
Chapter 3: Then Some Shit Happened

Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. >Be day somthing or other
  2. >Friends: a bunch
  3. >Haters: way more
  4. >Current spells: Telekinesis
  5. >Bros: Big Mac
  6. >Alright, waking up to the sun's glare in your face
  7. >That bitch probably planed this shit
  8. >Get out of bed, and go to bathroom
  9. >Leave bathroom lightly sobing due to your condition
  10. >Make some breakfast
  11. >Knock on the door
  12. >Use telekinesis to continue making pancakes as you open the door
  13. >Celestia's guards tell you she wants her cake
  14. >Levitate that bitch out of the oven nice, fresh, and one hundred percent delisious with cupcakes
  15. >Guards seem skeptical but take it anyway and go
  16. >Telekinesis finshes pancakes and you eat the shit out of them
  17. >Now with that done time to get dressed and see where today takes you
  18. >You walk outside and can't help but notice a faint thumping in the distance
  19. >As you walk towards it it gets louder and you can here some voice
  20. >You reach a house with beats of power resinating from the door
  21. >You try knocking but what ever is going on they can't here you
  22. >So you peer into the window to see Vinly working on a new song
  23. >She notices you and stops the music
  24. >The door opens and you enter
  25. >"Yo yo Anon how's it hangin'"
  26. "It's all good bra"
  27. >You both laugh at your accent
  28. >"So you like the beats?"
  29. "Hell to the yeah"
  30. >Music starts again
  31. >She levitates some Applejack Daniels and passes one to you
  32. >You take it and sit on the couch nearby
  33. >Aww yeah personal DJ just for Anon
  34. >She mixes about 4 songs and finishes with a badass light show
  35. >You can't help but clap when she's done
  36. >"Now for the best part" she climbs on her turntables and stage dives on the couch
  37. >She lands on top of you and then shit got weird
  38. "Hey there...sooo...what uhh...what's goin on?"
  39. >All she does is stare into your eyes, obviously with sex on the mind
  40. >She lustly licks her lips, and you just lie there uncomfortablely
  41. >Kisses your cheek, then lips, then neck
  42. "Uhh...Vinly? you alright?"
  43. >Her magic removes your shirt and you already know where this is going
  44. >"Relaaax man I don't bite," she kisses your lips again, "...hard."
  45. >Aww shit gotta find a way to get outta here
  46. >You'd use force but her magic is stronger
  47. >You'd levitate her off you but she just cancels your spell
  48. >Aww man I think I might get raped here
  49. >"Man," she rubs her face on your chest, "your chest is wicked soft"
  50. >She looks up to you, closes her eyes and suddenly your pants fly off
  51. >You can feel the heat from her marehood on your groin
  52. >Aww shit this is it
  53. >...
  54. >"*snore*"
  55. >What the fuck?
  56. >She fell asleep on your chest
  57. >As you pick her up and lay her on her couch, she starts drooling
  58. >Got them clothes on and left Vinly's house
  59. >I'll just blame that on the drugs and preserve the friendship
  61. ---
  63. Meanwhile
  64. >You are Big Mac
  65. >Yesterday ya slapped the mess outta yore sister
  66. >Now it's breakfast time and it's gunna be awkward as hell
  67. >Still yore prepared fore whatever happens
  68. >You walk down stairs and see Applebloom
  69. >"Mornin' Big Mac"
  70. "Mornin' squirt"
  71. >You russle her mane
  72. >"Hay ah'm not little"
  73. "Aw ah'm just messin"
  74. >Suddenly Applejack walked in the room
  75. "Mornin' sis" you give a small smile to try and ease the tension
  76. >She just gets some hay and sit at the table
  77. >You saw that coming
  78. >"Hay sis? didn't ya hear Big Mac?"
  79. >"Yea ah heard 'im"
  80. >She looks at ya with extreme hate
  81. >"Well ya should at least greet 'im or sumtin"
  82. >She stays silent
  83. >"...Big Mac can ah talk to you outside please?"
  84. "Ok"
  85. >You walk with Applejack out tha front door
  86. "Sooo...what's on yer mind?"
  87. >She seems unfazed at your attempt to be oblivious about the soon to be arguement
  88. >"You already know..."
  89. "*sigh*"
  90. >You pick a sprig of wheat and place it in your mouth
  91. >You keep your cool and you bored expression as Applejacks starts the conversation
  92. >"Alright let's see where to begin?," she looks like she gonna punch you, "Oh ah know how about what tha fuck was that yesterday?"
  93. "..."
  94. >"Hello!? Equestria to Big Mac!"
  95. "Please keep yore voice down, we don't want Applebloom or Granny Smith ta get involved"
  96. >"Fine! we'll continue our disscussion in tha fields"
  97. >You slowly walk with her to the middle of the fields
  98. >"Ok now back to mah previous question," she clears her throat, "What the FUCK....WAS....THAT....YESTURDAY?!?"
  99. >You still keep your calm bored expression
  100. "There's no need for yellin Applejack"
  101. >She put her hoof to her face
  103. "Okay ah'll explain mahself..."
  104. >"Finally" she leans on a tree and folds her hooves
  105. "...ah told ya that Anon was and good guy rite?"
  106. >"Yeah"
  107. "Well it ain't rite to just try and force yerself upon those who are kind and just tryin ta get through the day," you clear your throat, "just like maw and paw taught us before they passed"
  108. >"humph, so that's it you tryin ta get me ta feel bad cause ah forgot ol maw and paw?"
  109. "..."
  110. >"Th' silent treatment, well," she stands on all four hooves now "ah already told ya sooner or later ah'm gonna git what ah want"
  111. "..."
  112. >She gets in your face
  113. >"And you ain't stoppin me"
  114. "Ya ain't gonna fight me, rite?"
