM): A figure appears
  346. Every demon must die! He shouts!
  347. GM (GM): Sorry,
  348. Martin Baron: ((Fuck this facility really is entirely dittos isn't it?))
  349. Suule S. points at the Topsider "YOU'RE NOT GETTING MY TROPHY, YOU FUCKING DITTOS. HE'S MINE."
  350. GM (GM): Martin's turn!
  351. Martin Baron: ((I'm surprised we don't have a "roll with mind bonus at the sight of being surrounded by blackberry jam))
  352. ((I'm gonna blast dem. Do I still have the aim bonus or is it just for that one use?))
  353. GM (GM): ((Well, right now you're doing a good job of keeping them at bay.
  354. Martin Baron: ((Ok good to know. And now we've gone from Call of Cthulu to Killing Floor.))
  355. rolling 1d100+5
  356. (80)+5= 85
  357. Suule S.: ((DOSH!))
  358. Traver S.: (GRAB IT WHILE YOU CAN LADS)
  359. Martin Baron: ((Next song please be loadsa money))
  360. GM (GM): Target?
  362. Clayton R.: I just noticed I could fire my flamethrower at any point in this room.
  363. GM (GM): Drill right?
  364. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, I set it earlier.))
  365. ((Took an action too.))
  366. ((Coolio. 2 down and no MP loss. Today's a good day.))
  367. GM (GM): You zap them!
  368. Problem!
  369. Martin Baron: ((Gonna blast some more.))
  370. GM (GM): That corner of the factory has collapsed!
  371. Martin Baron: ((Fuck our personal safety, I'm a Gun Godz))
  372. rolling 1d100+5
  373. (96)+5= 101
  374. ((It wont hit, sadly.))
  375. GM (GM): Collapse!
  376. Martin Baron: (( #verifyvenuz ))
  377. ((Another!))
  378. rolling 1d100+5
  379. (9)+5= 14
  380. ((FUCK))
  381. Clayton R. curses as a drill zips past him and another section of the factory collapses
  382. Martin Baron: ((Bye hands))
  383. GM (GM): It detonates!
  384. Traver S.: (Ffff. Have to afk for a few minutes, when it comes to my turn, DJ is gonna try and attack the figure that appeared with another well placed gun shot.)
  385. Suule S.: ((Shit...))
  386. ((DJ at least stun the topsider))
  387. Martin Baron: ((How much damage in total and damage to hands?))
  388. Suule S.: ((Also do I get damage?))
  389. GM (GM): Working on it.
  390. rolling 3d10
  391. (2+7+3)= 12
  392. You take 22 to both hands.
  393. Sorry, 12.
  394. Martin Baron: ((How much HP do my hands have again? And that's 12 to my total HP or 22?))
  395. Suule S.: (Alright... that will complicate stuff
  396. GM (GM): 40 hp for shorties
  397. Traver S.: (I'm back)
  398. GM (GM): I could go over what I said earlier for that but its less than a self destruct.
  399. Martin Baron: ((Ok, I have 72 health and 81 armor. The armor can take the full hit right and not my HP?))
  400. GM (GM): Sure.
  401. Martin Baron: ((Ok great. Turn end.))
  402. GM (GM): Debris falls!
  403. Martin Baron yells in both surprise and pain as the blaster explodes in his hands. His armor takes most of the blast, but his hands are damaged from the explosion.
  404. GM (GM): rolling 5d100
  405. (12+13+36+3+77)= 141
  406. Martin! you take
  407. Suule S. turns back "Martin for fuck's sake, what happened?"
  408. Martin Baron: ((Pls no))
  409. GM (GM): rolling 3d10+30
  410. (10+2+10)+30= 52
  411. Suule S.: (Holy fuck)
  412. GM (GM): Damage from a goddamn slab of concrete falling on you.
  413. Martin Baron 's armor is obliterated from both the explosion and the concrete piercing his armor. This time, Martin yells only out of pain.
  414. Martin Baron: ((41 armor is dead, so 11 HP damage?))
  415. the structure is unstable! Every combat round something will fall! 40< determines if you are hit.
  416. GM (GM): Yep.
  417. Martin Baron: ((61 current HP))
  418. GM (GM): You don't kick kittens or anything, right?
  419. Martin Baron: ((No, but I might if I get that bad of a roll again.))
  420. GM (GM): Anytime I roll enviromental you are hit dead center.
  421. Suule S. yells as he sees Martin almost crushed by concrete debries"JUST RUN AND GUN, PEOPLE. EVERYTHING IS GONNA COLLAPSE."
