

Oct 1st, 2016
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  1. [General]
  2. # Possible values: jp, en. Default to en when the string is malformed
  3. Language=en
  4. # When you click on a button, the underlying request (bet higher, continue or stop for instance) is sent to the server and the game in your brower window won't update its state before the server acknowledges the request and the server response is received by your browser. For instance, if I have a 3-second delay (lag) due to a poor Internet connection, the game won't react for at least 3 seconds whenever I click on a button. This setting configures the minimum delay before the bot takes any action (determining the cards drawn or determining the position of the buttons for instance).
  5. GameLatencyCompensationInMs=200
  6. # The first time the bot reaches the higher or lower phase, it will wait for this given amount of time. This helps with some computers which take some time to load and play the animations. (An animation is, well, the animation which is played whenever you click on a button so that the cards on the board are updated with a visually pleasing effect.)
  7. WaitTimeInMsBeforeHigherOrLowerHookInitialization=600
  8. # The bot will stop after the given parameter no matter what
  9. TimeLimitInSeconds=14400
  11. [Bet]
  12. # Supported values: 10, 100 and 1000. Default will be 1000 is another value is given. Please make sure you input a correct value.
  13. StartingBet=1000
  14. # When the bet is greater than or equal to this value, the bot will forfeit when the probability of getting a higher or lower card is lower than 0.7
  15. PayoutCut=1280000
  16. # The bot will forfeit when the bet is greater than or equal to this value, unless you draw a 2 or A
  17. MaxPayoutCut=10240000
  19. [Inputs]
  20. MouseSpeed=200
  21. DelayInMsBetweenMouseDownAndUp=40
  22. # The bot will stop when you press the given key. The default key is escape. Please refer to
  23. ExitKeyCode=27
  24. # After the bot moves the cursor to the target position, wait for the given duration before performing the click
  25. WaitTimeInMsBeforeClickInput=50
  27. [Hooks]
  28. HookToButtonMinCrossCorrelation=0.70
  30. [MotionCapture]
  31. # The bot considers the animation (see the definition of 'animation' above) currently played ends when during the given number of consecutive browser screen captures, there is no motion detected
  32. ConsecutiveFramesWithoutMovement=60
  33. # Minimum delay between 2 consecutive browser window screen captures
  34. MinDelayInMsBetweenFrames=5
  35. MaxWaitTimeInMsBetweenActions=2000
  36. DetectionThreshold=60
  38. [Debug]
  39. MotionCapture=false
  40. Hooks=true
  41. Clicks=false
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