  115. >"Not at first, but if ya provoke me"
  116. "...Then ah won't hesitate to take you down"
  119. ---
  121. >You are Anonymous
  122. >You were just walkin down the street when a familiar blue hair unicorn galloped towards you
  123. >"Heya Anon," she seems a little embarrassed, "ya got a minute"
  124. "Sure Vinly what's up"
  125. >"About the whole thing earlier I didn't mean anything by it ya know"
  126. "Hmm? and I thought it was because I was so soft"
  127. >"Yeah I was on some ex my bud gave me and kinda got outta hand"
  128. >Drugs, knew it
  129. "Aw no worries Vinly it's cool"
  130. >"Cool buy ya a drink or somethin'?"
  131. "Sure"
  132. >You and Vinly go to some resturant and she buys you lunch
  133. >The only thing you could even think about eating was the hay fries
  134. >Everything else was flowers and flower accessories
  135. >Still the hay fries weren't completely terrible even though they could have made french fries
  136. >I mean really they got potatoes and enough technology to make a deep fryer why not put two and two together
  137. >But you weren't there to complain you were there to hang with Vinly
  138. >You and her converse about pretty much nothing for a bit till she gets up to go to the bathroom
  139. >While you sit at your table alone some random colt with a camera around his neck walk up to you
  140. >"Wow you're dating DJ PON-3!?"
  141. "What"
  142. >He suddenly takes your picture and runs off
  143. >What the fuck?
  144. >Your vision quickly returns from the bright ass flash directly in your face
  145. >Vinly returns
  146. >"Hey what's up?" she sees you rubbing your eyes
  147. "Some random kid took my picture out of nowhere
  148. >"Maybe he's putting a ransom on your head"
  149. >You both chuckle
  150. >I can see it now Celestia says 4000 bits for my head alone
  151. >You both keep talking about stuff and nonsense for a bit till some guy walk to you
  152. >"Wow so it is true!," the random pony gets a pen and paper, "ca' ah get youw auogrph?"
  153. "Why?"
  154. >He puts the pen on the table
  155. >"Because of this," he pulls out a newspaper
  157. DJ dates Human
  159. DJ PON-3 now dating new Human in town Anonymous David Davidson
  160. more news on pg.4!!
  162. "..."
  163. >"So can I have your autograph please?"
  164. >You get up
  165. "Sorry Vinly I gotta cut this short"
  166. >"Where ya goin"
  167. "To beat some ass"
  169. ---
  171. >You ask around town to know where the paper is printed
  172. >Finally somep0ny who worked for the press walked you to the factory
  173. >You enter leaving him behind
  174. "Alright who's the motherfucker who's spreading lies about me?"
  175. >Everyp0ny drops what they're doing when they see you in such a happy mood
  176. >One pony finally grows the balls to speak
  177. >"So I take it your not happy with the latest paper"
  178. "Hell no!"
  179. >"Welp saw that coming, come on we'll clear your name"
  180. >You and one of the workers walk to the office of somep0ny yelling his ass off
  181. >"Cheif's in here you can try and reason with her"
  182. >Her? that sounds like a dude in there this might not be good
  183. >Shut up rational thinking
  184. >You enter the office and see the same pony who took your picture being chewed the fuck out by some bitch in a chair
  185. "Ahem!"
  186. >The bitch stops yelling at him and looks at you
  187. >She wasn't really anyp0ny special, she was some sort of orange with a light blue mane, glasses, wearing a hat you'd see repoters wear
  188. >"What do you want?"
  189. > Ok we're off to a good start
  190. "Yea I'm the guy in the paper dating a famous dj and I'm wondering who's ass to kick"
  191. >She gets out of her chair and walk to you
  192. >"That would be me, and I'm telling you now I'm not changing the paper," she's a few inches from your face with a smug grin, "so welcome to your new life"
  193. >You look at her blankly
  194. "...Well you said your the pony and you got in my face so you were literally asking for this"
  195. >You grab her by the tail and drag her to the main hall
  196. >She trys to struggle out of your grip but your stronger than her
  197. >You reach the hall in no time and lift her up
  198. "Hey everyp0ny listen up"
  199. >They all stop again and pay attention
  200. "She literally said I can kick her ass and just so you all believe me I recordedd everything"
  201. >You pull out your trusty tape recorder and play the tape
  202. *click* "...I'm wondering who's ass to kick"
  203. >"That would be me..."*click*
  204. "Undeniable proof so nop0ny call Celestia's guards cause I have permission, so you all can continue your work while I have a chat with your cheif"
  205. >You turn to the nearest secretary
  206. "Is there a basment or something here where everp0ny won't hear anything"
  207. >She looks terrified
  208. "Don't worry I won't kill her I just don't want to bother anyp0ny"
  209. >"...Y-yeah just go to the bottom of the stairs"
  210. "Thanks"
  211. >You again drag the pony by the tail down the stairs
  212. >You didn't care much uf she hit her head on the stairs, but you didn't want her knocked out just yet
  213. >You force her into the basement and throw her against the wall
  214. >Upon impact she gets back up and enters attack mode
  215. "Alright now I'm going to give you two options: You can make another paper saying what you said was lies, or I can persuade you to" you crack your knuckles, but still give her a blank stare
  216. >"And I'll tell you this...GO...BUCK...YOURSELF"
  217. "This aughta be fun"
  218. >CHARGE
  219. >She throws a punch at your face
  220. >But you sidestep and get her right in the gut
  221. >She gets a good swing at your chin as she rises back up
  222. >You retaliate by punching her in the face and knocking her to the floor
  223. >She staggers back up and trys to trip you
  224. >You dodge by jumping on top of her and pound continuasly on her face
  225. >She kicks you in the nuts and you engage in a big bear hug to disable her from attack you while you recover
  226. >Once you regain your strength you punch her in the cunt and kick her across the room
  227. >She trys to get back up but instead is met by your fist knocking her back to the ground
  228. >You then grab her tail again and throw her on the ground
  229. >She lays on the ground writhing in pain
  230. >" more"
  231. >You stop your assault and looks at her breathing heavily
  232. " we have an understanding?"
