

Sep 25th, 2009
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  9. [01:48] <[GM]Mary> Ahem. Let's try this again!
  10. [01:54] <[GM]Mary> In the not-so-distant future of 20XX, the world ended. It was a pretty unfortunate occurrence, and many all over it became upset when they heard the news. All that was left of it were the mutants and the maids, both doomed to eternal combat with one another in their underground husks of civilization.
  11. [01:56] <[GM]Mary> In one story, the tale is told of such maids and mutants, especially those living in harmony. In this one, we explore a less harmonious relationship.
  12. [02:02] <[GM]Mary> Journey down to the city of Dis, the great underground, God-built metropolis. Within it lies a vast multitude of ambition, ambition not limited to its defenders.
  13. [02:06] <[GM]Mary> The new Knight captain, Beatrice Farina, has assembled her equally new soldiers within the dining hall. She stands with her arms crossed at the table's head, eying each new recruit inspectively.
  14. [02:07] * Urzula just stand there with her arms behind her back like a good soldier would. She shift around a bit to ease her stiffing leg.
  15. [02:07] * [Nom]Locke sits in an armchair in the corner, arms also crossed...but taking a nap
  16. [02:09] <CaptainFarina> Hmm...
  17. [02:10] * [Pyg]Anstice stands behind the captain, already observing the new recruits.
  18. [02:10] * [Zem]R1N4 stands at attention at the end of the line, instantly obvious as not being a normal soldier. The red cross on her uniform confirms this, as does the orange glowing bar where her eyes should be.
  19. [02:11] * Andrea stands with her arms at her sides, expressionless. Her collar is high enough to mostly cover her scars, which cover her neck and stop roughly at her jawline.
  20. [02:12] <CaptainFarina> So... Just five of you, huh? It's a bit short from a full unit...
  21. [02:13] * [Nom]Locke would actually be pretty handsome if not for half his face was not horribly burnt. I believe in Locke.
  22. [02:13] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte stands at attention as well. She's a bit short, and her spear is about twice her height.
  23. [02:14] <Urzula> But we are the finest, sir.
  24. [02:14] * CaptainFarina slowly walks down the recruit line up, stopping first at...
  25. [02:17] * CaptainFarina flips through a clipboard full of documentation.
  26. [02:17] <CaptainFarina> ...Blaeksprutte?
  27. [02:18] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte perks up.
  28. [02:18] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Yes, ma'am?
  29. [02:19] * CaptainFarina peers down at the girl. . o ( I... guess she looks eighteen. This info seems a little whacky, though... )
  30. [02:19] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte is full of fighting spirit. It's just compressed well, is all.
  31. [02:20] <CaptainFarina> What makes you want to be an Iron Maiden?
  32. [02:23] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Family was ruined by mutants, ma'am! Took to killing them out in the Deeps on my own until I heard there was somebody doing it all proper and smarter than me! Came here and saw the best piece of work ever, and want nothing more than to belong to this beautiful fighting force you've assembled, ma'am!
  33. [02:24] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte . o O (I think I laid it on too thick.)
  34. [02:24] * CaptainFarina grimaces.
  35. [02:24] <CaptainFarina> Ah, I... see.
  36. [02:24] * CaptainFarina walks back to the head of the table, setting her clipboard down.
  37. [02:25] <CaptainFarina> Right, then.
  38. [02:26] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte . o O (Damn, she'll never buy that.)
  39. [02:27] * [Pyg]Anstice sizes up the little recruit and her spear.
  40. [02:28] <CaptainFarina> Ladies, welcome to the Iron Maidens. Though it appears none of you have been formally initiated, this will not heed us for the time being. I'm your unit's leader, Captain Beatrice Adrian Farina. It's a pleasure to have you all.
  41. [02:29] * CaptainFarina paces slowly, speaking as she walks back and forth.
  42. [02:30] * Urzula stood still.
  43. [02:30] <CaptainFarina> Aside from your documentation, however, I know nothing of you. To be a efficient fighting unit, it is imperative that we get to know each other. So, starting from Blaeksprutte, I want all of you to introduce yourselves, at leisure.
  44. [02:32] * CaptainFarina stops, and turns to Blaeksprutte.
