
Sam and Matt's Adventure. A CYOA

Mar 20th, 2013
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  1. ==PART1==
  2. We awoke in a dark field. The crickets sung as the frogs bellowed at the nearby stream. Fireflies filled the air, as well as mosquitoes. I would've considered it beautiful if it wasn't awkward. I was sleeping on a bed of grass next to a hulking mass of muscle and fur that appeared to have horns upon the topmost area. I decided rub my eyes to make sure this is where I was, instead of lying in the armchair after a hangover. When I rubbed my eyes something seemed a bit off. Now I have my fair share of arm hair, but this felt like my dog's shaggy fur. I looked at my hands to find they ended in pointed claws, much to my surprise. I decided to poke the sinewy mass of muscle with one of these. Bad idea. He jumped in the air, roaring, and socked me in the face with his stone hard fist...
  4. I awoke to a familiar voice, one I'd heard thousands of times in my life, "Hey. Hey dude get up. Get up... Wake up already," then the tone of the voice changed, "Get the fuck up before I pick you up again."
  6. After that I woke up and bewilderdly shouted, "Matthew?!" The beast then replied, "Sam?!"
  8. We both looked at each other, then looked at our warped selves in the reflection of the pond. All I remember after that was falling into a soft pile of dirt...
  10. ==PART2==
  11. Both of the boys awoke to see that what was happening wasn't just drunken fantasy, but a reality they didn't know was a nightmare or a dream come true. To prove that they were Sam and Matthew the two beasts prodded each others minds with questions to prove their identities. Now this process was long and grueling and tickled the memories of both of them, but in the end they proved themselves to each other. Now both of these "men" had watched the show. Matthew was no big fan, but watched it casually and Sam liked it quite a bit.
  13. "So you're a Minotaur eh?" Sam said after minutes of awkward silence.
  15. And in return Matthew responded, "And you're a Diamond Dog."
  17. The two of them thought about this for a while until finally agreeing that this was quite appealing to both parties. They then found that they had backpacks on. Matthew's pack contained a laptop with weak internet in a protective case, a survival kit with a strange clay ball, and a tome book. In comparison Sam's pack contained a note saying "Don't forget to feed your owl!", a key with an address on the tag, and an emerald necklace with a rune resembling a wing set into the stone. Sam put on the necklace and it felt strangely warm on his chest. Sam was quite disappointed, but to make sure they both survived they decided to stick together. After putting up the tent, both of them decided to follow the river at noon...
  19. ==PART3==
  20. After wandering for a while, they reached a railroad stop. There were ponies everywhere. Ponies of all color, shape, and size. Cutie marks everywhere. As they walked up to the station the duo felt the center of attention switch from idle conversations and street performers to them. The both of them knew this, but kept walking to the booth where an attendant sat. The attendant was a fairly short teenage pony, looking quite bored while filing her already perfect hooves. She then muttered with her dull, grating voice, "Hi. How can I help you?"
  22. That all changed when she shifted her eyes to us. Her eyes widened with surprise as a hulking dog with sharp claws and a mass of muscle and horn stood in front of her.
  24. "Sorry, we don't mean any trouble. I'm sorry if you're startled by us... We were just wondering how much it was and when is the next train to Ponyville?" said Sam in a fine display of his Beta attitude, and abundance of the word "sorry"
  26. "I-I-It's at 4:45, in 15 minutes... T-t-the fare's 20 bits for both of y-y-y-you," the shaking pony said.
  28. Both of them searched their bags for any money, but all they found was a note saying "Don't forget to feed your dog!" akin to the one in Sam's pack. After that disappointment the two sulked off and decided to follow the railway. As a parting word Sam uttered, "We're very sorry to bother you, but don't forget that not all people are bad regardless of what race they are!" to soften it up for people of other races who might try to make their way on a train...
  30. ==PART4==
  31. After a long day of walking, our heroes decided to set up camp. They set up a fire and decided to talk for a bit while they had the chance.
  33. "So it's apparent that we're in the fantasy world of a TV show for little girls," Matthew said.
  35. "Yep. Might be fun, who knows. But let's try to see what some of these items do..." Samuel responded.
  37. Sam stamped out the fire in case it might react to anything they tested out. Sam looked at his necklace and wondered what it could do. He tried everything from Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam to Open Sesame, but nothing worked. Finally he jokingly rubbed the necklace as if it were a magic lamp. The wing rune set in the gem glowed with a bright green light as Sam hovered in the air. Both of them were quite surprised at this, and Matthew had a couple of yuks over watching Sam learn to control the amulet's power. After that was said and done Matthew took out the tome and looked through it. Matthew had never found books to be his forte, but he quite fancied this one. He learned some of the basic magic from it (guiding lights, fire, lighting, ice) and decided he might need those later. Soon it started to rain, so our heroes needed to set up camp. Matthew took out the Multitool, but had no idea what it did. Then Matthew threw the lump of clay onto the ground, and went to bed.
  39. ==PART5==
  40. The duo continued their usual routine for the past few days, waking up and walking long hours. Now, Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs don't wear shoes mind you, so their feet were callused and swollen. At about noon they reached the edges of the hustling, bustling town of Ponyville. Thankfully not many stared at them, they must have grown used to this when they first got used to Zecora and it probably took some time to get Discord into Ponyville that one time. With some help from bewildered locals our heroes found their way to their small cottage at 1199 Daffodil Lane. Once there they were greeted by a dark brown speckled owl and a shaggy snow white dog. The animals seemed to recognize the two as their owners. Then Matthew jokingly said, "Hey, don't get any ideas about fucking my dog,"
  42. After that the two laughed for a little while, and decided to take a nap after the long journey they had just endured. The only thing is, this is just the beginning of a great adventure...
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