  233. >"...Yes"
  234. >"Also don't write shit about anyp0ny I know or I'll be back"
  235. >"...How the fuck am I suppose to do that"
  236. >You pull out a sheet of paper, write on it and hand it to her
  237. "Anyp0ny on that list and I'll kick your ass again
  238. >"...Fine!"
  239. >You pick her up gently and enter nice guy mode
  240. "Sorry I had to do that, it wasn't anything personal"
  241. >She scoffs
  242. >Expected that
  243. >How to lighten the mood?
  244. >you start softly singing a lullaby Flutteshy sang once
  245. >Still you remember it perfectly as though you heard it five minutes ago
  246. "Hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head, hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed..."
  247. >As you sang the cheif fell asleep in your arms
  248. >You walk to her office and set her on her chair
  249. >Good thing you didn't break any bones or else everyp0ne would called the guards
  250. >In fact even though you beat her ass, it looked like she won
  251. >With you covered in blood and scars, your clothes tattered and a black eye
  252. >You should head to Flutters' to get patched up
  254. ---
  256. >After your whole Bruce Lee moment you head to Fluttershy's house for a little R and R
  257. >You knock on the door and Fluttershy immediately gets her first aid kit
  258. >"Anon what happened?" she says as she wipes the blood away from your face
  259. "Aw just a little arguement, but it's all good now"
  260. >"Well you shouldn't argue with people like this," she looks at you with diabetus eyes, "you could get hurt"
  261. >Lived here for an unknown amount of time and she's still the most adorable thing you've ever seen
  262. >You give her a soft hug
  263. "It's alright Flutters we humans are made of tougher stuff than you think"
  264. >She hugs back and you just sit there for a while
  265. >It almost killed you to break that hug and you just sat there staring Fluttershy in the eyes just getting lost
  266. >She said something but you couldn't hear it
  267. >In fact it seemed like your head was zooming in on Fluttershy's
  268. >Suddenly something touched your lips and you close your eyes
  270. >You immediately come to your senses and break the kiss
  271. >A thin line of saliva made you blush extremely
  272. "S-sorry I wasn't thinking a-and I just," suddenly you look all around the room for something, but you can't think of what, "Oh man..uh don't hate me ok it won't happen again and I was just being stupid and..."
  273. >Fluttershy puts her hoof on your cheek and pulls you in for another kiss
  274. >She breaks the kiss much to your dissmay
  275. >"It's okay Anon"
  276. >Damn that smile it'll end me one day
  277. >You both sat on Fluttershy's floor for...some amount of time
  278. >You lost track as you just stared into Fluttershy's eyes and stroked her man slowly
  279. >You get up and sit on her couch
  280. "Sorry the floor was a little uncomfortable"
  281. >"I'll get some tea, and I won't try to drug you this time"
  282. >You both chuckle as she gets some tea
  283. >She hands you a cup and this time she has one too
  285. "You know Flutters I don't usually drink tea, but this tastes great"
  286. >"Thank you" she takes a sip and you both sit on the couch in eachother's arms
  287. >Man she is so soft and cuddlly
  288. >She nuzzles your chest and looks into your eyes
  289. >You look back while stroking her mane slowly
  290. >Man nothing could ruin this moment
  291. >Suddenly a knock at the door
  292. >"Hey Fluttershy, you there?"
  293. >Sounds like Rainbow Dash
  294. >"Yeah it's not locked"
  295. >Rainbow Dash enters and sees you and Fluttershy on the couch cuddlling
  296. >When I said nothing could ruin this moment I was serious
  297. >So right now just not giving a fuck at all
  298. "Hiya Dash"
  299. >You wave to her and continue stroking Fluttershy's mane softly
  300. >"Soooo...what's happin' man"
  301. "Not much just chillin"
  302. >"Nothing's happening at all?"
  303. "Nope just sittin here with Flutters"
  304. >You hug her softly and look at Rainbow Dash
  305. >"...Nothing?"
  306. "Mmmyep"
  307. >"Ok I'll say it, Fluttershy what are you guys doing?"
  308. >"Nothing Rainbow Dash just relaxing here with Anon"
  309. >"Oookay? I'll just leave then," she nears the door, "see you guys later then?"
  310. >You both say sure and Rainbow leaves
  311. >Bitch didn't close the door but thanks to your magic neither of you had to get up and break this amazing moment
  312. >You both keep sitting there just enjoying eachother's company until nightfall
  313. >Then you had to do the worst thing ever
  314. >You reluctantly get up and slowly walk to the door
  315. " was nice, and I hope to see you again"
  316. >"Me too"
  317. >Before you leave you get a peck on the cheek and a smile
  318. >While outside staring at he night sky, you can't get Fluttershy out of your mind
  319. >Sure it's crazy to be attracted to a horse but you just don't give a shit
  320. >She just so freaking awesome why wouldn't anyp0ny want to just love the shit out of her
  321. >Damn I'm a fucked up individual
  322. >Still not giving any fucks though
  323. >Maybe I could give it a try I mean it's not like I'll just find some humans out of nowhere so I guess my only option would be somep0ny I care about
  324. >And that medal would go to either Fluttershy or Pinkie
  325. >Don't suppose they'd go for a three way
  326. >you chuckle as you enter your house
  327. >Suddenly your lights turn themselves on
  328. >"Hai there sugacube"
  329. >Aw shit no, I know that voice
  330. "Hey there Applejack," you start sweating, "What uh...what's goin on"
  331. >She starts getting closer as you start backing towards the door
  332. >"Oh nuthin me an' Rainbow just wanted ta say hi"
  333. >Suddenly your door closes and reveals Rainbow Dash behind it
  334. >"Hey Anon"
  335. "Hey Rainbow Dash"
  336. >You start backing up towards the couch
  337. "Well you guys said hi so you guys need anything?"