  45. [02:37] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> I, uh. Oh. I'm Blaeksprutte, because my mother said I was always so grabby. We lived by ourselves out north of the Kolm Deeps. 's a ways from here, but, anyway. I, uh. I'm not good with speeches. I only had that other one ready to go because I'd been planning it for about a week.
  46. [02:37] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> ...Did you want me to say anything else, ma'am?
  47. [02:37] <CaptainFarina> ...No.
  48. [02:37] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte is a little red. goddamn surprise having-to-talk things!
  49. [02:38] * CaptainFarina 's gaze turns to the next recruit: Anstice.
  50. [02:38] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte nods gratefully, and relaxes a little.
  51. [02:39] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte sneaks a look at some of her other fellow recruits. She'd been too busy being worried to really look at them.
  52. [02:45] <CaptainFarina> Anstice?
  53. [02:46] * Andrea slowly scans down the line while remaining at attention. She smirks slightly when she meets eyes with the first to speak.
  54. [02:50] * Urzula just stand there, staring out front. Trying to look into the detail of some object far away to keep herself busy.
  55. [02:52] <[Pyg]Anstice> "My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I am Anstice A. Crowley, second in command of this company under Captain Farina.
  56. [02:53] <CaptainFarina> Thank you. R1, if you would be so kind.
  57. [02:56] * [Nom]Locke has woken up, and stands behind Anstice and Farina
  58. [02:56] <[Zem]R1N4> I... um... I am R1N4, but the people who made me called me Rina, so it'd be nice if you did too. I'm not very good with weapons, but I am good at repairing people, and I was made to help people, and-and-and thank you for having me here!
  59. [02:56] * [Nom]Locke admires the new recruits without making a sound
  60. [02:57] * [Nom]Locke puts a hand on Farina and Anstice's shoulders
  61. [02:57] <[Nom]Locke> You two really need to lighten up. Look how nervous you're making the newbies.
  62. [02:58] * [Nom]Locke sneaks the recruits a grin and a wink
  63. [02:58] * CaptainFarina firmly grasps the hand and removes it.
  64. [02:59] * [Nom]Locke puts his hands in the air
  65. [03:00] <[Nom]Locke> "...Is it a bad day?"
  66. [03:01] <CaptainFarina> I believe I've yet to call on you, Locke. Please remain in an orderly manner for the duration of the introduction.
  67. [03:01] * CaptainFarina obviously isn't pissed off or anything
  68. [03:01] <[Nom]Locke> "Wow, you're even stiffer than usual."
  69. [03:01] * [Nom]Locke verbally retreats nonetheless
  70. [03:02] * Andrea 's smirk widens, though she is otherwise as still as ever.
  71. [03:03] * CaptainFarina sighs, thinking it's better to not yet pursue it.
  72. [03:03] * Urzula is somewhat paying attention, but keep her mouth shut.
  73. [03:04] <CaptainFarina> If the rest of you are half as rude as this one, I can guarantee that your career as an Iron Maiden will be a very short one.
  74. [03:04] * [Nom]Locke gives a thumbs up from behind Farina
  75. [03:05] * CaptainFarina continues, oblivious
  76. [03:08] <CaptainFarina> Now... ah, yes, Rina. She's an experimental android unit, granted to us quite graciously from our CO. She'll assist you with your chores and work around the station, but she is not to do them alone. You'll be expected to pull your own weight around here, and if you get caught slacking off on your duties, it'll be your ass.
  77. [03:09] <CaptainFarina> *Ahem*.
  78. [03:09] * CaptainFarina eyes Andrea, a little strangely.
  79. [03:10] * [Zem]R1N4 looks nervous and a little proud to be doing what she is doing.
  80. [03:10] * Andrea smiles, but says nothing, waiting to be addressed.
  81. [03:11] <CaptainFarina> You... I'm sorry, what's your name again?
  82. [03:12] <Andrea> Andrea Delarouge. Intel and reconnaissance specialist. At your service, captain.
  83. [03:13] <CaptainFarina> Delarouge... I see.
  84. [03:13] * CaptainFarina turns back to Locke.
  85. [03:13] * [Nom]Locke avoids eye contact
  86. [03:14] <CaptainFarina> Locke, if you can introduce yourself in a manner fit for a soldier, I'll let you keep what precious little PTO you have left.