  422. GM (GM): I mean, I'm not trying to kill your character...
  423. Traver S.: (Gaia doesn't like him.)
  424. GM (GM): Anyway, DJ!
  425. Martin Baron: ((It's fine GM, I have no one to blame but myself.))
  426. Traver S. DJ gets it in his head that the figure is the cause of all this, if he stops the figure the black sludge might stop too.
  427. Clayton R. nods in agreement. "Yeah. Screw the jelly monsters, concrete is worse! LET'S MOVE!"
  428. Traver S. still being on the catwalk runs up and fires a KILL at the one near him sets to stun and stuns the figure...
  429. Suule S. yells "STUN THE FUCKER, DJ. I WANT HIM ALIVE!"
  430. Traver S.: "ON IT."
  431. rolling 1d100
  432. (66)= 66
  433. GM (GM): Its a hit.
  434. Traver S.: And next comes the stun for the FIGURE.
  435. rolling 1d100
  436. (19)= 19
  437. GM (GM): That's a miss.
  438. Traver S. didn't set the dial all the way and ends out missing. At least he got rid of another of those monsters.
  439. Suule S.: (Which one did you manage to hit?)
  440. Clayton R.: get out of there DJ, you're too hot! Pull up!
  441. Traver S.: That one.
  442. Oh boy.
  443. GM (GM): Is that your turn?
  444. Traver S.: Yeah that's all my actions.
  445. GM (GM): Clayton!
  446. Martin Baron: ((It's toasty time!))
  447. Traver S.: "Don't worry! I got it! Just don't bring it all down!"
  448. Clayton R. motions toward the rest of the group, yelling loudly. "We HAVE TO MOVE! This place isn't going to last for long!"
  449. Martin Baron: (( Xcom 2 hype))
  450. Clayton R.: Clayton fires at a jelly monster
  451. GM (GM): ((Oh, you guys can hear the jukebox thing?
  452. Suule S.: ((Yes))
  453. GM (GM): ((Oh dear, I'm really sorry I exposed you all to that last music for the last hour!)
  454. Suule S.: ((It... wasn't intentional?)
  455. GM (GM): Target?
  456. Traver S.: (Cause it was rather fitting music)
  457. GM (GM): Roll!
  458. ((Was, wasn't it?))
  459. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  460. (32)+20= 52
  461. Martin Baron: ((Seriously, can't wait for Xcom 2. Already pre-ordered it.))
  462. Clayton R.: I'm in the middle of Enemy Within
  463. Martin Baron: ((Nice. Hardcore Impossible?))
  464. Clayton R.: I built a hyperspace relay, and I' awaiting further plot
  465. ((Enemy Within is my first XCOM game. I'm just playing on normal))
  466. GM (GM): Sorry, got distracted.
  467. Clayton R.: I have one last action
  468. GM (GM): ((I used to have xcom on floppy disk.))
  469. Suule S.: ((I used to play the fuck out of TFTD))
  470. GM (GM): ((I was terrible at it. Still am))
  471. Martin Baron: ((That's understandable. Still, if you want to try out Hardcore Impossible, look up Beaglerush. Guy has great tactics for playing on Impossible, even Long War too.))
  472. GM (GM): Last action, Clay?
  473. Martin Baron: ((Oh hey Gm, wasn't his 52 a hit?))
  474. GM (GM): Yes.
  475. Martin Baron: ((Oh sorry, didn't notice the other one was gone.))
  476. GM (GM): I took out the ditto he pointed at, I think.
  477. Clayton R. groans in annoyance as he turns toward another jelly monster. "BURN ALL DEMONS!" all in an attempt to mimic the figure
  478. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  479. (58)+20= 78
  480. Martin Baron: ((If we all somehow die at one point in our game, we should do a Topsider game.))
  481. Suule S.: ((I Would probably be killed by one of the teammates within seconds in that))
  482. Clayton R.: I want to be a patriotic paladin Topsider
  483. GM (GM): ((Sure, I have no idea what you'd do, but sure!))
  484. Clayton R.: Giant Mutie hunting
  485. Suule S.: ((Because I would question authority... all the time))
  486. Martin Baron: ((Why, cleanse the wasteland of mutant filth of course!))
  487. GM (GM): What was your target clay?
  488. Lets move here. Mallory!
  489. Suule S.: Well...
  490. Suule S. pulls out a thermite bomb and points the the topsider "SURRENDER NOW OR YOU'LL BURN TO A CRISP!"
  491. GM (GM): He's unconscious
  492. Suule S.: ((I thought stun didn't hit))
  493. Martin Baron: ((SCARE HIM IN HIS SLEEP!))
  494. Suule S.: ((Umm okay... change of action then))
  495. ((Can I start dragging him out?))