  338. >Applejack laughs
  339. >"Oh we need sumthin alright"
  340. >Both ponies look at you with sex eyes
  341. >"And it's really special," Rainbow Dash added
  342. >Damn I know where this is going
  343. >And there's two of them I can't take them on alone
  344. "You want me to bake you something"
  345. >"You could bake me a cupcake"
  347. >You share a "Wait whut?" with RD and AJ
  348. >"Or you could bake a cake or something else delisious"
  349. "Oh don't tell me your in on this too"
  350. >"In on what?"
  351. >Hell yes safety
  352. "Whew, okay Pinks lets get baking"
  353. >You start to walk to the kitchen
  354. >When RD punches Pinkie to the floor
  355. >"WHAT THE HELL RD?!?"
  356. >"Fuck this I need this more than anything"
  357. >A knock at the door
  358. >You magic the door open and enters Big Mac
  359. >He takes a look at what's going on and stares blankly
  360. >"So ya ignore mah warnin and got yer friend hurt," he beams at AJ, "are ya proud o' yerself"
  361. >Applejack looks down ashamed
  362. >"...N-no"
  363. >She turns to you
  364. >"Ah'm sorry Anon ah'll leave ya alone if ya want"
  365. "Well...I guess I couldn't stay mad at you forever but it'll take sometime"
  366. >"...DAMN IT FUCK THIS SAPPY SHIT," Rainbow Dash starts flying, "I'M GETTING WHAT I NEED NOW!!!!"
  367. >As she starts to zoom towards you but her tail is grabbed by AJ
  368. >"Enough Rainbow we're done"
  369. >"But I'm not" she bucks AJ in the mouth and she falls to the floor
  370. >"Now to get what's mine"
  371. >She starts to trot over to you but is met by Big Mac
  372. >His face goes from Her Applejack about 4 times
  373. >It also grows angrier and angrier everytime
  374. >"...Don't even think for a second you can take me on Rainbow"
  375. >He puts his face inches away from hers
  376. >""
  377. >RD scoffs
  378. >"You think I'm scared"
  379. >"You should be"
  380. >"Whatever I'm still getting what I want"
  381. >"hmm"
  383. >"Finally now c'mere sexy"
  384. >She hops up on the couch and you start backing away again
  385. >Suddenly Big Mac bucks the ever loving shit out of her and she bounces off the side of couch
  386. "HOLY FUCK," you start poking RD, "is she dead"
  387. >Big Mac goes back to his bored look
  388. >"Naw that's why ah let 'er get on the couch so her head would impact on the couch and not kill her"
  389. >Smart
  390. >Pinkie comes to
  391. >"Holy moly what happened?"
  392. "It's alright Pinkie, nop0ny's hurt"
  393. >Aj gets up and sees RD out cold
  394. >"Ya didn't kill Mac, rite?"
  395. >"Naw she's fine," he gives her a stern look, "but you've got some thinkin ta do AJ, ya got yer friend hurt and mad me hurt yer other friend"
  396. >"Ah know ah know," she turns to you, "ah'm awful sorry Anon and ah don't expect you ta forgive me but still for what it's worth"
  397. "You know what AJ it's all good we can talk about it tomorrow"
  398. >Big Mac gives Applejack a small smile
  399. >"Thanks for givin me another chance," she trots to the door, "Come on Mac let's go"
  400. >AJ picks up Rainbow Dash and leaves with Mac behind her
  401. >"See ya tomorrow Anon, an remember ah got yer back"
  402. >You give him a thumbs up before he went out the door
  403. "So Pinks," you smile at her, "Ya still wanna bake those cupcakes"
  404. >She lights up with excitement
  405. >"Sure! also can I sleep over tonite?, it's really late and the Cakes don't need me tomorrow"
  406. "Meh, Okay you're cool so why not"
  408. ---
  410. >The next day you and Pinkie head up to Sweet Apple Achers
  411. >Pinkie bounces ahead of you as you walk to your destination
  412. >You can't help but notice when her tail rises not only do you get a peek at her neather area but it smells like...
  413. >She used my hand to jerk her off when I first showed up didn't she
  414. >Meh since I've kinda broken every barrier of morality I have by kissing horses and have a crush on ponies I don't really care right now
  415. >Instead you enjoy the veiw and try to mentally stop your boner
  416. >You've had lots of practice on Earth so it's not that hard
  417. >Finally The farm
  418. >Knock on the barn and opens Big Bro
  419. >"Heya Anon, Pinkie," he steps aside so you two can enter, "Applejack'll be down in a minute"
  420. >You both enter and sit at the table
  421. >Big Mac takes a seat next to you
  422. >Applejack enters the kitchen and sits across from you
  423. >"Alrite now that everyp0ny's here AJ how 'bout you start"
  424. >"Alrite," she clears her throat, "Ah wanna start by again sayin how sorry ah am about tryin ta rape ya," she turns to Pinkie, "And gettin one of mah best friends hurt when things got outta hand"
  425. >"Aww," Pinkie gives her a major hug, "No worries AJ it wasn't your fault"
  426. >"It sorta is if ah never wanted Anon so bad then this wouldn't have happened"
  427. "I'm curious as to why you wanted me so badly anyway?"
  428. >As if you didn't already know
  429. >"To be honest ah don't know it's just when ah saw ya it's like somthin' in mah mind just clicked and ah just got really hot when ah was around ya"
  430. "A crush?," you start blushing, "wow I'm flattered but I'd like to just be friends if you don't mind"
  431. >"Alrite Anon ah won't try nuthin no more"
  432. >"Well now that that's outta th' way let's discuss another topic"
  433. >He whistles and some dog wheels in Rainbow Dash tied up in a wheel barrel
  434. >"Let...Me...GO!!"