  87. [03:15] * [Nom]Locke straightens his tie and clears his throat
  88. [03:18] <[Nom]Locke> "Welcome to the Iron Maidens, ladies. The name's Locke. My rank..."
  89. [03:18] * [Nom]Locke stares hard at Farina for a second. What had I been demoted to this week? Nevermind.
  90. [03:21] <[Nom]Locke> " not very important. Obviously I'm no fair maid like yourselves, but we'll be working together from here on out. If you really want to know what I do around here...well, I'm the Capt'n's batman. Yeah, so don't go expecting much from me and all. If you need anything, ask the Capt'n, or maybe the Vice."
  91. [03:21] * [Nom]Locke adds an unspoken "if you dare" hanging to the end of his introduction
  92. [03:22] * CaptainFarina sighs, but that wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.
  93. [03:22] * [Nom]Locke values his nap hours
  94. [03:23] <CaptainFarina> If any of you can turn Locke into anything remotely useful, you will see yourself with a very quick rise in pay grade and rank.
  95. [03:25] <[Nom]Locke> "Why, Capt'n, I am at least your moral compass."
  96. [03:26] <[Nom]Locke> "Oh wait, I'm no good at that either."
  97. [03:26] * [Nom]Locke laughs
  98. [03:28] * CaptainFarina grabs Locke by the collar, pulling him down very closely to listen.
  99. [03:28] <CaptainFarina> My morals, unfortunately, stop me from killing you where you stand, in front of everyone. Do me a favor and quit being a jackass long enough to make a decent impression.
  100. [03:30] <[Nom]Locke> "Take it easy, Capt'n. You're going to send them into hell in less than a week, so you might as well lighten up while you can."
  101. [03:31] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte wonders if they rehearse this. It's doing wonders for humanizing them.
  102. [03:32] <CaptainFarina> Hmph. The Dis natives have been living it all their lives, what's another week? But I digress.
  103. [03:30] * CaptainFarina releases and addresses everyone else politely.
  104. [03:32] * [Nom]Locke straightens his tie again once he's been let go. "See, isn't she a devil,", he mouths, while pointing to Farina from behind
  105. [03:33] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte coughs slightly, but does not otherwise break her composure.
  106. [03:36] <CaptainFarina> Alright then, listen up. Your training begins at 6AM tomorrow. Until then, you're free to do as you wish; I suggest you take the time granted to pick a bunk and acquaint yourself with your quarters. Make sure to get plenty of rest. While this is a unit of seven, I expect you to fight as well as any unit of twelve.
  107. [03:38] <CaptainFarina> You're all dismissed.
  108. [03:38] * Andrea salutes.
  109. [03:38] * Urzula salutes, and then heading off.
  110. [03:39] * [Zem]R1N4 starts to bow, then salutes instead and follows Andrea.
  111. [03:40] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte salutes, and heads out.
  112. ---
  113. @@Beatrice and Locke
  114. ---
  115. [03:44] * CaptainFarina sighs, and pulls out a seat, taking it.
  116. [03:53] * [Nom]Locke stands next to the Captain, trying to look dutiful, but can't help but hum a tune anyway
  117. [03:55] <CaptainFarina> hah... You can relax now, Locke. Though I feel I may regret asking, what do you think of the new recruits?
  118. [03:56] * [Nom]Locke relaxes very quickly
  119. [03:58] <[Nom]Locke> "Honest opinion? Right now they are but hatchlings, and if you push them out of the nest too early, they will not have the wings to fly."
  120. [04:00] <CaptainFarina> I don't intend to treat them to the same hands as I was. However, I fear that if they are not fit to face adversity within these walls, then they are also not fit to be in the field.
  121. [04:02] <[Nom]Locke> "Heh, at this rate you'll scare them all off before they even get any action. Or maybe that's your intent?"
  122. [04:03] <CaptainFarina> And we must be quick. The higher-ups seem to be getting more and more... paranoid. I'm afraid this unit may turn into a group of loaners before it can stand on its own.
  123. [04:04] <CaptainFarina> If my words are enough to scare any of them, they don't belong here in the first place. Remember, we're not just making better soldiers; we're weeding out the worse ones.