  496. Clayton R.: grab him and drag him with us, we have to move
  497. Martin Baron: ((You're on the ground, he's up on the 2nd floor.))
  498. GM (GM): He's not really buried
  499. Clayton R.: No, he's on the collapsed catwalk
  500. GM (GM): You can run up and grab him if you want.
  501. Suule S.: ((So how far would I move if I start to drag him up))
  502. Clayton R.: Also, how much longer is he knocked out?
  503. Suule S.: Yeah sure
  504. GM (GM): We never rolled for that.
  505. Suule S. runs to the topsider and starts to drag him out "DJ, GRAB THE HARDWARE. I'M GRABBING OUR PRIZE."
  506. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  507. (4)= 4
  508. 3minutes
  509. Clayton R.: we really need to move then, make sure to grab his gun
  510. Traver S. comments "Tha's what I was gon'....WHATEVER MAN. LETS JUST BOUNCE."
  511. Martin Baron: ((I suggest tossing it. It might be bugged.))
  512. Clayton R.: A topsider without a zero gun is just a dude in a suit
  513. Suule S.: ((How much length would I go through??))
  514. Clayton R.: We can toss it later, a few feet won't matter I think
  515. Martin Baron: ((Also remember, their suits have an energy field they can activate to destroy anything that's touching them.))
  516. GM (GM): Endturn?
  517. Suule S.: (Can I still move with him?)
  518. GM (GM): What' your strength?
  519. Suule S.: 4
  520. Clayton R.: Isn't that only on certain suits? We've seen topsiders touch muties before.
  521. Traver S.: Its something they probably turn on and off.
  522. Suule S.: ((Also if that guy was blasting Dittos, clearly he didn't have that))
  523. Martin Baron: ((It's a self-activate thing. Remember when Jim and Sarah got out of the rope by activating it?))
  524. Clayton R.: ((If we can't move hi in time Suule, I suggest unfastening his suit and transforming him. Then he loses any option he has of returning home.))
  525. GM (GM): ((Its all of them, they have to activate it.))
  526. Suule S.: ((And we lose our advantage))
  527. Martin Baron: ((Just constantly zap him with a stun blast while we book it.))
  528. Suule S.: ((Yeah... ))
  529. ((Anyway... can I move more?))
  530. GM (GM): Not really.
  531. You've moved your max, right?
  532. Suule S.: (21feet with 4 speed... I think so?)
  533. GM (GM): Additionally, you can only lift 80lbs max.
  534. So can't really carry him.
  535. Maybe drag him.
  536. Suule S.: Well that was my intend
  537. GM (GM): But then you'll reduced to 4 tiles max move a turn.
  538. Suule S.: I don't care. I'm a very determined panda
  539. GM (GM): Oke dokey.
  540. Topsider turn!
  541. Everyone gets a ditto!
  542. Clayton R.: my own dittos!
  543. Traver S.: "Nngh, just one after the other!"
  544. GM (GM): True.
  545. GM (GM): True.
  546. Martin, roll +mind bonus
  547. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  548. (33)+15= 48
  549. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  550. (37)+10= 47
  551. You still resist.
  552. Martin Baron: ((ooh))
  553. Suule S.: ((Christ...))
  554. GM (GM): Everyone else, same thing! roll+mind bonus!
  555. Clayton R.: on the brink of madness
  556. Suule S.: (Just get out of there you crazy hare)
  557. GM (GM): Ditto nightmare!
  558. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+50
  559. (80)+50= 130
  560. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 20
  561. (13)+20= 33
  562. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  563. (65)= 65
  564. rolling 1d100
  565. (93)= 93
  566. Martin Baron looks prepared to scream, but barely holds his composure at the black mass closing in.
  567. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  568. (55)+35= 90
  570. GM (GM): DJ! You are awash with terrors from your darkest fears!
  571. rolling 1d100
  572. (22)= 22
  573. DJ! You take
  574. Traver S. screams loudly. He even trashes about.
  575. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  576. (3)= 3
  577. 3 mind damage!
