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@UGLegion's Arrest.

a guest
Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. Hello,
  3. This is just brief information about the Twitter handle @UGLegion.
  4. Firstly, he is in jail as i have been talking to his wife on the phone to her - where as i found this information out.
  5. As far as we know, he will not be out for a good few years.
  6. He was caught by the PSNI (Police Service Northern Ireland) As a result of DDoS, Credit Card Fraud, and online hacking.
  7. Just a few weeks earlier, he had his house raided when he took the PSNI website offline without using his private DDoS tool. Then after that, he was at court and luckily let off with a warning.
  9. Just some brief information about himself:
  10. He was 31, with kids, and a wife.
  11. Wanting to view what he looked like?
  13. You might think this is sounding rather a stupid move on my behalf for giving that information out. However, he did say "I wont be staying on Twitter, if i am not already in jail by December, and would show myself before quitting.
  15. He also said in private chats, whilst the whole 'UGLegion Vs LizardSquad' was going on, that he was only Tweeting them and Retweeting about them for the fame. He said that he did NOT have anything against LizardSquad; he actually really liked what they were doing.
  16. If he was here to say something now, probably 'Fun week'.
  17. So this is now down to myself left to run @UGLegion, on behalf of DerpTrolling.
  19. What am i going to do with the account?
  20. Probably not much as you can see the account @DerpTrolling is very inactive. This is due to government reasons that I am not allowed to talk about.
  21. Due to popularity increases, we can not leave the account without no reason of being inactive. - Thought this would be appreciated.
  23. If people are still wanting DerpTrolling to continue, this will mean hiring more well-skilled friends as 2 others have also been raided and have heard nothing from.
  25. If you have any additional questions, feel free to Tweet @DerpTrolling or @UGLegion.
  26. Thank You for your time, to read this and have a good day/night. - Derp.
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  38. Follow the Derp team: @GabenTheLord @DerpTrolling @DerpLully.
  39. Thank You.
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