  124. [04:06] <[Nom]Locke> "You need to be a leader, Captain, not just a driller. No one one's going to be lead by a stone face like yours."
  125. [04:06] * [Nom]Locke ponders for a moment
  126. [04:06] <[Nom]Locke> "Or were you trying to make them more scared of you than the monsters? That'd be pretty easy, I guess."
  127. [04:10] <CaptainFarina> I'm being serious, Locke. I know you rarely are in any case, but if you know one of these young ladies can't hack it in combat, you better beat her into shape or send her home.
  128. [04:11] <[Nom]Locke> "Ah, so you're going to kill them first so the mutants can't get them! Very wise, Capt'n."
  129. [04:11] <[Nom]Locke> "...Sorry, sorry."
  130. [04:12] <CaptainFarina> hah...
  131. [04:12] * CaptainFarina folds her arms and slumps in her chair.
  132. [04:12] <[Nom]Locke> "...Gee, this is beginning to sound a lot"
  133. [04:12] * [Nom]Locke cringes
  134. [04:15] <CaptainFarina> How did you even get into the Knight's service with an attitude like that? Your rank was higher than mine when I first started.
  135. [04:17] <[Nom]Locke> "Everyone's rank was higher than yours when you first started. That's what it means to be new, you know."
  136. [04:17] * [Nom]Locke dodges the question
  137. [04:25] <CaptainFarina> Not true. I entered with a Sergeant's rank; a privilege afforded by my "family" and one that I would have passed on if I had any other choice. But you still didn't answer my question. Is this something beyond the ears of a worried captain?
  138. [04:26] <[Nom]Locke> "Tsk, you're worrying again. You do far too much of it. At this rate you're going to break before the newbies do."
  139. [04:31] <CaptainFarina> It seems it is. Oh well. I just want you to look after yourself. I'm afraid the city council will order a mass audit on all active duty Iron Maidens soon, and if we come up for review, I won't lie on your report.
  140. [04:33] <[Nom]Locke> "Trust me, Capt'n, I take plenty good care of myself. You're the one who needs to cut yourself some slack."
  141. [04:34] * [Nom]Locke is slightly disappointed that he'd never get discharged anyway. He was looking forward to a vacation, and Ferrugo is so nice this time of the year
  142. [04:38] <CaptainFarina> I'll relax when I'm able. Maybe if you did your job once every week or so, I'd have more time for myself.
  143. [04:39] <[Nom]Locke> "Ugh, that'd require a...a...a work ethic."
  144. [04:39] * [Nom]Locke gags
  145. [04:40] <[Nom]Locke> "But I do try, Capt'n."
  146. [04:40] * [Nom]Locke tries the puppy dog eyes, but it doesn't work very well with the burns
  147. [04:42] * CaptainFarina sighs, and shrugs.
  148. ---
  149. @@Rina, Andrea, Anstice, and Blaeksprutte
  150. ---
  151. [03:43] * [Zem]R1N4 is following Andrea because she seems the least scary.
  152. [03:43] * Andrea notices R1N4 following her.
  153. [03:44] <Andrea> "Hm? Oh, you should go on without me... Rina was it?"
  154. [03:47] <[Zem]R1N4> "Yeah, but I don't really know what to do, I was hoping you could help me out. This is the first time I've been with people I don't know..."
  155. [03:52] <Andrea> "Ah? I... I see..."
  156. [03:53] * Andrea looks surprised that someone would approach her.
  157. [03:53] <[Zem]R1N4> Also, I really don't know what to do with myself while I wait.
  158. [03:54] <Andrea> "Well, I was hoping to grab a private word with the Captain, but I suppose it can wait. We should get to our quarters, first."
  159. [03:54] * Andrea heads off, gesturing for R1N4 to follow.
  160. [03:55] * [Zem]R1N4 follows after Andrea.
  161. [03:44] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte assumes that one of these people knows where the bunks are.
  162. [03:45] <[Pyg]Anstice> "Need something, Miss Blaeksprutte?"
  163. [03:49] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Eh? Oh. Um. ...Where are our quarters?
  164. [03:50] <[Pyg]Anstice> "I'll show you, follow me. Captain, if you'll excuse me..."
  165. [03:51] * [Pyg]Anstice heads for one of the doors of the room to exit, looking back at the recruit, beckoning her to follow."