  578. Martin Baron: ((The equivalent of badly stubbing your toe.))
  579. Traver S.: Whoof. Not to bad.
  580. GM (GM): Its a gradual process!
  581. Martin Baron: ((You stub all of your toes and get hit with the schism))
  582. GM (GM): Also, another topsider has appeared at the entrance!
  584. GM (GM): Martin, your turn!
  585. Clayton R. steels himself. He won't succumb to such lowly beasts. He hardens his gaze and stares the jelly monster down.
  586. Martin Baron: ((How much HP does the blackberry jelly got?))
  587. GM (GM): Technically 30.
  588. Suule S.: ((Holy fuck I'm losing my mind here, what is real and what is not))
  589. Martin Baron: ((Also shit, if my gun didn't explode I might be able to shoot the Topsider.))
  590. GM (GM): But what actually affects them is very specific
  591. Martin Baron: ((So clubbing one wont do diddly?))
  592. GM (GM): About as much a clubbing jello
  593. Martin Baron: ((Shit. Not much else I can do but book it.))
  594. Martin Baron: ((How many actions does it take for someone with 9 speed to make it to the unconscious Topsider? And for curiousity's sake, the new Topsider?))
  595. GM (GM): one
  596. Martin Baron: ((And the other's 3?))
  597. Martin Baron: ((Crud. Trying to deal with him or at least block him from shooting the others wont do diddly.))
  598. GM (GM): ((Speed is very helpful in these situations.
  599. Martin Baron: ((... Unless I run 2, and leave one action to dodge.))
  600. ((But I'm going into a death-laser fight with a table club. Hmm...))
  601. Suule S.: ((THROW A BARREL AT HIM, RACE))
  602. GM (GM): ((So you want to run in front of a target and then leap out of the way? Fascinating tactic there.))
  603. Martin Baron: ((Run from the side, try to get his attention so he doesn't ZOT anyone else and try dodging his blast. Say form here.))
  604. GM (GM): Sure, why not?
  605. Martin Baron: ((Please tell me my speed has a bonus to dodge))
  606. (( I know I got the 45 to melee parry and attack, but I don't know about dodge.))
  607. GM (GM): Same, 45
  608. Martin Baron: ((Oh beautiful.))
  609. GM (GM): There are only three bonuses in this game that you need to know, your strength, speed, and mind.
  610. At least that's what I'm trying to make it as.
  611. Martin Baron: ((I'm gonna do just that and try to draw his attack so he wont kill anyone else. Maybe next turn whack his gun out of his hand with my table leg.))
  612. rolling 1d100+45
  613. (73)+45= 118
  614. GM (GM):
  615. Okay, he now needs 119+ to hit you.
  616. Great considering he's insane.
  617. Huh.
  618. Guess that would count for debri as well.
  619. Martin Baron runs towards the new Topsider, screaming loudly to draw his attention. In his fear driven mind, Martin tries his best to protect his comrades.
  620. GM (GM): rolling 6d100
  621. (43+65+58+100+71+2)= 339
  622. Martin Baron: ((JESUS CHRIST ON A STICK))
  623. GM (GM): ...
  624. Suule S.: ((Am I dead?))
  625. GM (GM): Yeah, we are going to say gravity doesn't crit.
  626. Suule S.: ((TPK?))
  627. GM (GM): rolling 3d10+30
  628. (4+1+1)+30= 36
  629. Martin Baron: ((Please let the 100 go to me so it misses or something. Anyone else and they might be out of the count.))
  630. GM (GM): DJ, Clayton, Mallory, Unconscious topsider, conscious topsider, all take 36 damage!
  631. Suule S.: ((...fuck...))
  632. ((...guys I might die next round at this rate))
  633. GM (GM): Uh oooooh!
  634. Suule S.: ((22 HP left))
  635. GM (GM): His suit ripped alittle!
  636. Martin Baron: ((Every turn, I think it can't possibly get any worse. You exceed my expectations every time.))
  637. Martin Baron: ((Wait wait wait. What about unconscious Topsider? Did his rip?))
  638. But he didn't explode into teeth.
  639. Martin Baron: ((If so, that means he's one of us now.))
  640. GM (GM): its a surprise!
  641. Martin Baron: ((Ooh goody))
  642. Suule S. yells out in pain as he's on his last legs, bleeding "Guys... I'm feeling really bad here..."
  643. Martin Baron: ((How are you gonna decide what he mutates into? Roll a number in the rules and pick out the random species?))
