
Femdom Stuff (Twilight) by Anonymous

Jan 9th, 2017
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  1. >"It's okay if you can't do magic or use it, Anon."
  2. >"You're just a stallion, after all."
  3. >As if in consolation, Twilight buries her neck into your belly, extending one wing in a hug.
  4. >"Nopony expects you to go on dangerous adventures like us."
  5. >"There's nothing to be ashamed about!"
  6. >She stands up and looks you in the eyes
  7. >"We'll bring you back a souvenir, okay? I just don't want my hubby wubby to get hurt."
  8. >Twilight pecks you on the cheek and stands back down, before rallying the girls and taking off into the horizon
  9. >You loved the mare, but she was far too overprotective.
  10. >Now you need to find something to do while your wife and her friends go off to save Equestria, again.
  11. >The day runs by.
  12. >Chores are done in Spike's absence. You hope he won't mind.
  13. >Of course he won't, the lazy shit.
  14. >You were reading while the girls were gone, but now you're in the kitchen.
  15. >You don't see it, but you can hear the door open, and air rushes into the castle.
  16. >The door slams shut, and Twilight takes a deep breath.
  17. >She can smell everything. Her clean home, the fresh air.
  18. >Your maleness.
  19. >"Honey, I'm home..."
  20. >The mare rounds the corner and likes what she sees. She's caught you in the kitchen, just preparing yourself a snack, but all she sees is her loyal house hubby.
  21. O-Oh, hi, Twilight. Was your adventure fun?
  22. >Twilight lifts her saddlebags off, retrieving a...
  23. >Is that a Matryoshka doll?
  24. >It's not a person, but a bear.
  25. >She floats it over to you, letting it rest in your outstretched hands
  26. >"We went to Urssia! A big bad bear and some others tried to overthrow their good king. It was like a war, there!"
  27. >"It would have been nice to have your knowledge in fighting it..."
  28. Well, that's a reason to take me alo-
  29. >"But in the end we just convinced them to be friends. We didn't need to hurt anybear."
  30. >For now, at least.
  31. >Twilight's tail flicks, and she sighs in relaxation.
  32. >You hear another door in the distance shut as Spike retires to his room. Was anyone else with her?
  33. >Then, Twilight's behavior changes.
  34. >Yep, just her.
  35. >You suddenly feel the doll removed from your hands and placed onto the counter. Twilight approaches you, fighting a blush.
  36. >"And now I'm all alone with my husband, after a looong and haaard day of work."
  37. >Twilight turns her attention to the snack you were preparing yourself
  38. >"So what were you making here? Bananas? Flour?"
  39. >She dips a hoof into the mixture, before cleaning it with that long, course tongue of hers
  40. >You're already sweating. What's gotten into her? She didn't go into heat or anything while she was gone, did she?
  41. >Her wings unfurl and she gives an approving moan
  42. >"Delicious. What else do you have for me?"
  43. I don't know what you're talking about, d-dear.
  44. >"Skip it, Anon. You know what I want."
  45. >You step back, and a predatory glint flashes across her eyes.
  46. >Dammit Anon, ponies can pick up on body language easily!
  47. >Why is yours so submissive? You're acting like a pussy!
  48. N-No, I really do-
  49. >"Say it. Or maybe I'll say it for you."
  50. >Twilight starts trotting forward. Approaching you, confidence and intent firmly in her wake.
  51. >You're not a god damn woman. You're still have your D.
  52. >D for Dignity.
  53. >But oh shit, she really wants the D. The other D.
  54. >"Do I want a dinner? A bath? Or... you?"
  55. >Oh, she's a horny bitch alright.
  56. >Before you can respond, things happen quickly. The mare rears up onto her hind legs, wings extended, and her horn lights up, and soon enough you're being touched and pulled at, everywhere.
  57. >Her lips press into yours firmly, and her tongue invades your mouth. One of her forehooves holds onto your shoulder for balance, and the other plays with her own sex.