  166. [03:53] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte follows dutifully.
  167. [03:58] * [Pyg]Anstice walks the familiar halls a little slower today for the new recruits to keep up and finally reaches their destination.
  168. [04:03] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte isn't quite used to buildings again yet. Everything's so straight.
  169. [04:12] <[Pyg]Anstice> "Hmm, this should be it."
  170. [04:12] * [Pyg]Anstice opens the door and gestures for the new girl to go inside.
  171. [04:13] * Andrea , having caught up, nods to Anstice and enters.
  172. [04:14] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte follows after, and grabs the bottom bunk in one of the beds.
  173. [04:17] * [Zem]R1N4 enters as well.
  174. [04:23] * [Pyg]Anstice eyes the spear Blaeksprutte carries around.
  175. [04:24] <[Pyg]Anstice> "You consider yourself handy with that weapon, Miss?"
  176. [04:29] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte looks at it, then at the Lieutenant.
  177. [04:29] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> ...I guess.
  178. [04:29] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Er, I mean, yes, ma'am!
  179. [04:30] * [Zem]R1N4 claims a bunk and puts her small bag of her personal belongings (mainly self-maintenance tools) into her locker.
  180. [04:32] <[Zem]R1N4> Yes, ma'am, I understand.
  181. [04:34] <[Pyg]Anstice> "O-oh, you can relax, Miss Blaeksprutte. The Captain is letting you have some free time after all."
  182. [04:34] <[Zem]R1N4> So... I never know what to do with myself when I have free time.
  183. [04:34] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Oh. Right, sorry...
  184. [04:35] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte sets her things on her bed, and turns to look at the Lieutenant.
  185. [04:35] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Why d'you ask, ma'am?
  186. [04:39] <[Pyg]Anstice> "Nothing significant, I just use something similar."
  187. [04:44] * [Zem]R1N4 shrugs and starts taking off her clothing.
  188. [04:49] <Andrea> "Oh, excuse me. Shall I wait outside?"
  189. [04:49] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> ...Oh, you do?
  190. [04:50] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> A spear, or something more in line with a traditional polearm?
  191. [04:51] <[Zem]R1N4> Why?
  192. [04:56] * Andrea does not seem uncomfortable, but rather, confused.
  193. [04:57] * [Zem]R1N4 is also just confused, but matter-of-fact. She continues undressing.
  194. [04:57] <Andrea> Well... if it doesn't bother you, I suppose there is no reason. But... does it not upset you that someone like me is sharing a room with you?
  195. [04:58] <[Zem]R1N4> Why would "someone like you" bother me?
  196. [05:02] * Andrea unconsciously caresses the burn marks on her neck. She eyes R1N4 cautiously before giving a contented smile.
  197. [05:02] <Andrea> I... guess there is no reason. Thank you, Rina.
  198. [05:02] <[Zem]R1N4> You're welcome.
  199. [05:03] * [Zem]R1N4 smiles shyly at Andrea.
  200. [05:09] <[Pyg]Anstice> "A halberd."
  201. [05:09] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Ooh...
  202. [05:09] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte nods.
  203. [05:11] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> A good choice for the job.
  204. [05:16] * [Zem]R1N4 completely undresses, before laying on her bunk and reading the regs.
  205. [05:20] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> I just stuck with this because that's what I always went hunting with, I guess...
  206. [05:21] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte . o O (This is small talk, right? I think that's what it's called...)
  207. [05:22] <[Pyg]Anstice> "Well, you'll learn to use it more properly while you're here. If you know to use it right, no one can touch you in a fight."
  208. [05:24] * Andrea sits on her bed, watching R1N4 intently.
  209. [05:24] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Eheh. I'm already pretty good, Lieutenant. This ain't to say I don't think I can't learn any new tricks, but I'm none too shabby as I am.
  210. [05:24] * [Atai]Blaeksprutte smiles as she says this.
  211. [05:28] <[Pyg]Anstice> "Good to know you're confident."
  212. [05:29] <[Atai]Blaeksprutte> Thank you, ma'am.
  213. [05:29] * [Zem]R1N4 plugs herself in and sets the book aside, going into charge mode. The light of her eyes pulses on and off softly.
  214. [Mary*] Session One end!
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