  644. GM (GM): DJ your turn!
  645. Clayton R. is beginning to panic. He turns back to the rest of the group. "WE MUST LEAVE NOW, OR WE ARE GOING TO DIE! LET'S GO EVERETT!"
  646. Martin Baron: ((Ok, y'all get the fuck out. Clayton, you should come with me and we should try running past the big fucker. The others can take the silo exit with the unconscious Topsider.))
  647. Clayton R. clarifies "LEAVE THE TOPSIDER IF YOU NEED TO!"
  648. GM (GM):
  649. Suule S. looks at Clayton as blood runs down his muzzles from the headwound "O... okay..."
  650. Martin Baron yells out loudly, fear still prevalent in his voice. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" he yells to the others.
  651. Clayton R. pauses for a mere moment, adding one last thing. "TAKE THE OTHER EXIT IF POSSIBLE! I HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE OUTSIDE! STAY DETERMINED!"
  652. Suule S.: (I'm not sure which other exits remain)
  653. Martin Baron: ((Wait wait, Clayton, you should take the silo exit. You might get hit if you get near the biggun. You probably can't dodge him. I should be fine.))
  654. Clayton R.: ((Okay, so I can make it to the exit if I sprint.))
  655. Does it matter I run near him if I can make it to the exit before his turn?"
  656. GM (GM): Let's skip DJ then.
  657. Martin Baron: ((He's probably checking his food in the oven.))
  658. GM (GM): I can't answer that clayton
  659. Martin Baron: ((Like I said though, Clayton, you should take the safer exit. The dittos might hit you, but they're far less deadly than Godzilla here.))
  660. GM (GM): Part of a GMs job is to jerk you around.
  661. Martin Baron: ((As horrible as everything gotten GM, this is a fucking blast.))
  662. Suule S.: ((Just to make super sure))
  663. Clayton R.: Which tile is the silo exit exactly? it's hard to tell now.
  664. Suule S.: Is this the exit?
  665. Martin Baron: Where Suule is, right?))
  666. (( That's where the supply room is.))
  667. Suule S.: ((Yeah... hmmm isn't there a chimney there?
  668. ((I might take a very desperate measure...))
  669. ((I take the supply room is still sound))
  670. ((And the chimney is still intact in the supply room...))
  671. GM (GM): Yeah, over by suule and that cluster
  672. Martin Baron: ((Bah, if I went to knocked-out Topsider I probably could've taken him all the way outside in one turn. Oh well.))
  673. Suule S.: ((Alright I think I have a plan))
  674. Suule S. yells "Clayton... The chimney led anywhere?))
  675. Martin Baron: ((What's the pink square?))
  676. GM (GM): I have no idea, I didn't draw it.
  677. Clayton R. yells back, "It led upwards and there was a hole in the chimeny! You might be able to fit!"
  678. Martin Baron: ((Oh I thought it was an exit I made after zip-zapping the whole place))
  679. ((If the Topsider shrank a few shirt sizes, he might fit too.))
  680. Suule S. smiles "If we don't see each other again, stay safe..."
  681. Martin Baron: ((Depends on the species roll.))
  682. Everett has apparently gotten stronger! He lifts the topsider with ease!
  683. Martin Baron: ((Radical))
  684. Clayton R.: ((To be perfectly clear here GM, just so I don't make a very stupid move... The exit at the botoom lead directly outside to the jeep, and the silo exit goes to the chimney right... and I could also exit from there too?"
  685. GM (GM): Yes.
  686. Martin Baron: ((Well, even if you couldn't, Master Splinter might be able to make the tunnel bigger with his blaster.))
  687. ((But alright, let's get this turkey cooking and get the hell out of here.))
  688. Clayton R.: ((Can I move past the big mutie without trouble if I sprint?))
  689. ((I'm just real nervous right now...))