  58. >Twilight's lit horn generates her magic, methodically undoing every button on your shirt, and your pants. Fabric is pulled out of the way before her hoof, slick with her own juices, digs into your underpants.
  59. >Soon enough, you feel her soft, wet frogs rubbing against your cock.
  60. >Her hoof plays around with your hardening sex, rubbing around the head, then stroking the whole length, soaking it with her secretions, and now your pre.
  61. >Your free arm finds itself magically dragged to find purchase on her flank. You instinctively grab it, which delights her as evidenced by the soft groan she gives
  62. >Then, she starts pushing. Her wings act as extra limbs, holding her up on your body.
  63. >She pushes you, walking awkwardly on her rear legs, pushing you into the opposite wall and continuing her assault on you.
  64. >She removes the one hoof from your shoulder and shifts her weight back, and using a bit of magic to enhance the strength in her hoof as she lifts one of your legs off the ground and into the air.
  65. >Twilight removes her lips from your face and begins softly whispering into your hears while burying her silky soft mane into your neck
  66. >"The girls are spent, too. I've invited them all to the castle for a celebration party, tomorrow..."
  67. >Her hoof painfully slows to a crawl, which would make it hard for you to concentrate were her voice not so overpowering.
  68. >"I think they'll want a cake, and some decorations. Make it nice for them, okay? They worked really hard for it."
  69. >"Do it for me... oh, and Pinkie will be there early to help you. She knows all about baking and setting up parties, after all."
  70. >She pulls back to peck your cheek, before nuzzling the other side of your face and whispering into that ear.
  71. >"And let me know if she gets pushy on you, too. You're -my- husband, so remind her of that. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself."
  72. >She pecks your cheek again.
  73. >"Okay?"
  74. Okay.
  75. >She pulls back, lovingly gazing into your eyes. You can see all the feelings that she has for you.
  76. >Love. Adoration. Respect.
  77. >Hunger.
  78. >The purple princess seals your lips shut with her muzzle again, wrestling your tongue more gently this time.
  79. >All of a sudden, she picks up the pace again. Her hoof resumes it's polishing, her groping, both physical and magical, intensifies.
  80. >Twilight's hips start bucking in unison with her prodding hoof now.
  81. >This mare isn't just jacking you off. She's psychologically fucking you.
  82. >Oh god, she's really enjoying this. You can almost hear her winking.
  83. >With a loud pop, her lips finally seperate from yours, producing a long trail of saliva that simply drips onto her hoof, serving only as lubricant for her continued massages.
  84. >Your pants completely on the floor, Twilight lifts up your legs over your body with her magic and her other hoof, pressing your back against the wall for leverage.
  85. >She presses her hips against your butt, continuously not-so-dry humping while her free hoof continues massaging your painfully erect, throbbing staff. Twilight herself begins breathing heavily and moaning.
  86. >You would feel an intense shame at being dominated like this, were it not for how physically good it felt. Her magic directly attacks the nerves in your penis, exciting them, soothing them, and bringing you rapturously close to orgasm
  87. >Just can't hold it anymore. Twilight's warm, soft hoof feels the throbbing in your cock.
  88. >She takes two more steps forward, and firmly presses her hips against your taint and groans, like a man cumming inside his wife.
  89. >You moan so loudly, shamefully, that you swear half the castle heard.
  90. >Your cock twitches and spasms, shooting your seed all over your belly, and a bit on your chest, before simply oozing out.
  91. >Twilight acts quickly, pawing some of the cum off with that same, marshmallow-soft hoof, before bringing it to her mouth and licking it clean.
  92. >She finally sets you down, your own legs shaking until you simply collapse into a sitting position against the wall, exhausted. She giggles and steps back down to her usual all-fours, before leaning in close to your face
  93. >"Bedroom. Tonight. Then you can show me some magic of your own."
  94. >Twilight's wings flap closed, and she trots away, still visibly dripping.
  95. >What the hell is wrong with you?
  97. It ended there.
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