  435. >Big Mac gets a stern look
  436. >"Nope"
  437. >"You gotta stop actin crazy girl" AJ adds
  438. >"I'm not crazy HE is"
  439. "Implying I'm the crazy one, you knocked out Pinkie and Applejack and tried to rape me!", you try to keep your cool, "if wasn't for Big Mac you would've rode my cock till I was tapped out
  440. >Everyp0ny seemed embarrassed except Big Mac who chuckled loudly
  441. >"...I wouldn't 've done that," she's averting your gaze so obviously she's lying
  442. "...Look me in the eyes and say that"
  443. >"Hell no"
  444. >"Liar" AJ says before you could
  445. >"You have no right to call me out, what about you? you would milked Anon till blood came out"
  446. >"Ahem!, language Rainbow you don't want me ta get mad"
  447. >She zips her lip and Pinkie finally raises her hand
  448. >"Ooo oo can I say something?"
  449. "Uhhh...sure Pinks, what's on your mind?"
  450. >"What about when you came to Sugarcube Corner after going to Fluttershy's," she turns to you, "she was suuuper super jealous when she told me of you and Fluttershy cuddling on the couch and..."
  451. >"SHUT UP PINKIE!!!"
  452. >"So that was it petty jealousy?," Big Mac scoffs, "at least mah sis had a crush on Anon"
  454. >"In fact of all the reasons to rape somep0ny that's gotta be the most pathetic..."
  455. >"SHUT UP!!!"
  456. >"Anon isn't even your special somep0ny so you didn't even have a right to be jealous"
  457. >Rainbow growls, trying to break the binds on her shoulders as Mac continues
  458. >"Anon should ah go on or is she riled up enough?"
  459. "Hmm...I think she deserves one more from me"
  460. >"Go ahead then"
  461. >You take a few seconds to clear your throat
  462. >Total dickmode?
  463. >Total dickmode
  464. "Rainbow I saw you as one of my closest friends I mean we hung most of the time and you were the second person to befriend me when I first showed up, so this really hurt when you betrayed me like that..."
  465. >"SHUT...UP" she chewing at the ropes around her
  466. "No Rainbow, I called you Rainbro for a reason and now I can't even look at you right now," you hold her cheeks so she'll look you in the eyes, "you need to remember who you friends are and get over your jealousy"
  467. >You let her go and walk out of the barn like a boss
  468. >Everyp0ny else follows you giving Rainbow looks of anger and pity
  469. >All you can hear is Rainbow sobbing loudly
  470. >You feel bad but you had to set her straight
  472. ---
  473. >As you walk back home with Pinkie behind you, you've got millions of things floating in your head
  474. >Who's my special somep0ny? Why do ponies keep raping me? Where the fuck am I walking?...
  475. >You look around you and you see yoour in the middle of a field almost under Canterlot
  476. >"Hellooo Anon?"
  477. >You give Pinkie your attention
  478. >"Finally I've been trying to talk to you, first off where are we going and second I'm hungry so what we gonna eat?"
  479. "Don't you guys usually eat grass I mean it's kinda all around us so help yourself"
  480. >"Hmm? Wow! Thanks!"
  481. >Pinkie starts eating and you return to your thoughts
  482. >You just stand there and blankly stare at Pinkie bend over and chew some grass
  483. >You start to get wicked ideas but you shrug them off
  484. >"If I rape Pinkie I'd be no better than Rainbow Dash so stop it"
  485. >Still you just can't help but stare at her cutie mark
  486. >Now your thoughts go to Fluttershy
  487. >Sweet,adorable little Fluttershy, theirs no way I could even think of raping her even if she tried to rape me
  488. >You kick yourself so you can stop getting dirty thoughts
  489. >Pinkie just so happened to notice
  490. >"Hey Anon is ther something wrong"
  491. >You can't lie to those puppy dog eyes but you don't want to tell her you momentarily thought of holding her down and shoving your cock in her
  492. "Look Pinks I'll come clean, I like you..."
  493. >She brightens up with excitement
  494. "...but I like Fluttershy too and I'm just standing here torn between you and her"
  495. >You close your eyes partialy because you expect her to punch you
  496. >However Pinkie looks hella excited
  497. " ok Pinks?"
  498. >"Yeah in fact I think I have an idea, grab my tail"
  499. "Oookay?"
  500. >You grab her tail and it's like a dimentional rift opened up, then in a flash your under your bed
  501. "What the actual fuck?"
  502. >"Yeah isn't it great?"
  503. "I guess"
  504. >You crawl your way out and stand in your bedroom
  505. >"Ok now sit down"
  506. >You sit on your bed and Pinkie reachs in your closet
  507. >she pulls out a very confused Fluttershy with a cup of bird seed in her mouth
  508. >She drops the bird seed a once she realizes where she is
  509. >"Anon! I was just feeding my birdies when suddenly..."
  510. "It's cool Flutters I'm as confused as you are," you turn to Pinkie, "so what's your idea there Pinks"
  511. >She whispers something Flutters and she blushes like ther's no tomorrow
  512. >She whispers back and Pinkie nods confirmingly
  513. " I missing something here"
  514. >Pinkie grabs Fluttershy and holds her closely
  515. >Fluttershy takes the lead and they kiss passionatly right in front of you
  516. >You in turn blush majorly and finally can't supress your boner
  517. "Oookay so um..."
  518. >"You like" Pinkie says breaking the kiss
  519. "Hell yeah"
  520. >"Then why don't you join" Fluttershy adds
  521. >Well what do you know they were up for a threeway
  522. >You get up but Fluttershy pins you down
  523. >"Ahh ahh ahh now it's my turn"
  524. >She pulls your shirt off as Pinkie unzips your pants
  525. >You lay there in your boxers while Fluttershy hovers above you
  526. >"Are you ready?"