  690. GM (GM): Yes.
  691. Suule S.: ((I'm also scared shitless))
  692. GM (GM): The mutie has afew moments of orientation before it craves your flesh.
  693. Martin Baron: ((Seriously, this is fun as hell))
  694. GM (GM): brb
  695. Martin Baron: ((Me too, I need some watah))
  696. Clayton R.: I hope nobody minds if I book it and start the jeep. I'm gettin' out of there.
  697. GM (GM): back
  698. Like they say, look in the phonebook for how many Custards there are.
  699. Run!
  700. Martin Baron: ... What does that mean?
  701. GM (GM): It's an old SNL joke.
  702. Martin Baron: Oooh.
  703. GM (GM): Anyway, Move!
  704. Martin Baron: ((Play the Benny Hill music and let's split.))
  705. Clayton R.: I'm sprinting out
  706. GM (GM): Out and out!
  707. Blank named panda!
  708. Martin Baron: ((Yo, if we make it to the exit, do we still get hit with falling concrete?))
  709. GM (GM): No!
  710. Martin Baron: ((Thank god))
  711. Clayton R.: I have one spare turn, but I suppose it's no use here unless I can use it to start the jeep
  712. Suule S. grabs the topsider and runs into the supply room, hoping the chimney is still intact...
  713. Suule S. starts praying hard under his nose...
  714. GM (GM): It is!
  715. Saving us all another map jump, you run out of the chimney successfully!
  716. Martin Baron: (( ... So, awkward time to ask and all, but do you think we can set up the relay once we get out?))
  717. Clayton R. swallows his fear and sprints past the monster, booking toward the jeep so he can get ready to bug out
  718. Clayton R.: I set down the relay in the chimney
  719. Martin Baron: ((Oh nice. Good to know, now we can relieve our stress with DOSH))
  720. Clayton R.: At the end of the last session before I got shot at
  721. Oh damn, GM, you're giving the monster nightmares too
  722. GM (GM): Martin, DJ, Roll mind bonus!
  723. Ditto attack
  724. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+5
  725. (100)+5= 105
  727. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  728. (20)+20= 40
  729. Obviously that's a success.
  730. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 20
  731. (14)+20= 34
  732. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  733. (94)+10= 104
  734. Oh, sure, now.
  735. rolling 1d10
  736. (5)= 5
  737. Martin Baron: (( That crit should give me all of my MP back. I straighten the fuck out))
  738. GM (GM): 5 mind points.
  739. Suule S.: (... DJ is gonna get buried)
  740. GM (GM): The Dittos are attacking the monster!
  741. Martin's turn!
  742. Clayton R.: but what is a monster afraid of?
  743. Martin Baron strengthens his resolve against the abominations, and stills his fear momentarily. His mind now clear, he looks to where Clayton runs and sprints to leave with him.
  744. GM (GM): Good question, apparently being covered in devil jelly!
  745. You are out!
  746. Martin Baron: ((Hell, I got enough speed to make it to the Jeep and back.))
  747. ((Shit, DJ!))
  748. Traver S.: (The bad times commith.)
  749. GM (GM): Do you have any armor?
  750. Suule S.: ((Something tells me that I'm carrying DJ's new character))
  751. Martin Baron: ((Ooh, that's actually kind of convenient.))
  752. Traver S.: (DJ does have some. Yes.)
  753. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  754. (49)= 49
  755. rolling 3d10+30
  756. (10+1+10)+30= 51
  757. How much?
  758. Suule S.:
  759. Traver S.: He has 30.
  760. Martin Baron: (( Oooh no, please tell me he's got more than 20 health))
  761. GM (GM): 1hp!
  762. Traver S. has ONE LIFE POINT LEFT
  763. Martin Baron: ((Bloody hell!))
  764. Suule S.: (Ah hell naw)
  765. GM (GM): Its also your turn!
  766. Martin Baron: ((RUN BITCH! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!))
  767. Traver S.: DJ seeing as its all over will RUN!
  768. Traver S. will go full tilt...and pick up the parts along the way..
  770. Martin Baron: ((Silo exit man!))
  771. Clayton R.: DJ, there is an exit next to you
  772. Traver S.: RIGHT THAT ONE
  773. Martin Baron: (( You're our favorite ninja rat, please don't die to some rubble!))
  774. GM (GM): There are dittos abundant. A zero gun lies of the ground next to the exit.
  775. Clayton R.: grab it, we can toss it later
  776. Traver S. will pick that up too. Why not.
  777. Martin Baron: ((Even if the Topsider has the gun, it's still useless in his hands.))
  778. GM (GM): Roll to strike!
  779. Kind of hard to grab something when you're moving at 27 mph
  780. Suule S.: (JUST FUCK IT MAN)
  781. Traver S.: rolling 1d100
  782. (62)= 62
  783. GM (GM): You grabbed the gun!
  784. Martin Baron: (( VICTORY!))
  785. GM (GM): Exit?
  786. Traver S.: YES
  787. Martin Baron: PLEASE LET US LEAVE
  788. GM (GM): Sorry, map prep.
  789. You are out!
  790. Suule S. waves at Martin in the distance supporting up DJ
  791. Clayton R.: and I'm sitting in the Jeep, along with Baron
  792. Martin Baron: ((Get in the Jeep and drive to them?))
  793. Clayton R.: Let's get the fuck out of here
  795. Clayton R.: drive next to them, help 'em in and then we'll fuck off
  796. Suule S. helps Martin up and looks at the topsider. "What to make out of this poor sod? I say leave him to rot."
  797. You roll up beside them, as you do the entrance to the factory closes.
  798. Martin Baron collapses in the back seat of the Jeep, completely exhausted both physically and mentally. He thanks Suule for the assistance.
  799. Martin Baron: ((Roll perception to notice tear in suit?))
  800. GM (GM): And the chimney collapses
  801. Clayton R. groans and yells at Everett. "Take him with us for now! We can't screw around right now!"
  802. GM (GM): If you want.
  804. He deserves to rot... but not before
  805. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  806. (15)= 15
  807. Clayton R. retorts. "We can toss him out leter! JUST take him with us for now!'
  808. Martin Baron: (( I don't notice anything out of the ordinary apparently.))
  809. Suule S. grabs the topsider, shakes him and drops him
  810. GM (GM): There is a large rip in the suit. Anyone could see it.
  811. Suule S.: WAKE UP YOU MUTT
  812. Martin Baron: ((Interrigate on the drive home?))
  813. GM (GM): The 'mutt' rouses.
  814. Martin Baron: ((Also, shit, did we bring out anything out with us? The pack I got full of pens and computer parts is now buried.))
  815. Clayton R. , fed up, yells again. "Interrogate in the car moron! NOT NOW!"
  816. mutt: t' Ar-hark-hack, ugh.
  817. Traver S. moves to pat the panda. "We're out of here....nngh. Lossin' adrenaline...."
  818. Clayton R. is reaching toward his flamethrower, he is actually getting angry now
  819. Martin Baron notices the Topsiders awakening. Ignoring his heavily stressed body and mind, he sits up and draws his club, prepared for a fight.
  820. Suule S. growls "...Give me a second guys... few smacks and I'll have him talk"
  821. Clayton R. climbs out the front seat and moves to punch Everett with a restrained hit
  822. mutt: "Warkakgrrr."
  823. Suule S. spits in the Topsider direction "All topsiders are fucking wus..."
  826. GM (GM): The Mutt doesn't like the aggressive tone of this conversation!
  827. Clayton R. yells back. "Take him in the jeep then! You're endangering all of us, and I won't fucking have it! Get in the car, or I will leave you here!"
  828. GM (GM): He attacks Everett!
  829. Martin Baron slowly drops out of the car, standing over the Topsider while watching Clayton and Suule argue. He can't handle this anymore.
  830. GM (GM): Roll what actions you want!
  831. Traver S. just sort of rubs his head. Neither does he honestly.
  832. Martin Baron: (( I want to club him in the head.))
  833. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  834. (60)+25= 85
  835. Clayton R. ,pissed even more now, aims at the topsider mutt. Stand down or be torched!
  836. Suule S.: ((I want to punch him so hard to knock some seense into him))
  837. rolling d100+50
  838. (70)+50= 120
  839. GM (GM): He's punching you suule.
  840. So is that a parry or a punch?
  841. Suule S.: It will be a parry then
  842. GM (GM): You parry his attack!
  843. Clayton R. yells at the topsider in an attempt to intimidate him
  844. mutt: D-Deamon!
  845. Martin Baron: (( I guess my actions don't matter because I'm still dead last? ))
  846. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+10
  847. (1)+10= 11
  848. Martin Baron: WOW
  849. go: away demon!
  850. Clayton R.: oh lol
  851. y-you too
  852. GM (GM): Whoops, nah, go crazy, this isn't a formal combat.
  853. Suule S. laughs and aims to rip off that stupid mask of his
  854. Suule S.: rolling d100+20
  855. (83)+20= 103
  856. Martin Baron: (( I got a -10 to persuasion. I'm guessing intimidate is persuasion?))
  857. GM (GM): He doesn't pary.
  858. Clayton R. shakes his head, and holds his hand out to DJ. "Could you hand me that zero gun please?"
  859. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100-10
  860. (16)-10= 6
  861. ((Nah, I got nothing))