  527. >None of your blood is going to your ears but you still nod
  528. >Fluttershy turns to face your erect member sticking out and begging for attention
  529. >You have a perfect veiw of her marehood as they get to work on your little friend
  530. >Pinkie almost rips off your boxers as she Fluttershy stare deeply at your dick
  531. >Flutters is the first one to give a nice long lick from the base to the tip
  532. >Then Pinkie gave you head a kiss
  533. >It was like she knew your head was sensitive as you shivered with pleasure
  534. >Fluttershy then put her muzzle to the tip
  535. >Her breath was hot and it made you want to shove you dick in her mouth but you waited for your prize instead
  536. >She licked in small cicles and short pecks till finally she took the whole thing in her mouth
  537. >Pinkie was working your balls with her tounge and the tag team of these ponies almost sent you over the edge
  538. >They both simeltaniously stopped and it made you slightly cry
  539. >"It's time for the main event," Fluttershy turned to Pinkie, "this time you lead"
  540. >"Okaaay"
  541. >Pinkie hops up and her warmth reaches all the way down your shaft
  543. >You enter Pinkie's pie and it feels fuckin amazing
  544. >Warm and gooey just like a real pie
  545. >"Ya comfy?"
  546. "Fuck yes!"
  547. >"Good now lets start"
  548. >She begins to move her hips in a piston motion fast enough for you to feel every inch enter and exit her hole
  549. >You feel nothing but pure greatness but notice Flutters looking lonely
  550. >You motion her over to you and she immediately gets the hint
  551. >She hovers her marehood above your head somewhat teasing you
  552. >You act on impulse and drag her down so you could eat her out
  553. >Her squeals of delight and Pinkie's constant moans causes your room to have an intense atmosphere
  554. >Both ponies came like it was timed
  555. >But you weren't done yet
  556. "So who wants to finish off the human?"
  557. >"I'll do it"
  558. >Fluttershy hovers her hole over your member snd slowly slides you in
  559. >She slides all the way to the base of your dick and stops
  560. >"Fluttershy's a virgin so be gentle with her," Pinkie whispers to you
  561. >You suddenly got the greatest boner ever thinking about deflowering such a delicate flower
  562. >You could feel your evil thoughts coming back but you immediately shook them off as Fluttershy began to speak
  563. >"...Okay...I'm can start moving now" she manages to say through deep breaths
  564. >You took the signal and entered and exited as slowly as you could, which wasn't very but you still want her to be comfortable
  565. >She seems to be enjoying herself from the look of lust on her face
  566. >"Faster...if you wouldn't mind"
  567. >Damn even when having sex she gives you diabetus
  568. >You oblige and speed up just the right amount of speed to send her to the moon
  569. >As your nearing the edge you can see she's getting close
  570. >...or it could be the fact she screaming 'I'm going to come' and 'Come inside me' at the top of her lungs
  571. >Anyway you finish inside and fucking pass out with the yellow pegasus hunched over on top of you
  573. ---
  575. >You awaken later with Fluttershy and Pinkie in your arms
  576. >It was dark out and the moonlite seeped in through the window
  577. >You get up and let the calming night air fill the room
  578. >You stared at the moon for what seemd like hours lost in your thoughts
  579. >Most of them thinking how great today was
  580. >The rest you don't even pay attention to
  581. >You turn to stare at the two you loved lying in your bed
  582. >Man, they're both so adorable in their own way
  583. >Each so different from eachother yet equally magnificent
  584. >Fluttershy is timid and calming, being around her is like a dream where I'm falling into a feeling of nothing but total bliss and happiness, where I know I could die but, it's like there's an invisible safety net that just lets me fall forever
  585. >While Pinkie is the fireball of a time bomb that goes off every second, the sparks shooting in each direction, all separate the others destiny except for that one, the one that's the brightest falling into one of it's sister sparks until it causes a wild fire that destroys nothing but saddness
  586. >Both so beatiful that the very thought of either of them getting hurt, even the slightest, would cause my entire world to shatter
  587. >Man, I'm a fragile guy no wonder on earth everyone around me tried to break me
  588. >Those who failed became the friends I had, those who succeeded were met by me breaking them
  589. >Truely I was a mental fighter since I wasn't very good physically
  590. >You take a deep breath and stare out the window some more
  591. >Memories of those you've left flood your mind but you push them back where they belong
  592. "No need to dwell on the past anymore," you choke back tears and close your eyes, "I'm here forever I've even made a life for myself and now there's too much to let go now"
  593. >Fluttershy wakes up and sees you lost in your thoughts
  594. >She trots over to you and nuzzles your leg
  595. >Pinkie wakes up shortly after and jumps on your shoulders
  596. >she wraps her hooves around your neck and you fall backwards
  597. >Your not surprised or hurt, you just look into her eyes and smile
  598. >"So did you enjoy my little plan?"
  599. "Yeah," you stare at the ceiling, "It was great"
  600. >Fluttershy sits next to you
  601. >"How did I do?, if you don't mind me asking"
  602. >You chuckle at stare at her
  603. "You did great, both of you"
  604. >"I'm starving what's for dinner?"
  605. "Whatever we can find to be honest"
  606. >You get up and walk downstairs
  607. >Pinkie Jumps down your stairs and lands perfectly
  608. >Fluttershy just settles for fluttering down
  609. >You open the fridge and are greeted by Celestia's cake and cupcakes for tomorrow
  610. >Need some real food not sweets
  611. >You find some lettace and other things to make a pretty boss salad
  612. >You set three bowls of your vegetarian creation on your kitchen table
  613. >The three of you sit down and eat the shit out them
  614. >You wonder what time it is but there's no clocks around so it's pretty much up to guess
  615. >Make a mental note to go buy a clock sometime
  616. >Pinkie finshes first
  617. >"Welp gotta go, The Cakes are probably worried about me see ya!"
  618. >She gives you a hug and trots to door
  619. >"Love ya Anon and Fluttershy"
  620. >She goes out the door, leaving you and Fluttershy alone
  621. >She sit across from you with a seemingly permanent grin
  622. >She casts a few glances your way but hides under her mane when you make eye contact
  623. >You finally decide to break the silence
  624. "Sooo Fluttershy how's Angel?"
  625. >"...he's fine"
  626. >Things go quiet again with Fluttershy just grinning and blushing, averting your gaze
  627. >You clear your throat to get her attention
  628. "...How's the weather?"
  629. >You put on wide grin to try and start a conversation
  630. >"It's looks alright"
  631. >Things go quiet for about 30 minutes, until Fluttershy breaks the silence this time
  632. >"I'm...really happy we did...that," she finally looks you in the eyes, "I'm glad you first," she stares at the floor smiling, "...I love you Anon"
  633. >Your heart freaking melted when she said that
  634. >You never even had a serious relationship before
  635. >And now you just feel like everything in your universe was set in motion
  636. "...I love you too Fluttershy"
  637. >She flies into your arms and you both hug who gives a shit you just love it too much to care
  638. "Hey uhm...wanna...stay over the sun rise?"
  639. >"...I'm sorry Anon but I have to finish feeding my animals"
  640. >Now you feel like hammered dog shit
  641. "Oh sorry I forgot...maybe another time heh" you scratch the back of you head and walk Fluttershy to the door
  642. >"Well I really liked today...with you and Pinkie"
  643. "Me too heh"
  644. >You hug one more time and she flies home
  645. >You swear you can hear her singing about something but you shrug it off and go back to bed
  647. ---
  649. >The next day was nothing special, except Princess Fat-bitch wants her cake made fresh in front of the guards now
  650. >At least you still have Pinkie to help you
  651. >You also manage to make out when their not looking so it wasn't all bad
  652. >Now to go buy that clock
  653. >You walk into market square
  654. >However your stopped by Scootaloo
  655. >"You! You broke Rainbow Dash!"
  656. >She charges you and starts pounding your knees
  657. >Her little marshmellow hooves tickle so you just pick up the little flailing filly
  658. "Can ya calm down and tell me what's wrong?"
  659. >She eventually stops squirming and stares at you with extreme hate
  660. >"You broke Rainbow Dash"
  661. "Oookay? expain"
  662. >She won't come out of her house and when I finally figure out how to reach her house all she screams about is you"
  663. "Wow want me to talk to her?"
  664. >"You've done enough now let me go"
  665. "I'm gonna go learn a spell so I can go talk to Rainbow Dash"
  666. >You carry the squirming filly to Twilight's library
  667. >When you casually greet Twilight with Scootaloo tucked under your arm flailing her front and back hooves she askes what's up
  668. "I need a spell that lets me walk on clouds"
  669. >"Uhh sure," she takes the hint that we're just ignore Scoots, "here"
  670. >You levitate the book in front of you face and can't read it for the life of you
  671. >You then pass it to Twilight so she can teach you
  672. >She says it's a tough spell but you learn it in no time even if Scootaloo was trying to disrupt your concentration
  673. >You then borrow Twilight's hot air balloon and Spike gives you a ride to Rainbow's cloud home
  674. >You walk on the cloud feeling like fucking Jesus and knock on her door
  675. >"Go away!"
  676. "Rainbow it's me"
  677. >"...I repeat GO AWAY!"
  678. "Not leaving you know"
  679. >"Then freeze to death out there"
  680. "It's the middle of the summer and it's the afternoon"
  681. >"Then get a heat stroke"
  682. "The temperature at this altitude is perfect, so ya gonna let me in or do I have to kick the door down"
  683. >"Go Away"
  684. "Damn and I really liked this door"
  685. >You rear up your leg but Rainbow opens the door before you kick it down
  686. >"Fine come in"
  687. >You enter and get a look at everything
  688. >First you notice Rainbow Dash looks terrible and she's been crying for a while
  689. >Second it feels incredibly homey here and look a turtle :)
  690. >You set Scoot down and she rushes to Dash's side
  691. >"Rainbow Dash what's wrong?"
  692. >"...Sorry ya had to see me like this kid," she pats her head, "but ya gotta go I have alot to talk about with Anon here"
  693. >"But Dash..."
  694. >"I know you worry about me but it's cool"
  695. >She heads for the door and gives you one more venomous look before fluttering down to the ground
  697. ---
  699. "Alright now what's up"
  700. >You give her a nice guy look and she just buries her head in your chest
  701. >"I'm sorry Anon" she says between sobs
  702. "I know you are so what's with the whole depressed act"
  703. >"It's just that, everytime I'm around you I get queesy and really warm," she clears her throat, "down there"
  704. "No need to go into detail"
  705. >You chuckle to try and lighten the mood but she's still serious
  706. "Ahem...sorry continue"
  707. >"So when AJ brought the idea of rutting you into the ground I just jumped at the opportunity"
  708. "Mind explaining why you went batshit crazy?"
  709. >"Because the thought of you being with Fluttershy made me really mad, I mean really I'm twice the mare she is plus we hang out all the time it's just not fair"
  710. "Well Rainbow I think we should just stay friends you know sure your a really cool chick but I like other ponies"
  711. >"...Your dating Fluttershy now aren't you?"
  712. "What no"
  713. >"I knew it," she growls and nose dives on her bed, "That's just not fair"
  714. >Awkward silence
  715. >Through the sheer feeling like a dick feeling you climb in Rainbows bed and try to comfort her
  716. >"Why can't you like me?"
  717. >You look at her like she's retarded
  718. "Weeeell cause I like other ponies"
  719. >"But what makes them better than me?"
  720. >Silence
  721. "Look Dash your a great gal, but I just want us to be friends"
  722. >"Why not atleast friends with benefits?"
  723. >You pretend to spit out some water as if her words just gave you a heart attack
  724. >"No dice huh?"
  725. >You catch your breath before speaking
  726. "...Sorry but no"
  727. >"Ugh I can't believe it, you chose Fluttershy over me"
  728. "Hey in all fairness I chose her AND Pinkie"
  729. >"...What?"
  730. >Aw shit no now I regret saying that
  731. >Rainbow stares at you trying to look into your mind and unveil your secrets
  732. >Luckly she's not a unicorn so she can't read you mind, she can however read you facial expressions
  733. >Probably because you look like you shat you pants in front of the entire world
  734. >She just sits there peering at you slowly whithering your sanity to bits trying to get you to crack
  735. >Until what seemed like hours was merely seconds she spoke
  736. >"Come again?"