  863. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  864. (15)+10= 25
  865. So close
  866. Suule S.: (I've told you guys, you wouldn't like Everett after this....))
  867. GM (GM): He appears to be some sort of vulture.
  868. Traver S. rubs the back of his head. "I....Hmm..." DJ doesn't like this kinda look at all. He hands the gun over.
  869. Traver S.: "Just don't go making things worse. Either."
  870. Martin Baron: ((That's funny, my side character's a vulture. Female though.))
  871. GM (GM): He tries to punch Everett again.
  873. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  874. (29)+25= 54
  875. It is obvious that the this new mutant is insane, either by the dittos or just having mutated.
  876. Clayton R. grabs the gun , aiming it back toward the vulture. He yells at both Everett and the topsider. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP OR YOU BOTH GET DUSTED." He holds the gun steady. If anyone here couuld possibly he could...maybe...
  877. Martin Baron: ((Eh, I dunno. I mean he just mutated, lost his gun, and is getting yelled at by a 3 foot tall panda. Seems like normal reactions to me.))
  878. Suule S. attempts to grip him.
  879. GM (GM): The topsider responds and throws his hands up
  880. Martin Baron: ((And I'm not just being sarcastic.))
  881. Clayton R. sighs, and aims the gun slightly more at Everett. "You too panda!"
  882. Suule S. looks at Clayton and raises his his hands slowly "You... wouldn't dare..."
  883. Suule S. growls "At a guy with glasses too..."
  884. GM (GM): ((CLAYTON DARES!))
  885. Martin Baron feels more uneasy as the situation gets worse and worse. He doesn't know what to do.
  886. bird: Whisper man! The whisper man!
  887. Clayton R. raises an eyebrow. "Try me... Get in the car, both of you. If any of you try to start anything, I'll kill you both. even if you too want to rip each other's guts out, you need to understand that we're still in danger right now. We can can pull this stupid shit later...Hell, if you behave. You might even get somethignt o eat tonight."
  888. GM (GM): Very good descaltion action!
  889. Suule S. relculantly goes into the jeep "Just keep that topsider scum away from me..." and goes to sit next to Martin to check if he's okay from that explosion.
  890. GM (GM): Martin is not okay! No one is okay!
  892. Clayton R. starts the car, let's leave... topsider, you stay where I can see you."
  893. Suule S.: (More so I wonder if I can try applying first aid to at least clean the wounds)
  894. (I'm afraid of touching DJ because a critical failure would mean bad)
  895. Clayton R. turns to Everett. "We need some medical attention, tend to DJ, then Martin. I'm fine."
  896. GM (GM): Let us bookmark it here.
  897. Traver S. is just kinda resting on the seat. "I'll...I'll be alright."
  898. Martin Baron: "S-stay away from me." Martin says to Everett, scooting to the other side of the backseat. After what happened, both now and previously, he doesn't want anyone near him.
  899. Suule S. growls "Pointing a gun at a doctor doesn't give you health insurance."
  900. Clayton R. drives the jeep off into the sunset
  901. GM (GM): ((Just remember to keep all his blood in.))
  902. Let's do this quick.
  903. Clayton R. offer the passenger front seat to Martin, He figures he should neeed some kind of relaxation and who doesn't love having control over the radio?
  904. Martin Baron: (( Don't tell me the Topsider turns out to be female and is actually my character.))
  905. Suule S.: ((Heh... I'll try to remember that))
  906. GM (GM): Traver, 20 mind damage.
  907. Everyone gets 100xp, this is was one of the hardest the setting can throw at you.
  908. Suule S.: I vote Martin for MVP. Hands down.
  909. GM (GM): Martin reall did stick and move.
  910. Clayton R.: I vote me, for threatening to kill friendlies
  911. GM (GM): +10 to Suule for keeping it edgey
  912. Clayton R.: ,but yeah, martin actually
  913. GM (GM): +10 to Clayon for being a Prime
  914. Martin Baron: Thank you guys.
  915. GM (GM): +20 to Martin for taking it to the limit.
  916. Especially that block and dodge trick.
  917. Suule S.: My runner up would be DJ for 1 HP struggle
  918. GM (GM): +10 for not actually killing anyone, remarkably.
  919. Suule S.: Because you have to have balls of steel and irish luck to pull this off
  920. GM (GM): To everyone.
  921. Martin Baron: ((Shit, I'm 2 XP points away))
  922. There we go
  923. Suule S.: Heh, thanks DM
  924. GM (GM): Okay! I'll see you guys next week!
  925. Suule S.: See ya
  926. GM (GM): We might have some new players.
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