  737. >You didn't want to keep your relationship a secret but you dont't want to parade it around like your pimping the Queen of England
  738. >You desperately look around the room for something to change the subject"
  739. "Oh uh...that's a nice turtle you got there," you walk over to him as he trys to grab a bag of chips off the counter with his mouth, "What is he a snappying turtle a...snapping turtle?"
  740. >"You already said that"
  741. "I'm not a turtleologist so that's all I know"
  742. >" back to what you said earlier"
  743. "About the turtle? yeah what's his name?"
  744. >"Tank now," she tackles you to the cloud floor, "What did you say before the turtle"
  745. "I don't know something about Scootaloo, by the way is she your sister or something or what?"
  746. >"No, I just care a great deal about her, but your changing the subject!"
  747. "No need to raise your voice, by the way what do you think of Rarity she'd kinda snobby isn't she?"
  748. >"ANON!"
  749. >She's obiviously pissed so time to come clean
  750. "Fine I said I like Pinks and Fluttershy but our relationship isn't set in stone you know we just *ahem* had"
  751. >You sheild your face and expect a hoof to the face, but instead she starts laughing
  752. >"Wow Anon you sure are a player"
  753. >You respond to that with a playful jab to the shoulder
  754. "Hey! I really like both of them besides they just jumped me and I went along for the ride"
  755. >"So your the bitch in the relationship?" she rolls on the floor laughing and you just roll your eyes
  756. "So your not mad?"
  757. >"Meh I got over it, friends?"
  758. "Friends"
  759. >you both brohoof and you leave Rainbow's house with Spike
  760. >"So is she still crazy and gonna try and rape your dick off?"
  761. "Nah Spike it's cool"
  762. >"Cool, so now what?"
  763. "We've got a hot air balloon and magic"
  764. >"Wanna go to Cloudsdale and raise some hell?"
  765. "Alright I'm not doing anything"
  766. >With that you and Spike head to a cloud city filled with pegasi
  767. >This is gonna be fun, you thought as your cast cloud walker on Spike and enter the city
  769. ---
  771. >You are Rainbow Dash
  772. >And your on a mission of forgiveness and truth
  773. >Since you know how Pinkie gets you speed to Fluttershy's cottage and greet her at the door
  774. "Hiya Flutters"
  775. >"Oh uhm hi...Rainbow Dash, are you ok? I heard some things"
  776. "Naw I'm ok mind if I come in?"
  777. >"O-Okay"
  778. >You enter and sit her couch, the same couch you saw Anon and her...NO I'm here to make amends and get answers I don't want to hurt anyp0ny ever again
  779. >"So what brings you here?"
  780. "Well *ahem* I was talking to Anon and he said you and Pinkie gave him the business last night"
  781. >"O-oh my," she blushes a deep red which you saw coming, "what else did he say"
  782. "I'm just here to confirm what he said was true"
  783. >"...Well i-it's sort of true," you give her a confused look, "o-ok alittle more true t-than that"
  784. "So you did or didn't?"
  785. >"...We did"
  786. "Nice so what was it like?,"you scratch the back of your head, "if ya dont mind me asking"
  787. >"...Well haven't you ever done...those things before?"
  788. "Yeah but not with a human"
  789. >"Oh well to be honest it was...nice...well I kinda don't have a comparison so I can't really tell you the difference between rutting a human and a stallion"
  790. "Wait! your a virgin?"
  791. >"...*ahem* previously but I gave that to Anon"
  792. "Woah that's kinda special don't ya think"
  793. >"Well I would really really really like if Anon were to be my special somep0ny so I kinda wanted him to...*ahem* break me in"
  794. "But don't you share him with Pinkie?"
  795. >"Yes and I'm greatful because not only do I get one to love but two"
  796. "But don't ya know what nevermind that's great for you and Pinkie and I won't question it any further"
  797. >"Thanks to be honest I was getting alittle uncomfortable"
  798. "Sorry I was just curious," you fly to the door, "gotta go see ya around and good luck in your relationship"
  799. >"Bye and thanks"
  800. >You fly out the door and head to Sugarcube Corner
  801. >You brace yourself for the worst and enter the store
  802. >You greet Mrs.C and ask is Pinkie around
  803. >She tells you she's in the other room
  804. >You go to the other room and find her playing with the twins
  805. "Hi Pinkie"
  806. >Her smile dissappears and she gives you a confused, blank stare
  807. "Can we talk for a sec?"
  808. >She nods and she motions you upstairs
  809. >You both stand in the upstairs hallway and she finally says something
  810. >"So?"
  811. "Alright so you and I both know what I did and why I did it and all I want to say is I'm really sorry and sure maybe you won't forgive maybe you will, but no matter what you say I'll always hold a torch for whatever is left of our friendship"
  812. >"...You really hurt me Rainbow Dash"
  813. "I know..."
  814. >"No you hurt me here," she put her hoof on her chest, "I thought when we together it meant something"
  815. "I'm sorry Pinkie, I really am, and even though we aren't in a relationship now, that doesn't mean I just forgot all about you"
  816. >"..."
  817. "Pinkie no matter what it takes, no matter what happens, I'll always be your friend"
  818. >"So you regret what did and realize it was wrong?"
  819. "Of course I do"
  820. >"Okaaay"
  821. >She returns to her cheery self and even offers you some cupcakes
  822. >You pass and head out to find Scoots
  823. >As usual you find her because she was looking for you
  824. >"Rainbow Dash! I was looking everywhere for you," she hugs your leg because she knows you think that's adorable, "so what happend?"
  825. "Ah me and Anon worked things out so it's all good"
  826. >"You know if you were still mad at him I would have beat him up right"
  827. >You chuckle and pat her on the head
  828. "Sure you would kid I saw that 'thrashing' you gave him, out my window"
  829. >"Well I know a thing or two about fighting you know"
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